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Saturday 6 - 9pm (EST) | On WFMU | 91.1, 90.1, 91.9 FM &
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Transpacific Sound Paradise Favoriting
Saturday, August 18, 2012 Favoriting
Summer Malaise Mix 2

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This Week's Playlist:

(* = new)

Martial Droubly: Wanossa Favoriting / Various Artists: Ivory Coast Soul 2 / Hot Casa / * (0:00:00 Pop-up)

Houon Pierre: Mansou Djouwi Favoriting / Various Artists: Ivory Coast Soul 2 / Hot Casa / * (0:05:35 Pop-up)

Kabasa: Songqoba Favoriting / Kabasa / Atlantic (0:10:06 Pop-up)

Amaphisi: Vuk'uyoshela Favoriting / Various Artists: City Shoes, Rural Blues / Kijima (0:15:07 Pop-up)

Puseletso Seema & Tau Ea Linare: Mathabo Favoriting / He O Oe Oe! Music from Lesotho / GlobeStyle (0:18:45 Pop-up)

Sotho Sounds: Ha Kele Monateng Favoriting / Sotho Sounds / Riverboat / * (0:21:41 Pop-up)

Murilo Silva: Seu Bartolomeu Favoriting / Various Artists: Rabequeiros de Pernambuco / Funcultura / * (0:24:36 Pop-up)

Claudio Rabeca: Vagabundo Favoriting / Luz De Baiao / Funcultura / * (0:26:53 Pop-up)

Jorge Ben: A Historia de Jorge Favoriting / A Historia de Jorge / Africa Brasil (0:34:21 Pop-up)

Antibalas: The Ratcatcher Favoriting / Antibalas / Daptone / * (0:38:15 Pop-up)

BLO: Rhythm of Love Favoriting / Step Three / Hat Casa / * (0:46:34 Pop-up)
New reissue

M.A.K.U Sound System: Nega Pedale Favoriting / Makumbala / M.A.K.U (0:55:59 Pop-up)

Kiland et l'Orchestre Mabatalai: Pour Chercher le Magot Favoriting / Various Artists: Sofrito: International Soundclash / Strut / * (1:00:51 Pop-up)

Ti Coca: Bon Vize Favoriting / Haiti Colibri / Accords Croisés (1:08:00 Pop-up)

Trio Zamora: El Burro Sacarros Favoriting / Various Artists: The Lost Cuban Trios of Casa Zamora / Ahí-Namá (1:12:24 Pop-up)

Lord Nelson: Metric System Favoriting / Black Gold / Richie's Music Productions (1:14:43 Pop-up)

Pablo: Madeleina Favoriting / Various Artists: Sound d'Afrique II - Soukous / Island (1:19:12 Pop-up)

Joan Soriano: Vamos Hablar Ingles Favoriting / La Familia Soriano / IASO (1:22:32 Pop-up)

Fulanito: Mira Favoriting / Vacaneria! / Cutting Records (1:25:57 Pop-up)

Janka Nabay & The Bubu Gang: Eh Mane Ah Favoriting / En Yay Sah / Luaka Bop / * (1:29:39 Pop-up)

Alidjuma E Puto: Ndombolo Serio Favoriting / Various Artists - Vozes de Musseque / Vidisco (1:34:45 Pop-up)

Jonah Moyo & Devera Ngwena: Taxi Driver Favoriting / Various Artists: Zimbabwe Frontline / Earthworks (1:39:55 Pop-up)

Debo Band: Asha Favoriting / Debo Band / Next Ambience / * (1:53:58 Pop-up)

Krar Collective: Guragigna Favoriting / Various Artists: Rough Guide to Undiscovered World / World Music Network / * (1:59:12 Pop-up)
Also on their forthcoming cd Ethiopia Super Krar

Asnaqetch Werqu: Alem Shegga Favoriting / The Lady With the Krar (Ethiopiques Vol. 16) / Buda Musique (2:05:31 Pop-up)

Néma Mint Choueikh: Moulate El Gass Favoriting / Mauretanian Music from the Trarza Region / Popular African Music (2:08:43 Pop-up)
Played in Mode Vaaghou

Abba Gargando: Zinezju Meghdem Favoriting / Various Artists: Ishilan N-Tenere / Mississippi (2:15:50 Pop-up)

Sedoum Ehl Aida: Ya Moulana Favoriting / Various Artists: Festival in the Desert / World Music Network (2:20:16 Pop-up)

Lo'Jo: Jah Kas Cool Boy Favoriting / Various Artists: Festival in the Desert / World Music Network (2:23:25 Pop-up)

Irka Mateo: Hoy No Estas Favoriting / Anacaona / Irka Mateo (2:28:01 Pop-up)

Ballaké Sissoko and Vincent Segal: Houdesti Favoriting / Chamber Music / Six Degrees (2:39:27 Pop-up)

Banda Olifante: Casbah Funk Favoriting / Various Artists: Bande Italiane / Network / * (2:48:43 Pop-up)

BandaAdriatica: Lake Populake Favoriting / Various Artists: Bande Italiane / Network / * (2:51:11 Pop-up)

Listener comments!

  6:07pm doca:

hi rob, it's good to listen to your show again.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:19pm Your DJ:

Thanks doca!
  6:19pm Ken From Hyde Park:

Back today from vacation. Kabasa is hitting all kinds of chords tonight. Cool!
  6:24pm doca:

i have to say i've never thought that i would listen to music from lesotho.
  6:57pm jeff in puna hawaii:

hi rob, sounding good in the pacific today :)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:00pm Your DJ:

Thanks Jeff, glad to hear we've arrived!
  7:01pm Katya Oddio:

Dancing despite the desert heat this afternoon. Thanks, Rob!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:05pm Your DJ:

Sure thing Katya. We're lucky here in NYC Katya, it's cooled off a bit!
  7:12pm Bas, NL:

Just finished working late.. time for some TSP!! Hi Rob!
  7:12pm Katya Oddio:

  7:21pm Katya Oddio:

Everyone here is laughing! Thanks for being the soundtrack to the party, TSP!
  7:54pm David Little:

Always enjoy hearing something from the Dom. Rep. which is a bit off the beaten path. Would like to hear some Xiomara Fortuna and Irka Mateo thrown into the mix when you can. Lots to choose from on Fortuna's recent release "Paseando". BTW: The Fulanito song is an urban version of the rootsy merengue style known as perico ripiao.
  7:56pm doca:

in nineteenth-century brazil there happened a revolt in the northeastern states because the local populations were against the introduction of the metric system. the event was called the revolt of the kilogram-smashers ("revolta dos quebra-quilos").
  7:57pm doca:

there was also a revolt against the introduction of cemiteries some time earlier in that century.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:12pm Your DJ:

Doca, I had no idea that the metric system theme in today's show extended beyond that one track - thanks for enlightening us!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:14pm Your DJ:

To David Little - I really like perico ripiao but didn't quite have it together to get something in that set today! I have Irka Mateo's Anacaona cd with me though, I will see if I can get something in...
  8:44pm David Little:

Thanks for spinning the Irka Mateo track. She's quite a unique artist. Along with a Brazilian musician Tadeu de Marco, she recorded a very interesting CD called 'Tres Americas' back in the mid '90's as the duo Irka y Tadeu. It's a blend of jazz meets the music of Brazil, the Dominican Republic and Haiti. Definitely worth looking for.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:53pm Your DJ:

Interesting, thanks very much David, I'll definitely look for Tres Americas...
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