Favoriting Dark Night of the Soul with Julie: Playlist from August 16, 2012 Favoriting

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Familiar & forgotten gems from 50-plus years of music on the darker side, shoegaze, synthpop, goth, psychedelia, darkwave, with unapologetic detours into 70s pop. In a dark night of the soul, it's always 3 o'clock in the morning.

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Tuesday 3 - 7pm (EDT) | On WFMU's Give the Drummer Radio

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Favoriting August 16, 2012: Early Morning Singing Songs

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Artist Track Album Label Year Format Comments Approx. start time
The Birthday Massacre  In The Dark   Favoriting Pins and Needles  Metropolis  2010       
Chalice  Catalepsy in Staccato Rain   Favoriting An Illusion to the Temporary Real  MIM  2001      0:02:31 (Pop-up)
The Darling Buds  Angels Fallen   Favoriting Erotica  Sony Music  1992      0:08:26 (Pop-up)
Cranes  Shining Road   Favoriting Live in Italy  Instinct  2003      0:13:06 (Pop-up)
Kari Rueslatten  Cry   Favoriting Other People's Stories  CD Maximum  2004      0:16:57 (Pop-up)
Jenn Vix  Looker   Favoriting Jenn Vix  Umbrella Dimension  2000      0:20:46 (Pop-up)
Centric  Rauch Am Horizont   Favoriting Soviet Era Rock & Pop          0:24:12 (Pop-up)
Twiggy  Angels Never Sleep At Night   Favoriting Heaven In My Eyes -- Discotheque  Sepia  2007    rec 1979  0:26:00 (Pop-up)
Pink Floyd  Sheep   Favoriting Animals  Columbia  1977      0:29:32 (Pop-up)
Lisa Germano  All The Pretty Lies   Favoriting Lullaby for Liquid Pig  Young God Records  2007      0:39:49 (Pop-up)
Three Dog Night  Easy To Be Hard   Favoriting Suitable for Framing  MCA  1969      0:42:50 (Pop-up)
Beverly D'Angelo  Good Morning Starshine   Favoriting Hair (Original Movie Soundtrack)    1979      0:46:11 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
Nanase Hikaru 

jibrille-silent mourning   Favoriting

Angel Sanctuary OST 





0:48:24 (Pop-up)
Elvis Presley  Burning Love   Favoriting Greatest Hits Volume 1  RCA  1972  LP    0:58:17 (Pop-up)
Elvis Presley  A Little Less Conversation   Favoriting Elvis at the Movies  Sony BMG  1968      1:01:09 (Pop-up)
Elvis Presley  Suspicious Minds   Favoriting Greatest Hits Volume 1  RCA  1969  LP    1:03:09 (Pop-up)
Saint Etienne  Erica America   Favoriting Good Humor  Subpop  1998      1:07:36 (Pop-up)
Olivia Newton-John  Who Are You Now?   Favoriting Come on Over  EMI  1976      1:11:28 (Pop-up)
Brunatex  Go Yr Own Way   Favoriting The Current Music of...  Kinderbox  2006      1:14:30 (Pop-up)
Kay Hanley  Made in the Shade   Favoriting Cherry Lemonade  Zoe Records  2002      1:18:00 (Pop-up)
Juliana Hatfield  Fruit Fly   Favoriting The Covers Project    2012    Pledge music campaign  1:22:42 (Pop-up)
Madonna  Dress Me Up   Favoriting Like A Virgin  Sire Records  1984  LP    1:27:12 (Pop-up)
My Bloody Valentine  Off Your Face   Favoriting Glider EP  Sire  1990      1:31:11 (Pop-up)
Funeral Party  In Arms (The Loving War)   Favoriting Serpentime  Silent Scream Records  1993      1:35:16 (Pop-up)
Tori Amos  Night of the Hunter   Favoriting Night of the Hunter  Universal  2011      1:39:28 (Pop-up)
RA  Romance's Romance   Favoriting Geniu Pustiu  Codex Gigas  1999      1:45:02 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
Cocteau Twins 

Oomingmak (instrumental)   Favoriting






1:50:34 (Pop-up)
Jane Birkin & Bryan Ferry  In Every Dreamhome A Heartache   Favoriting Rendezvous          1:58:36 (Pop-up)
Vesuvia  Rosalia   Favoriting De Prefundis          2:02:40 (Pop-up)
Donovan  Lady of the Lamp   Favoriting Sutras  American Recordings  1996      2:06:32 (Pop-up)
Marty Willson-Piper  Son for Victor Jara   Favoriting Nightjar  In Deep Recordings  2009      2:10:20 (Pop-up)
Loreena McKennitt  Dickens' Dublin (The Palace)   Favoriting Parallel Dreams  Quinlan Road  1989      2:15:51 (Pop-up)
Amber Asylum  Aurora   Favoriting Frozen in Amber  Neurot Recordings  2003      2:20:26 (Pop-up)
Grace Slick & The Great Society  Nature Boy   Favoriting Collector's Item [RE of "Conspicuous Only in its Absence" & "How It Was"]          2:22:53 (Pop-up)
Steve Hackett  Star of Sirius   Favoriting Voyage of the Acolyte  Virgin Records  1975      2:25:55 (Pop-up)
Erben der Schopfung  Eine Rose Fur Den Abschied   Favoriting Twilight  Suisa  2001      2:32:57 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
Nanase Hikaru 

jibrille-silent mourning   Favoriting

Angel Sanctuary OST 





2:38:07 (Pop-up)
Billy Joel  Falling of the Rain   Favoriting Cold Spring Harbor  Columbia  1971      2:42:14 (Pop-up)
Coralie Clement  Mes Fenetres Donnent Sur La Cour   Favoriting Salle Des Pas Perdus  Nettwerk America  2002      2:44:45 (Pop-up)
The Murmurs  Lonely Man's Shoes   Favoriting Who Are We  Arcadia Records  1991      2:48:34 (Pop-up)
The Kinks  Got To Be Free   Favoriting Lola Versus Powerman and the Moneygoround, Part One  Reprise  1970      2:51:29 (Pop-up)
Syd Barrett  Gigolo Aunt (loop)   Favoriting           2:55:02 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!


BadGuyZero (Dallas, TX):

Hi Julie! I hope you enjoyed your time away. :)
BadGuyZero (Dallas, TX):

The Birthday Massacre is hitting the road soon. My company is handling the ticketing for the Dallas show.

g'mornin - thought it was saturday when I woke up earlier and then realized I was wrong... NOT COOL
Marmlade Kitty:

morning Julie!
Avatar 🦇 3:05am

Good morning, everyone! Yes they are, have a new album coming out!
Marmlade Kitty:

I can't spell my name!?
Avatar 🦇 3:06am

you're slurring..

I'm not familiar w/Birthday Massacre but I really liked that song.
Avatar 🦇 3:07am

That's been my theme song for the summer Ike
Hip Hop Party Pants:

Bless my dented noggin
Avatar 🦇 3:11am

The Infinity of a Donut:

Chlamydia is not a shellfish
BadGuyZero (Dallas, TX):

@Marmlade Kitty: Don't think of it as misspelling. You're merely introducing the seed of linguistic evolution. In five years when "marmlade" is on the list of new words added to the Merriam-Webster dictionary I'll think back to 3:04am ET on August 16, 2012 and say to myself "I was there when it started!"
BadGuyZero (Dallas, TX):

Alison Shaw's voice is unmistakable.

I had completely forgotten about Darling Buds, or that they had such good songs. Really nice gazey guitar.
Oh No You Di-int!:

It seems so hopeless.
Avatar 🦇 3:20am

aww why is it hopeless?
The Smiling Schmageggies:

If America's Got Talent is any proof, it doesn't.
Marmlade Kitty:

there are earlier misspellings than that.. marmlade..? I think it's the a on my keyboard sticking every other a..
Decide A Nation's Fate, Regardless of IQ:

In a democracy, the people get the government they deserve.

according to wikipedia, marmalade comes from a french word that came from a portugese word that came from a latin word that came from a greek word that meant honey + apple
Marmalade Kitty:

so, marmlade comes from marmalade that came from a french word that came from a portugese word that came from a latin word that came from a greek word that meant honey + apple

yep and in the future, butlers will ask their masters, "malade with your sandwich m'lady?"
The Birdman of Alakazam:

Should we insist upon the truth, no matter how harmful? No matter how hurtful?

Birdman: I'd think not.
BadGuyZero (Dallas, TX):

Beverly D'Angelo does sing! She provided the voice of country singer Lurlene in a classic episode of "The Simpsons."
She also did her own vocals in "Coal Miner's Daughter" (she portrayed Patsy Cline).
Avatar 🦇 4:00am

oh yeah right I remember her on the Simpsons
BadGuyZero (Dallas, TX):

The Olympics closing ceremony...NBC really screwed that one up. As far as I can tell they edited out the sequence where Kate Bush's "Running Up That Hill" was used. And who made the decision to show a sitcom pilot instead of performances from Ray Davies and The Who? Thank goodness we got to see Beady Eye and Mike & The Acrobatics (or whatever the group with Mike Rutherford, Nick Mason and others should be called). :rollseyes:
Avatar 🦇 4:05am

Yes it's really sad what we missed. And the tribute to punk from the opening.
BadGuyZero (Dallas, TX):

The first record I truly loved was the "King Creole" soundtrack by Elvis.

The elementary school I attended was a Baptist Bible school. I was given after-school detention for impersonating Elvis during recess.

Julie: Its weird, i grew up in the 70's and feel that i have run into the mid period P.Floyd more these days than i did in their heyday?!
All those retro concert cover band shows u see everywhere, like on PBS fund drives --UGH.
Anyway, their 1st is a classic w/Syd, but i kinda like 'Meddle'-(their4th?).
And UmmaGumma extravaganza is still a tripped out riot.
Stay away from most stuff after The Wall though....
BadGuyZero (Dallas, TX):

I was disappointed that Duran Duran wasn't part of the Rio segment. Speaking of Rio...I'm looking forward to Sepultura performing during the opening and/or closing ceremonies of the 2016 Summer Olympics. *hee!*

@badguyzero- I agree abt NBC coverage of Olymps! I was "lucky" i got to see it on Canada TV in "realtime" with all the K Bush and Who etc unedited... better, but still all over the top !--To be expected i guess.
K Bush was sorta the most interesting,artsy part though....
Avatar 🦇 4:21am

People keep telling me how bad and old Ray Davies looked. I haven't seen any of it yet but I'm surprised. But then I've only seen him from a concert distance except the times I passed him on the street.
BadGuyZero (Dallas, TX):

I'll post links on the DNOTS Facebook page.

Davies sang one of his masterpieces:Waterloo Sunset, but the arena sent him totally off pitch, and swallowed up one of the most beautiful delicate songs of all time....Yes, he's as old as the hills, but whadya gonna do?
I don't get why he/they chose such a delicate song for that situation??
Avatar 🦇 4:33am

Probably because it is so very London

spose so.
Thanx for the show, and late night company....headin' to slumberland....
Avatar 🦇 4:38am

nite Erik thanks for checking in!

just tuned in - who wants an expresso?
Avatar 4:54am
Mary Wing:

Tori's young daughter sings on some of the songs; not sure if she was singing on the title track though.
BadGuyZero (Dallas, TX):

Links posted.

I lurv Madonna!
Avatar 🦇 5:01am

Ah..thanks Mary!
BadGuyZero (Dallas, TX):

I looked at the list of songs on that Juliana Hatfield covers album. I know who all the artists covered are though I recognize only six of the titles.
Avatar 🦇 5:05am

Ah..it was a Pledge Music campaign..similar to kickstarter but not, in fact, kickstarter. Oops
BadGuyZero (Dallas, TX):

I'm pondering buying the station a new chair for the studio you're in. That chair's squeaking vexes Therese and I've heard it a couple of times tonight. Kudos to you for resisting whatever urges you may be having to comment on-air about the squeaky chair.

By the way, I probably wouldn't be able to hear it squeak if I wasn't listening via headphones. :)
Avatar 🦇 5:07am

oh I've mentioned the squeaky chair before. It is an FMU celebrity
BadGuyZero (Dallas, TX):

I think this is the first time I've ever heard the chair squeak and it not be acknowledged on-air.
BadGuyZero (Dallas, TX):

I think I'll make an effort to adopt the chair during next year's marathon. The chair or Liz Berg's desk (which I turned into a swag-stuffing workspace when I was at the station in June). :D
BadGuyZero (Dallas, TX):

It's morning here, though it's almost "lunchtime" of my awake time.
BadGuyZero (Dallas, TX):

Such animosity for Anne Murray. Annemurrosity!
Avatar 🦇 5:53am

So long, folks! (probably only Bad Guy Zero) thanks for listening, see ya next week!
BadGuyZero (Dallas, TX):

Have a great weekend, Julie! Until next week... :)
Avatar 🦇 5:58am

Thanks for keeping me company, BGZ!
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