Favoriting Miracle Nutrition with Hearty White: Playlist from July 31, 2012 Favoriting

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Southern inspirational dada.

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Favoriting July 31, 2012: Miracle Nutrition with Hearty White

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Artist Track Approx. start time
Hearty White    0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Clark Kessinger  Wednesday Night Waltz   Favoriting  
Hearty White    0:58:37 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!


Whole grain, high fiber...
Philo Gristle:

I prefer wry.
Devin Kettlecorn:

Bearlin sounds like a good place to be. When I was a little kernel, someone's parent came in to class and read us a book about a little circus bear and his human friend who went on an adventure together. There may have been bicycle bells.
Mike East:

Hey Philo - I watched Timecrimes. I enjoyed it. Made my mind think in circles for a day or two.
Philo Gristle:

Hey Mike! Glad to hear it -- I like it when they do make sense... after you think about it a while.
Honey Water:

DK: "Redneck Love Tint" is an anagram of your handle. Just FYI.
Philo Gristle:

We watched the middling We Bought a Zoo and the exciting 1940's cheesefest Arabian Nights.

I lived on Adalbertstrasse in Kreutzburg for awhile in 2004, a couple hudnred feet on the eastern side of where the wall had run (down the middle of a a divided street)
Honey Water:

Correction, Mike: I only had half an eye on the latter film while reading newspapers, etc. We saw "Ride the High Country" the Sunday before last, dipping deeper in the Peckinpah box set.
Philo Gristle:

Would've liked to have seen Berlin before the wall came down... same as Hong Kong pre-takeover.
Honey Water:

Oh, and I wouldn't be as generous as "middling" on the Zoo film. I must blame the director that every single actor -- those usually very solid -- had some very unreal moments, mugging as much as the animals.
Devin Kettlecorn:

@Philo Gristle: The one with Sabu and Conrad Veidt?
Mike East:

We saw a trailer for We Bought A Zoo when we watched the Descendents on Saturday. We weren't sold by the trailer. I went to see Batman Saturday morning. Good times.
Philo Gristle:

Sabu, no Conrad.... but yes to Shemp Howard.
Honey Water:

Is Hearty talking about Stephen King "shit weasels"??
Devin Kettlecorn:

@Honey Water: Please don't remind me. That's what my cousin used to call me.
Philo Gristle:

I'll watch any film with Sabu, in fact, and love it. Any pre-1950s film with a Bagdad setting, too.

@Devin -- I hope that was the earlier name you were hailed as, not the latter Kingly one.
Devin Kettlecorn:

@Honey Water: "Redneck Love Tint" not the Dreamcatcher one. I did once imagine I knew someone named Duddits.
Honey Water:

@DK: Also "Decent Liver Knot" -- tons of 'em. "Clover Den Kitten" is cute.
Yes, I gathered you weren't talking King. ;)
Devin Kettlecorn:

@Philo Gristle: Pretty sure that one has Veidt as the villain. But perhaps there were two with Sabu from the 40s!
Regardless of which film it was, Shemp Howard as the djinn was fantastic.
Honey Water:

@DK: Yeah, my newsprint buried head whipped up when Shemp entered and the film suddenly sounded like a Catskill comedy sketch.
Philo Gristle:

@Devin -- are you maybe thinking of Thief of Bagdad? The only djinn in this film was imaginary when Shemp as the retired Sinbad the Sailor rubs a lamp and sees a giant shadow on the wall... only to realize it's just a giant shadow. Haven't seen THIEF in 30 years.
Devin Kettlecorn:

@PG: Hahahaha... yes... yes I am. I thought you were kidding about Shemp. Ohhh that was confusing.
Honey Water:

@G: What took you to Berlin?
Philo Gristle:

@DK Nope, this one WAS ridiculous, unlike THIEF. That was pure djinneus.
Philo Gristle:

Hearty stares down the goats!
Devin Kettlecorn:

@PG: I'll have to check it out! Any idea who directed it?
Philo Gristle:

John Rawlins (never heard of him). Starred Jon Hall, Maria Montez, Leif Erickson, Sabu & Shemp Howard amidst wonderful sets, colorful action, and terrible jokes.
Devin Kettlecorn:

@PG: AHA! Just found it. Oh boy, Shemp as Sinbad-- I can't wait.
Honey Water:

It's rosacea, hearty. Fair-skinned folks prone to it, don't I know.
Philo Gristle:

Wait for the boinnng sounds when the heavyset fella knocks down villains with his paunch.
Honey Water:

Oh, right, the film is merciless on Billy Gilbert and the fat jokes.
Philo Gristle:

Used to love the comic strip Tiger. Nobody seems to remember it now...
Mike East:

Oh Rammstein...
Honey Water:

Schiller, yes. Schubert song cycles. Beethoven and Bach. Deutschland ist sehr gut ...
Devin Kettlecorn:

Hearty Rammstein.
Devin Kettlecorn:

"Hearty White Sings The Spoon Whittler's Serenade"
Honey Water:

Hearty Weiss.
Honey Water:

I agree. I do NOT get the draw of Big Bang. Parsons hams it up so much it ruins it for me.
Philo Gristle:

2009: Avatar cost 300 million. District 9 cost 30 mil. Moon cost 3 mil. With the Avatar budget you could make 100 Moons.
Mike East:

Moon was the shit. District 9, also awesome. Still haven't seen Avatar.
Philo Gristle:

Thanks Hearty and commenters. G'night!
Honey Water:

Thanks, Mr. White!

@DK: Speaking of King and weasels: On Monday August 06th, 2012 Craig opens up with a monologue and then welcomes Stephen King, Dave Barry, the Rock Bottom Remainders. Again, Just FYI.
Philo Gristle:

Ditto Mike. Saw Avatar, tho, but the cheaper the better in that lineup.
Honey Water:

[Ferguson, that is.]
Honey Water:

Bye, Mike!

Wow what a great show tonight!! I thought the comic strips as feature films was particularly hilarious.
Mike East:

peace guys. always a pleasure.

@HW: Stepped away from comments to work on installing a ceiling fan before it got dark. Answer: A then-girlfriend begging for company. It wa a fun adventure, and I mostly paid fror it by using accumulated frequent air miles, so the airfare on standby was about $200 total. Had to wait overnight in Heathrow to get an open seat in the morning.

This southern boy with german roots loved your take on Berlin! Haha, the name of the man at the Dutch hotel, Mr. Durchfall... that's "diarrhea" in german! Just discovered your show and am going through the archives at WFMU and your website. Beautiful stuff ~ like an absurdist Will Rogers! Keep rolling, like you had me on the floor!
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