Busy Doing Nothing with Charlie Favoriting | A virtual supermarket sweep of recorded history, with an emphasis on processed cheese.

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Playlist for 12 July 2012 Favoriting | Music from, and inspired by, The Electric Eggplant

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Artist Song Album Label Comments Approx. start time
Nomo  Three Shades   Favoriting Ghost Rock  Ubiquity     
Bidziliba  track 1   Favoriting Bidziliba  FMN Sound Factory  (or is it "Biziriba"?)  0:05:22 (Pop-up)
Metá Metá  Oranian   Favoriting Metá Metá    Amazing album! Found here, on the Free Music Archive.  0:10:22 (Pop-up)
Tucker Zimmerman  Another Normal Day   Favoriting Tucker Zimmerman    originally released by Village Thing records, 1972  0:14:24 (Pop-up)
Tiny Creatures  De Ra Tu Get   Favoriting Tiny Creatures  Birdsong    0:18:09 (Pop-up)
Gelbart  I've Seen Him Rising   Favoriting Banjo Tapes  Birdsong    0:22:57 (Pop-up)
Music behind DJ:
Bunny Kick   Favoriting Uh-oh!  Asphodel    0:24:49 (Pop-up)
Bisk  Waltz   Favoriting Ticklish Matters  Sub Rosa  aka Naohiro Fujikawa  0:29:18 (Pop-up)
Paul Mark  Hietsuki Bushi   Favoriting East to West  Imperial    0:34:26 (Pop-up)
Shakers  Don't Ask Me Love   Favoriting       0:36:20 (Pop-up)
Nino Nardini  Jungle Mood   Favoriting Nature Nocturne  L'Illustration Musicale    0:38:31 (Pop-up)
Broadcast  Long Was the Year   Favoriting The Noise Made by People  Warp/Tommy Boy    0:40:55 (Pop-up)
Fun Boy Three  Our Lips Are Sealed   Favoriting 12-inch single  Chrysalis    0:44:23 (Pop-up)
Shangri-Las  The Train From Kansas City   Favoriting Shangri-Las 65!  Red Bird  reissue: Myrmidons of Melodrama (RPM)  0:47:23 (Pop-up)
Sex Mob  Been It   Favoriting Din of Inequity  Columbia/Knitting Factory    0:50:33 (Pop-up)
Music behind DJ:
Piero Umiliani 
Power Stations   Favoriting The Man and the City  Right Tempo    0:54:40 (Pop-up)
Spiders  Bam Bam Bam   Favoriting     found here, on the Radio Diffusion International website  0:58:49 (Pop-up)
X-Ray Spex  Warrior in Woolworths   Favoriting Germfree Adolescents  EMI    1:01:04 (Pop-up)
Huun-Huur Tu  Aa-Shuu Dekei-Oo   Favoriting The Orphan's Lament  Shanachie    1:04:10 (Pop-up)
Angry Man Breakfast  Nine Trees   Favoriting Have Another Day  Big Tiny  You can buy this from CD Baby, here.  1:07:06 (Pop-up)
Angry Man Breakfast  Sometimes Life Is Very Fair   Favoriting Have Another Day  Big Tiny  (and I recommend that you do!)  1:10:54 (Pop-up)
Yo La Tengo  Autumn Sweater   Favoriting I Can Hear the Heart Beating as One  Matador    1:16:27 (Pop-up)
Music behind DJ:
John Cage 
Radio Music   Favoriting Fluxus Anthology  Anthology Records, Italy    1:21:02 (Pop-up)
Dizzy Spells Martian  Come Along With Us   Favoriting Immortal Distributor      1:26:12 (Pop-up)
Amy Denio  Six   Favoriting Tongues  FOT    1:29:27 (Pop-up)
Uncle Owen Aunt Beru  Desert Flowers   Favoriting Spaces in Time  Birdsong    1:33:16 (Pop-up)
Monroeville Music Center  Robert Wadlow's Blister   Favoriting les défauts de fabrication    here on the Free Music Archive  1:35:40 (Pop-up)
Joe Kafka  Now Children   Favoriting Rejoice      1:37:57 (Pop-up)
Spirit  Nature's Way   Favoriting Twelve Dreams of Dr. Sardonicus  Epic    1:40:08 (Pop-up)
R. Stevie Moore (The Hard Sharks)  No Yes I'm   Favoriting Aesthetic    composed by Peter Olafson  1:42:44 (Pop-up)
Mamas and the Papas  I Call Your Name   Favoriting If You Can Believe Your Eyes and Ears  Dunhill    1:45:52 (Pop-up)
Music behind DJ:
Raymond Scott 
Tempo Block   Favoriting Soothing Sounds for Baby  Basta    1:48:58 (Pop-up)
Young Marble Giants  Wurlitzer Jukebox   Favoriting Colossal Youth  Rough Trade    1:51:54 (Pop-up)
Clinic  The Return of Evil Bill   Favoriting Internal Wrangler  Domino    1:55:06 (Pop-up)
Food  Freebonky   Favoriting Fjord Focus: A Norwegian Sampler (various artists)  The Wire    1:57:11 (Pop-up)
Music behind DJ:
David Byrne 
A Conduit to Heaven   Favoriting Big Love: Hymnal  Todo Mundo/Playtone    2:00:36 (Pop-up)

Listener comments!

  11:15am kat330:

OK, my hair's washed, my cheeks are pinched, and I've applied a smidgeon of strawberry-flavored lip gloss. Hope you brought me a nice nosegay, Charlie! I'll settle for a beautifully fragrant eargay though. :)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:21am charlie:

Eatin' real fresh strawberries here! Eargay and eggplant on the way.
  11:35am Michael:

Morning charlie and kat - hope both of you are well! Loved the Electric Flag, Prunes and Eggplant.
  11:41am Katya Oddio:

Howdy, folks! Strawberries here, too, with pineapple. Missed you last week, Kat.
  11:44am Doug S.:

Walked by your old house in the old neighborhood last night Charlie. Brick has been repointed and steamcleaned. Fancy-schmancy new door.
  11:45am listener james from westwood:

it's fruit all around, then! had frozen berries and a banana in a smoothie, and blueberries w/ oatmeal later on, so my antioxidant count is off the scales. ready to chase that w' a nice eggplant parm hero!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:52am ?:

Howdy, Michael, Katya, Doug, and L James fr W.
Yeah, @Doug, I heard they gutted that bldg and rebuilt from the inside, restored the bay windows on the side. Hope you're enjoying romping in our old stomping grounds!
  11:53am listener james from westwood:

some news for those not listening to the air signal/stream: donna's in for fabio 3-6pm. i'll miss fabio (and his badinage w/ clay) today, but i really dig donna's shows. a rare treat.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:57am Charlie:

oh, that ? was me, btw
agreed, LJFW, Donna's shows are awesome
  11:57am kat330:

Sorry, away working there for a bit. Thanks, Katya! I've been having a weird work schedule (self-imposed) these hot and hotter days.
  11:58am listener james from westwood:

i have always wanted to meet a dj with punctuational nomenclature
  11:59am kat330:

Oh, scrolling back, Hi, Michael, Doug and James!
  11:59am ndbob:

heya Charlie and everyone!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:02pm Charlie:

Well, hey there, Bob!
  12:02pm Doug S.:

Hi kat330, LJFW and all, I'm running out now for some more Brooklyn romping. Hit the road for Boston and Maine early mañana. Have a(nother) sublime show, Charlie!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:03pm Charlie:

@doug -- thanks, have a great trip!
@ljfw -- well, there was ? and the Mysterions, so why not DJ *
  12:03pm kat330:

Bye, Doug! And hi, Bob!
  12:03pm listener james from westwood:

can't beat brooklyn; lovely day for it. enjoy!
good thursday, charlie, and fellow stream-mates!
this nomo is a mofo!
  12:04pm listener james from westwood:

oh, indeed charlie. i HAS ta risk on an asterisk!
  12:04pm ndbob:

@Doug... have fun!... I must admit that I've never been to Brooklyn
  12:04pm Michael:

Doug - Boston and New England celebrates your trip by bringing the heat back this weekend! Enjoy!
  12:05pm kat330:

Charlie, I bet you grew that beauty yourself, yes? [the x-plant I mean]
  12:06pm kat330:

We've already grilled two of our zucchinis -- luscious they were!
  12:08pm kat330:

@Bob: I lived in Brooklyn for two weeks back in '71. Long story why such a short borough residence. :)
  12:09pm kat330:

OK, I'll answer any comments after a short stint in the kitchen to get myself some lunch. Back in a jiffy.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:09pm Charlie:

kat330 -- naw, bought 'em at a local farm stand/store
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:13pm Charlie:

This Metá Metá album is my current fave -- got it from the Free Music Archive: freemusicarchive.org...
  12:13pm Katya Oddio:

Loving that Metá Metá album! Never know what you may discover at the FMA. Did you see we cleared 50,000 tracks this week? Yesss!
  12:16pm Katya Oddio:

It was in play for a summer sundown backyard party at the Oddio Headquarters. All the music from that night is here:
  12:17pm Matt from Springfield:

Hi charlie and everybody!

Eggplants are electric, especially as electric parmigiana.
  12:17pm holland oats:

now i'm no historian, but i'm pretty sure custer didn't say that to his wife
  12:19pm Katya Oddio:

"Well, baby, that's life...." Doesn't sound authentic? ;D
  12:20pm Gary Mitchell:

good afternoon, friends and accomplices
  12:20pm kat330:

Still not done in kitchen, but had to come back and interject that I really like this Tiny Creatures track.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:20pm Charlie:

"and you can't win 'em all..." bit of an understatement.
  12:20pm holland oats:

whenever i think of custer i can't help but picture him as played by the dad from soap in that altman movie
  12:21pm listener james from westwood:

whoo-hoo! 50K at the fma! between that and the freeform or death news, great week!
  12:21pm Katya Oddio:

Soap! You made me giggle just thinking of it! The dad sure got to be goofy in that role. Was he better as Custer?
  12:22pm Matt from Springfield:

Definitely a good week for Free form, and Free music!
  12:22pm Katya Oddio:

Oddio only contributed 1,663 of those 50K. Got to step it up.
  12:24pm Katya Oddio:

It's hard, because it is really tempting to drift off into what is already there, like that Metá Metá album.
  12:26pm jan:

Busy doing something while listening to busy doing nothing
  12:26pm kat330:

Thanks for the party mix link, Katya!
  12:30pm Carmichael:

Hey Charlie, hi everyone. Sneaking a message off from a meeting. Great set, wish I could listen in. Got to look like I'm paying attention ....
  12:30pm Chardie:

My eggplant souffle never would rise. I suspect those yolks were just for yuks.
  12:33pm Matt from Springfield:

@Katya: Nearly 1/30th of the legacy is yours--try to get it up to 1/20th next! :)
  12:33pm still b/p:

Richard Mulligan as Custer in Little Big Man (Arthur Penn, Dir.):
It's the celibacy of the saddle.
I had muscle spasms all night.
Poison from the goonads.
- Poison from the what, sir?
Goonads. That's medical terminology.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:33pm Charlie:

hiya Matt, Holland, Gary, Jan, Chardie, anyone I might've missed.
@Katya, that's a nice haul for the FMA! And that's a lot to contribute yourself.
  12:34pm listener james from westwood:

bloody meetings! we'll keep some eggplant warm for you, carmichael.
  12:34pm Michael:

Yea I think Paul Newman was Custer in Altman if I recall.
  12:35pm kat330:

Carm's company sounds worse than Dilbert's.
  12:37pm Matt from Springfield:

@kat: Several people write in to Scott Adams, asking who he knows at their company because the exact same (or worse) situation happened at their workplace!
  12:38pm kat330:

Back to your mic break over "Bunny Kick": We have been having a kick lately with a very large bunny in our backyard, helping himself to our garden growth. We have tons of birds and squirrels, hawks, neighbor cats, skinks, bunnies, the occasional opossum and raccoon -- we live in an urban area!
  12:39pm kat330:

OTOH, Matt, you appear to have a dream workplace, like so many other listenerds. :)
  12:40pm kat330:

Katya, that's an impressive amount of contribution -- congrats to FMyou!
  12:42pm kat330:

@LJfW: Thanks for the tip on Donna (my sister's name)! And here's a tip for y'all: Check out the archive for Lamin from last night. Tunde from TV on the Radio was a guest. First time I caught the show and it shone.
  12:42pm Matt from Springfield:

@kat: At the very least, I have an office job, with a computer, and enough leeway to have WFMU on in headphones at work. Glad I do, many others aren't as lucky in getting FMU access.
  12:43pm Katya Oddio:

Awesome, Kat! Our backyard critters bring us no end of joy. The bunnies, quail, lizards, beetles, ground squirrels, and all. We have a glass wall, so we find ourselves sneaking around to keep watch.
  12:43pm jan:

Loving this tune- "long was the year" sounds like that band from the 60s
United States of America. Same vocalist?
  12:44pm listener james from westwood:

no prob, kat330. the only thing wrong w lamin's show is it isn't 3 hrs long any more. those sunday mornings he did while the mighty jeff sarge was convalescing were so lush.
  12:45pm kat330:

All that in the desert? Thought you'd see a lot less wildlife there. That's great though! I recall camping near Lake Mead and getting up in the middle of a full-moon night to see a kitfox about 5 feet from our tent.
  12:46pm northguineahills:

That's funny Jan. I actually have this Broadcast album, and I thought it was also United States of America!
  12:46pm Katya Oddio:

Thanks, folks, but an album a week is something I can surely accomplish. Embarrassed to be at so low a number. Time, time, time. @Charlie, know you are a Broadcast fan. Have you heard of this Norwegian group Inbred Family? http://youtu.be/Cbe0cOiuoJM Sort of Broadcast as '60s sitar soaked psyche-pop. Thought of you.
  12:48pm Hugo:

@jan: Actually, I thought the same initially, as it sounded quite familiar. I have Broadcast on cd and USA on lp, so maybe therefore ...
  12:49pm Matt from Springfield:

  12:49pm Katya Oddio:

We're a green desert down here, not like Nevada. So lots of wildlife. Ahhhh - the Shangri-las. Heart!
  12:50pm Katya Oddio:

Had their "Out in the Streets" looping in head this week. Such a perfect match for Blondie to cover.
  12:51pm Brian in UK:

'Love Song for the Dead Che' What a beautiful piece of music. Dorothy Moskovich?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:53pm Charlie:

scrolling back...
Jan -- The group Broadcast was influenced by that band, the United States of America, similar "cool," vocal style. Different singer though. Trish Keenan, singer for Broadcast, sadly passed away about a year and a half ago.
  12:53pm Brian in UK:

After our trip to Sri Lanka I realised how varied the numbers of aubergines there were to be had. Lovely cooked with coconut sambal.
  12:54pm Katya Oddio:

WFMU show new to me is the one of kids making music, Minor Music hosted by Jesse Krakow. http://wfmu.org/playlists/KD
  12:54pm kat330:

Love this album title! "Din of Inequity" :)
  12:54pm ndbob:

@Katya my favorite Shangri_Las song
  12:56pm ndbob:

@Kat don't think that I've ever seen a skink in the wild
  12:56pm northguineahills:

@Brian in the UK: Yeah, it was Dorothy Moskovich. I just referenced United States of America in Faye's show earlier today.
  12:56pm Katya Oddio:

ndbob, did you love it before you hear the Blondie version? Thought Debbie did a great job with it.
  12:58pm kat330:

Wish JT were here -- he could probably figure a way to temp post some pics relevant to this list. I know we proudly took some "eggplant still life" the first year our garden produced them, and I have a great "lizards in love" photo of our deck skinks. Our deck is party central for most of the wildlife aforementioned.
  1:00pm jan:

Google reveals that the lead singer for United States of America is teaching music to school children in California. I don't believe that I carried forth into the present, my copy of the USA album. Might have
been sold at the garage sale my parents held before moving in the 1980s. But they sound good today. Charlie- can you play more Broadcast? Is the album uniformly of that quality? When did they create it?
  1:00pm kat330:

Oooh, no, not the kind of wildlife I appreciate at all! An arachnophobe here.
  1:02pm Matt from Springfield:

@Brian: Oooh, sounds good! Eggplant is used in Indian cuisine, but so far have only seen the cauliflower and potatoes in yellow curry, sometimes using eggplant instead of/in addition to potatoes in that mix.
  1:02pm kat330:

Woolworths! Sure dates this tune.
  1:03pm ndbob:

@Kat Yep - I remember it from when it was a current song
  1:05pm Brian in UK:

@ngh Joe Byrd went on to form The Field Hippies, never quite it the same spot as USA. The album was reissued a few years ago with 'bonus' tracks. WHY? Adds nothing to the scheme of things, if it was not good enough originally........
@Matt the great thing is that you use the coconuts from your back garden. There is a man that comes round and collects them from up the trees. Really.
  1:07pm Katya Oddio:

We have that here with citrus and olives. Groups glean them, typically for charity.
  1:08pm Brian in UK:

Katya we will have olive groves here one day, if the bluddy rain stops.
  1:09pm Matt from Springfield:

"Vijay! The coconut man's coming! How many do we need today?" :)
  1:09pm Hugo:

@Brian: Where did you stay in Sri Lanka?
  1:09pm kat330:

@Matt: We've grilled eggplant (sliced in rounds) using a curry seasoning. But also great with traditional Mediterranean spices.
  1:10pm kat330:

It's like tree tinkers. :)
  1:10pm Katya Oddio:

Huun Huur Tu is on the FMA
Herbie Mann's GAGAKU AND BEYOND with overtone singing was my most loaned out record in high school -- even more than Nina Hagen records!
  1:10pm Matt from Springfield:

@kat: Especially Moroccan style, in addition to Italian style eggplant.
  1:12pm Matt from Springfield:

"WFMU: Making this intolerable world endurable since 1958"
  1:13pm Katya Oddio:

Dick Cavett, you're bringing me down, man, in this intolerable world.
  1:13pm kat330:

As I age, I notice life begins to unfold as being far more fair than it did when I was young.
  1:13pm Brian in UK:

Hugo we stayed with my daughters uni friends' family in Colombo for a day at the start & end. Then travelled by bus & train around. Dambulla, Anharadabulla,Ella & Liptons' Seat from memory, only had ten days. We never got to see the south coast around Galle sad to say. Love to go back & see more.
  1:13pm Katya Oddio:

Nice one, Matt!
  1:14pm listener james from westwood:

the points folks made about food being gleaned reminded me of this times article about rescuing/liberating produce growing on foreclosed/abandoned properties: http://www.nytimes.com/2011/08/15/us/15forage.html?_r=1
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:14pm Charlie:

Broadcast is one of my fave bands of recent years! (if 2000 is recent)
The Noise Made by People is probably my fave CDs of theirs, wonderful throughout.
p.s. The U.S.of A. has been reissued on CD.
  1:16pm northguineahills:

I think Joe Byrd also released some solo records on Tacoma Recs. in the 70s after the Field Hippies. Nice, but not breathtaking.
  1:17pm Katya Oddio:

Thanks, James. Strange times.
  1:17pm northguineahills:

Cooling us down w/ an autumn sweater. Reminds me of the turn of the century.
  1:17pm Hugo:

I've been to Bentota and Matara in the south, to Kandy and Nuwara Eliya in the interior, brief trip to Negombo. Never made it to the east and north, due to the ongoing civil war at the time. Highpoint is having breakfast on the outside terrace of the Galle Face Hotel with a view to the Indian Ocean.
  1:19pm Hugo:

  1:21pm Brian in UK:

I forgot Kandy ofcoure & the man made lake. STRING HOPPERS for breakfast over looking the lake. I'm back there now. Nuwara Eliya, highest point on the island. Did you travel on the train?
  1:28pm kat330:

Could be a song for a revised "Peter Pan" musical.
  1:28pm Hugo:

No, we went by car. Another high point is the Peradeniya Botanical Garden just out of Kandy and also having dinner on the terrace of the Mount Lavinia Hotel on the outskirts of Colombo.
String hoppers are a must!
  1:29pm Matt from Springfield:

Wonderful adventures, Brian & Hugo! Besides Colombo, I would like to go to Anuradhapura and Kandy if I ever go to Sri Lanka. And Adam's Peak, I think it's called.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:32pm Charlie:

Hi Hugo! Nice to see you. Will catch up on your adventures later.
  1:32pm kat330:

Well, as an armchair traveler at the moment transported by Charlie's set, I am six and I have flown away with Peter Pan to Sri Lanka.
  1:34pm kat330:

Hard Rock Kandy Mountain top to be specific.
  1:37pm northguineahills:

In 1998, my friend found 80 Unites States of America cassettes at a Big Lots for 50 cents/tape. He then sold them out of his living room record store.
  1:37pm trish:

Not fun to forget about this timeslot, though it sure is nice to remember before 2pm EST.
  1:38pm Katya Oddio:

Uncle Owen and Aunt Beru's desert had more than one sun. I'll take just this one, phew! Nothing like a field of desert wildflowers where once was dust and scrub.
  1:39pm Matt from Springfield:

Awesome Monroeville Music Center! And it's on the FMA to boot!
  1:41pm Matt from Springfield:

Spirit! Now that's the Spirit!
  1:41pm Matt from Springfield:

Bought a $2 Best of Spirit record on RSD.
  1:41pm kat330:

A haunting segue here....
  1:42pm jan:

Spirit- now that is definitely from the old days.
  1:43pm Katya Oddio:

The eggplant is nature's way of telling you something's wrong.
  1:43pm kat330:

I recall seing Mr. Sardonicus at the local moviehouse when I was a child and never seeing a smile the same way ever again.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:48pm Charlie:

uh-oh, two sixties chestnuts in the same set...
  1:49pm jan:

Charlie- Ya got any Blues Project, any Surrealistic Pillow? Electric Flag?
Let's wallow!
  1:49pm Katya Oddio:

Yay! Chestnuts!
  1:50pm kat330:

More culling work for the tree tinkers.
  1:51pm Katya Oddio:

Tee hee!
  1:51pm Tree Tinkers:

Business opportunities continue to expand for us.
  1:52pm listener james from westwood:

must head into a meeting early. a delightful show, charlie. thanks everybody!
  1:52pm Matt from Springfield:

@Katya: The eggplant was once known as the "mad apple"...
  1:52pm kat330:

Wrap up that Peter Pan set for me with tree tinkerbells. :)
  1:53pm kat330:

Bye LJfW!
  1:54pm Matt from Springfield:

GTDR music = Jukebox+

Have a nice weekend LJFW!
  1:55pm kat330:

"He put a coin in the Wurlitzer and he pushed three buttons and the thing began to whirr" Name that tune, Mr. Coyote Matt?
  1:57pm northguineahills:

Thanks for the summerliscious set, Charlie!
  1:57pm Matt from Springfield:

A Public Service Announcement from GTDR, and this show: when working with paints, adhesives, or other chemicals with fumes, make sure you always work in a well ventilated area. Air circulation should allow the fumes to exit, and fresh air to come in constantly.

After all, you don't want to get Dizzy Glueing Something! :P
  1:58pm kat330:

Charlie, thank you for the lovely date and your sweet gift of a many-petaled eargay! Take and give care all!
  1:58pm Matt from Springfield:

@kat: Ah, "The Last Time I Saw Richard". It's from Blue, but I didn't know that lyric offhand. Will have to re-investigate that song later :)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:59pm Charlie:

lol Matt!
  2:00pm kat330:

Now, seriously, how long have you been holding back for just the right moment to post that "Dizzy glueing something" wordplay?? And yes, Matt, you are correct sir! Bye!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:00pm Charlie:

Hey, everyone, thanks for being such a great crowd -- you've been swell. Drive home carefully, now...
  2:01pm Matt from Springfield:

I agree, charlie has really been the "Aubergenie" of great music today! Great show as always, charlie! Have a good day and a good weekend, everyone!

@kat: Just from an hour ago! :D
  2:02pm Brian in UK:

Top job, Charlie.
  2:03pm ndbob:

excellent show Charlie!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:05pm Charlie:

Thanks, everyone. See you next week.
  2:10pm Michael:

Thanks charlie - got called away but what I heard was super. Have a great week!
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