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Saturday 6 - 9pm (EST) | On WFMU | 91.1, 90.1, 91.9 FM &
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Transpacific Sound Paradise Favoriting
Saturday, June 30, 2012 Favoriting
Choban Elektrik

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Vintage-keyboard-driven Balkan-inspired instrumental power trio Choban Elektrik hits the Studio B radio stage playing tunes from its new self-titled debut cd and lots more.

The combo, whose name means "the Electric Shepherds", hopes the positive vibes of our magical studio will grant them the good luck they'll need for their next club gig - Friday the 13th at Freddy's in Brooklyn's South Slope.

This Week's Playlist:

(* = new)

Boom Pam: Light Up Favoriting / Alakazam / Audio Montage / * (0:00:00 Pop-up)

Cankisou: Fayt Favoriting / Fayt / Indies (0:03:18 Pop-up)

Sarazino: Es La Vida Favoriting / Everyday Salama / Cumbancha (0:07:53 Pop-up)
With Novalima

Amadou & Mariam: Bagnale Favoriting / Folila / Nonesuch / * (0:12:08 Pop-up)
Featuring Abdallah Oumbadougou, Tuareg guitarist from Niger

Alhousseini Anivolla: Attarech Favoriting / Anewal / The Walking Man / World Music Network / * (0:16:04 Pop-up)
Guitarist from Etran Finatawa

Mariam Hassan: La Tumch Anni Favoriting / Deseos / Nubenegra (0:22:17 Pop-up)

Houria Aïchi & l'Hijâz Car: Le Cavalier, Le Cheval Et La Dame Favoriting / Cavaliers De L'Aures / Accords Croisés (0:27:19 Pop-up)

Kristi Stassinopoulou & Stathis Kalyviotis: Matia San Kai Ta Dika Sou Favoriting / Greekadelia / Riverboat / * (0:37:15 Pop-up)

Selda: Sabahtan Cemalin Seyran Eyledim Favoriting / Yuruyorum Diknelerin Ustunde / Uzelli (0:42:26 Pop-up)

Petrana Koutcheva: Neda Voda Nalivala Favoriting / My Tradition / Chubby Dragon (0:46:44 Pop-up)

Zongora: Iarna La Beica Favoriting / Doverie / MuziekPublique (0:52:38 Pop-up)

Choban Elektrik: Kopanitsa after Petar Ralchev (Live on WFMU) Favoriting (0:56:05 Pop-up)

Choban Elektrik: Steve's Gajda (Live on WFMU) Favoriting (1:04:58 Pop-up)
Raif Hyseni song

Choban Elektrik: Ibrahim (Live on WFMU) Favoriting (1:15:02 Pop-up)
From Macedonian Roma singer Esma's repertoire

Choban Elektrik: Track 11 Cocek (Live on WFMU) Favoriting (1:20:05 Pop-up)

Choban Elektrik: Albanian Tune after Raif Hyseni (Live on WFMU) Favoriting (1:28:37 Pop-up)

Choban Elektrik: Hot Dog (Live on WFMU) Favoriting (1:34:53 Pop-up)
Yuri Yunakov song

Choban Elektrik: Jasino Demarilievo Dro (Live on WFMU) Favoriting (1:43:02 Pop-up)

Ahmad Al Kosem: Ma Dal Anouh (I Will Grieve Until I See Her Again) Favoriting / Various Artists: Dabke: Sounds of the Syrian Houran / Sham Palace / * (1:49:03 Pop-up)

Alaa Qracrh: Dabke Naar Song Favoriting (1:54:04 Pop-up)
Palestinian Dabke (line dance - popular at weddings)

DCS: Kangna Favoriting / Various Artists: Deep Into Jungle Territory / Multitone (2:02:33 Pop-up)

Johnny Clegg: Magumede Favoriting / Human / Appleseed (2:12:14 Pop-up)

Johnny and Sipho: Inkunzi Favoriting / Various Artists: Rhythm of Resistance / Shanachie (2:14:58 Pop-up)

Msafiri Zawose and Chibite: Salome Favoriting / Not officially released (2:19:25 Pop-up)

Bayaka Pygmy Musicians: Song For Thinking Favoriting / Listen... Oka! (Soundtrack) / Oka Productions (2:27:20 Pop-up)

Nyeralate Rama Pooduval: Gita Govinda Favoriting / Various Artists: Temple Music of Kerala / Topic Records (2:30:47 Pop-up)

Marcelos Rojas: Llegada Favoriting / Various Artists: Maitei America - Harps of Paraguay / Smithsonian Folkways (2:33:27 Pop-up)

Fatih Kisaparmak: Narinim Favoriting / Dicle'nin Oğlu / Mert Müzik Üretim (2:49:21 Pop-up)

Listener comments!

  6:07pm ratbone:

is zappa-esque, no?
  6:09pm Carmichael:

Hiya Rob. Rare Sat night tune in for me.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:13pm Your DJ:

Greetings Carmichael, Ratbone and all in the Peanut Gallery this evening...
  6:13pm Bas, NL:

Hello Rob!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:15pm Your DJ:

Greetings Bas!
  6:20pm Tony:

Hi Rob/listeners. Does anyone know anything about the Les Escales festival in St. Nazaire, France, on August 3rd and 4th? I am going to be in the area then and was wondering if it would be worth checking out? I know The Ex/Getachew Merkuria played there a few years ago, but I don't really recognize most of the artists in this year's lineup.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:25pm Your DJ:

Tony, there's definitely good stuff, certainly Poly-Rythmo is a favorite (they will be in NY / North America this summer too) but others too. Email me (robw AT wfmu DOT org) and I can give you an appraisal of the lineup. But if I was there, I would go - !
  6:28pm Mark in DC:

Thanks for Cankisou, never heard them. I've played this three times in a row, astounding.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:31pm Your DJ:

Thanks Mark. Yes, very interesting group (but haven't toured or gotten much play in North America as far as I know. They're part of the Indies label posse from Czech Republic which is quite varied - rock, world, folk, other stuff too. Their page over there is
  6:33pm Tony:

Thanks a lot Rob. Yeah, Poly-Rythmo were the group that sounded the most interesting to me. Glad to hear you approve!
  7:12pm the glowing one:

instant goosebumps off Steve's Gaida
  7:17pm the glowing one:

reminded me in parts of Terry Riley (beginning) and Centipede (the slow mid section)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:18pm Your DJ:

Thanks tgo, I'm sure the band will appreciate your comments!
  7:52pm Bas, NL:

He, he.. and meanwhile i'm sitting here fixing a vintage keyboard: How better then with those great sound by Choban Elektrik! Great tunes!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:57pm Your DJ:

A curious coincidence indeed Bas. Glad you enjoyed Choban Elektrik!
  8:21pm Fittipaldi:

A Wurlitzer? Oberheim?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:22pm Your DJ:

Fender before (Jordan Shapiro, the keyboardist for Choban Elektrik also plays a Hammond), musical bow now...
  8:58pm Bas, NL:

Thanks for the excellent three hours again Rob!
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