Favoriting Radio Boredcast: Playlist from March 14, 2012 Favoriting

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Favoriting March 14, 2012: The Tapeworm Presents... Goldmann vs. Fennesz 'Remiksz' - for Radio Boredcast


The Tapeworm is a cassette-only label. No barcodes. The cassette will never die! Long live the cassette!


This is a remix of Fennesz's "Szampler" cassette, created by Stefan Goldmann erasing Christian Fennesz's original samples one by one and replacing them with corresponding samples of his own, made between 1999-2010 for his Akai S5000 sampler, in the same sequence. As a result, this now-deleted cassette contained no sounds whatsoever from Fennesz's original. www.stefangoldmann.com

On its release in late 2010, The Wire wrote the following review:

"What Remiksz is: an exercise in 'hard-drive dialogue' between Christian Fennesz and Stefan Goldmann. Remiksz follows a previous Tapeworm release, Szampler, in which Fennesz stitched together a series of samples from a collection amassed over more than a decade of laptop sound manipulations. Goldmann replaces every single one of Fennesz's samples from that piece, so that the end result consists entirely of his own personally sourced sounds. In this sense it's a remix of Fennesz in the same way that working through Shakespeare's "Sonnet XIX" replacing every word might be a remix. Does this Borgesian exercise leave a trace element of the organising spirit of Fennesz's piece? Is it a meta-comment on the tenuous connection of so many remixes to the original?

What Remiksz is: a series of miniatures, strung together like jewels on a necklace. A high-speed flick through a scrapbook in which speaker-shredding static is succeeded by ghostly absence and then klaxons of distortion. Eight seconds of static; ten seconds of sinister machinoid exhalations. Experiments begun and discarded by some post-millennial Radiophonic Workshop. A roulette-wheel spin through a radio dial in which most stations are playing musique concrète - but a booming electro groove could click into place at any time. A post-sampling Faust Tape; an utterly absorbing soundworld."

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The Tapeworm Presents... Goldmann vs. Fennesz  'Remiksz' - for Radio Boredcast   Favoriting

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