Favoriting Radio Boredcast: Playlist from March 15, 2012 Favoriting

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Favoriting March 15, 2012: Primate Arena Presents... Man Mountain Snore - Melt Kna'an - for Radio Boredcast


From Tel Aviv's Primate Arena house of oddball assembly come some of Israel's most truly OUT multi/anti-linguistic improvisers to argue a healthy good case that the spraff of yr God, G_d, Grud and other fuds are dead in the salty seas seeing as how they've substituded The Word for a series of enunciations sans diction spat from gob or procedureless ritual.

Hosted by Eran Sachs and Alex DROOL, PRIMATE ARENA is a bi-weekly freeform happening for experimental & out muzak events (mostly in Tel Aviv), dedicated to Psych, EAI, Noise, Speech/Sonic/Concrete Poetry, Avant Rock, post millennial obscurities, pre millennial obscurities, the history of 20th century experimental music & other adventurous ventures. 
Over the past three years they have created a platform - central to Tel Aviv's now vibrant, thriving scene - that has nurtured a community of adventurous local musicians including Maya Dunietz and Yoni Silver and hosted visiting internationals such as Blood Stereo, Jérôme Noetinger, Usurper, Arnaud Rivière, Ignatz Schick, Daniel Padden, Bob Ostertag and many others.

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Primate Arena  Man Mountain Snore - Melt Kna'an - for Radio Boredcast   Favoriting

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