Favoriting Radio Boredcast: Playlist from March 4, 2012 Favoriting

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Favoriting March 4, 2012: Jose Castillejo: The Book of J's


A writer, like any other artist, does not create experiences. Art creates works while experiences are anybody's privilege. The editor of Alga Marghen has asked me for a record. As I am not a singer, not even always except in very intimate moments a poet that plays with words, it did occur to me that perhaps this new record should be the record of my writing "The Book of J's".

In all honesty I must say that the published version of "The Book of J's" was written by a machine, the computer. While this version that I am doing for Alga Marghen is written by myself, of my own hand, with pen, ink, and paper. It records the process of writing a book. Without this record the act of writing, the so called creative act, will be lost in the final result. It is the act of creation that has been recorded. In spite of all the noise about creation, creation itself is a quiet act done in recollection.  Perhaps not a big deal. But it is a quietness that results in a real work of the spirit. (Jose Luis Castillejo, Madrid, December 3, 1999)

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Jose Castillejo  The Book of J's   Favoriting

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