Favoriting Radio Boredcast: Playlist from March 12, 2012 Favoriting

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Favoriting March 12, 2012: Erik Bünger Presents... for Radio Boredcast


The three pieces I chose all deal with slowness as way to focus, to open your ears and let another voice or another world enter into your body. The first time I was out-of-my-mind drunk in my early teens a friend of mine played me the song “Heroin” with The Velvet Underground and ever since then that song has manifested the promise of another world inside my head. I created “Variations on a Theme by Lou Reed” as a way to slowly, and with my eyes wide open, approach that white light first appearing many years ago in my delirious, adolescent brain. “Everyone Laughed When I Sat Down at the Piano” is a piece of authentic spirit possession. Sam Ahsley invites the long gone voice of a dead gold digger to enter his body and to use his tongue to relate a series of events taking place during the Californian Gold Rush. WHAT?? by Swedish maestro Folke Rabe is the forgotten masterpiece of the Swedish minimalist tradition that never was. Slowly, methodically one overtone is exchanged for another, opening your ears to every detail until finally a single piano rings as an orgy in orchestral excess.

1. Variations on a Theme by Lou Reed - Erik Bünger

2. Everyone Laughed When I Sat Down at the Piano - Sam Ashley

3. WHAT?? - Folke Rabe

Erik Bünger is a Swedish artist, performer, composer and writer living in Berlin. His works focus on philosophical questions in regards to music and the human voice. Music is never treated as something pure, absolute or abstract but on the contrary, as a parasite feasting on our collective unconscious.


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Artist Track
Erik Bünger  Variations on a Theme by Lou Reed   Favoriting
Sam Ahsley  Everyone Laughed When I Sat Down At The Piano   Favoriting
Folke Rabe  WHAT??   Favoriting

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