Favoriting Radio Boredcast: Playlist from March 2, 2012 Favoriting

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Favoriting March 2, 2012: Tim Maloney: Mr Suggs's Shiny Beetle Hat - for Radio Boredcast


MSSBH began life as a turgid short story, written in an attempt to prove that a certain brand of screenwriting software was actually crap. It was, and so was the story, which no one would read, regardless of the amount offered. This new presentation, however, is bound to be the smash hit on radio I have always wanted. A little known fact about this piece is that it is entirely composed of birdsong, painstakingly recorded and edited, stretched, squeezed, modified, and modulated to sound like "synthesizers," "drums" and even "a narrator."  Even more amazing is that it consists only of the songs of common sparrows found outside my window when I am feeling melancholy. Perhaps the most startling, amazing, and downright awesome wicked aspect is that encoded in between the birdsong are secret subliminal instructions which, if all goes according to plan, will mobilize a good quarter of the listening audience (+/- 12% standard deviation) into my zombie apocalypse army.  WHICH YOU CANNOT STOP.

Tim Maloney is an American filmmaker and animator who has made films for the band Negativland, the Walt Disney Company, and the Los Angeles County Museum of Art, to name the strangest bedfellows.


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Tim Maloney  Mr Suggs's Shiny Beetle Hat - for Radio Boredcast   Favoriting

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