Favoriting Radio Boredcast: Playlist from March 23, 2012 Favoriting

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Favoriting March 23, 2012: Gwilly Edmondez: Prayers of Descent - for Radio Boredcast


PRAYERS OF DESCENT (Gwilly Edmondez – voice & sampler)

‘Prayers of Descent’ seeks to perform a metamorphosis in real time from the sobriety of liturgical pronouncements to the perceived babble of ‘speaking in tongues.’ Much of Gwilly’s vocal work inhabits a space that can be characterized as a form of speaking-in-tongues while clearly owing debts to the likes of Kurt Schwitters (Ursonata); he was, however, also a pre-pubescent chorister before his voice broke, and therefore spent many hours listening to the ardently bored delivery of the English clergy while conducting liturgies. ‘Prayers of Descent,’ then, can be heard as a bridging of these two worlds.

Gwilly Edmondez has been making improvised music, composed music, collage and noise, officially, since co-founding Radioactive Sparrow in Bridgend, South Wales in 1980. Since 2004, in civilian life he has taught at the School of Arts & Cultures at Newcastle University. He currently performs and records as a solo artist and in multiple/multiplying group outfits. New work can be followed at the following locations:





A selection of older work is also featured at UbuWeb:

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Gwilly Edmondez  Prayers of Descent - for Radio Boredcast   Favoriting

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