Favoriting Radio Boredcast: Playlist from March 20, 2012 Favoriting

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Favoriting March 20, 2012: Gwilly Edmondez: Hocket - for Radio Boredcast


3 – HOCKET (Gwilly Edmondez – voice & Aiwa TPS-45 dictaphone)

Using lyrics and themes from the other three episodes, ‘Hocket’ deals in deals with what is commonly known as ‘singing in the round,’ except that it is a vocal performance recorded only once to cassette tape with a dictaphone which is then used as a playback device for a double-tracked, manipulated recording.  Strictly speaking, the resulting form is closer to canon, but when Gwilly started he was under the impression that canon and hocket were the same thing; he kept the working title because he liked the word better and, of course, it resists connotation.

Gwilly Edmondez has been making improvised music, composed music, collage and noise, officially, since co-founding Radioactive Sparrow in Bridgend, South Wales in 1980. Since 2004, in civilian life he has taught at the School of Arts & Cultures at Newcastle University. He currently performs and records as a solo artist and in multiple/multiplying group outfits. New work can be followed at the following locations:


A selection of older work is also featured at UbuWeb:

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Gwilly Edmondez  Hocket - for Radio Boredcast   Favoriting

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