Favoriting The Dusty Show with Clay Pigeon: Playlist from May 24, 2012 Favoriting

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Street interviews, listener call-ins, vinyl gluttery, sporadic normalcy, original floperas and fiktion, blatant talking over songs, politix, tenderness, and a vague undercurrent of angst. Right up your alley!

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Favoriting May 24, 2012: Live Flea Market FInd Analysis With Fabio --- Occupy Update -- All Ears!

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Artist Track Album Label Year Format Comments Approx. start time
Opening Banter
Weaker Than Usual
  I know my lack of enthusiasm for The Stooges distanced some. It's really more about a lack of exposure to the music. There is never enough time in life to immerse myself in everything I should. I tend to READ more about bands than actually HEARING them. My knowledge of Iggy is more centered on his solo career than with The Stooges. I'm sorry. Respect them. Of course! Perhaps I'll have the chance to immerse in the near future, I hope so. I dig the THOUGHT of their aesthetic. Low-budge. Defiant.
Eleven It Up!
Do You Sleep On Your Side, Back, or Stomach?
Fabio's Own Room
Petering Bromance
  is anyone aware that I am slumping ... badly?
Conquistador Leather Pantaloons
Procul Lyricist
  i have told my kinks/stones first record stories to deth
Wooly Bully
Ornette Coleman  T & T   Favoriting Ornette!  Atlantic  1961  LP     
Ed Blackwell on the Drums!
Eleven it Up! (for real)
John Miles  Slowdown   Favoriting   London  1976  45  Cecile said Miles was from The Moody Blues.   
Fab Hates It
Trying To FInd Its Way
Synth Solo!
Three Thumbs Down
Q  Dancin' Man   Favoriting   Epic  1977  45     
Frances Liked It
An Admission that the Show Isn't Going All That Well
Gary Toms Empire  The New Empire   Favoriting   Pickwick International  1975  45  The flip was a cover of 'Drive My Car.' Shoulda played that. Thought I'd give Gary airplay on one of his original compositions.   
Fabio Hates It
  I'm guessing 2 people will ever read this. And that may be a generous estimate. Still, I feel compelled to air out some things I was thinking about this episode at this point of the broadcast.

You know what. Here's an experiment. If you actually read this ... email me. You don't have to say anything. Just say ... I READ IT CLAY. I bet no one emails.


Anyway ... as the 'due-date' for this show drew near, I have to say I was having a really terrible week. I'm sure you've had them. A lot of things seemed to be going wrong and my mood and overall demeanor were in the dumps. As I recall (I am doing this playlist 2-weeks after this show aired) I had no time to produce a proper episode, and the records I had gathered together, frankly, kind of sucked, as you're hearing so far. That being said, I give myself credit for sticking to my recent formula of making shows around random flea market acquisitions whether they suck or not. In this instance, they just aren't that strong. Let me tell you (who am I talking to? No one is reading this ... no one) it is not easy on WFMU to play random music that might suck, because FMU listeners are discerning and informed. I consider myself to actually have decent musical tastes. I could play it safe and give you good stuff every week from my collection. But it's too easy. No challenge. No risk. Boring. So here you go. 45's from 75-77 that 3/4 stink.

Begging for Calls
Caller #1
Kongas  Tatoo Woman   Favoriting   Polydor  1977  45  Produced by Cerrone. I should have played the flip. The more popular track. A cover of Gimme Some Lovin'. I don't like that song, though. Never have. I think the problem with this episode is that my instincts betrayed me, or, I betrayed them! I just wasn't feeling it. Again, I think real life crept into the studio with me on the day this show aired. I try to keep it at bay, but it isn't always possible.   
Frank Zappa  Disco Boy   Favoriting   Warner Bros  1976  45  I played this years ago on WOKF in Clearwater, FL, when I was a disco jock in the disco era. I was like, 20 years old. It offended.   
Fabio Phones It In
Caller #2 - Greg from Virginia!
Greg and his Wife Celebrate Their 25th Anniversary! Congratulations, Even Though You Will Never Read This!
Scars and Addictions
Greg Loves Iggy Stooge
Cheryl Ladd  Skinnydippin'   Favoriting   Capitol  1977  45  My wife liked this one.   
Fab Doesn't Like It
Fab Hates Dylan
Fab Would Tell Dylan He Stinks to His FACE!
Caller #3 (A Male, Of course) ----- Kenny (Booneton, NJ)
What's My Worst Quality? ---- dusty@wfmu.org
Kenny's Message ... Never Be Born!
The Royal Guardsmen  The Return of the Red Baron   Favoriting   Laurie  '60's  45  From Ocala, FL   
Fab Hates It
Fab Hasn't Had Any Fun
Seven It Up!
Isley Brothers  Livin' In The Life   Favoriting   TNeck  1977  45  From the fantastic LP - Go For Your Guns! An all-time fave.   
Caller #4
John Trubee Truby???
Caller 4's Message - The Queen is a Hag!
An Interview with Ed of OWS at Union Square Park
OWS Library Update
Ed Assesses OWS Present Status
Black Bloc


Is Occupy Splintering?
In It For The Duration
An Interview with Hannah, A Veteran Occupier with PTSD
Raped By Her Squad Leader
Psychological Help
Good News?
Hannah's Heroin Addiction
Hannah Sings One Of Her Songs
Zep Love
Hannah Loves Daryl Hall
Oates Moustache
Hannah's Message
An Interview with Hydro - Ex-Marine/Occupier
Parris Island


Quantico Brig
Divine Law
What's Going On In Occupy?
Black Bloc Talk
Hydro Loves America
Hydro's Declaration of World Peace
All Ears! - An Improv by Clay Pigeon
  Horrible English Accent!
Isley Brothers  Go For Your Guns   Favoriting   TNeck  1977  45  The flip-side and conclusion. Did you know guitarist Ernie Isley (Pisces!) also plays drums on many of their recordings?   
  Well ... there she blows. Another show in the can. Not my best, maybe not my worst. The weeks fly by like briliant tanagers and indigo buntings on their way to happier feeding grounds. And I, in my analog hovel, poorly ventilated and clammy, toil endlessly, wrangling umpteen interviews of various quality and a Biz-Bag™ of sundry vinyl into some type of lump-shape for your consumption. I hinted earlier at a slump and yes, I am there. Weird how it works. I guess Frank knew. A puppet, a pauper, a pirate, a poet, a pawn and a king. Ridin' high in April ... shot down in May. However, I shall perservere, Of course I will. And things will work out for all of us, just as they should. As the fates allow.

I am very glad you have listened and read all this mumbo. I do appreciate it. I hope I haven't lost you with incessant Occupy coverage or a change in tone to a more downcast vibe. I do so long to be silly and frivolous. But, each week I find myself drawn once again into the fray, and I elect to wade into it, looking for inspiration, stories, hope, and love. Thank you for your continued, interest, loyalty, and support. It means a lot to me. I guess you know that by now. I hope you have a great week ahead and that you'll tune in again when you can. Peace and love to you and yours. Until next time, take care and ...

always remember ...

Clay Pigeon - NYC



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Listener comments!

Avatar 6:35pm


Bouncing 'round the rooms here. Matt the Mensch here?

Hi, Clay!
Phillip in San Antonio:

It stinks how many books they throw away at a Goodwill distribution center near me.
Matt from Springfield:

Hello Clay!
Kat the Konsiderate! Matt the Mensch is in!

Disturbing, but not surprising: http://www.businessinsider.com/the-us-government-is-running-a-massive-spying-campaign-on-the-occupy-movement-2012-5
Philo Gristle:

@Caryn A show about individuality, struggle against fascism and societal imprisonment... sounds right up Clay's alley!
Avatar 6:37pm

Hi Kat. Matt. The Hat. Philmo!

Funnily enough, found out just a few days ago that there's been an OWS protest going on in Helsinki all through the winter. No wonder I'd missed it, because there has been nothing in the media, and it has been only 10-30 people camping out.

Does anybody think that Betty White show where the old people play practical jokes is funny at all? I sure don't.

@Matt: I hope your tomatoes are bright red, and your poison ivy isn't! :)

@PG: damn straight! "Checkmate" is one of the best episodes, too!
Matt from Springfield:

In fact so many of our commenters are quite nice.
Have I mentioned my suggestion of calling Dusty fans, instead of the literati, or glitterati, we should be the Considerati!
Phillip in San Antonio:

Clay! I'm surprised you haven't hit up the Fukushima stories lately.
Matt from Springfield:

@kat: Already feelin' better! Though for the tomatoes, wait till August-September! :)

dale and kyle got their ears on clay
Avatar 6:41pm

Trying to keep up Phil. This week was hectic.
Avatar 6:42pm

Hey Dale and life-partner. Appreciate your listening.

Clay, you were surprised by the temps Greg in VA mentioned. We're at 90 and sunny here in the Ohio Valley, and will be all Mem. weekend. Too hot too early.

Her point of the casualty ratio now & basically it's the living dead coming home, is really spot on. I'm really enjoying this particular conversation...
Phillip in San Antonio:

Have you checked naturalnews.com?
Avatar 6:42pm

Frances, back from Paris?
Matt from Springfield:

The Warrior Transition Program ("Wounded Warriors") is very comprehensive for those transitioning from military to civilian, there are some programs that serve the "bridge" she spoke of. Unfortunately if you're not physically WIA, and mentally destroyed instead, we still fail to provide adequate assistance for these Veterans.
Avatar 6:45pm

I like hot weather, Katt. 100+ Bring it on!

always a comdian
Avatar 6:45pm


Clay: Oui! I would've phoned in earlier, but wicked asthma right now. Didn't see any OWS spots in Paris, but did get a great personal tour of the Belleville neighborhood by a friend that lives there: lots of communist, resistance, immigration history there.
Great trip, but wonderful to be home too.
Matt from Springfield:

Alright Hannah! Like Frances, I thank you Clay for this interview. Really important and many different problems articulated well.
Avatar 6:46pm

Wife and I are going in October, Frances. Dusty in PAris episode to come, maybe.
Avatar 6:46pm

TY Hat!
Matt from Springfield:

Ooooh! Clay in faux-French accent, as we discussed back at the Marathon! ;)
Avatar 6:48pm

wee wee

Oh I'm so happy for you and the Mrs!! Don't be freaked out by seeing armed military with full AK47s walking around. I was. But lots of great street art too. Slowly working through all of my photos. I have 2 friends there: one American, one Parisian: so I had a great personal element to my otherwise solo trip as well.
Matt from Springfield:

@Clay 6:43: I much prefer to be a little too cold than a little too hot. There's always saunas/steam rooms if you want temps like that!
Matt from Springfield:

@frances: First time in Paris, or have you been there before?

PS: I really hope the Black Block doesn't F' up with OWS. I'm surprised they were as quiet as they were for as long as they were: but I've seen them create unwanted aggression (themselves, and via the cops responding to them) when I was in Portland,OR demos...

@Matt: was there 9 years ago for 3 weeks, with a bf that I'd just broken up with. hooray! This time it was 2 weeks: solo. I missed my husband, but the trip was one of the best things I've done for myself ever.

Yes, I concur an important pop. segment to hear from. When we made our Mouse donation to FMU in Dec., also donated to the Fisher House Foundation. My dad was a Marine.

@Clay: Perfect background music during this piece with the Marine.

@Matt: yeah, and considering the number of veterans who say that you are asked when your tour is coming to an end whether you think you have PTSD or other battle-caused psychological problems, and if you answer yes, they keep you in Iraq or Afganistan for another tour, it is clear the military is not only not providing mentally-wounded soldiers with adequate aid, but is actually trying to avoid dealing with the problem at all.
Matt from Springfield:

Whoa, old school Dusty voices and comic pieces!
Matt from Springfield:

@kat: Wonderful. I also give to Fisher House.
Welcome Back Veterans is another great charity.
Avatar 6:54pm

Time killer, Matt

We all miss Holly.
Avatar 6:56pm

I sure do Frances
Avatar 6:57pm

Always remember!

Always remember! Especially remember seat belts this weekend , be safe!

i can see terry thomas now
Matt from Springfield:

Always remember - Never forget!

Good times with Clay & company! Have a great Memorial Day weekend everyone! And...always remember why it is Memorial Day.

Yes, be safe all! I see diastema now.

great show, clay! i always enjoy so much!

any possibility you could identify the wonderful english folk musician piece, mr. pigeon? and excellent show as usual!
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