Favoriting Nat Roe: Playlist from May 16, 2012 Favoriting

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An avant nerd remixing smooth disco in a dancehall stylee.

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Favoriting May 16, 2012: Goodiepal Interviewed

Goodiepal is a living legend and a true cult figure. His electronic music spans many genres and his concepts on radical computer music are completely different ideas.

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Track Comments Approx. start time
Sweet 70s Soul   R&B and smooth 70s soul oriented mix. Big Moe of the Screwed up Click. Linda Sharrock. Full of MC interjections. At one point, I create a vacuum with Ray Charles, Wagner and "stormy weather" all at once.  0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Goodiepal Live Interview part 1   ...In which is discussed Goodiepal's recent controversies - his criminal charges after hacking the Danish Royal Academy of Music's equipment (where he'd taught), attacks on him from Danish white power figures, and his escape from Denmark via recumbent bicycle.


0:24:59 (Pop-up)
Field Recordings from Brion Gysin     0:43:29 (Pop-up)
Don Preston   This synth wizard from the Mothers of Invention has a new collection of solo electronic improv called "Filters, Oscillators & Envelopes" on Sub Rosa.  0:49:25 (Pop-up)
Goodiepal   Music to be played under a lecture...  0:51:34 (Pop-up)
Goodiepal Live Interview part 2   ...In which is discussed "radical computer music", music made to be appreciated by machines rather than just humans. Very interesting connections made between bias against his musical concepts and subconscious European fascist mentalities. On radical computer music strategies as conceiving of things that are "beyond" or "vast" in machine thought - just as human aesthetics relate to our opaque understandings of death, love or fate.

A musical score from Goodiepal's notebook

Here are links mentioned in the interview - The video and The Flickr page, as well as a video on radical computer music and Goodiepal's Message to the International Hacker Community. 

0:56:08 (Pop-up)
Tonetta   Cranky crossdressing outsider dance music. Gotta love him.  1:27:28 (Pop-up)
Khrystalis   Very glitchy, from that "Cut Party" comp on Naboa Music recs.  1:31:26 (Pop-up)
Goodiepal   Strange snappidag track from the Sygnok CD Musik Til Din REKLAMEFILM - new stuff. Very funny.  1:37:11 (Pop-up)
Goodiepal Live Interview part 3   ...In which is discussed "unscannability" as human feelings or momentary perceptions of music, which are "beyond" machines. Things taking a very phenomenological turn here - kinds and ways of being intelligent are described. Social, interactive forms of intelligence are defined in opposition to numerically determinable forms of intelligence. On approaching machines as friends and trying to give them parts of your humanity that will make them better.

A rendering of the velomobile Goodiepal used to escape from Denmark from his notebook. 

1:45:59 (Pop-up)
Wagner   Gotta go there, just because it's so inappropriate in light of the conversation! From Tristan and Isolde.  2:37:51 (Pop-up)
Ake Hodell   The Djugarden Ferry Across The Styx, a great early piece of sample music and sound poetry.  2:42:48 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!


Good morning Nat

This soul IS sweet...
Avatar 3:20am

Hey! Thanx

The singularity!!

Hello Nat, hi Fred

Hi Emile and Scuttle
Avatar 4:40am

Well hello Lucas.


Thanks for the Interview

I wonder if 'scannability' is the same as 'computability'? Church/Turing determined that computability can't be 'proved': "B. Jack Copeland states that it's an open empirical question whether there are actual deterministic physical processes that, in the long run, elude simulation by a Turing machine" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Church_Turing_Thesis (perhaps related to Godel's results; any logical system we construct will unavoidably be self-inconsistent)

If you also look at Information Theory (ie Shannon, digital communication), it does not treat of the meaning of the information, only the raw statistical properties of the bitstream. Therefore meaning (computability), and data are seperate.

Nietzche has a prescient quote on this ontological result: "It is precisely facts that do not exist, only interpretations"

Bonjour bonjour Nat,
Bonjour fred, Scuttle, Emile, Lucas.

This is probably more a reflection on me than him, but I find this discussion very tough to get into. There are many levels happening.
Avatar 5:08am

It's tough stuff for sure! I recommend watching that video that is linked in the playlist. It's definitely worth your time. Or at least that's how I feel...
Avatar 5:11am

I don't really quite get a lot of this stuff either, but I found this interview very helpful.

The issues raised cross many different spheres of knowledge / disciplines, each of which has its own context and language. It would help to be conversant with some fundamentals of philosophy and AI and systems theory. What's interesting is the relation of music to these spheres.

And while he's been involved in the academic context it's clear he's taught himself rather than going on received wisdom. So he's coming from way outside on many of these topics.
Avatar 5:28am

Much of it is self-taught, yes, and so I think that studying only his own work is pretty much what's necessary. Although his work is pretty byzantine!

sound is control. the mind is the tool ov action. the filter. not everyone has the same taste but through repitition a conditioned response can b suggted and sometimes forced on the weak willed. ah control. the panic ov birds. wind through the leaves a soft breeze.
Avatar 5:53am

Love ya Neilio

huge huge talent in the extrems of musick
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