You and me both, NGH. Hey? No go on that interview??
well, the last job I got, it took 5 months and 10 interviews. They said they wanted to do a second interview, I'm just waiting for when. Although the last time, I was actually still working for the first few interviews, so the wait wasn't as bad. They're plenty of jobs for Geographers (GIS Analyst, Location Intelligence Consultant) everywhere but NYC. Don't want to leave, and if I do, it has to be a place where my fiance can also get a job.
Fingers x'd for you, NGH. We didn't wanna leave NYC either, but Pitt made an offer we (who had no full-time employment) couldn't refuse.
listener james from westwood:
huge luck with that second interview, ngh!
Thanks Doug & James, I can use all the luck I can get!
I'm about to embark on a Jamaican-Japanese culinary fusion experiment. Simply taking a Japanese breakfast classic, steamed rice, wakame seaweed, roasted sesame seeds, scallions, soy sauce and a raw egg (which cooks b/c the rice is till piping hot), and mixing it w/ my homemade jerk sauce and scotch bonnet pepper sauce (w/ chayote, carrots, ginger, garlic, mustard, onions, olive oil). This is what I do since I've been unemployed.
The stream was knocked off the air earlier due to a problematic battery back-up. Glad to know it was a one-time failure (knock wood). If the last set of the show can't be saved on the archive, I will repeat it next week. It was THAT good.
Hi Doug and Steinski-ites. Been listening but too busy to comment. What was the name of album with the gal on drums back on the DrumSum list?
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Listener comments!
Doug Schulkind:
Van in DC:
Doug Schulkind:
listener james from westwood:
Van in DC:
Van in DC:
still b/p:
Doug Schulkind:
Doug Schulkind:
listener james from westwood:
Doug Schulkind:
Doug Schulkind:
listener james from westwood:
Doug Schulkind:
It appears to be from Kathryn Macnaughton (NSFW) but couldn't find it.
Doug Schulkind:
Doug Schulkind:
Van in DC: