Favoriting Put The Needle On The Record with Billy Jam: Playlist from May 4, 2012 Favoriting

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Hip-hop and rap, that's where my heart's at. But I'll play anything so long as it ain't crap!

Friday 7 - 8pm (EDT) | On WFMU | 91.1, 90.1, 91.9 FM & wfmu.org
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Favoriting May 4, 2012: Put The Needle on the Downtown Soulville Good Records - with DJ Johnny Paycheck + Azeem, and -dedicated to MCA of Beasties (RIP)

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Artist Track Album Label Year Format Comments Approx. start time
Blind Boy Broken Dick Dong Long  DnZ's Moms Backwater Blues   Favoriting Ain't No Hoe Like the Hoe I Got  Chess  1947       
The Agrovators  Joe Lewis   Favoriting   Hop Records    7"    0:00:31 (Pop-up)
Orlando Julius & The Modern Aces  Ise Owo   Favoriting DJ JOHNNY PAYCHECK LIVE IN DA MIX FROM GOOD RECORDS on WFMU - BOO        this rare 45 is from Ghana  0:02:14 (Pop-up)
The Politicians  Free Your Mind (inst)   Favoriting DJ JOHNNY PAYCHECK LIVE IN DA MIX FROM GOOD RECORDS on WFMU - BOO  Hot Wax    7"    0:06:24 (Pop-up)
Herman Kelly and Life  Now is the time for lovin'   Favoriting Can The Drummer Have Some      LP  very rare record - goes for $500 on Ebay - all part of DJ JOHNNY PAYCHECK"S set -  0:09:57 (Pop-up)
Bobby Moore  "Call me your anything man"   Favoriting   Scepter    7"    0:12:20 (Pop-up)
P I R Square  Fantasy   Favoriting DJ JOHNNY PAYCHECK LIVE IN DA MIX FROM GOOD RECORDS on WFMU - BOO  Wee Records    45  Bay Area rare early shit  0:16:46 (Pop-up)
Gloria Taylor  How can you say it   Favoriting DJ JOHNNY PAYCHECK LIVE IN DA MIX FROM GOOD RECORDS on WFMU - BOO  Selector Sound    7"    0:19:22 (Pop-up)
Bob Marley  Ravers Version   Favoriting   Tuff Gong    7"    0:22:13 (Pop-up)
Fela Ransome-Kuti & Africa 70  Trouble Sleep Yanga Wake Am   Favoriting Roforofo Fight  Jofabro    LP    0:25:34 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
DJ Johnny Paycheck + Azeem interivew 

over Fela track "Roforofo Fight"   Favoriting






0:33:05 (Pop-up)
Creme De La Ultra  The Rapture   Favoriting           0:45:16 (Pop-up)
Beastie Boys  Funky Donkey   Favoriting Hot Sauce Committee Part 2    2011      0:48:29 (Pop-up)
Beastie Boys  Beastie Boys   Favoriting         back when they was young NYC punks  0:50:25 (Pop-up)
Beastie Boys  Brass Monkey   Favoriting Licensed to Ill          0:51:18 (Pop-up)
Beastie Boys  Sure Shot   Favoriting Ill Communication    1994      0:54:00 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:

Benson Bridges Hotrobust Remix   Favoriting






0:58:12 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar 4:54pm
Billy Jam:

today's show (or rather back to back two WFMU shows with Mr Fine Wine) are coming live from GOOD RECORDS in the East Village and they wrap up the three part series of PTNOTR shows - live remotes from Manhattan.....Today's guest will include Johnny Paycheck and Azeem and some others (with dank) and will be dedicated to MCA/Adam Yauch of the Beastie Boys - Rest In Peace
Avatar 5:01pm

Preformed by Champion Slam Poet, Azeem
Urban Legend Breaks The Stage

Champion Slam Poet and Bay Area Hip Hop legend Azeem presents his One Man Show- RUDE at the Bowery Poetry Club May 15, 2012 @ 8pm.

East Bay Express which once crowned Azeem "Best of the Bay -Hip Hop Artist" says, Rude "is intense, revelatory, transcendent, brilliant, poignant, and tragic."
The SF Bay Guardian writes-"Its combination of raw energy, deft delivery, beautifully honed characters, and inspired narrative flow was so transporting - I actually lost my hang-over!"
Oakland Post confides, "Anyone who claims to love contemporary theater and does not go is committing sacrilege."

Consider a reunion with dead entertainers, a comical alien abduction where the universe is simply Gods Rolex, and you might be able guess what's coming next. The audience is quickly transported into a world where, Demetrius has a spirit child in his hand, the white kids with dreads are starting the revolution, and televisions are manufactured to watch people back.

RUDE- May 15, 2012 @ 7pm.
@ the Bowery Poetry Club
308 Bowery New York NY,10012
Avatar 7:02pm

Right now is DJ JOHNNY PAYCHECK in da mix live from GOOD RECORDS

Yo Billy! Checkin in. Been a minute. RIP MCA!

Bonjour Billy Jam !
(or bonsoir, it's 01.00am here in Paris)

Triste nouvelle avec le décès de MCA.
Avatar 7:07pm
Billy Jam:

Bonjour Pierre - what up Eons One - Rest in Peace MCA -hit me back with YOUR FAVORITE BEASTIE BOYS SONG here on comments

sounds sharp!
other david:

Hey Billy Jam & Listeners,

For today, my Beasties track would be "Something's Got To Give"

i kinda like anything that has been made byt the Beastie Boys, there's some very interesting stuff on hello nasty, license to ill is awesome, listening to "girls"for example.
Todd 76%:

Not very hip hop of me, I know, but I still love "Egg Raid on Mojo" and the whole Pollywog Stew EP. Shouts to you and Mr. Finewine, Billy!
Avatar 7:21pm
Billy Jam:

Man I love this music so much - and I love life so much - and today with the passing of MCA / Adam Yauch just drove home the point even more that this is it - we could, any of us, go at any moment so let's live life to the fullest goddamit and put the needle on the record and bring that beat back -----
other david:

Nicely put Billy.

Loving these tunes too, sublime selection - DJ Johnny knows how to pick'em :)

Great music is life affirming

Totally man, this is IT, we only go once around-live LIFE like Henry Miller

pass the mic
Savory C:

just devastashi..
love that MCA.. tha man had fun.. great spirit..

"creme de la ultra" is a fantastic name !!
Tall Paul:

Yo Bill n Azeem what up?
It is a sad day in HipHop with the passing of MCA as you said we can go at anytime, time to live for today. Peace, One Love

I was out, had to come back in to check... awesomeness!

RIP MCA. I agree, live life to the fullest. But if MCA was right, he'll be back soon via reincarnation. So at least his essence will continue to be around.

Also: yes, "Brass Monkey"!

top tribute toons ,cheers Billy.
other david:

Ditto - thanks Billy

the rapture rocked ass
michael c:

thanks for this
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