Favoriting JA In The AM with John Allen: Playlist from March 21, 2012 Favoriting

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"I listened yesterday. It's no reflection on you but I could'nt see where you were going or what you were going for. This early seventies thing did'nt get noticed the first time and you talk about friends of like Dealney and Bonnie who had records out like we're supposed to remember who they are. Then you play this long winded free jazz stuff that really grates on my nerves. And that noise without a beat and sounds like someones being pinched. Then you play a reggae song, I think you called it Dub, to what, be cool? You seem to really fetishize the whole folk thing too which is obnoxious to us who don't even care. I liked it when you played that punk song though. I like Joe Belock a lot." (Visit homepage.)

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Fri. Mar 14th, 9am - Noon: John Allen and his Co-Host Clay Pigeon

Favoriting March 21, 2012

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Artist Track Album Label Year Format Approx. start time
blues control & laraaji  awakening day/lightships   Favoriting blues control & laraaji  rvng  2011  LP  0:00:00 (Pop-up)
simon fisher turner  the great white silence part 2   Favoriting the great white silence ost  soleilmoon  2011  CD  0:17:48 (Pop-up)
sachiko & fukuoka rinji    tomo  musik atlach  2012  CD  0:25:49 (Pop-up)
tirath singh nirmala w& richard youngs    s/t  hp cycle  2007  LP  0:40:49 (Pop-up)
brent wilcox  sprak n' frazzle   Favoriting executive lullabies  frgk  1988  LP  0:46:34 (Pop-up)
burnt friedman  bokoboko   Favoriting bokoboko  nonplace  2012  CD  0:53:19 (Pop-up)
pulse emitter  immortality   Favoriting aeons  aguirre  2012  LP  1:04:36 (Pop-up)
noizunzuri  komori-uta   Favoriting hoyo  tg  1985  LP  1:14:04 (Pop-up)
marcia bassett & samara lubelski  oct 17th 2010 brighton beach bk ny   Favoriting sunday afternoon  kye  2012  LP  1:18:59 (Pop-up)
leo kupper  paroles sur langue   Favoriting digital voices  pogus  2012  CD  1:37:26 (Pop-up)
monitor  i saw dead jim's shade   Favoriting s/t  world imitation  1981  LP  1:40:10 (Pop-up)
anders nilsson  breakfast boogie nightmare ballad   Favoriting night guitar  sound@one  2012  CD  1:45:38 (Pop-up)
lee ranaldo  off the wall   Favoriting between the times and the tides  matador  2012  LP  2:00:47 (Pop-up)
the housecoat project  walkin these streets   Favoriting girlfriend  subterranean  1989  LP  2:03:47 (Pop-up)
numbers band  thunderhead   Favoriting among the wandering  water bros.  1987  LP  2:08:00 (Pop-up)
zoogz rift  delinquent payments   Favoriting nonentity  sst  1988  LP  2:12:35 (Pop-up)
obnox  whaadup young bleed   Favoriting i'm bleeding now  smog veil  2012  LP  2:21:52 (Pop-up)
mick barr  sie 1   Favoriting coiled malescence  safety meeting  2012  LP  2:25:44 (Pop-up)
david buddin  canticle V   Favoriting canticles  ubexplode  2012  CD  2:43:02 (Pop-up)
willie lane  folk vortex   Favoriting known quantity  cord-art  2009  LP  2:57:49 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

sinister d.:

howdy John and fellow listeners .... good to be here

hello everyone.

Blues control and laraaji is kinda nice - what album / release is it from please? Mick
George of Troy:

Greetings, John and everyone.
Avatar 6:17am

good morning all
George of Troy:

@mickthedog- I believe it's this one: http://www.tinymixtapes.com/news/blues-control-laraaji-collaborate-frkwys-series-introduce-americans-concept-stillness

Mancheste, England signing in

And if you like this Fisher Turner - I recommend Richie Hawtin and Pete Namlook's series 'From Within'. Bit more beaty, but same sort of synth sounds... Mmmmm.

Thankyou George!

very atmospheric
sinister d.:

i heard a piece a few weeks ago that was just an old typewriter .... chikachikachikading ...... don't remember when or what show .... can someone help?

It could be 'Strength through Failure' or 'The Frow Show.'

maybe during The Long Rally.
sinister d.:

was hoping to find out the artist .... hmmm ... chikachikachikachikachikachika *ding* *sliiiiiide* chikachikachik......... heh heh oh man it just thrilled me for some reason
sinister d.:

George of Troy:

I don't think the computer keyboard can do it justice, JA.
sinister d.:

i think it was the pause between the ding and the slide ..... so good ...... awesome radio this morning John , thanks
Avatar 7:20am

there's no competing with the analog of a typewriter
D in Miami:

Morning all. Sounds like a good show so far. I'll have to listen to the archive later to hear what I missed.
sinister d.:

off to the job .... be listening on the android ... be seein ya
Richard from Venezuela:

Very refreshing this last track. Greetings John and all the listeners.
woodejn ship:

Is this guru music?
woodejn ship:

who does the singer from housecoat project think she is, patti lunch? lydia smith?
woodejn ship:

Avatar 8:09am

oh that's funny how you mixed up those two names WS. clever shit!
woodejn ship:

thanks. it was nothing. really.
woodejn ship:

really like numbers band. so underrated.
Avatar 8:13am

yeah. there is no one to overrate things in Akron
woodejn ship:

it's always perplexed me why people refer to zoogz rift as the 'poor man's captain beefheart'. so unfair. more like the 'retarded tom waits'.
Avatar 8:20am

tom waits' shoulda stopped at Raindogs. That's just about when Zoogz comes in
woodejn ship:

I wouldn't buy either one of them a chocolate milk.
Avatar 8:33am

you should revisit my zoogz rip tribute last april and maybe rethink your statement.
woodejn ship:

no, i saw him a few times. he was a living testament to why fast food kills.
George of Troy:

OK, that's it. I don't want to hear another guitar for the rest of the week!
woodejn ship:

a sonic filibuster for sure.
Avatar 8:39am

GT, thinking about doing the last 15 minutes as Jonathan Kane lead in to Ken's show.
woodejn ship:

this reminds me of the piano scene in 'Big'.
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