logo by robert piersanti
March 3, 2012 Favoriting

Marathon 2012 Week 2

w/ co-host Tom Scharpling!

Call 800-989-9368 or go HERE to pledge!

Pledges of $75 OR MORE automatically gets you Terre's premium:

The Cherry Blossom Clinic with Terre T. presents
The Ragnarock-n-Roll Pack!

A supercool new T-shirt & a CD packed with End of Times punk, glam, indie,
psych & hard rock rarities from Terre's personal vinyl collection!
(Sizes available: Men's S, Men's M, Men's LG, Men's XL, Men's 2XL, Men's 3XL,
Women's M, Women's LG)

("Ragnarock-n-Roll" CD cover designed by Eye Noise Art.)

Men's/Unisex sizes on navy. Women's sizes on pink.
(Cherry Blossom Clinic t-shirt designed by Erin Klauk.)

Pledges of $500 OR MORE gets you in the running for our grand prize!

The INSANELY RARE Third Man Prize Pack!

1.Jack White "Love Interruption" test pressing 45
Test pressing of Jack White's debut solo single. The ultimate Third Man Records rarity - test pressings almost never hit the marketplace, and the label itself describes this as "the Holy Grail!" (The conventional pressing of this single, not the test press offered here, went for $300!!!)

2. David Liscomb High School Chorus 45
Part of Third Man's School Choirs and Bands at Third Man series, and this single was never available for purchase anywhere!

3. Promo CD "Blue Series" singles of
Duane, John (C. Reilly) and Tom (Brosseau) and Tom Jones
Promotional only and incredibly rare! Extremely difficult to find even on eBay! Never available for sale!

Pledges of $100 OR MORE gets you in the running for one of THREE "not-quite-grand-but-still-mighty-awesome" hourly prizes!

To be given away at 4 pm

Ted Leo and the Pharmacists
5 CD Prize Pack

Not one, not two but FIVE CDs from one of the finest bands of our time, Ted Leo and the Pharmacists! One stop shopping for all your Ted Leo needs!

To be given away at 5 pm

Autographed SCORE! 20 Years of Merge Records
17(!) CD box set

From Merge Records: Last year marked the 20th anniversary of Merge Records,
and in addition to a 5-day music festival, we celebrated with
SCORE! 20 Years of Merge Records, a limited-edition subscription box set
that was delivered to subscribers throughout 2009. Includes:
—Fourteen CDs with original cover art and bonus content from curators such as Kara Walker, David Byrne, Mindy Kaling, Amy Poehler, and more. Bonus content includes exclusive new recordings from The Minus 5, Lou Barlow, Destroyer, and others.
Andrea Zittel, Zach Galifianakis, David Chang, Miranda July, and Phil Morrison provide exclusive videos for their compilations.
—The Covers! CD featuring Merge songs covered by non-Merge artists including Ryan Adams, The Mountain Goats, The Shins, The New Pornographers, and more.
—The Remixes! CD featuring Merge songs remixed by non-Merge artists including Four Tet, Jason Forrest, Mark Robinson, and more.
—The Merge Records Companion, a full-color, 350+ page softbound book featuring every single Merge record cover from the past 20 years.
—A Scharpling & Wurster full-length CD featuring new and exclusive comedy from The Best Show on WFMU's Tom Scharpling and Superchunk drummer Jon Wurster.
—A special-edition Andrew Kuo poster.
—And last, but not least, a specially designed box to hold it all in!

To be given away at 6 pm

Jon Spencer 4 LP and T-Shirt Prize Pack

An autographed LP of Pussy Galore's Right Now! (signed by all original members of
Pussy Galore) plus LPs of The Jon Spencer Blues Explosion's Extra Width, Orange and
Now I Got Worry and a Boss Hog t-shirt!

Many, many more prizes will be given away throughout the show for a minimum pledge of $15 OR MORE!!!

(For more information on WFMU pledge levels and swag, check here.)

Follow Terre!!!
on Twitter: Twitter.com/TerreCherry
on Facebook: facebook.com/terre-cherryblossom-WFMU
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Favoriting The Cherry Blossom Clinic with hostess Terre T

On WFMU | 91.1, 90.1, 91.9 FM & wfmu.org
WFMU LIVE Audio Streams (Get help):   Pop-up  |  128k AAC  |  128k MP3  |  32k MP3

Wednesday 6 - 8pm (EDT) | On WFMU's Rock'N'Soul Radio
Note: The music bed between sets is the william orbit remix of pierre henry's "psyche rock" taken from the 1997 album metamorphose -- messe pour le temps present featuring the music of pierre henry and michel colombier (FFRR/polygram 4562942).

The last column may have tons or NO info depending on how reliable my notes are. (I write up the set list as I play it)
Artist Title Album, Label, Format, Year, Notes Approx. start time
THE MOVE  Cherry Blossom Clinic Revisited   Favoriting Shazam!.  
VICTIMIZE  Where Did the Money Go?   Favoriting I.M.E.. 7". (1980) 0:07:09 Pop-up)  
THE BEETS  You Don't Want Kids to Be Dead   Favoriting Let The Poison Out. Hardly Art. CD. (2011)
For a minimum pledge of $15, you'll be in the running to win this CD! Call 800-989-9368 or use the form at the top of the page!
0:15:44 Pop-up)  
TED LEO AND THE PHARMACISTS  The Mighty Sparrow   Favoriting The Brutalist Bricks. Matador. CD. (2010) Pledge $100 from now until 4 PM to get in the running for the Ted Leo and the Pharmacists 5 CD Prize Pack! 0:17:52 Pop-up)  
HÜSKER DÜ  First of the Last Calls   Favoriting Metal Circus. SST. EP. (1983)
For a minimum pledge of $15, you'll be in the running to win this book! Call 800-989-9368 or use the form at the top of the page!
0:31:55 Pop-up)  
ELECTROCHOC  Chaise Electrique   Favoriting "Three Minutes". Oxygène. 7". (1978)
From Terre's premium CD Ragnarock-n-Roll which you automatically get for a pledge of $75 or more!
0:35:40 Pop-up)  
FUCKED UP  Queen of Hearts   Favoriting David Comes to Life. Matador. CD. (2011)
For a minimum pledge of $15, you'll be in the running to win this CD! Call 800-989-9368 or use the form at the top of the page!
0:58:52 Pop-up)  
EDDY CURRENT SUPPRESSION RING  It's All Square   Favoriting s/t. Goner. CD. (2009)
For a minimum pledge of $15, you'll be in the running to win this CD! Call 800-989-9368 or use the form at the top of the page!
1:25:01 Pop-up)  
BIG DIPPER  She's Fetching   Favoriting Score! 20 Years Of Merge Records. Merge. Boxed set. (2009) Pledge $100 from now until 5 PM to get in the running for this 17(!) CD box set! 1:28:37 Pop-up)  
THE ABOVE  What She Said   Favoriting s/t. self-released. CD. (2010)
For a minimum pledge of $15, you'll be in the running to win this CD! Call 800-989-9368 or use the form at the top of the page!
1:36:23 Pop-up)  
WAYNE COUNTY AND THE BACK STREET BOYS  Max's Kansas City 1976   Favoriting (v/a) DIY: Blank Generation - The New York Scene (1975-78). Rhino. CD. (1993)
For a minimum pledge of $15, you'll be in the running to win this Steven Kasher's photo book "Max's Kansas City!" Call 800-989-9368 or use the form at the top of the page!
1:59:15 Pop-up)  
TY SEGALL  No No   Favoriting Singles 2007-2010. Goner. CD. (2011)
For a minimum pledge of $15, you'll be in the running to win this 2xLP! Call 800-989-9368 or use the form at the top of the page!
2:23:30 Pop-up)  
KING KHAN & THE SHRINES  I See Lights   Favoriting What Is?!. Vice. CD. (2009)
For a minimum pledge of $15, you'll be in the running to win this CD! Call 800-989-9368 or use the form at the top of the page!
2:25:45 Pop-up)  
PLASMATICS  Butcher Baby   Favoriting Butcher Baby - 3 Big Songs. Stiff. 12".
For a minimum pledge of $15, you'll be in the running to win this very limited bobblehead! Call 800-989-9368 or use the form at the top of the page! 110400 Wendy O' williams Bobblehead Aggronautix Other

Check it out here.
2:38:33 Pop-up)  
WILD FLAG  Romance   Favoriting Wild Flag. Merge. CD. (2011)
For a minimum pledge of $15, you'll be in the running to win this CD! Call 800-989-9368 or use the form at the top of the page!
2:42:09 Pop-up)  
REIGNING SOUND  Shaw   Favoriting Abdication... For Your Love. Scion A/V. CD. (2011)
Pledge now and you could win this Reigning Sound/Jay Vons/Stepford Husbands Prize pack (CD + 4 7"s)! 800-989-9368 or use the form at the top of the page!
2:45:49 Pop-up)  
THE JON SPENCER BLUES EXPLOSION  Bellbottoms   Favoriting Orange. Matador. CD. (1994) Pledge $100 from now until 5 PM to get in the running for the Jon Spencer 4 LP and T-Shirt Prize Pack! 2:48:09 Pop-up)  
WOUNDED LION  Roman Values   Favoriting WLIVXLCDM. In The Red. CD.
For a minimum pledge of $15, you'll be in the running to win this CD! Call 800-989-9368 or use the form at the top of the page!
2:53:09 Pop-up)  
TED LEO AND THE PHARMACISTS  Under the Hedge   Favoriting The Tyranny of Distance. Lookout. CD. (2001)
For a minimum pledge of $15, you'll be in the running to win this CD! Call 800-989-9368 or use the form at the top of the page!
2:59:14 Pop-up)  

Listener comments!

  3:02pm dc pat:

  3:05pm Caryn:

Hello all!
  3:05pm Baran:

Greetings from The Netherlands
  3:08pm R I S K Y:

  3:08pm R I S K Y:

  3:17pm Orange Blossom Dan:

Hang in to the end guys, there might be a Jerry Lewis moment from Tom but pledge like H-eck.
  3:21pm Fund Raising Script:

I heard something like this works really well:

"Oh my God, look at those phones, they're DEAD!!!! This is making me SICK TO MY STOMACH!!!!! [Insert A.P.'s First Name]!!!!! Pull my car around!!! I'm serious. I'm not taking this!!!"
  3:21pm Glenn:

You and Rex are my weekly lifelines to sanity here in RadioHell.
  3:21pm Michael K.:

@ orange blossom Dan: puppets never walk alone...
Avatar 🍒 3:23pm Kenzo:

Terre, I've updated your show title to say "week 2"!
  3:25pm Adam:

Just pledged! Great way to start a Saturday night in Edinburgh, Scotland. Thanks to WFMU providing a worldwide service.
  3:32pm Caryn:

Already pledged to you, but dammit, the Merge and Jon Spencer prizes are calling to me! But then again, I can't afford it... Aargh! To quote "Rebel Without a Cause": You're tearing me apart!!!
  3:34pm Johnathon Rockets:

Got a question for GaryThaSquirrel.

Q: Why did Mike look into the mirror?

A: He wanted to see if his eyes were open!

Get it? Get it?
  3:35pm glenn:

hey, there's two of us.
  3:36pm Jim:

terre and tom got to tung kiss on webcams, would be hot!!!!!
  3:37pm Caryn:

Even the electric chair sounds more chic in French.
  3:37pm Joe Miller:

@Jonathon: That joke is so old, even *I* didn't use it.
  3:38pm Bozooka Joe:

@Jonathon: Stop stealin' my material. Why you, I oughtta...!~!!!
  3:44pm michael and birgit:

Just pledged from germany and hello from cologne
  3:52pm glenn:

the best website i've seen today - http://www.keeprepublicansoutofmyvagina.com/
  3:55pm fishmonkeystew:

  3:57pm Chip Fontaine:

terre t's a tall drink o' rock n' roll! yyyyEEEOW! thanks for bringin' it every week, baby!
  4:03pm mike r:

surprised to see a stereotype portrayed by another. Terry has many SI listeners who are quit surprised by the comment made after another SI pledge. I guess SI money is not wanted? i know the person who pledged and he is by far a SI stereotype. surprised @ the lack of intelligence here.
  4:04pm trolly mctrollerson:

  4:05pm Bazooka Joe:

"Staten Island"
  4:06pm Don Juan:

Hey, don't knock SI...I take the ferry to there to cop my weed..best smokes in town!
  4:06pm trolly mctrollerson:

what is the Staten Island stereotype?
  4:07pm Adam in Portland and Lynnwood:

I was born in Cleveland. Lighten up. ;-)
  4:07pm Bazooka Joe:

@Queery: Tom is a great guy. If you can't tell, you haven't listened long enough. Knowledgeable people are disregarding your comment.
  4:10pm Bazooka Joe:

The SI stereotype is knuckletragging orange-tan hair-gel fist-pumping guidos, whose parents and grandparents moved to SI from Brooklyn when blacks started moving to Brooklyn in the 60s and 70s. Think Jersey Shore the TV show.

I lived on the non-guido part of SI for 30 years, so defensive SI'ers here on this board can't paint me as an SI-hater.
  4:11pm Don Juan:

  4:11pm Adam in Portland and Lynnwood:

Keep knockin' workhorse Tom and I'll bop you in the nose. Then I'll snap my SI/HC braces against yo' face! Hahahaha. ;-)
  4:13pm paul:

I might pledge if you play some music.
  4:14pm conrad:

hey, query raised over 200k for wfmu so he can say what he likes.
  4:15pm Adam in Portland and Lynnwood:

And yet, Query remains, querying.
  4:15pm Bazooka Joe:

You haven't heard of comedy, Queery. Try boning up on it, and see if you ever understand what it is. Then listen to him again.
  4:16pm CK:

@ Bazooka: yeah, my family moved to SI from Brooklyn, for that very reason and then when SI got bad (at least their part) they moved to Jersey (I was already living in the city). Born and bred in Bklyn and it has it's share of stereotypes - and not the hipster variety but the Saturday Night Fever types, like most of my old friends - but not me. for any sensitive SI-ers, "if you can't take a joke..." you know da' rest!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:17pm AP Paulie B:

@mike r- I'm offended that you're perpetuating the stereotype that Staten Islanders don't have a sense of humor.
  4:18pm Adam in Portland and Lynnwood:

C'mon, Bazooka Joe, you kinda lost me on Queery, but, hey, unlike whiny Query, I'm sure we can talk it out like measured adults. :-)
  4:19pm Bazooka Joe:

@CK: Hipsters are basically North Brooklyn, near Manhattan (which actually costs too much for them). Central and South Brooklyn is white ethnic, african american, and new-wave immigrants, depending on the neighborhood.

I live in Midwood, Central Brooklyn. One side of me is all Orthodox Jewish, the other side is all Haitian and Jamaican.
  4:19pm Adam in Portland and Lynnwood:

Anyway, WTF?!? Thread is unraveling a bit. Important thing is PLEDGE TO WFMU! 1-800-989-9368 or wfmu.org. <3
  4:22pm Karen Petroski:

Greetings from St Louis! Play an all-Montreal set and you've got $200 from me!
  4:22pm Adam in Portland and Lynnwood:

Alllllriiiiiight, Terre, Tom and WFMU! $1,000 pledge!
  4:23pm Orange Blossom Dan:

I like all 'mericans pretty much BUT pledge-o-rama guys.
  4:23pm Ignore Function:

Upped my pledge!
  4:23pm CK:

I know where the hipsters live, Joe. I was born and grew up in Bklyn, don't need a primer! Just meant Hipster is the new Bklyn stereotype. Anyway, back to our regularly scheduled program...
  4:24pm Adam in Portland and Lynnwood:

Area pride: pretty hilarious.
  4:25pm Tim:

Hey, I used to own no Ted Leo, now I own ALL Ted Leo! Pledge everybody, you gotta be in it to win it!
  4:25pm Adam in Portland and Lynnwood:

Query: lonely.
  4:25pm conrad:

query boy roy?
  4:26pm Adam in Portland and Lynnwood:

(now raising my Query blinders for who knows how long)
  4:27pm Bazooka Joe:

Query's way pent up... He's been saving up his Tom comments for a decade now, because Tom's show doesn't have comments here on the station site.
  4:27pm Nashville Noah from Coffee Break For Heroes...:

  4:28pm Adam in Portland and Lynnwood:

@BJ, ftw.
  4:28pm Nashville Noah from Coffee Break For Heroes...:

Hey Adam! Nice seeing you again, ha!
  4:29pm Adam in Portland and Lynnwood:

Noah, I will now be a regular for your Soundclouding! :-)
  4:32pm Johnathon Rockets:

We better hear some Reignin' Sound soon or we'll turn this place into a car wash.
  4:32pm Nashville Noah from Coffee Break For Heroes...:

Ahhh nicey!! I think you will dig it! REAL good hip-hop!
  4:32pm Male Nurse:

HARSCH, Terre. Terre Ceausescu, innit? More musik, less yappin. The skins'll come. Some Bastro wouldn't suck, eh? Or Big Boys. Puleeze?
  4:32pm Adam in Portland and Lynnwood:

Terre T's 2011 festival was BONKERS!
  4:34pm Adam in Portland and Lynnwood:

Noah, you already know I will. Don't be so humble. You bring it! :-)
  4:34pm Orange Blossom Dan:

T n T, they're dynamite...etc..(AC/DC)
  4:34pm Bazooka Joe:

One ringy dingy!!!
  4:36pm Ignore Function:

Tom may be alienating the Gearhead crowd with the Click n' Clack critique.
  4:38pm RC:

We gearheads understand satire.
  4:39pm Chip Fontaine:

what she said SHAMMALAMMADINGDONG! yeah, the above! davy horowitz is recording us now- this put a smile on his face!
  4:41pm Ignore Function:

And do your own auto repairs.
  4:42pm Ashtray Heart:

I'll gladly pay you Tuesday for an Executive Slacks cut today.
  4:42pm Nashville Noah from Coffee Break For Heroes...:

Just Terre talking ALONE is enough for yall to donate!! Now do it!
  4:43pm Adam in Portland and Lynnwood:

Do the mouse, yeah! 1-800-989-9368 or wfmu.org
  4:48pm Jones:

Play some music already.
  4:51pm Adam in Portland and Lynnwood:

Dad, I promise I'll do my chores, now LEAVE ME ALONE! Hahaha.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:51pm AP Paulie B:

You guys play nice or I will scrub this comments section clean!
  4:52pm glenn:

jeeez. chill out, guys. deep calming breaths.
  4:52pm query:

please pay attention to me
  4:53pm Adam in Portland and Lynnwood:

No-one, and I mean NO-ONE better speak disparagingly about Earth. It's the greatest planet EVR!
  4:54pm Adam in Portland and Lynnwood:

Paulie B, I defer to you.
  4:55pm Ignore Function:

Yetta nuther pledge from Julie.
  4:56pm seang:

do the mouse yeah-love that tune
  5:00pm Bazooka Joe:

Get in the droaring! cute :-)
  5:00pm Paisley Blowtorch:

Lovin' yr French, Terre, from la belle provence up in this bee-yay-yutch! How's the love flow on the CBC? Arcade Fire or April Wine?
  5:01pm Adam in Portland and Lynnwood:

Like Noah said earlier, listening to Terre T's alluring mic breaks is reason enough to pledge to WFMU. Just the greatest.
  5:03pm Steve-O:

Hello Terre and Tom! WFMU is at 85% of the goal! C'mon guys, keep the money coming(I'm gonna try to donate myself. This station really deserves every penny it gets =) )!

@Paisley: Are you from Montreal? I've always wanted to visit Montreal.......=)
  5:05pm conrad:

youre going to donate yourself? wfmu arent a medical school, they dont accept bodies.
  5:06pm Amelie Wilkens:

Um, sorry, but could you dial it down a smidge? A schmear of Patrick Watson or Amy Millan for your Queens Univ contingent? Thanks in advance.
  5:07pm dc pat:

alright! Lull! Maybe I'll win something...no that ain't right..LET'S GO MOTHERFAHS!
  5:08pm Steve-O:

@conrad: LOL, good one! =)
I seriously would like to donate some cash this year. Hopefully, I can scrounge up some change to do just that. =)

@Amelie: I remember Watson playing in a movie or two on top of his journalism career.....ever heard of 'Countdown to Looking Glass'?
  5:11pm Paisley Blowtorch:

Montreal dans la cabane a sucre, SON!
  5:12pm conrad:

so its not just mike. he has it in for all associate producers.
  5:12pm Steve-O:

@conrad: Maybe. =)
  5:13pm Steve-O:

(P.S. Tom, you iz funneh. =D )
  5:14pm Ashtray Heart:

Where's me Exec Slacks?!?! :(
  5:17pm radioTroll:

WFMU a platform for perpetuating stereotypes and supporting censorship. (PaulB: You guys play nice or I will scrub this comments section clean!)
  5:19pm Gregory:

yo, I pledged online! I want in on the prizes!!!
-gregory in toronto
  5:19pm dc pat:

  5:20pm Adam in Portland and Lynnwood:

Preach it, Tom!
  5:20pm Fredericks:

Cagey maneuver, Thomas.
  5:21pm kurt:

I pledged as well..this show always great...get those pledges in
  5:21pm Ken From Hyde Park:

I remember the Dengue Fever show.
  5:22pm Cheri Pi:

I'm taking my prize account outta my handbag to compete for the John Spencer prize pack!
  5:22pm Adam in Portland and Lynnwood:

Terre T, you opened my ears to Nikki Sudden. I'm forever grateful.
  5:23pm Cent per cent quebecois:

Oi Gregory! Tonight's result: Habs 6 Leafs 2. Money on it.
  5:23pm dc pat:

Smart woman, Cheri Pi...smart woman...
  5:23pm Adam in Portland and Lynnwood:

Heyyy, Cheri Pi! Wonderful to see you here! :-))
  5:24pm Ignore Function:

I finally get to see Ty Segall soon.
  5:25pm Adam in Portland and Lynnwood:

Later today I'm going out to see the documentary on Jay Reatard. R.I.P.
  5:27pm Adam in Portland and Lynnwood:

@Ignore Function, I suspect you'll love his show, and he and his bandmates are sweethearts to talk with as well. Chat them up.
  5:27pm Fredericks:

yo, I pledged online! I want in on the prizes!!!
-Fredericks in New Port Richey(toronto)
  5:29pm Fredericks:

I was out of ideas, Gregory. Sorry about the thievery.
  5:30pm Nashville Noah from Coffee Break For Heroes...:

What's this Jay Reatard documentary?
  5:30pm Nashville Noah from Coffee Break For Heroes...:

COME ON FOLKS!! Dig in your pockets!! Help out Terre T and her goal! Help WFMU!
  5:32pm Steve-O:

@Adam: Terre's opened my eyes to lots of things over the past year and a half. =)

Terre, I don't think I'll be able to make it now, but I WILL donate whenever I possibly can. You guys deserve it! =)

@Greg: Sweet!
  5:32pm dc pat:

I didn't say "Terre rocks." I said "TERRE FEKKIN ROCKS!!!"
  5:33pm Steve-O:

@dc pat: Amen to that!
  5:33pm Ignore Function:

Nice work Fredericks
  5:33pm Adam in Portland and Lynnwood:

Hey, Noah, it's called Better than Sonething. I've read it's good, not great, but I'm excited to see it all the same.
  5:34pm Steve-O:

C'mon folks, if you can donate, do it! Keep Terre's show alive! =)
  5:35pm Adam in Portland and Lynnwood:

Steve-O, I know, right? She is fantastic!
  5:36pm Steve-O:

Evan, thank you. I might just start to listen to your show because of your support of Terre. =)

@Adam: Yeah! =)
  5:37pm Adam in Portland and Lynnwood:

I love it when Terre says "I might could..." :-)
  5:37pm Steve-O:

@laugh: Aww.....why umad, bro? =(
  5:38pm Adam in Portland and Lynnwood:

  5:39pm Steve-O:

Chris T just donated? Cool, man. I like his show, too. =)
  5:39pm Steve-O:

Gaylord, too? =)
  5:41pm Patrice Poutine:

Serve up some GodCo bobbleheads!
  5:42pm Steve-O:

@Bazooka Joe: That's one thing I like about New York: It's always been the quintessential American melting pot. =) (P.S. Query is just a dumb troll. Let's ignore him. =p)
  5:42pm Adam in Portland and Lynnwood:

There is no end to my respect for the degree to which the DJ's at WFMU pledge their own hard-earned cash to support the station they work at for free. It helps me rest easy that I am throwing money in the right direction. I love WFMU!
  5:42pm dc pat:

  5:43pm Steve-O:

86 percent! C'mon GUYS, LET'S DO THIS! =D
  5:43pm Bazooka Joe:

@Steve-O: Clearly, the memo went out from Ken for everyone station-connected to help get the station pledged up enough on Saturday that the final goal is still makeable during Sunday.

Andy B. should tell one of his kids that s/he is just really not college material, and donate that kid's college fund to FMU's operating fund.
  5:44pm Bazooka Joe:


  5:44pm dc pat:

Ty Segal rules folks, go see him live. You WILL NOT REGRET IT!
  5:45pm Ignore Function:

Is Gary a Squirrel Bait fan?
  5:45pm Steve-O:

@Adam: As soon as I can, I will. WFMU rocks!

@Joe: LOL @ at the part about Andy B(and the cheapskates thing). WFMU, btw, is now at 86% of the goal. C'mon folks. Make it happen! =D
  5:46pm Steve-O:

C'mon guys! Show your Terre your love in whatever way you can! =D
  5:47pm Bazooka Joe:

  5:50pm Full Grown:

Just how tawll is the towering Terre T? Taller than that showboat Lin fella?
  5:50pm dc pat:

  5:50pm Steve-O:

89 percent, man! Just over 2,000 more bucks and she's there! C'mon people, let's pull it off! =D
  5:50pm Adam in Portland and Lynnwood:

  5:51pm Steve-O:

@Full Grown: I'd like to know, too. She is one PRETTY lady, that's for sure. =)
  5:51pm Steve-O:

@adam: LOL.

C'mon folks, if you can donate, DO IT! Show her your love! =D
  5:52pm Bazooka Joe:

Doesn't the total raised here make this show the second biggest pledge drawing show on FMU during this marathon?
  5:53pm Bazooka Joe:

Five little $365 mouse pledges and it's 100%
  5:54pm Full Grown:

Ditto, Steve-O. As mah namesake suggests, ah likes me a FG woman. Heh, heh.
  5:54pm Bazooka Joe:

Make that four. Cmon, you drama pledgers who wait till the end of every shift!
  5:54pm Steve-O:

@Joe: Maybe. I started listening to Terre on and off in late 2010, and really starting in the summer of last year. My only regret is that I only wish I'd started sooner.

And Keili pledged, too? I LOVE her show! =D
  5:54pm Adam in Portland and Lynnwood:

We're flurrious and we're not gonna take it anymore!
  5:55pm Ric:

  5:55pm Steve-O:

94 percent, Tom. =)
  5:55pm Bazooka Joe:

Tom went on autopilot LMAO
  5:55pm conrad:

that was quite the slip.
  5:56pm Bazooka Joe:

Three mouse pledges and it's done!!!
  5:56pm Bazooka Joe:

Two, now. Be the one!!!
  5:57pm Adam in Portland and Lynnwood:

I love Tom as birthing coach!
  5:57pm Steve-O:

96 percent! C'mon guys, we're almost there everybody! YAHOO!
  5:57pm Ric:

120 seconds to get 2%
  5:57pm Bazooka Joe:

Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:57pm jtm:

You did it!! The Dog's tail is WAGGIN!!
  5:58pm Adam in Portland and Lynnwood:

We're giving birth to a 100% Cherry Blossom success today!
  5:58pm Adam in Portland and Lynnwood:

Doooooo itttttttttttt!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:58pm jtm:

Huh. The dog's tail aint wagging anymore.. you went from 100% back down to 96%
  5:59pm Bas, NL:

Can't get through online pledging!!!
  5:59pm Bazooka Joe:

Those adding machines are overloaded, jtm LOL
  5:59pm Steve-O:

@Adam: LOL, man.

And guys, even if we somehow run out of time for today's show, don't let that you from stop donating! It's not too late yet!
  6:00pm Ric:

  6:00pm Adam in Portland and Lynnwood:

I'm holding out for a hero!
  6:00pm Bazooka Joe:


Big ups to those who stepped up!!!
  6:01pm Ric:

And done.

  6:02pm Ken From Hyde Park:

Thanks to all the donors and commenters today! Terre's all out of breath.
  6:02pm Adam in Portland and Lynnwood:

Congratulations pledgers/winners!
  6:02pm the trotsky:

Bring some hard-drivin', five-string banjo pickin' to get into this KY girl's pockets;)
  6:03pm Steve-O:

Oh my, God, did we really make it? Holy crap, we did!
YIPPEE! Alright! Way to go Terre and co.! And a special thanks to all those who donated, too. =D

@Ken & Adam: Seconded. =)
  6:03pm Nashville Noah from Coffee Break For Heroes...:

Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:04pm Ken:

Bas, what do you mean? Is the pledge page not loading for you?
  6:05pm Adam in Portland and Lynnwood:

  6:06pm Ignore Function:

Great job guys!
  6:07pm Bas, NL:

@Ken: While entering info it stops and pops up a window to resend info??
  6:07pm Steve-O:

I'm really truly sorry I couldn't make it to the donation box during the marathon, Terre, but I really hope to do so sometime VERY soon. You guys really deserve every bit of support you can get! =D

Again, special thanks to all those who could make it, and please do forgive those of us who couldn't. =)

@Bas: What's your browser?
  6:08pm Bas, NL:

@Steve-O: FireFox
  6:12pm Bas, NL:

@Steve-O & Ken: Is cool; it was the pledge widget shifting me back to the tab of the playlist page when it got updated!
  6:48pm Steve-O:

@Bas: Try another browser if you have one or wait a little while. It's not too late to still pledge. =)