Ken Favoriting | Come for the peace and tranquility; stay for the guttural screaming.

Wednesday 9am - Noon (EDT) | On WFMU | 91.1, 90.1, 91.9 FM &
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Playlist for 29 February 2012 Favoriting | Marathon Week 2 with Monica: Pledge to Encase Ken in Melted LPs!

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The Grand Prize for Today's show, a naked yet fuzzy Morrisey Velvet Painting by the imitiable Jorge!
Make a pledge of $30 a month (or $365) or more to be entered to win it! Drawing at Noon O'Clock, Leap Day.

Artist Song Comments Approx. start time
tATu  How Soon is Now   Favoriting
0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Prison Shake  Eisbair   Favoriting
0:21:34 (Pop-up)
Wire  The Agfers of Kodack   Favoriting   0:24:44 (Pop-up)
The Cherry Pops  Dein Haarschnitt und Deine Gitarre   Favoriting
0:37:45 (Pop-up)
Rocket/Freudental  Mick Jagger   Favoriting
0:40:37 (Pop-up)
Your DJ Speaks with Monica over Curd Duca-Sin Swing      0:44:15 (Pop-up)
Funkadelic  Free Your Mind and Your Ass Will Follow   Favoriting
0:55:12 (Pop-up)
Kim Fowley  Inner Space Discovery   Favoriting
1:03:12 (Pop-up)
Electralane  To The East   Favoriting
1:07:30 (Pop-up)
Your DJ Pitches With Monica over Jonathan Kane      1:12:16 (Pop-up)
Matias Aguayo  Desde Rusia   Favoriting
1:26:02 (Pop-up)
Yukon Orange  Ernie Bachmann   Favoriting
1:34:30 (Pop-up)
Your DJ Pitches With Monica      1:36:00 (Pop-up)
J.C. Satan  Hell Death Samba   Favoriting
1:42:30 (Pop-up)
Basement Jaxx  Good Luck   Favoriting
1:45:41 (Pop-up)
Brigitte Fontaine  Genre Humain   Favoriting
1:50:59 (Pop-up)
Your DJ Pitches With Monica      1:56:18 (Pop-up)
Olivia Tremor Control  The Opera House   Favoriting
2:02:06 (Pop-up)
Gimmicks  Cigarette   Favoriting
2:05:25 (Pop-up)
Your DJ Pitches With Monica      2:07:50 (Pop-up)
Velvet Underground  Guess I'm Falling In Love (Instrumental)   Favoriting
2:18:08 (Pop-up)
Your DJ Speaks over Jonathan Kane      2:21:48 (Pop-up)
Supercar  Lucky   Favoriting
2:29:03 (Pop-up)
Jaqee  Pink Drunken Elephant   Favoriting
2:35:21 (Pop-up)
Your DJ Pitches With Monica      2:39:27 (Pop-up)

Listener comments!

  9:08am Aaron in Minneapolis:

About time!
  9:08am Dan B From Upstate:

Are you melting down the leftover poopy records from the flood?
  9:08am robyn:

guten morgen, loveless humans.
  9:10am pierre:

Its great to see you doing your thing live Ken
Bonjour from Paris !!!

Joyeux Marathon !!!
Come on' people !!!!
Avatar 9:10am monica:

pledge winged monkeys, pledge! let's suffocate ken in melted vinyl!
  9:10am still b/p:

That looks kinda like a velvet Romney.
Regarding the missing item of Ken-wear, it's a puzzle -- call Will Shortz
  9:10am Aaron in Minneapolis:

I will donate some more money if you do a transition between Robin Sparkles to Tom Waits
  9:11am other david:

When I click the marathon page it says the show on air is still John Allen
  9:11am f0f0 (:

hey everybody! Ken, Monica, The Number!
Avatar 9:12am monica:

that number again...
  9:12am pierre:

half-man / half-stream of pure energy : KEN
  9:14am Titus:

  9:15am hamburger:

let's make Ken the abominable vinyl beast!
  9:16am still b/p:

Melter skelter!
  9:17am Van in DC:

Well this should be fun. Hi there.
  9:17am Dan B From Upstate:

This gives new meaning to Ken's vinyl fetish photos.
  9:18am Vicki:

  9:20am still b/p:

If the labels are readable, tell us what each donned record is.
  9:20am robyn:

@Dan B HA
  9:21am Nathan:

I want to hear a Stylus Man vs. Vinyl Man battle.
  9:22am Vicki:

Monica's mic is off right now
  9:22am mike noble 7sd:

aye... is it off for the radio or just the video feed?
  9:23am Vicki:

I'm listening to the video feed and now there's no music
  9:24am mike noble 7sd:

same here vicki. i'm switching over to radio until the next mic break.
  9:24am Vicki:

the 128k is normal, it's the video feed that's off for audio
  9:25am listener mark:

black screen on the video
  9:25am I X Key!:

oh no I could see the video but the noise I heard didn't seem right
  9:26am Vicki:

first Ken and Monica were on, and then Monica wasn't on and just Ken, and then no audio - ok it's coming back... you can hear Ken (I can see the screen fine)
  9:26am Vicki:

ok, so you can hear Ken's mic fine, the rest isn't there
  9:27am Vicki:

ok it's back, Ken fixed it then
  9:27am seang:

there we go
  9:27am Jim:

Isn't that Wire song "The Art of Stopping"?
Avatar 9:28am monica:

thanks, vicki! ken's appendages are vanishing under molten vinyl...
  9:28am listener mark:

went to USTREAM it is OK there
  9:29am Mark:

who's the dude in the fez?
  9:29am Vicki:

yes, he'll have to play the molten vinyl and wear the straight ones
  9:33am Skirkie:

Tis the man himself, Nick the Bard in the fez.
  9:34am Skirkie:

Oh no, that RIP Ken was for the Lyme disease, not the vinyl suffocation, but it's all the same in the end I suppose.
  9:34am Lizardner Dave:

I hope he put a Rush record on for my pledge.
  9:34am Mark:

thanks Skirkie
  9:34am f0f0 (:

Ken won't be able to have an out-of-body radio DJ experience with those vinyls attached to his body.
  9:35am other david:

Pledged in, wish I could give much much more
  9:35am tomasz.:

still b/p (@9:10): "Velvet Romney" would be a pretty good band name
  9:36am Dan B From Upstate:

So sad I can't see the video, but my problem is that ustream is blocked at work.
  9:37am mike noble 7sd:

shouldn't ken be naked under the suit of armor?
  9:37am ?:

Ken is building the suit he wants to be buried in.
  9:37am Andrew Waterloo:

Gotta love that Tonetta
  9:38am Andrew Waterloo:

Is Ken going to make himself some bowl shaped vinyl breast plates?
  9:39am still b/p:

@ tomasz -- A wealth-metal band?
  9:39am listener mark:

Hi Faye !
  9:39am MD:

My upstream is not working!!! I have to use my imagination!!!! Ouch...IT HURTS....not REALLY...That's why I listen to this station...
  9:40am pierre:

seing Ken say "Pierre" live from the ustream, is already a swag to me.
  9:41am Andrew Waterloo:

MD, after all, music goes in the EAR not the EYE
  9:41am ?:

I gotta agree with still b/p about the velvet painting looking like Romney... yikes. I wouldn't want Romney on my wall!
  9:41am listener mark:

@MD go to USTREAM search for WFMU
  9:41am glenn:

i thought he would be melting the vinyl onto his body. that would be way better.
  9:41am pierre:

ok, he is wearing Calvin Klein underwear (for those who don't see the ustream)
  9:43am listener mark:

dear vishnu save us
  9:43am tomasz.:

ha ha, i noticed Ken's swish pants as well
  9:43am f0f0 (:

MD, and all the people that can't watch the videostream.

I'll give you a description of the scenes being streamed right now.

So Jack and Justin are coming into the DJ room to meet Ken. They are bringing in a big sausage pizza. Now there's a reverse cowbow and some commas zeros. For a more detailed information please visit:,0,0/./

  9:45am Spoony:

ken looks like robocop
  9:45am other david:

Ken is suited up in melted vinyl and still working like crazy. So awesome.
  9:45am I X Key!:

What is going on with the levels
  9:46am listener mark:

The radio station is swarming with minions dressed in different pastel colored jumpsuits with matching hard hats.
  9:47am Vicki:

I don't think Ken should be wearing clothes underneath, it would definitely affect the pledge amount (not sure which direction)
  9:48am Vicki:

I think you might need to push the cable in for the audio on the video - the right channel is a bit intermittent
  9:49am glenn:

hey. monica edited me. what i said was, tonetta's not half as weird as the ppeople i see in toronto every day.
  9:49am Nick the Bard:

if Ken dies during the marathon, can I have the skull staff?
  9:50am Andrew Waterloo:

I still think he needs two bowl shapes for his vinyl breast plate
  9:52am Caryn:

@Vicki: I think Ken was supposed to just be wearing those shorts that have disappeared. I think the jeans are there just because the shorts are nowhere to be found.
  9:52am name of the beast:

Ken = Milli Vinylli.
  9:53am pierre:


(wait… what did i win ?)
  9:54am Vicki:

I'm sure someone can find you some 99 cents old pants
  9:55am Ayn:

I can't wait to see Ken's cuirass....
  9:56am Sigmund:

A metaphor? It's ze muzzer complex.
  9:56am OM:

I thought Ken was going to *pour* hot melted vinyl on his body.

I think this approach is better... is it?
  9:56am Michael:

It means that music was how little Ken armoured himself against the fracas of the world around him.

(Except when most depressed, it---with the inclusion of spoken-word audio---works for me.)
  9:57am Mark:

it is a metaphor, that's all you need to know
  9:57am pierre:

— So a person won a Justin Bieber toothbrush, and what was the other price ??
  9:57am yayson:

general ken, top of the game. warrior priest of funk.
  9:58am Ayn:

Cuisse your thigh, and your cuirass will follow.
  9:58am mike noble 7sd:

isn't that how the parthians executed Crassus? they poured molten vinyl down his throat. because he collected too many records.
  9:58am tr:

Wax armour.
  9:58am Laura L:

Thank god he didn't ask if it's a metaphor or a simile.
  9:59am Chris J:

Ken is assuming the mantle of the Living Groove.
  10:00am kiki:

I got the music on me,
I got the music on me,
I got the music on meeeee...!
  10:01am Skirkie:

I was in a band once with a guy that loved, LOVED Mark Knopfler. Loved him. And now he's melted and on your hip. (Mark is) This pleases me.
  10:01am Polonius:

For the apparel oft proclaims the man.
  10:02am bill:

The Cherry Pops gif is timed perfectly to this Funkadelic track
  10:02am glenn:

according to google, the all knowing, nobody's ever done this.
  10:02am pierre:

ok, well i think i'll just wait and see then :)
  10:04am Gaga:

I was going to do it this Saturday!
  10:04am Vicki:

stream starting and stopping
  10:04am other david:

video stream stuttering for me - anyone else? ustream or my isp's fault probably
  10:04am Lucas:

Hello world!
  10:05am Vicki:

no, it's cutting - audio going, and picture freezing
Avatar 10:06am monica:

ken strapped dire straits to his left hip with black gaffer's tape. what body part should come next?
  10:06am EzSezz:

I smell Oscar!
  10:06am Vicki:

I think since the overlay came up
  10:06am other david:

  10:07am Van in DC:

What's with the tape? I expected a stapler?
  10:07am yayson:

it is stuttering but a lot less than it has on previous marathon attempts
  10:07am Vicki:

it's definitely the overlay that's causing it
  10:08am Jeezy:

I can't believe Ken has grey hair. I'm stunned!
The vinyl should be melted and applied hot enough not to require tape.
  10:08am mike noble 7sd:

he needs vinyl spats for his feet
  10:09am the ladies:

who is the handsome actor ken hired to play him on screen?
  10:09am other david:

  10:10am Lucas:

That's real Ken. Yeah electrelane!!
  10:10am Van in DC:

Ken should "Unearthed" a copy of "The Only Song" album for the coup de grace
  10:11am Vicki:

video stream still stuttering - since you put the overlay of the text up
  10:11am pierre:

hahahaha… everybody wants to see hot vinyl on body parts :)
  10:11am Caryn:

Okay, the freezing is annoying me now. I'm gonna switch off the playlist to see if the lack of gif strain on my computer will help.
  10:14am Nora:

Ken, YOU are the boss. Good morning.
  10:16am Van in DC:

So who is that helping out with the tape?
  10:17am EzSezz:

I don't know what the metaphor is but if Ken starts doing something with styluses (styli?) I think we need to worry.
  10:17am mike noble 7sd:

isn't that puppetmaster heather?
  10:18am Caryn:

Now the Ustream is "off air"? Aargh!
  10:18am Van in DC:

Wow. Serious ustream lock up.
  10:19am I X Key!:

problem again?!
  10:20am Cecile:

Monica has had enough stuff happen in her life for four people. I bow to her.
  10:20am Van in DC:

I've got multiple layers of Ken in my headphones, ustream & flash player as backup due to the lockups.
  10:21am mike noble 7sd:

i used to work with jean beauvoir from the plasmatics (and drums along the mohawk fame)
  10:21am other david:

I desperately hope the melted vinyl lp suit turns out to be a cure for Lyme disease
  10:21am Cecile:

Can we get in for the Morrissey if we have a prize account?
  10:21am Jenniqua:

Here's a Wendy O Williams' illustrated diary, created/drawn by me...
  10:21am listener mark:

"Hello children!"
  10:21am Salat:

Since you've been mentioning that you were dying, Maybe the records is a form of mummification just like those crazy Pharaohs.
  10:21am Bindlestiff Family Cirkus:

A vinyl-coated Ken and a razor-sharp witted Monica make an irresistible combination! But we also sends big Mousey, Cirkus love to MAC, Talk's Cheap, Trouble, Bronwyn and Jay, Bill Kelly, Rex, Frank O'Toole, Duane, Mudd Up, Gaylord, Jonesy, Dusty, Joe Belock, LIz Berg, Michael Shelley….I'm glued to these airwaves like ken's vinyl codpiece is melted to his...
  10:22am Nora:

Metaphor ideas: Covered in music; protected by music; he IS the music; Ken is a musical organism!
  10:23am dc pat:

dang, if I'm being thanked I better comment. Busy as fuck!
  10:23am Cecile:

Jennique, that is the best thing I've read in a million years.
Are you going to print it up?
  10:23am dc pat:

  10:24am mike noble 7sd:

dc pat-- you ever listen to radio cpr?
  10:25am glenn:

i'd love to read a book about musicians and their day jobs.
  10:26am Detroit Mac:

Pledged! Ken Becomes: Disc-O-Man! Will melted vinyl cure the Lymes? (they both have the Magic "Y" in their names!)
  10:26am Cecile:

Do you guys have Prince Charles and the City Beat Band's Cash Money floating around? "pennies, nickels, dimes, quarters..."
  10:26am dc pat:

brilliant Jennique, really cool
  10:26am m:

jacques cousteau
  10:27am I X Key!:

! :o)
  10:28am Cecile:

rolla rolla rolla
  10:29am Caryn:

@Salat: I think the gif by the Kim Fowley track illustrates (in a different colour, of course) what the vinyl covering should look like, once finished :)
  10:30am Caryn:

I'm surprised I haven't heard a single DJ play Spinal Taps "Gimme Some Money" during the marathon. Or the Monty Python money song.
Avatar 10:30am monica:

aproaching 17 plates of vinyl armor... metaphors, people, metaphors!
  10:31am Caryn:

Aargh! Missing apostrophe! That should be Tap's...
  10:32am Cecile:

I don't think it's desde russia, it's rollerskate.
  10:33am Jennique:

Cecile & DC Pat, email me and I will send you a printed copy of the Wendy O Williams diary.
Glenn - I did a coupla musician books, such as the Sammy Hagar cookbook, Neil Diamond's guide to a better life and Robert Smith's beauty book. Check 'em out at:
  10:33am Mark in VT:

The Roku box has a Ustream channel. I can watch this on that and use my lap top.
Avatar 10:34am tim:

The view from the Phone Room: Ken's looking very Rollerball-ish. High Caan, one might say.
  10:35am Danne D:

Go Ken Go!
Hi folks :) (Note to self #34)
That Morrisey painting is probably the most disturbing of all the WFMU velvet paintings I have seen.
  10:36am Nora:

Has anyone said "Music Man"? I would pledge but I did a pre-marathon naming pledge. Viva la musica! Viva Ken! Viva WFMU!!!!!
  10:36am bw:

Ken I will always have some PITY to send your way - and of course admiration! There would be no WFMU without you. All hail Ken!
  10:36am G:

@Danne: It's the soft-focus pit hair makes it special
  10:38am mjgoins:

I dig the huge laptop optical illusion
  10:39am MD:

Do it for MAN RAY....AND DALI!!!!
  10:39am Michael:

Nice auto-{mash-up} listening to the steady audio-only feed as the video feed kicks in and out....
  10:39am Li'l Funk:

Safety comes when you get behind a lot of good grooves...
  10:40am mike noble 7sd:

i like how i got props for an eric begosian reference that i didn't make. thanks for punching up my comment, monica!
  10:40am tomasz.:

wow, someone from Warrington pledged? north-west stand up!
  10:40am tr\sh:

Taking records to new heights.
  10:40am Cecile:

Ken is returning to the earth which birthed him through its by-products.
  10:40am mike noble 7sd:

i was merely making a reference to "SOAK ANDY/KEN!"
  10:41am tr\sh:

Spinning old formats on new sides.
  10:42am mike noble 7sd:

mark you are a genius. i didn't realize it was on roku!
  10:42am tr\sh:

Folding into any damn format.
  10:42am Cecile:

Ken will burst forth from the LP chysalis like a beautiful butterfly.
  10:42am Rob W:

Ken is a chimerical tower of molten pop culture fantasies.
  10:43am Caryn:

Dammit, Jennique! I don't know which is more brilliant, the WOW diary or the Robert Smith beauty tips. Awesome!
  10:43am Dan B from Upstate:

Finally got a chance to check out the ustream on my phone. It's a little choppy. So sad. :-( Ken looks awesome, though!
  10:44am Vivian:

Dan, I agree! Ken does look awesome!
  10:45am Rob W:

I really should have said "Ken is a chimerical tower of molten pop culture nightmares" - but Cecile's image is much better regardless!
  10:45am mike noble 7sd:

@Mark in VT - i cannot find this roku/ustream channel you speak of.
  10:46am Mark in VT:

also a Facebook channel on roku. It will make a Facebook screensaver of photos from friend pages. But that can be disturbing if it catches you off guard. I woke up from a nap on the couch to see a pic of X Ray's nipples and belly.
  10:46am mike noble 7sd:

oh i see... it's HIDDEN roku channel
  10:47am Caryn:

Man, the rabbit in the gif looks like it has blood smeared all over its face. The stuff of nightmares...
  10:47am jimp:

vinyl as the protective force against the finyl days ahead. Ask any gynyl-cologist. It works.
  10:47am robyn:

i like that ken plays basement jaxx. i love this song.
  10:48am Cecile:

The video is also amazing.
  10:48am Michael:

Next year's grand prize: a black velvet painting of Ken, fully vinyl-armoured.
  10:48am Cecile:

robyn - Basement Jaxx are the Beatles of dance music. They are amazing.
  10:48am Mark in VT:

yes it is a hidden channel or private channel that you have to add from their website I think. Don't exactly remember how I got it on there. If you google roku private channels you will find a list and the codes to enter.
  10:49am mike noble 7sd:

dear science, this is life changing. WFMU ON MY TV
  10:49am Caryn:

Bopping along to Basement Jaxx.
  10:49am tr\sh:

I think a skirt of sewn 45s would be pretty great.
  10:50am Vicki:

a microphone skirt
  10:50am Cecile:

I love the BellRays, but this might be Lisa's best vocal performance ever.
  10:50am tr\sh:

oo-o, yeah, Vicki.
  10:51am Van in DC:

Ken's taking "getting wrapped up in your work" to a whole new level
  10:52am Frankie Kafka:

One morning, as Ken F was waking up from anxious dreams, he discovered that in his bed he had been changed into a monstrous Beatles collection.
  10:53am Jennique:

Maybe the vinyl will fuse onto Ken's skin and he will have a crunchy vinyl shell with a soft, chewy center.
  10:53am Skirkie:

Danne D is saying I might have won a Beiber Brush. Say it ain't so.
  10:54am other david:

Skirkie: you have only yourself to blame!
  10:55am robyn:

@Cecile the Beatles of dance music. I like that. The concept anyway (I don't really like the Beatles)...
  10:55am felipe:

I heard I won something...! WOW!!!!!
what do I do now????
  10:55am other david:

listening to stream and running the skippy video stream on my phone, muted. woof-moo overload.
  10:55am mo:

he'll go outside and get struck by lighting and will become real shelled superhero
  10:56am tr\sh:

he's looking like the antithesis of 70s tron, whatever that might mean
  10:57am pierre:

@skirkie : you might know what was the other price on with the Bieber Brush ? (i think i won that other price)
  10:58am Van in DC:

@felipe - I think you just wait for up to a year.
  10:59am Detroit Mac:

SuperHero Ken? Time to power-up the Gamma Ray Machine.
  10:59am burpage:

go ken go
  10:59am Dan B From Upstate:

Is Quintron related to Quadron? A year older, maybe?
  10:59am mike noble 7sd:

van & pat... has there ever been a dc listener meet up?
  10:59am Danne D:

@felipe - pay your pledge on time :) your prize will come in with any other WFMU swag you are entitled to when the mailings go out. Congrats :)
  10:59am Skirkie:

I was away from the radio during the announcement. I don't know who won what. I thought I was in for Tonetta.
  11:00am Caryn:

Is that Lily Allen in the Brigitte Fontaine gif?
  11:00am felipe:

great! I did pay my pledge via mastercard... so I guess I just wait. many thanks!
  11:01am Van in DC:

@mike noble 7sd - not that I know of but I'm newly back in DC recently, and still kind of a newbie here at FMU
  11:02am Cecile:

I just want Ken to play Baby Animal and say "hello Spiderman!"
  11:02am derp derp:

if you make like 5 $15 pledges not asking for swag, can you change that into a t-shirt pledge/premium?
  11:03am other david:

beneath ken's exoskeleton of vinyl crud, spins a vinyl heart of of tonetta
  11:03am Cecile:

derp, talk to Joe McGasko.
  11:03am Robert:

Not enough $ now = Ken smashing into PO wall while hanging from balloons later.
  11:04am derp derp:

ok thanks Cecile. derp derp
  11:05am andy staub:

no no no.....andy from brooklyn now knows what he's going to wear to his next PAINTBALL funeral (not ken's). particularly if it's for one of the brothers gibb. long live ken! and free-form! thanks.....
  11:05am tr\sh:

Bending old formats into new ones.
  11:06am Cecile:

I pledged for Ken NOT to go up in the balloon.
  11:06am Van in DC:

Ken wears his love of music well.
  11:06am maestroso:

Gotta go for the Quintron...
  11:07am mike noble 7sd:

Avatar 11:07am monica:

you guys holding up ok? ken is about 60 covered with vinyl now.
  11:07am mike noble 7sd:

to pledge that is
  11:07am Skirkie:

If you had any foresight there would be at least one Heart record on your sleeve to take advantage of that terrific pun.
  11:07am PMD:

Who's the other person in the studio? At the computer?
  11:08am mike noble 7sd:

when was they were trying to have all those regional meetups, was that last year's fall mini fundraiser?
  11:08am Robert:

No money here (a situation I think I may have finally started to rectify), but if I had, I would've pledged for extra cinder blocks that day.
  11:08am Van in DC:

For the meager pledge of $1 million, the station will simply box Vinyl Ken up and send as the swag.
  11:10am mike noble 7sd:

i was thinking someone should organize a dc meetup for folks like pat. former wfmu wunderkind david vd is currently living down here too.
  11:10am Caryn:

The Ustream better work once we get to the helmet and codpiece bit. I'm not missing that!

@Skirkie: hah!
  11:10am Listener zero:

Looking good, Ken!
  11:10am Cecile:

Monica forgot to say I LOVE YOU KEN.
  11:10am burpage:

you can do it with ken doo
  11:11am Andrew Waterloo:

Ken is secured by the warmth, fullness and endurance of vinyl
  11:12am Cecile:

BSI is also in the DC area.
  11:12am Van in DC:

would love to see a DC meetup!
  11:12am robyn:

how many people are in the running for mozzer right now? i'm debating whether i want to buy a couch or enter a raffle for this fine piece of art.
  11:12am Cecile:

The touch, the feel of vinyl. The fabric of our lives.
  11:12am Van in DC:

Matt from Springfield is in DC area too
  11:14am other david:

USTREAM is working prety well now
  11:14am Caryn:

Went to Ustream to look at it, but no. Not working.
  11:16am robyn:

Ken you've PLAYED that song!! FINALLY IT HAS HAPPENED TO ME...
  11:17am Vicki:

The Vinyl Countdown
  11:17am Cecile:


You do know Ken - you played it for me a few months back.
  11:17am Cecile:

the first and probably only time it's been played on WFMU.
  11:18am Skirkie:

Hopefully he designed the helmet to fit over headphones.
  11:18am Van in DC:

Ken: Baking records to places they've never been.
  11:20am Caryn:

Well, that iron curtain is difficult to melt...
  11:20am Mark in VT:

Do you need to RSVP for the thing at Maxwell's?
  11:20am Ken From Hyde Park:

@Caryn - Ustream came up for me just fine a couple minutes ago. From past experience, it can be difficult to get started. Try refreshing your browser, I guess. That may kick-start it.
  11:20am Van in DC:

Whoever that is, she should dance :)
  11:20am Cecile:

this sound right here is why the Velvet Underground gets overrated in some people's opinion. BRUTAL stuff.
  11:21am ricardo montalban:

Newer records supposedly used inferior, recycled material. At least that's what I heard somewhere. maybe some vinyl freak (the round kind, not the shiny suited fetishist kind) can verify,
  11:21am Danne D:

Ken bringing new meaning to the term "wake and bake"
  11:21am Vicki:

ha ha - that was definitely a record for Ken to put on then
Avatar Ken Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 11:21am efd:

@Cecile, a search of the WFMU playlist database confirms you're correct. Believe me, I'd rather be playing drums on that than on the song Ken will actually be performing on Sunday night.
  11:22am other david:

Ken's strapping up!
Avatar Ken Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 11:22am efd:

@Mark in VT - No RSVP necessary, just show up! Earplugs recommended.
  11:22am Vicki:

Ken: Bringing new meaning to putting on a record
Avatar 11:22am monica:

  11:23am Cecile:

I love that song, efd.
It's got a killer house beat and a vocal as sweet as a girl group tune.
  11:24am Caryn:

@Ken from HP: have refreshed about 5 times by now, every couple of minutes. Nothing.
  11:24am Danne D:

Ken's the Total Package, eh?
Avatar Ken Marathon 2025 Swag For Life Member 11:25am efd:

@Cecile, I agree - it sounds like it came out about 10 years earlier than it did.
  11:26am burpage:

caryn be happy it will happen start again the whole thing im enjoying ken mister skullhead
  11:26am Caryn:

That turtle is going for the ride of its life.
  11:26am Van in DC:

Vinyl Ken: It had a good beat but was not so easy to dance to.
  11:27am Cecile:

It just cut through everything, and it still sounds pretty darn good.

Another song I forgot about, which has a killer video is Sheila E's Sex Cymbal. They showed it on Unsung, and WOW. that was a dynamic number.
  11:28am PMD:

Someone should do the back of his knees.
  11:29am Robert:

You know what the forfeits on 7SD are going to be tonight: rapid removals of the LPs, taking hair and possibly skin with them.
  11:30am Van in DC:

Get the all new Vinyl Ken Box Set!
  11:30am fred von helsing:

@ricardo Yup! Thus the phrase "virgin vinyl"
  11:31am Caryn:

Aw, Monica dissed Ken's left cheek. Poor Ken. But if she is correct: Ken, seriously, as a DJ, you could be doing butt crunches at work all day long!
@PMD: you mean, his "knees butt", as Tracy would have it on "30 Rock"?
  11:32am Caryn:

Yay, Ustream works! It's alive! Alive!
Avatar 11:33am monica:

just crossed the 10k mark!
  11:33am burpage:

pmd yuk yuk 30 block eeek as we get there ken will still be to form
  11:34am Van in DC:

THIS Ustream presentation, I'm pretty sure, is why someone decided to invent the Internet.
  11:35am tr\sh:

rolling in dough?
no, rolling in vinyl!
let's talk
  11:35am Nora:

Metaphor?: Constructive destruction.
  11:35am Detroit Mac:

I recommend Ken use some Samba Discs for the Brazilian Butt Lift Covering.
  11:36am Li'l Funk:

Let the vinyl cool or it might fuse with your skin!
  11:36am tomasz.:

  11:37am Internet Porn:

Oh Van. Not even close.
  11:37am still b/p:

We're living in the Age of Disc-Covery this morning, seeing the warp and woof(mu) in the fabric of history.
  11:37am I X Key!:

this is the problem i had before it turned into that sound
  11:37am other david:

@Li'l Funk: No problem! Ken was tempered in raw vinyl
  11:38am Van in DC:

ha ha, oh yeah. Now I remember. @IP
  11:38am I X Key!:

  11:38am Marmalade Kitty:

How do I access ustream, please?
  11:39am Vicki:
  11:39am Caryn:

I wonder if there's a vinyl version of "I Like Big Butts" at WFMU, or some version of "Fat Bottomed Girls" etc., because a butt-themed song would be good for covering Ken's derriere.
  11:39am Van in DC:

@MK - it's on the main front page
  11:39am Bad Ronald:
  11:39am Robert:

Here's wishing Ken good bladder control.
  11:39am Vicki:

Ken needs some Mickey Mouse vinyl ears
  11:40am listener mark:

@marmalade Kitty goto enter WFMU in the search box
  11:41am Marmalade Kitty:

I wanted to watch Tom Scharplings show lastnight, I couldn't get it to stream -just a black page..?
  11:42am Marmalade Kitty:

thankewe :)
  11:42am Skirkie:

Psycho-Vinyl Morons - good name for a band.
  11:43am Caryn:

@MK: had the same problem with Scharpling. It worked fine for the first 15-25 minutes, then went black.
  11:45am Caryn:

Monica, if the right buttock is better-looking, why would you want to cover it up first? Surely you'd want to keep the better buttock visible longer, and thus cover the left one first?
  11:46am other david:

This is the most deliciously weird radio (& video) anywhere, pledge pledge pledge!
  11:47am mike noble 7sd:

  11:47am HotRod:

Ken, you are wonderful.
  11:48am Marmalade Kitty:

can we actually watch this? :)
  11:48am Caryn:

The shorts thief has struck again! Now the vinyl is gone! I suspect Scharpling doesn't want anyone else to even come close to breaking any kind of pledge record and is thus sabotaging Ken.
  11:48am Reno:

Who's the hottie peeking into frame on the cam?
  11:49am Van in DC:

This show is going to be really odd to listen in to for the first time on Archive later on...
  11:51am Santorum:

Discs for this Satanic celebration are being melted by the EZ Bake Coven!
  11:52am burpage:

ken we are 40 yrs to late for pcbees maybe 60
  11:52am other david:

@Van if you didnt hear it the first time, check out the Home Depot guy episode of Kens show for the ultimate insanity
  11:52am bw:

  11:53am ?:

y don't u put the vinyl man on cam?
  11:54am Van in DC:

@od - thanks for the tip, I'll have to do that :)
  11:54am still b/p:

Ooh...Basement Waxx parties!
  11:55am Van in DC:

YAY all you Mouse pledgers!!!
  11:56am Vicki:

what's the total?
  11:57am bill:

Tetsuo 3: Ken
  11:58am PMD:

@Caryn, yes indeed!
Sorry Heather btw...
  11:58am Christopher I:

wish I could see this madness on ustream! anyone else getting the black screen? got a fix?
  11:58am robyn:

Monica has become more homicidal with time...
  11:59am Caryn:

With the helmet on, it's Darth Vinyl!
  11:59am burpage:

burp ken burp i will mouse on sundaysundaysunday cause i do enjoy you though
  11:59am EzSezz:

Thanks Ken for a new Crampus nightmare.
  11:59am bw:

I took screen shots!
  12:00pm bw:

I took screen shots!
  12:00pm Van in DC:

ha ha good one Caryn
  12:00pm Catty:

The vinyl makes him look more youthful!!!
  12:00pm other david:

Ken, you look amazing. Thank you for another wonderful show.
  12:01pm Reno:

Duane is a doll!
  12:01pm Vicki:

thanks Ken :)
  12:01pm Van in DC:

Great show Ken & Monica.
  12:01pm Caryn:

He has full mobility! And even if he didn't, he could just use the Force.
  12:02pm tr\sh:

Records in outrageousness
and vice versa
  12:02pm tomasz.:

amazing hat Ken. and the rest
  12:04pm Lizardner Dave:

It was wrong to laugh at Ken cleaning up his stuff after he signed off while still wearing the vinyl suit, right?
  12:10pm Marmalade Kitty:

well done Ken & Monica!!!!
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