Bob Brainen's playlist
February 25, 2012 ![]()
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Listener comments!
9:10am : morning bob9:10am : Mornin' Bob9:11am : Morning, Bob & listeners!9:14am : caryn survived frangry's vodka drinking, i see.9:17am : Are there special pledge phones that make that old-fashioned ringing sound? I don't think you can even buy a mechanical bell phone anymore.9:18am : What is your theme music? It takes me back to my childhood.9:20am : there has to be at least one old style phone ringer app. i still have a dumbphone, so i don't know.9:21am : Bob Brainen channeling The Chief Rocker Frankie Crocker? Now that I gotta hear.9:24am : rihanna and chris should duet on this.9:34am : @glenn: hey, it wasn't me drinking it, so no ill effects here :)
Even if the foot massage bit was a bit disturbing...
You can certainly download an "old-fashioned phone" ringtone over here, so there's bound to be a ringtone or app available in the States.9:35am : I just teleported in my mouse pledge via the interwebs - sorry no cool ringing sound though :-(9:37am : Wow that's the perkiest delivery I've ever heard from Bob!9:38am : OMG, he beat the Lipper Average!9:43am : Check out a film called 'We Dreamed America'
Quoth Wikipedia: "We Dreamed America is a documentary film, directed by Alex Walker, that delves deep into the dark recesses of the British music scene. Examining the relationship and ongoing exchange between British and American roots music, the film looks at the British fascination with the most American of genres, Country Music. The film tells the stories of six British 'Americana' bands, while giving an insight into how country music fits into the British music industry."9:44am : are those new york area d.j.s? i've never heard of them.9:57am : @Dave in PA - the computer actually makes a telephone sound when your web-pledge comes in :) so there was a cool ringing sound when you pledged. And thanks for your generosity :D
Keep it going Bob and Ira! Bob's been on what, 35 years? If you can't pledge much, you can pledge $35 for all that Bob's brought you!9:57am : Time for the dentist *sigh*9:59am : How cool is that - thanks Danna D :-)10:09am : C'mon internet listeners - let's get this done for Bob and WFMU!10:09am : Wasn't Frankie Crocker on WBLS-FM?10:10am : FM was harder to listen to back in the day because the waves were narrower and they kept bunching up on you.10:16am : keep up the great work bob and loads of thanks for the neil diamond. wow! btw gallagher and Lyle are from bonny scotland. graham lyle just won a grammy for tina turners 'whats love got to do with it.' Go wfmu!10:17am : I'm waking late.... Has anyone acknowledged George Harrison's birthday yet today?!!?10:26am : You can see Bob's premium here: : "All Things Must Pass", said the Eurethra to the Gallstone10:36am : R.I.P. Frankie Crocker10:36am : "you can't lose with the stuff i use" is a classic frankie-ism.
frankie died in 2000.10:36am : R.I.P. Frankie... : On the back of my "Airwaves Idols" trading card (WFMU 2004 Marathon) I list my Radio Heroes as: Symphony Sid Torin, Steve Somers and Bob Brainen.10:48am : honey west!8:40pm : Hey Bob! Listening to your show the Monday after. One of Manfred Mann spinoff bands with Gallagher & Lyle was Mcguinness Flint.