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Saturday 6 - 9pm (EST) | On WFMU | 91.1, 90.1, 91.9 FM &
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Transpacific Sound Paradise Favoriting
Saturday, February 4, 2012 Favoriting
From the Mississippi to the Capibaribe with Scott Kettner of Nation Beat

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Drummer and percussionist Scott Kettner is crazy about the music of northeast Brazil - but he also loves the music of the Louisiana. Those two passions come together on the new cd Growing Stone by his band Nation Beat. As guest DJ Scott will explore the musical and cultural links between New Orleans and Recife that form the basis of Nation Beat's distinctive and compelling sound.

This Week's Playlist:

(* = new)

Pooran: Shahre Paiz Favoriting / Various Artists: Rangarang: Pre-Revolutionary Iranian Pop / * (0:00:00 Pop-up)

Warsaw Village Band: Sowa (Kuba Mankowski Mix) Favoriting / Wymixowanie (0:07:38 Pop-up)

Auktyon: Ogon (Fire) Favoriting / Top / * (0:11:06 Pop-up)

M.A.K.U Sound System: Canto Negro Favoriting / Makumbala (0:17:31 Pop-up)

Professor Longhair: Go the Mardi Gras Favoriting / The Professor Longhair Discography Disc 1 (0:29:39 Pop-up)

Nation Beat: Puxa O Boi Favoriting / Growing Stone / Barbes (0:33:01 Pop-up)

Chico Science & Nação Zumbi: Maracatu de Tiro Certeiro Favoriting / Da Lama ao Chaos (0:36:30 Pop-up)

Maracatu Estrella Brilhante: Cheguei Meu Povo Favoriting / Maracatu Estrella Brilhante (0:46:12 Pop-up)

Nation Beat with Maracatu Estrella Brilhante: Clementina de Jesus no Morro da Conceicao Favoriting / Maracatu Universal (0:48:27 Pop-up)

Arlindo dos 8 Baixos: Do Jeito Que Neu Pai Tocava Favoriting (1:00:07 Pop-up)

Don Montoucet: Eunice Two-Step Favoriting / Let Ses Amis / Swallow (1:03:51 Pop-up)

Maciel Salu: Se Tem Rabeca E Zabumba Favoriting (1:09:22 Pop-up)

Cedric Watson: La Vieille Chanson De Mardi Gras Favoriting / Cedric Watson / Valcour (1:11:37 Pop-up)

Seu Luiz Paixao: Forro di Cambara Favoriting / Pimenta com Pitu (1:15:34 Pop-up)

David Greely with Scott Kettner: Paul Junius Malveaux's Tune Favoriting / Sud du Sud / Give and Go (1:18:28 Pop-up)

Coco Du Amaro Branco: O Pescador Favoriting (1:25:01 Pop-up)

Bo Dollis & the Wild Magnolias: Golden Crown Favoriting / They Call Us Wild / Sunnyside (1:28:03 Pop-up)

Raizes di Arcoverde: Gode Pavao Favoriting (1:36:23 Pop-up)

Nation Beat: Sobe A Poeira Favoriting / Legends of the Preacher (1:36:57 Pop-up)

Luiz Gonzaga: Vem Morena Favoriting (1:48:39 Pop-up)

Buckwheat Zydeco: Buck's Step-Up Favoriting / Waiting For My Ya Ya (1:52:16 Pop-up)

Jackson du Pandeiro: Puxe O Fole Ze Favoriting (1:58:15 Pop-up)

Chico Science & Nação Zumbi: Banditismo Por Uma Questão De Classe Favoriting / Da Lama ao Chaos (2:02:10 Pop-up)

Nation Beat: Hook and Sling Favoriting / Growing Stone / * (2:06:18 Pop-up)
Eddie Bo cover

Banda di Pifunos de Caruaru: Baiao Azul Favoriting (2:14:43 Pop-up)

Otha Turner: Short'nin / Henduck Favoriting / Everybody Hollerin' Goat (2:15:25 Pop-up)

DJ Tudo: Baque Forte Favoriting / Nos Quintais do Mundo / Mundo Melhor (2:24:29 Pop-up)

Nation Beat: Nago Nago Favoriting / Legends of the Preacher (2:28:58 Pop-up)

March Fourth Marching Band: Delhi Belly Favoriting / Magnificent Beast / * (2:36:46 Pop-up)

Tambo: Mientras Yo Viva Favoriting / Varous Artists: The Montuno Records Story / Vampisoul / * (2:53:11 Pop-up)

Listener comments!

  6:37pm barrianne:

Tu maraca! Saudades, Liliana!
  7:11pm barrianne:

Mom in Bahia is listening. Massa!
  7:36pm Bas, NL:

Hi Rob! Enjoying the show; taking it 'live' this week! ;)
  7:37pm Anne:

Great segue from coco to Bo & the Wild Magnolias!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:38pm Your DJ:

Hi Bas and Anne - thanks for checking in - !
  7:40pm Bas, NL:

And hello Scott! Great tunes! I am Utrecht, but I'll meet up with DJ Keili for lunch tomorrow in Amsterdam. Looking forward to that!
  7:41pm Barri's Mom:

Yes mom is listening and grooving in Bahia!
  7:41pm Mom & Dad:

Listening from your home town in Florida. Sounds Great! We are proud of you....
  7:42pm Ken From Hyde Park:

DJ Keili beasting the brunch buffet!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:43pm Your DJ:

Bas, that's great that you're meeting Keili. Sorry I forgot you're in Utrecht... But nice excuse for a trip north... good thing it's a small country!
  7:43pm julian:

LOVING this!
  7:43pm barrianne:

Loving the segues! I want to go to NOLA! And Recife. NOW!
  7:47pm barrianne:

Legends of the Preacher, the CD of which was stuck in my Dad's car CD player in Texas the first time he was listening to it, due to a confrontation with a deer on the road. Deer didn't do so well, don't know about the CD.
  7:52pm Esther:

What a fantastic program. The range of music reminds me of walking around the jazz and heritage festival in New Orleans, never knowing what would hear next. Enlightening, exhilarating and educational. I mean seriously, Samba de cocu, cajun, zydeco, marakatu. What next? You've extended my vocabulary. As an artist, I have much new music to listen to as I create. Thankyou!
  7:53pm barrianne:

Cannot possibly sit still listening to Luiz Gonzaga. vamos nessa!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:54pm Scott:

Esther...thanks for the comments! I'm glad you're enjoying it. Rob will post the playlist as we go so you can research the artists that I'm playing.

I love your story Barri!
  7:58pm tonyt-bklyn:

I'm really enjoying the show. Thanks.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:02pm Your DJ:

On behalf of Scott and myself, thanks Tony and everyone!
  8:04pm Kim:

Great show. The Maracatu class is so much fun as well. Thanks for everything, Scott.
  8:06pm Belmondo:

Chico Science passed away 15 year ago. We miss him very much. Brazilian rock hasn't been the same since
  8:06pm ?:

Brilliant stuff. Keep it coming. The Nola- Forro connection is an awesome vibe. You are on to some major juju...
  8:09pm Barba Yiorgi:

That was me saying brilliant stuff. Thanks!
  8:10pm Belmondo:

I'm glad Nação Zumbi still plays nowadays. Great band, even without Chico.
  8:16pm barrianne:

Salve Chico! Salve NZ.
  8:19pm Destroit:

thank you, this is really exciting.
  8:22pm ?:

That's Otha Turner? it's straight up imale! I had to look at the playlist to make sure.
  8:23pm Jim B:

Amazing how much that sounds like a Mississippi fife band.
  8:27pm Destroit:

Can't wait.
  8:40pm Bas, NL:

Thanks Scott!
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