Favoriting A Rough Mix with Steinski: Playlist from February 3, 2012 Favoriting

A big record collection, a long memory, and a short fuse.

On WFMU's Give the Drummer Radio
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Favoriting February 3, 2012: Mid-'90s Rough Mix Rebroadcast #3

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Artist Track Album Label Year
Steely Dan  Bodhisattva (live)   Favoriting Citizen Steely Dan: 1972-1980  MCA  1980 
The Belle Stars  Iko Iko   Favoriting Rainman (OST)  Capitol   
Bobby Short  Flying Down to Rio   Favoriting Bobby Short on the East Side  Atlantic    
Roland Kirk Quartet  Mystical Dreams   Favoriting Rip Rig and Panic  Emarcy   
Champion Jack Dupree & King Curtis  Junker Blues   Favoriting Blues at Montreux     
Joe Morton  Excerpts from "The Autobiography of Malcolm X"   Favoriting by Malcolm X with Alex Haley     
Johnny Hodges  Good Queen Bess
Going Out the Back Way
The Great Ellington Units     
Harlan Lattimore & His Connie's Inn Orchestra  Reefer Man   Favoriting McKinney's Cotton Pickers 1930-31/Don Redman 1939-40  Chronological Classics  1932 
Rex Stewart & His Orchestra  Linger Awhile
Subtle Slew
The Great Ellington Units     
Barney Bigard & His Orchestra  Charlie the Chulo   Favoriting The Great Ellington Units  RCA/Bluebird   
Cypress Hill  Hits from the Bong   Favoriting Black Sunday  Roughhouse/Columbia  1993 
Cee Pee Johnson  The G Man Got the T Man   Favoriting 16 Original Jazz Classics: Reefer Songs  Stash   
Tone-Loc  Cheeba Cheeba   Favoriting Loc-ed After Dark  Delicious Vinyl  1989 
Mint Julep  You're Love Is Lifting Me Higher and Higher   Favoriting Modern A Capella  Rhino   

Music behind DJ:
Bobby Brown Quartet 

Venus Velvet   Favoriting

Stars of the Apollo 



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Listener comments!


Heya Doug and everyone!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:06pm
Doug Schulkind:

Greetings ndbob and all Steinski fans!

i love fagan!

listener james from westwood:

bob, doug, jill, and all the ships at sea: good friday and good listening!

Hiya Steinski. I have the 45 of this drunken nut intro-ing SD. Didn't realize it was radio worthy.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:10pm
Doug Schulkind:

I worked with Steinski for a few years during the time he produced this show. He spent easily 20 hours on each 1-hour show. There are a gazillion edits and layerings and collagery that you'll never even know he did. Amazing.
listener james from westwood:

little bit of henry rollins buried in that last bit!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:14pm
Doug Schulkind:

One could spend years trying to parse the little snippets Steinski tucks away into each mix.
listener james from westwood:

i've never heard this full song (rio); just the little bit max bialystock sings after hatching the scam in "the producers." another gap: filled!

that's very open minded of you, jill.
Jeff G:

Late start today, but happy to come in on Rahsaan, Doug, Steinski, and the entire Sandbox Crew.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:16pm
Doug Schulkind:

She said Fagan, not Pagan, Glenn.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:17pm
Doug Schulkind:

Jeff G, ladies and germs, host of the estimable Destination OUT RADIO on Mondays at noon, here on the stream.
Jeff G:

Doug = master of the plug. Hoping as ever to live up to your esteem.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:20pm
Doug Schulkind:

Steinski is not usually able to participate in these comments gatherings during the broadcast. You can always email him a greeting: steinksi (at) wfmu (dot) org

Jeff, I let off all my esteem before the show starts. It's cooler that way.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:28pm
Doug Schulkind:

We are nothing if not gap-filler-inners, Listener James.

Doug is your talkback mic on? Whose that snappin?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:33pm
Doug Schulkind:

I cannot tell a lie. Yes I left my freakin mic on. And yes, that was me freakin snappin. Freaky!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:34pm
Doug Schulkind:

At least you didn't hear me munching a snack. Just inches from the mic, too. (Or maybe you could...)

Thought so. I only noticed cause I have headphones on.
listener james from westwood:

before my family had a vcr, my mom audiotape-recorded the late-70s "dracula" film off of tv (she dug langella and the soundtrack). during the opening theme, you can hear me sneezing in the background.

I only heard rustling and scratching. No munching.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:37pm
Doug Schulkind:

Rustling, scratching, sneezing, munching. I love sound!

I used to audiotape episodes of MASH and MTV videos pre-VCR.

My parents had a Beta player really early on - 1976 I think - when they mentioned it to me I had no idea what they were talking about
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:43pm
Doug Schulkind:

Did you that Manhattan had cable TV as early as the 1950s? Well it did.
listener james from westwood:

this spoken word on being shaken for weed is relevant again, what w; the nypd shaking & arresting nonwhites for weed w/o cause at record rates.

was it 3 teen-killings by cops in a week?
That's what I heard around here in Spain. :-(

Amazing interplay between the music and the Autobiography!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:47pm
Doug Schulkind:

Steinski at his very best.
listener james from westwood:

latest was one teen chased into a house, then shot. further details may have since emerged.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:52pm
Doug Schulkind:

This what you're referring to, LJFW?

cops pass hard tests before joining 'the force'

This show is brilliant. Steinski. Well I never knew. Nice one WFMU - as usual, I have to add.

listener james from westwood:

@doug: yes.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:55pm
Doug Schulkind:

Just learned that the archive for the most recent Give the Drummer Some is now up!! When this show is over, you know what to do people!!

All of these shows by Steinski will now be archived permanently. Here: wfmu.org...
Jeff G:

@Doug: was actually waiting for that news.

I hate a capella and I love this.
Jeff G:

Or rather: I a love this.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:59pm
Doug Schulkind:

You hate Al Capella. What'd he ever do to you?

Many thanks for the good listening.
Doug. Steinski. Doug.
listener james from westwood:

holy shit, was that an hour?! that jetted. long wait til next friday. thanks again doug for pulling these out of the vault!

ty for playing this Doug!

This show is only 1 hour?!? What am I supposed to do with the rest of my life???
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:04pm
Doug Schulkind:

It is always my great pleasure. Thanks for hanging with me today. More drummers and other lovers next week.

Do this: www.wfmu.org...

Listener Katya:

That was so much fun! Thanks for serving these up again.
Van in DC:

Okay! Steinski catch up time for me! Yay!
Van in DC:

Yeah, I totally got the "higher and higher" selection, Steinski.

Great show! Thanks Steinski & Doug! :)
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