Favoriting Put The Needle On The Record with Billy Jam: Playlist from January 27, 2012 Favoriting

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Hip-hop and rap, that's where my heart's at. But I'll play anything so long as it ain't crap!

Friday 7 - 8pm (EDT) | On WFMU | 91.1, 90.1, 91.9 FM & wfmu.org
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Favoriting January 27, 2012: Put the needle on The Town feat Celsius 7 and DnZ's moms

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(* = new)

Artist Track Album Label Year Comments New Approx. start time
Buck 50 Kutters  Put the needle on the Record (Live on WFMU)   Favoriting Best of Put The Needle On The Record Live Performances Marathon Mix 2010    2010      0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Maestro Fresh-Wes  Fine Tune Da Mic   Favoriting   LMR Records  1993  DITC flava mixed with a lil Nade flave - jeyeah    0:01:18 (Pop-up)
Lord Finesse  I like my girls with a boom   Favoriting Return Of The Funky Man  Giant/WB  1992      0:04:23 (Pop-up)
President Obama  State of the Union 2012 excerpt   Favoriting     2012      0:08:46 (Pop-up)
Dregs One  Letter To The President   Favoriting The Wake Up Call  Hella Records  2011  more new Bay Area music - this one from SF based Dregs One's debut album from few months ago    0:09:11 (Pop-up)
Esinchill  Daddy Was A Sailorman   Favoriting Vigilante  Clear Label  2011  more new Bay Area music - this one from longtime Oakland tlaent Esinchill    0:12:01 (Pop-up)
Celsius 7 interview  over Dawgisht beats   Favoriting     2012  recorded earlier this week (Tuesday) back on the Left Coast in Cafe Med on Telegraph Ave. Berkeley, CA    0:15:08 (Pop-up)
Celsius 7  Pop Rox   Favoriting Life Well Spent    2011      0:21:27 (Pop-up)
Raleigh Moncrief  Lament for Morning   Favoriting Watered Lawn  Anticon  2011  from Sacramento, CA - recent release from Raleigh Moncrief - good stuff!    0:24:30 (Pop-up)
Eligh & Amp Live  Stethescope   Favoriting Therapy at 3    2011    *   0:27:06 (Pop-up)
Nappy Riddem  Soundboy (Wake the Sound)   Favoriting One World Sovereignty    2011      0:29:29 (Pop-up)
Desmond Dekker & The Aces  007 (Shanty Town)   Favoriting 007: The Best Of Desmond Dekker      thanks to my man Tall Paul Lowe who gave me (while in Ireland recently) a ton of CDs including this great reggae collection....damn I love good music!    0:32:59 (Pop-up)
Celsius 7  WFMU freestyle (on Telegraph Ave Berkeley Jan 2012)   Favoriting     2012      0:35:29 (Pop-up)
Celsius 7  Givin Up   Favoriting Life Well Spent    2011      0:36:36 (Pop-up)
IAMOMNI  Pangea   Favoriting IAMOMNI    2011      0:39:52 (Pop-up)
Michee Mee and La Love  A Portion From Up North CLEAN   Favoriting Jamaican Funk Canadian Style  First Priority  1991  along with Maestro Fresh Wes this is another salute to Golden Era Hip Hop from Canada    0:43:35 (Pop-up)
MC Trouble  Well Equipped   Favoriting MC Trouble - Gotta Get A Grip    1990  back when there was more female rappers representing - miss dem dayz. MC Trouble died the same year this (her debut) dropped at age 20. Rest In peace TROUBLE    0:47:18 (Pop-up)
The Stepkids  Suburban Dream   Favoriting The Stepkids  Stones Throw  2011      0:50:36 (Pop-up)
Sons Phonetic  Isolation (feat Ri Ra)   Favoriting Twelve Labours    2011  great act from Waterford, Ireland Sons .Phonetic here with cameo from Ireland's greatest emcee of all time RiRa    0:52:32 (Pop-up)
Lazerbeak  Xylophone   Favoriting Lava Bangers    2012    *   0:56:47 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Eons One:

Tall Paul:

What up Bill? Alf Timi - D n DNZ greetings to you all. Lookng forward to a dope show. Yo can you play a tune from Dregs-One? Thanks
Timi Dz Nutz:

You all hang'n with Dz Nutz....It feels good, to be back with all again....BILLLLLYYYYYY!!!!!!!!
Eons One:

I wish Show still rapped.
other david:

yow, from the old sod :)
Avatar 7:04pm
billy jam:

hey David, Eons, Timi, Tall Paul and all - THANKS for tuning in today - this week's show includes an interveiw I did while In CALI earlier this week with CELSUIUS 7 talking about 49ers, RAP, and HIP HOP
Avatar 7:06pm
billy jam:

yo PAUL will play a Dreges One cut for ya
Tall Paul:

Yo ons One be great if show and Lord Finesse got together and broke it down as they did back in the day.
Tall Paul:

Other David, are you from Ireland?
The Rapper With No Name:

check yo emails Billy Jza :P
Ben Drinken:

for some reason I can't help but think of the nice ladies that operate the boom mics on sets. Can the actors concentrate with them walking around with their booms?
Eons One:

Word Paul. DITC forever!
other david:

Tall Paul - yep yep!
Tall Paul:

Yo Bill, thanks for playng this dope tune
Tall Paul:

Othe David where are you from? I am from the old sod and live in Dublin
The Rapper With No Name:

Ben Drinken:

where is spidermank this week? is he off on a ski trip on the moon with Newt Gingrich?
other david:

@TP - I live nearby! In Naas for my sins
Avatar 7:19pm
billy jam:

hey Ben Drinken, good to see you here - and yeah Where is Spiderman? - hello Rapper with no Name - got your emails last week and plan/hope to play one of your songs next week if possioble - hey Paul

sounding great Billy
Avatar 7:24pm
billy jam:

"Purple Rain the first tape I bought"
The Rapper With No Name:

this track knock! What up to the Bay! E-Feezy! Valley Joe!
Avatar 7:24pm
billy jam:

Tall Paul:

Cool from Scary Eire home County. Do you check DJ Laz-E on 2xm @9? Old Skool Hp-Hop Friday night

Sounding good, Mr. Jam!
Avatar 7:27pm
billy jam:

thanks a lot IKE - hope U R well
Avatar 7:30pm
billy jam:

am now about 7 or 8 shows into the new WFMU season and - even though I miss been on for full 3 hours - I gotta say I love the challenge of trying to fit in all the good new music (plus classic old cuts) into a one hour show. I like it. And I appreciate you listening to WFMU - thank YOU!
The Rapper With No Name:

yeah billy, the 3hr slots are nice for archives, but i love actually bein able to catch you live. and every single track slams.
Avatar 7:32pm
billy jam:

TNX man

ski with Gingrich? or board with Paul , there's a difference mr drinken, -Alta = no snowboarders allowed = facism gone mad or preservation of a sacred art? fuck that , no arts sacred .. boom bang wish i was loaded.

keep cramming that size 10 boot in the size 3 shoe Billy , potents set ...cheeers
Avatar 7:34pm
billy jam:

LORRIES + GENTLEMEN - SPIDERMAN is in the building
Tall Paul:

Yo Bill, I got agree with the Rapper with No Name, every track is slamming and we apprecate the work you put into the show. Plus it is always cool too hear the odd track from the old sod too:-)

ahhhh dubble oh severrrn
other david:

@Tall Paul - didnt realise that was on the airwaves, will check that show out! Scary Eire's - On the Dole Q should be the new national anthem
Tall Paul:

Yep the Plastck Attack is still going strong. The Scary crew DJ Mek, Ragga Man Bob, and Cool C make guest appearances
Ben Drinken:

other david:

Mee... Mee...


eyoop Ben Drinken eyoop all ,yes tis spidermank return with minimul injurrrys and happy times blasting out Billy Jam to the mountains via 2 Mini Marshal Amps (wikkid pocket G blaster), picture the puzzled faces as a snowboarder whizzes past with a Bryce Billy Jam segway classic pumpin out loud and wierdlyfying the local piste bound populace . educate the massess i say.
great cramming Billy
Ben Drinken:

I do like how Billy Jam can squeeze a good show in to one hour. But maybe one of the things I miss most about his three hour show on Friday afternoon is that he had interviews and live guests and it felt like a couch party.
Avatar 7:54pm
billy jam:

and then you look up at the clock and go Ah Shit - time is almost up - oh well - there is always next week
Tall Paul:

Yo Bill, true that super show as usual thaks for your sermon and blessings us with the dope cuts. Have a great weekend. Peace, One Love
other david:

great show billy, thanks :)
Avatar 7:56pm
billy jam:

thanks to WFMU for being the best damn station there is. Thanks to engineer Jonathan. Thanks to YOU for listening - Stay tuned for Fine Wine and PSeu Braun - See ya next week when I will have an interveiw I did with BAS ONe

yep is surely a sad thing Ben Drinken , we need our three hour fix but maybe do what i do-- listen to the live show and then the archive 2 more times in the week ,,,sigh ,,,its not perfect but it helps.
cheeers Billy allways something special
Avatar 7:59pm
billy jam:

thanks Ben Drinken and Spiderman - and am hoping to return with the 3 hour show sometime in the future on WFMU

Fank fuk for that , i was beginning to feel lightweight ,,yaaaaay roll on 3 hour Billy ,,,,thanks man made my night.

maybe as Mr fine dont have a comments board we could keep a few overlapppin comments on how fuckin good his show is rollin on this board ? man i love WFMU ,,thanks for all you most excellent DJ's
Avatar 8:06pm
billy jam:

yeah Fine Wine's show alwasy kills it. I love it!

YAYYEERRRRRR !!!! Killin' it Billy Jam! Thanks for the love

dont look now but Mr Fine Wine's got a comments board ...WFMU keeps me sane
Avatar 8:17pm
billy jam:

hey Spiderman - gotta go to your hometown (next time I am over in Europe) and do a live WFMU show from there -

Yes deffo Billy, you ever need a Manchester connection you've got it, full board n free of charge
Mike East:

Was driving home last night listening to the show...had to comment. It was a rough Friday, I got out late, but when I did, you were on the radio...I cranked the bass and blasted the show in my Camry and got pumped up. Then you played Desmond Dekker...and it made my night...smile from ear to ear. Thanks Billy Jam.

Great show, Billy! It flew by so fast.
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