Give The Drummer Some with Doug Schulkind Favoriting
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Friday 9am - Noon (EDT) | On WFMU's Give the Drummer Radio
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January 3, 2012 Favoriting
Meanwhile in Iowa, the Republicans are trying to cock us
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Artist Selection Album    (Label / Recording date)
Theme Music:
James Brown 
Cold Sweat, pt. 1   Favoriting b/w Cold Sweat, pt. 2
(King 1967)

Duke Ellington  Cocktails for Two   Favoriting
Don Ellis  Cock and Bull   Favoriting New Ideas
(Prestige 1961)
Joe Loco  Cocktail Mambo   Favoriting Mambo Loco
(Tumbao )
Conjunto Sete de Ouros  Cocktails for Two   Favoriting Sete de Ouros
( 1962)

Talkover Music:
Odell Brown & the Organ-izers 
Tough Tip   Favoriting Ducky
(Cadet 1968)

Al Hendrix  Cock Fighter   Favoriting Rare & Rockin'
Yorkshire Relish  The Old Cock Crows   Favoriting The Celebrated Barnsley
( 1978)
Boris Karloff  The Cock and the Jewel   Favoriting
Peggy Seeger & Ewan MacColl  The Grey Cock   Favoriting The Long Harvest, Volume 3
(Argo )
Shew Kyet Kel Han Chi  Jaunty Air of the Cock   Favoriting Enchanting Music Treasures from Burma
(Shanachie )
Keletigui et Ses Tambourinis  Tambourinis Cocktail   Favoriting The Syliphone Years
Rudy Schwartz Project  Cockadoodledoo   Favoriting

Talkover Music:
Phoem Khlaibanleng & His International Mixed Mahori Orchestra 
Lao Cho Dong   Favoriting Thai Modernized Music for Dancing,
Volume 2

The Congos  Cock Mouth   Favoriting Cock Mouth Kill Cock
(Explorer Music )
Baba Brooks  I Want My Cock   Favoriting
Unidentified  I Want to Enlarge My Cock   Favoriting Dirty Fan Male
(Trunk )
Reiko Ohara  Peacock Baby   Favoriting Japanese Grooves from the '60s and '70s
Yasushi Suzuki  Gokiburi Tengoku (Cockroach Heaven)   Favoriting Japanese Rockin' Psyche & Punk '66-'71
Jack Kerouac  Cockroach   Favoriting Beat Jazz: Pictures From the Gone World
(Pesky Serpent )
The Stooges  Cock in My Pocket   Favoriting b/w I've Got Nothing
(Jungle 1998)

Closing Theme:
Specks Williams 
We Gave the Drummer Some   Favoriting b/w Specks' Blues
(Jax 1960s)

Listener comments!

  5:33pm glenn:

not all spineless, hypocritical, backwards, retarded douchebags are conservatives, but all conservatives are spineless, hypocritical, backwards, retarded douchebags. except irwin, most of the time.
  5:38pm Doug Schulkind:

You're right. Irwin isn't a spineless douchebag.
  5:45pm Kay:

Possible correction to Program Title "Meanwhile in Iowa, the Republicans are tying to cock us". I think you mean "trying" unless you mean by their tying each other they are trying to vulvarize us.
  5:48pm glenn:

i know two things about iowa. 1 there's a shitload of corn. 2 bill bryson's from iowa.
  5:50pm Doug Schulkind:

I missed that S&M angle completely, Kay. Thanks! (Now get your mind out of the gutter.)
  5:51pm Doug Schulkind:

And judging how our country uses most of its corn to feed cattle, shitload is an apt term, Glenn.
  5:53pm glenn:

well, better feeding cows than making ethanol from it, which is EASILY the biggest scam ever foisted upon anyone.
  5:57pm glenn:

or letting monsanto, the worlds second evilest corporation have it, those turds of misery.
  5:57pm listener james from westwood:

vote for me; i'm running on the pro-drummer ticket. plus our corner of the gymnasium has oatmeal cookies.
  5:57pm ndbob:

evening Doug and everyone!
  5:58pm listener james from westwood:

the distinguished listener from north dakota speaks!
  5:58pm Jeff G:

@glenn: You liked this news, then?

As someone who doesn't even own a car, I couldn't be happier about it.
  5:58pm Doug Schulkind:

First shitload, now turds. Glenn is definitely not retentive this evening. (And Yahweh loves you for it.)

Howdy LJfW and ndbob!
  5:58pm ndbob:

greetings from a very mild North Dakota
  5:59pm Ricardo Montalban:

Caucus, hell!
They damn near killed us (from 2000 - 2008)
  6:00pm Doug Schulkind:

Hola Ricky!
  6:00pm ndbob:

47 here today - over 30 degrees above normal
  6:00pm glenn:

i try to express my vitriol cogently, and with great fervour, but once in a while i sort of repeat myself. i shall do better.
  6:01pm listener james from westwood:

i think northern nj got your weather; high 20s today
  6:02pm glenn:

5 degrees f. in trawna today.
  6:03pm listener james from westwood:

can't have anal without santorum!
  6:03pm listener james from westwood:

ah, two cocktails. what's everyone else having?
  6:03pm Ricardo Montalban:

Do you have any Revolting Cocks?
  6:04pm glenn:

hey, l.j. reads dan savage.
  6:05pm Doug Schulkind:

Low 20°'s and tons a snow blowing. Almost whiteout condish for part of the day.

Ricardo, that would have made way too much sense.
  6:05pm Carmichael:

Gyodd! I can't keep up today. Hi Doug, hi guys and gals.
  6:05pm listener james from westwood:

part of me laughs at dan's coinage, part of me wishes i could have the "eternal sunshine" procedure to expunge the memory of it.
  6:06pm Ricardo Montalban:

It's like the tropics here in SW Washington state.
  6:06pm Richard from Venezuela:

Happy new year Doug. Thanks to the twitter advice i could catch the show. Terrific idea.
  6:07pm Ike:

I believe newer style manuals say you should leave out the apostrophe in 20s or 20°s.
  6:07pm Carmichael:

No kidding, Ricardo. Mid 60s in NorCal, sunny and fun.
  6:08pm Doug Schulkind:

Good afternoon, Carm!

And hello Richard from Venezuela. I am still getting used to Twittering.

Oh Ike, that's so aughts's!
  6:09pm listener james from westwood:

agreed on the twitter gtdr account. yours, amanda's, and d:o's get me where i need to be on the stream if i'm away from email. plus i can retweet 'em to my followers to pull them in.
  6:10pm Ike:

Why do you want to make my eyes bleed? Cruel, cruel Doug. Seems like there's an extra-vicious wave of apostrophe abuse lately. Pitchfork misspelled "cul de sacs" as "cul de sac's."
  6:11pm Carmichael:

Cool de sax, bro.
  6:11pm Doug Schulkind:

I had originally typed "20°F's," but even I have standards.

Thanks for retweeting, LJfW.

Ike, do you read the great (anti)advertising blog Copyranter? He often goes on apostophe-slaying missions.
  6:13pm Doug Schulkind:

This may be the only time I ever play Don Ellis on my show. I read that he was an innovator, but mostly meh for me. I just loved him for his Cock. And Bull.
  6:14pm Carmichael:

I imagine Gomez and Morticia dancing to this one.
  6:14pm Andy S.:

Don Ellis - wow. One of those people who created a huge amount of music (just on records, not even counting live performances) but didn't make 50. Ellis was 44, had suffered heart problem before he died in '78.
  6:15pm listener james from westwood:

lol carm! "querida, you spoke french!"
  6:16pm Ricardo Montalban:

I dislike it when people do the IT'S vs ITS thing or put them on the ends of plural words for no reason but I think there are times when it's forgivable.
Like, I think 70's looks better than 70s.
Or, as my wife - who once worked among librarians (who love correcting people's grammar, spelling) would say - "did you know what I meant? Then if so, why make a big deal of it?" It would invariably shut them up.
  6:17pm Doug Schulkind:

Jeez, and I just spoke ill(ish) of Mr. Ellis. I feel bad.

OK, I'm better.
  6:18pm Doug Schulkind:

Has anyone amongst the assembled read the Robert Burns poem "Cock Up Your Beaver"?
  6:18pm Carmichael:

Little-Brown Handbook vs. AP Stylebook. It happens nightly in my home.
  6:19pm Ike:

Why make a big deal of it? I am compelled to fix things. If you're handy with faucets and you see one dripping, aren't you compelled to fix it? Same thing.

Never heard of Copyranter, Doug. Thanks!
  6:20pm listener james from westwood:

someone i knew used to give me shit if i spoke ungrammatically by saying, "thank you, mister copy editor." one day i told him, gruffly but with correct grammar, to auto-fornicate.
  6:22pm listener james from westwood:

carm, stylebook throwdowns are always welcome in these halls. i can double-fist with chicago 16 and apa 6.
  6:22pm listener james from westwood:

i'm thinking rereading "fear and loathing on the campaign trail '72" will be easier on my digestion than tuning into npr for caucus updates. yes, i'm choosing the nixon admin. over these clownshoes.
  6:23pm Doug Schulkind:

In my house it's Words Into Type vs the Chicago Manual of Style. (With apologies to Mssrs. Strunk and White.)
  6:24pm glenn:

it should be culs de sac, anyway.
  6:26pm Ricardo Montalban:

I've been following Peter Bergman's analysis on the GOP race on Radio Free Oz. You know it's bad when contemporary politics is staring to read like a Firesign Theater script.
  6:26pm ndbob:

I'll keep checking the results as I focus on other things.
  6:27pm listener james from westwood:

never has "i think we're all bozos on this bus" been a more apt descriptor.
  6:27pm Doug Schulkind:

A wonderful retired federal judge (Robert L. Carter) just died. Was part of Thrugood Marshall's team in Brown v. Board of Ed. Nixon appointed him. Nixon!

Speaking of cocks, did ya hear that Nixon and Bebe Rebozo were gay lovers?! A new book by a UPI White House Correspondent says it's so.
  6:28pm Ike:

@Glenn, really? Damn. Then I was wrong when I sent Pitchfork an e-mail because I told them just to remove the apostrophe. Oops!
  6:28pm Ricardo Montalban:

I just can't imagine Tricky Dick getting down with ANYONE. Not even Pat.
  6:30pm listener james from westwood:

nixon produced his daughters via spores. i will believe nothing else.
  6:31pm Carmichael:

Thanks for the visuals, everyone. I'm gonna go drink 'em off. Have a good one!
  6:32pm ndbob:

I read that Doug - though I'm strongly dubious to say the least. Many good things happened during the Nixon administration, in addition to the appalling number of bad ones such as the start of the EPA etc.
  6:34pm Doug Schulkind:

And public broadcasting (generally noxious though it is today) got its start during the Nixon admin. I still HATE the fucker, but by today's standards, he makes Clinton look like a wingnut.
  6:36pm glenn:

george, right?
  6:36pm Ricardo Montalban:

Yeah, despite Watergate and Vietnam, (Laos, Cambodia, etc), if you were to read his domestic record alone, you'd think he was a radical pinko compared to what passes for a progressive these days.
  6:37pm ndbob:

I was a Watergate junkie - even went to the Ervin committee hearings once.
  6:37pm Doug Schulkind:

Yes yes, of course I meant George Clinton.
  6:39pm Ricardo Montalban:

Rudy's got the funniest, nastiest Sarah Palin song imaginable.
  6:39pm Doug Schulkind:

Listener Rich just emailed me this track. Thanks Listener Rich!
  6:41pm glenn:

i wanna hear the sarah palin song. is it on youtube?
  6:42pm Ricardo Montalban:

yes, it's called Sarah Palin Pussy Juice. Don't say I didn't warn you.
  6:42pm glenn:

i found it sarah palin pussy juice.
  6:42pm listener james from westwood:

was that cock indecent? if she says it's in decent, it's in decent!
  6:43pm listener james from westwood:

mother of jabbering god, what a nightmare image.
  6:46pm Doug Schulkind:

OK ok, I'll do a Pussy show on the evening of the Virginia primary. Did you hear they are making all who want to cast a vote in the Republican primary sign a LOYALTY OATH promising to vote for the eventual Republican nominee.

What pussies.
  6:48pm listener james from westwood:

who drafted the oath, grover norquist? or j. edgar hoover?!
  6:50pm Ricardo Montalban:

  6:50pm Ricardo Montalban:

Wow, this is a great track! It sounds like my spam folder.
  6:51pm Doug Schulkind:

RICARDO! I have my spam folder open ready for reading. Great minds "think" alike.
  6:53pm Ricardo Montalban:

Do you have the infamous song by VOM? Sung by Richard Meltzer? Do you know what I'm talking about?
  6:55pm Doug Schulkind:

I'm in Love With Your Mom ??
  6:55pm ndbob:

i know which one you mean Ricardo
  6:56pm Ricardo Montalban:

Same record, different song. i didn't wanna spoil it in case you had it ready to go.
Electrocute Your Cock is the name of that lovely ditty
  6:57pm Doug Schulkind:

Thanks for thinking of me, Ricardo.
  6:58pm Ricardo Montalban:

Brilliant! I'd forgotten about this song!
  6:59pm Doug Schulkind:

Yeah, but it ain't no Electrocute Your Cock.
  7:00pm Ricardo Montalban:

I think Iggy beats a full house any day
  7:03pm ndbob:

excellent.. and unique.. show Doug!
  7:03pm ndbob:

an hour
  7:04pm listener james from westwood:

60 min of cocks and not a single cock-up. warms the cockles of my heart. fine tribute to the mayhem in the midwest.
  7:04pm Ricardo Montalban:

Doug, have you been to the site Porn for the Blind yet?
It's every bit as terrible as you could imagine. People desscribing the action taking place in porn clips for the benefit of blind people.
  7:04pm Ricardo Montalban:

Great show! Thanks so much!
  7:05pm Doug Schulkind:

Iggy beats meat! Thanks everyone for letting blow off some steam.
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