Give The Drummer Some with Doug Schulkind Favoriting
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Friday 9am - Noon (EDT) | On WFMU's Give the Drummer Radio
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December 6, 2011 Favoriting
A song about slitting Fidel Castro's throat? Really?
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Artist Selection Album    (Label / Recording date)
Theme Music:
James Brown 
Cold Sweat, pt. 1   Favoriting b/w Cold Sweat, pt. 2
(King 1967)

Lloyd Scott & His Orchestra  Symphonic Screach (Symphonic Scronch)   Favoriting Dickie Wells 1927-1943
(Chronological Classics 1927)
Jimmie Lunceford & His Orchestra  I'm Nuts About Screwy Music   Favoriting Jimmie Lunceford & His Orchestra 1935-1937
(Chronological Classics 1935)
Bennie Moten's Kansas City Orchestra  Ding-Dong Blues   Favoriting Bennie Moten's Kansas City Orchestra 1927-1929
(Chronological Classics 1927)
The Arkansas Travellers  Sensation   Favoriting Miff Mole 1927
(Chronological Classics 1927)
Benny Morton  Sliphorn Outing   Favoriting Benny Morton 1934-1945
(Chronological Classics 1944)

Talkover Music:
Freddie Hubbard 
The 7th Day   Favoriting The Artistry of Freddie Hubbard
(Impulse! 1963)

Muggsy Spanier  Blue Room   Favoriting Muggsy Spanier 1949-1954
(Chronological Classics 1952)
Willie "The Lion" Smith & Joe Bushkin  The Lion and the Lamb   Favoriting Willie "The Lion" Smith 1938-1940
(Chronological Classics 1938)
Tiny Webb (Vocal: Edna Broughton)  Two Years of Torture   Favoriting The Fabulous Swing-Jump-Blues Guitar of Mitchell "Tiny" Webb
(Bootlegger 1949)
Cozy Cole  Strictly Drums   Favoriting Cozy Cole 1944-1945
(Chronological Classics 1945)

Talkover Music:
Dr. Michael White 
Crescent City Serenade   Favoriting Crescent City Serenade
(Antilles 1990)

Chandos Mcrill & the Perryville Melody Boys  Money Lovin' Woman   Favoriting b/w Little Bit too Bashful
(Stardust 1957)
Johnny Watson & His Night Owls  I'm Not Crazy   Favoriting b/w Let's Rock (Rock and Roll Our Blues Away)
(Cactus 1959)
Corky Jones (Buck Owens)  Hot Dog   Favoriting b/w Rhythm and Booze
(Pep 1957)
Steve Stephens & the Stevedors  Weird Session   Favoriting b/w Honeybee
(Rebel 1959)
Marvin Moore  I'm on This Rocket   Favoriting Rockabilly From Tennessee,
Volume 2
(Collector )
Bill Lancaster  Joint Bank Account   Favoriting
Ferlin Huskey  Eli, the Camel   Favoriting

Talkover Music:
Hank Garland 
Doll Dance   Favoriting Hank Garland & His Sugar Footers
(Bear Family 1951)

Raper Brothers  Rock, Hop, Hop   Favoriting
Bill Lyon & the Sierra String Band  1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10 Times   Favoriting Sweet Little Boppin'
(Collector )
Chucklin' Chuck Sloan  Too Old to Rock and Roll   Favoriting b/w Brown Haired Sue
(Cowtown 1961)
Jaybee Wasden  De Castrow   Favoriting b/w Elvis in the Army
(Trepur 1960)

Closing Theme:
Specks Williams 
We Gave the Drummer Some   Favoriting b/w Specks' Blues
(Jax 1960s)

Listener comments!

  5:40pm Jessibird:

Hey Doug, lotsa happy holiday wishes to you, and a virtual kiss under the mistletoe (as long as your spouse doesn't mind) :D Thanks for being Santa's musical helper all year round!
  5:44pm Doug Schulkind:

Jessibird, what happens at the GTDS office party, stays at the GTDS office party. My spouse is the gal sitting on the fax machine wearing the tuba.
  5:46pm Jessibird:

Gosh. I blow a kiss to your tuba-sporting spouse!
  5:49pm Doug Schulkind:

  5:49pm listener james from westwood:

good evening all and happy tuesday!
  5:51pm Doug Schulkind:

Hey James, we're over here by the punch!
  5:53pm Artie:

Take heed - elves in lab coats spotted by the punchbowl.
  5:54pm listener james from westwood:

capital! siphon me off a beaker of that good stuff! i'll be seeing elves everywhere after a few of these!
  5:54pm Doug Schulkind:

Artie, please park your moose outside. I'm not cleaning up after your friend like I did last year.
  5:58pm ndbob:

evening Doug and everyone!
  5:59pm Doug Schulkind:

Hello ndbob!
  6:01pm texas scott:

greetings,one and all.
frigid ft.worth in the hizzle.
where's the bar?
  6:01pm listener james from westwood:

heya ndbob! i just saw someone go by with a plate of pigs-in-blankets. grab 'em while they're hot!
  6:03pm ndbob:

blankets are a pressing need around here:)
  6:05pm Doug Schulkind:

Evening Texas Scott. It's, like, Super Bowl weather down by you, eh?!
  6:06pm ndbob:

Down to 1 this morning but only a trace of snow on the ground.
  6:07pm texas scott:

  6:07pm listener james from westwood:

texas could use something of a happy medium weather-wise. meanwhile, it's freakin' 60 degrees here.
  6:08pm listener james from westwood:

ah ha, lunceford's "gray bonnet" was on the stream earlier in the 5 o'clock hour. very nice; put me in a warner bros. mood.
  6:08pm Carmichael:

Aloha Amigos! I'm kibitzing in the corner with people I don't know, trying to hold down the hummus dip.
  6:08pm Artie:

Someone's forgetting how beautifully he and Moose danced together last year, mess or no.
  6:11pm Doug Schulkind:

Strip Twister in Carmichael's work station? I'm in!

I heard that, Listener James. This stream's got good taste. (Kinda butterscotchy, methinks.)
  6:11pm ndbob:

this is my favorite era of jazz
  6:13pm Doug Schulkind:

That's funny, ndbob, because Jazz likes your earlier period better, too. (rim-shot)
  6:14pm listener james from westwood:

twisted stripster is my favorite hair band!
  6:16pm ndbob:

  6:17pm annie:

wow, is it live or is it memorex!??
  6:19pm listener james from westwood:

i don't know, but my glass just shattered! evening, annie!
  6:20pm Carmichael:

And Tuba-toting Spouse is my favorite Bob Wills song.
  6:21pm annie:

james, et al... i been missing the comments interaction, but listen alot at work... you all sound so incredible on the speakers in the cafe... just sayin.
  6:21pm Carmichael:

  6:23pm annie:

carm!!! boy you all are a sight for sore eyes.. nice to be here, really..
  6:25pm annie:

and poor texas scott, i've been missing your show each week.. .....
  6:25pm Doug Schulkind:

So glad you're here, Annie. We're all gonna spring for a group 'copter ride over the bay. Are you in?
  6:26pm listener james from westwood:

hey, at least listening at work is an option. i got called on the carpet at one job for listening to the stream thru company computers. but then again, this asinine company also banned houseplants.
  6:26pm annie:

oh yeah.. when is this shindig happening?
  6:27pm annie:

actually, i pick my employment very carefully, if i can't hear my radio it ain't the job for me... and fellow workers love it when i'm at the comm
  6:28pm Doug Schulkind:

Occupy Houseplants!
  6:30pm Carmichael:

Off to the boozer, everyone! Have a good evening, wish I could listen in the car.
  6:32pm listener james from westwood:

cozy's killin it!
  6:32pm Doug Schulkind:

Water the plants before you go, Carmichael!
  6:32pm listener james from westwood:

evenin' carmichael!
  6:42pm ndbob:

great one here!
  6:45pm Doug Schulkind:

Sounds like ol' Marvin is singing one long syllable!
  6:49pm listener james from westwood:

there's a name for ya: ferlin huskey.
  6:50pm Doug Schulkind:

No relation to NY Mets outfield Butch Huskey.
  6:54pm listener james from westwood:

whole pack of huskeys running through here!
  6:56pm ndbob:

excellent show of course Doug! Two of my favorite genres
  6:57pm Doug Schulkind:

ndbob, I couldn't be happier to play this music than I am RIGHT now.
  6:59pm Doug Schulkind:

Time for just one more tune. It's about slitting Fidel Castro's throat. Really.
  7:00pm listener james from westwood:

this show was better than caffeine. many thanks! just one more for the road before i go....
  7:02pm ndbob:

several good Castro related rockabilly records
  7:02pm Rich:

I must remember to tune In Live,Tuesdays, on G.T.D.S. Great Show Doug!
  7:28pm Holly in NC:

I can't believe I missed Ferlin!!!!!!!!!!!! I'll have to listen to later...
  7:54pm Toby:

gotta be booker ervin!
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