Give The Drummer Some with Doug Schulkind Favoriting
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Friday 9am - Noon (EDT) | On WFMU's Give the Drummer Radio
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November 15, 2011 Favoriting
Blogtacular: Matsuli Music
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Artist Selection Album    (Label / Recording date)
Theme Music:
James Brown 
Cold Sweat, pt. 1   Favoriting b/w Cold Sweat, pt. 2
(King 1967)

Sugar Lump  Limbikani   Favoriting Top Shungu Hits
(n/a )
Hugh Masekela / Hedzoleh Soundz  Languta   Favoriting Introducing Hedzoleh Soundz
(Blue Thumb 1973)
22 Band  Kanaworebe   Favoriting Venez Voir!!
(Syliphone )
Job Mashanda & the Muddy Face  Zuva Rakabuda   Favoriting Harare Hit Parade 1: 1980-1981

Talkover Music:
Chris Songxaka & His Home Town Unit 
Marabi Sideways   Favoriting Jive Smodern Jive!:
30 Instrumental Grooves from the Mavuthela Music Company
(n/a 1967)

James Brown  Bewildered   Favoriting Live in Zaire 1974
(n/a 1974)
Boubacar Traore  Mali Twist   Favoriting African Serenades No. 14:
African Twist
(n/a )
Manu Dibango  Marnie   Favoriting Countdown at Kusini [OST]
(DST Communications 1976)
Akido  Psychedelic Baby   Favoriting African Serenades No. 50:
(n/a 1972)

Talkover Music:
The Movers 
Special Job   Favoriting Bump Jive
(Generation 1976)

Batsumi  Emampondweni   Favoriting Batsumi
(Matsuli Music/RTL 1974)
Dudu Pukwana  Yima Mjalo   Favoriting Dudu Pukwana & the Spears
(Quality 1969)
The Soweto Boys  Mokena   Favoriting Sgt. Katapuwa's Jukebox, Volume 1
(CBS )
Scorpion Boys & Tiny Gumede  Umandla   Favoriting Phata Phata: 78 rpm Records from the Birth of Mbaqanga
(n/a )
Mbaqazo Boys  Sibata Simabifi   Favoriting Sotho Vocal Jive: Top Hits Volume 2
(Motella 1977)

Closing Theme:
Specks Williams 
We Gave the Drummer Some   Favoriting b/w Specks' Blues
(Jax 1960s)

Listener comments!

  5:52pm listener james from westwood:

a blogtacular tuesday, doug and all streammates!
  5:55pm Doug Schulkind:

Brother Listener James from Westwood! Welcome Sir!
  6:00pm ndbob:

evening doug, james , everyone
  6:01pm listener james from westwood:

howdy ndbob!
  6:03pm Doug Schulkind:

Good greetings, ndbob!
  6:04pm Carmichael:

Hi Doug, hi Bob, Hi James!
  6:05pm glenn:

sugar lump. odd name. not cube. not loaf. lump.
  6:07pm Doug Schulkind:

You gotta take your Lumps, glenn. Hey there, Carmichael.
  6:07pm listener james from westwood:

evening carmichael and glenn!
the important thing is that it was a sweeeeet track!
  6:07pm glenn:

gooood eeeeevening.
  6:09pm Doug Schulkind:

You sound like Vincent Price there, glenn.
  6:09pm glenn:

i was aiming for alfred hitchcock.
  6:10pm Doug Schulkind:

Oh yes, of course. I didn't see that crow perched on your shoulder.
  6:10pm ndbob:

hello glenn and carmichel
  6:12pm glenn:

oddly enough, there is no music in the birds.
  6:14pm Doug Schulkind:

In the amazing schoolyard scene, when all the crow begin fluttering down onto the jungle gym, there is an old eerie folk song being sung, Risselty Rossilty (sp?), that always scares the bejezzus outta me.
  6:17pm glenn:

fair enough. i meant there is no soundtrack, which i find odd, considering how well hitchcock used music and especially bernard herrmann.
  6:18pm glenn:

i hope everyone is busy putting away nuts and berries for the winter. also having snow tires installed.
  6:20pm Doug Schulkind:

And putting out seed for the crows, eh Alfred?
  6:20pm listener james from westwood:

is it supposed to be as bad as last one? not that i'm not already hoarding.
  6:22pm ndbob:

it's suddenly become winter-like here - a litlte snow a and strong winds - maybe some serious snow on saturday and a low of 3
  6:23pm listener james from westwood:

last few days it's been virtually shorts weather here in northern nj. this is probably mother nature luring us into a trap.
  6:24pm glenn:

crows are very interesting birds.
  6:28pm Doug Schulkind:

Not to mention once and future WFMU dj Tom Crowe.
  6:28pm glenn:

i was watching two squirrels chase each other around a tree in my backyard. a HUGE hawk comes screaming down and snatches one of them up. the other squirrel is just hanging on to the tree going what the ??
  6:30pm ndbob:

ah - part of the foreman-ali fight entertainment
  6:32pm Doug Schulkind:

Tell me about it, Glenn. I live Squirrel Hill! I was watching my daughter in a softball game in the nearby park recently and a hawk was circling lower and lower over the fielders. Later, it perched atop the fence as if measuring in its mind the potential flying weight of the girl playing second base.
  6:34pm Doug Schulkind:

R.I.P. Joe Frazier. Long live Zuccotti Park.
  6:35pm glenn:

even the biggest hawk probably weighs no more than 3 or 4 pounds, so i don't think lil drummer some has much to worry about.
  6:37pm Doug Schulkind:

Yeah, cause she was busy getting the game-winning hit!
  6:38pm listener james from westwood:

spent some time once watching a very large raptor perched on the roof of an suv, waiting for the squirrel hiding beneath to make a run for it. this squirrel, no dummy, stayed put. raptor eventually pooped on the car, spread its HUGE wingspan, and flapped impressively away
  6:39pm glenn:

hah. what's the difference between a porcupine and an s.u.v.? apologies to ndbob in advance.
  6:41pm ndbob:

hmmm - apology accepted in advance:)
  6:41pm glenn:

a porcupine has the pricks on the outside.
  6:41pm Doug Schulkind:

Keep those SUV jokes coming.
  6:50pm Doug Schulkind:

Whatsamatter everybody, cat got yer SUV?
  6:52pm listener james from westwood:

i rue the displacement of the station wagon by the minivan and suv.
  6:52pm ndbob:

nah my suv has survived many attacks by raptors:)
  6:53pm listener james from westwood:

just don't get stepped on by a t. rex!
  6:56pm Doug Schulkind:

Or get pooped on by a T. Rex. Jesus what a mess! (And Jesus would know...)
  6:59pm listener james from westwood:

that would fertilize the whole garden of eden in one fell swoop!
  6:59pm ndbob:

excellent show of course doug!
  7:00pm listener james from westwood:

thanks for the intro to matsuli!
  7:00pm glenn:

ummmmm. okaaaaaaaaay then. one of canada's more fervent right wing bible thumping retard politicos was accused by an opposition member of thinking the flintstones was a documentary.
  7:00pm Doug Schulkind:

Thanks ndbob, and thanks everybody!
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