Favoriting Scott Williams: Playlist from October 10, 2011 Favoriting

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" I can't tell when you're telling me the truth."
- I'm not.
"How do I know anything you've told me is..."
- You don't.

Monday 3:01 - 6pm (EDT) | On WFMU | 91.1, 90.1, 91.9 FM & wfmu.org
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Favoriting October 10, 2011: another sad tr.i.p.le

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Artist Track Album Comments Approx. start time
Y Society  Hole in Your Pocket   Favoriting Travel At Your Own Pace  Damu the Fudgemunk   
Falun Gong  Emotion   Favoriting Milligram Retreat    0:02:54 (Pop-up)
Genocide Organ  s.low / the lord is my light   Favoriting Under-Kontrakt    0:06:43 (Pop-up)
Bert Jansch  Blacksmith (live)   Favoriting An Acoustic Hour With Bert Jansch  R.I.P.  0:13:07 (Pop-up)
Pentangle  The Snows   Favoriting Solomon's Seal    0:17:19 (Pop-up)
Yo La Tengo  Needle Of Death   Favoriting   cover: B. Jansch  0:20:48 (Pop-up)
Harold Biffen  Frosty Murray and the Motor Company   Favoriting The Wormhole and the Hymn    0:24:18 (Pop-up)
Bee Mask  Deducted from Your Share in Paradise   Favoriting Elegy for Beach Friday    0:25:48 (Pop-up)
Zodiac Free Arts Club  Sonntags in Altona   Favoriting Floating World    0:31:13 (Pop-up)
Bert Jansch  The Gardener   Favoriting Jack Orion    0:37:07 (Pop-up)
Kevin Ayers  May I?   Favoriting Shooting at the Moon  R.I.P. David Bedford  0:44:14 (Pop-up)
David Bedford  The Sirens   Favoriting The Odyssey    0:48:01 (Pop-up)
Kevin Ayers & The Whole World  Why Are We Sleeping   Favoriting Hyde Park Free Concert 1970    0:57:13 (Pop-up)
Sun Ra, SW remix  What A Great Joke   Favoriting V/a, Interplanetary Remixes: WFMU Reinterprets the Music of Sun Ra  you maka da pledge, you getta da disc! we all got together on this disc, ton of staff remixes, it's amazing - $100 pledges  1:09:14 (Pop-up)
David Hess & John Corigliano  Odyssey / The Faces Are The Same / When Love is Free   Favoriting The Naked Carmen  R.I.P. David Hess  1:24:48 (Pop-up)
David Hess  Phillis Spills Her Guts   Favoriting sdtk, "Last House On The Left"    1:32:36 (Pop-up)
David Hess  Vagabond   Favoriting   yerterb  1:35:49 (Pop-up)
David Hess  Now You're All Alone / Mayhem Montage   Favoriting sdtk, "Last House On The Left"    1:40:01 (Pop-up)
Neon Indian  Polish Girl   Favoriting Era Extraña    1:44:51 (Pop-up)
The Martinis  Hungover   Favoriting Charles 'Packy' Axton-Late Late Party-1965-67    1:58:40 (Pop-up)
Radiation City  Summer is Not An Act 1   Favoriting The Hands That Take You    2:01:05 (Pop-up)
Still Corners  Into The Trees   Favoriting Creatures of an Hour    2:04:49 (Pop-up)
Craft Spells  From the Morning Heat   Favoriting Idle Labor    2:08:21 (Pop-up)
Pooh Sticks  I Know Someone Who Knows Someone Who Knows Alan Mcgee Quite Well / Heroes & Villains   Favoriting Orgasm    2:12:29 (Pop-up)
Information Society  Run Away   Favoriting Synthesizer    2:16:01 (Pop-up)
Robert Lawrence & Mark Phillips  Computer Bank   Favoriting V/a, The Hidden Tapes: A Compilation of Minimal Wave from Around the World '79 - '85    2:19:40 (Pop-up)
Gui Boratto  Flying Practice   Favoriting III    2:24:55 (Pop-up)
Marcia Griffiths  First Time Ever I Saw Your Face   Favoriting Put a Little Love in Your Heart: Best of, 1969-1974    2:29:38 (Pop-up)
Vex Ruffin  Sacrifice   Favoriting Crash Course EP    2:33:42 (Pop-up)
Janis Ian  At 17 (I Got Run Over By a Traktor)   Favoriting     2:36:45 (Pop-up)
Bert Jansch Conundrum  Where Did My Life Go   Favoriting Thirteen Down    2:40:45 (Pop-up)
Eve and The Last Waltz  I Got the Message   Favoriting Turpentine    2:47:33 (Pop-up)
Mist  Mist House   Favoriting House    2:50:26 (Pop-up)
Galactagogue  Latus Rectum and His Pungent Parabola   Favoriting V/a, Knife Culture: Buried Melbourne    2:53:41 (Pop-up)
Bert Jansch  Blackwater Side   Favoriting Jack Orion    2:56:33 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Brian in UK:

Got a modest pledge in early Scott. Spreading the wealth around the station.

My only question is: who carries water in their pocket anyway? Use a damn bottle or flask or something.
Scott W:

Sweet, thanks much Brian! Yeah, we shan't speak of it aloud y'all, but I'd love to see my pledge totals get a bit higher than 5% today! Please show some love fer the shock, the awe, and the show. thanks!

"Money falls out." No water was spilled in the making of that track.

Thanks, jaycjay! That's what you get for trying to listen to the radio while your ears are blocked by the flu.
Dead Corporate Eyes:

sudden burst of enthusiastic clapping that ends just as suddenly.

Thanks for this one, Scott!

It's amazing that Bert's body of work was so consistently great. "The Snows" with Pentangle if one of the best.
Scott W:

yes indeed Irene! wish I got to hear your Bert trib today, will have to hit the archive

Sweet cover. Hello!

Oh, it was only 3 songs. I think next week I'll do a more full-on tribute. Sweet to see which songs touched various DJs lives here.
Scott W:

Looking forward. Hello Looms!

Scott W:

sup bub?!

scratch committed. hope it helps. and sorry for the txts out of left field, sir.
Scott W:

Raga the mensch! thanks buddy, and don't sweat the txts - always nice to hear from you

the thing we got in the mail for the awetober fund raiser looks a lot like the one we get during the marathon. with the levels and premiums, swag and such. I like that it is during October and the record fair being the finale, but it means I have less to give because October is usually the month I spend money on travel and such to the record fair each year. but i suppose if i bought less records and brown bagged my own beer i could save enough for a sizable pledge.
Scott W:

"but i suppose if i bought less records and brown bagged my own beer i could save enough for a sizable pledge" you said it slab! right on
Dead Corporate Eyes:

man, this is beautiful!

killer track
Brian in UK:

Everyones talking 'bout Bert but David Bedford's demise is a great loss too.

i've only ever heard the bongwater version (picture little hearts around the word bongwater) of why are we sleeping
Brian in UK:

They used to hold the free concerts in the Park in a little gazebo in the south east corner. Needless to say the Stones in '69 needed a litte more space.
Scott W:

Kevin ayers has done like 1000 versions of it himself and they're nearly all stellar. Our Rich Hazelton does a pretty smoking version too.

C'mon peoples! Scott gives and gives and gives! Pledge $15 and get a slab of WFMU Miracle Soap, which actually works and which we're running out of. I'm talking suds and every damn thing.
Brian in UK:

David Bedford, Kevin Ayres, Lol Coxhill, Mike Oldfield. Some company.
Is that Ken the station manager? If so, can you tell me how honest people are with their pledging?

yes brian, it is I. Not sure what you mean - but there is not a way to fake a pledge - payment has to actually be made via credit card or paypal.

i am always awed by wfmu and also during this special month of awetober. wfmu never fails to awe. but I am not sure it has shocked much in the month so far. I'm talking shock value of Kenny G, station manager Ken when he goes off his skull, and the general bizarreness that seemed to happen at wfmu a few years ago but doesn't seem there as of late. am I missing something? Clay Pidgeon seems to bring on the weird and shock sometimes. so far this month has been heavy on the awe light on the shock. but maybe it should be that way.

You cant force the weirdness, Slab. It's gotta come naturally. Now just buy a brown bag and pledge to Scott.
Brian in UK:

Come to think of it I might have been at this gig!!! I was at the Stones.
Ken. What I meant was when you ring it thru you get a bill and if the bill is not paid...... does this make sense?
Dead Corporate Eyes:

buy a couple of brown bags, while you're at it

I thought that sounded like Mike Oldfield on that Odyssey track...wow!
Brian in UK:

You want shock & awe Sparky?

Brian in UK:

DCE Check out David Bedford, he passed on Oct 1st. He has produced MO & KA amongst others.

Brian - for the marathon in March, people can make an unpaid pledge, that's true. Right now you can't. In March, 35% of those unpaid pledges never get paid. But fortunately almost all the pledges these days are pre-paid. Now I want somebody to pledge to Scott's show.
Brian in UK:

Thanks thats what I meant Ken. Bastards. This is the only way to minimise everyones workload. WE KNOW WHERE YOU LIVE.

Whose version of "Don't Sleep on the Subway" & "You've Lost that Loving Feeling" is that playing in the background?

Hoboken, "way up away from... the douchey part." Har har har har har! Scott makes me laugh with the truth.

@Ken... 35%?? That's obscene...
Brian in UK:

Scott, have you been to Belgium?
Dead Corporate Eyes:

that is a pretty terrible statistic right ova dere

what is the sparky thing Brian in the UK? I've heard you use that before. can we brown bag to this beer pull? when my daughter was a baby and toddler I would stuff beer in a diaper bag as a single dad (full time single dad back then, no mommy around) you can fit a six pack in the average size diaper bag.

Oh sweetie jeezus, John Corigliano... I was 12 when Altered States came out, & played the goat-sacrificing HELL out of the soundtrack. Always wondered if he spilled blood elsewhere...
Dead Corporate Eyes:

I have two kids and I admit I have never tried that, slab. My wife would give me hell if I did.
Brian in UK:

Check the link slab, it's the same name as FMU are using for this (lowers voice) FUCKIN' FUNDRAISER right now. It's all 'bout 'lectricity hence sparky.

Hey. thanks to whoever just pledged to Scott's show! You ROCK! I'm gonna go see who it was and then keep the information to myself.

oh, B in K. i thought you were calling me sparky. thought maybe you knew me because that is a reference to something only people in my past would have known. strange. pretty sure you used that sparky thing before when i have posted.
Brian in UK:

Scott synochronicity, you have raised 19% as has the overall total.

Dont get too worked up by the 35% stat. That is only for phone pledges. Overall, only 8% of March marathon pledges go unpaid because over half of the pledges are paid upfront via credit card and paypal and check.
Bas, NL:

It was me that just pledged. I'm listening much easier now... ;)
Hi Scott, hi Ken, hi all!!

Thank you Bas! You're the best!
Brian in UK:

Not knowingly slab.

Bas you just blew Ken's kool. Tee Hee.


and that does not include the people who paid their pledges in full with brown bags full of pennies that are still being counted by volunteers.

cut from another site:
China IS NAZI, communism NOW IS NAZI except IN CUBA, where the real ideals ARE TRYINGLY been kept upheld by good Fidel Castro. Cuba is the ONLY ever communist country THAT DID NOT fall into madness.

how do i get out of here. easy. nappie was no scumbag, folx who think like that are comfortable sofa-intellectuals, sudo-”intellectuals”.

REAL, really TRUELY being-so intellectuals like Chomsky HAVE DA FRIGGIN GUTS to to turkey and help some “dissident” getting freed. Some brave good TRUESCREAMERS like our fieldmarshall Alex Jones MyLord and Liege and OverDuke and Total OverBaron (adhere to the sad fact that most people will take the worde “total” up in a wrong way, here, so misunderstanding here solved most easily, as well :) , have the guts to call for the REAL ISSUES.

The sudo-”Fed”s.

The “Bohemian Grove” childKILLING KKK NAZI SWINE ORG.

first, I abolish dat evil KKK and MARLBORO meaning upside down “OROBL JEW”, and i never listened to vynil records from behind in a reverse manner, that i saw in some stupid docus, good ones also among them, being critical against such rubbish…… oy worlde… where art thou going, i hope OTPOR is kicked out soon and peacefully and easily…. those “DRAFT” shouters here like this mista “51″ are plain crazy… shouting WAR and stuff….. that’s what I call FEARMONGERING… panic spreading….. all SPAMMMMMMM spigeddee spamm, spam spigeddeee spammmm
Scott W:


what if someone pledged $5 to ten different shows, would they get the t-shirt?

aw, RIP David Hess and the Ice Cream Song.

sort of. has to be 15$ min to a show. think it says when you pledge
yair yona (tel aviv, Israel,Earth):

hey scott.
so did I miss the entire Jansch part of the show??
Brian in UK:

Scott This is a belter thought I remembered it, trouble played it last week reminded me of Tahiti 80 a bit.

so if i pledged $15 to 4 different shows I would qualify for the t-shirt? is it kept track of? during the marathon i do my usual mouse pledge then pledge to individual shows as it goes on. in this month i would like to spread it out too. but still qualify for the dollar amount swag that comes with the ultimate total of pledges amount.
Mike East:

slab - I've done that, and yes it is cumulative.
Dead Corporate Eyes:

they have massive organization skills down there

Ken, why not steal KFJC's idea and at the meetups have people throw in their spare change? Or, jeez, you and Andy go sit out on the street and beg for spare change?

Though, I guess that might feel like you have to pay for Meetups. Which is not the goal... never mind!

Didn't Ken and Andy already beg for spare change on a 7SD episode once?

@Ike, I was wondering that... Yes, actually, I believe so... never mind!

BTW, I double checked the gifts page for pledges and I am so impressed that WFMU used the correct form of the plural of premium that I may give more money...

when i go to the record fair i easily splay out several clams at the pub around the corner McManus pub. it is a wonderful pub and i always sneak out to pound a few pints. it is right around the corner to the record fair. maybe i can drink 35 percent of my beers there and brown bag the rest and give the savings to wfmu.
Scott W:

who's gonna help me hit the halfway mark today, hmmm? 19% is nice, but after the show I'm 50% thru my showzz fer Awetober!

this Radiation City is really nice
Scott W:

yeah jeff i'm with you on this one, it's gorgeous

haha , and then there is this one too...

Yes Slab, it's all cumulative. If you pledge once and divide it between different shows, it has to be a $15 minimum per show. Of course you can circumvent that and pledge $5 to as many shows as you want but then you have to make a payment each time. Better to stick with the $15 per show.
Scott W:

mm hmm, yup~ sub pop no less

i think i can do $15 for the show, since it counts for over all pledges. I am addicted to wfmu t-shirts and want it after $50 worth of pledges. I was going to do it all at once but it is nice to see that it can be spread out to support individual shows.

Do it now Slab! The station is way way behind pace on this thing.

ok. now i am at the place where i want to select my pledge amount. i can click on $15 and it asks if i want soap or the wuf-mu sticker. or any amount above. if I click on $15 for Scott's show, and another $15 for Ken's show on Wednesday and another $15...and os on...will I get a bunch of bars of soap and no t-shirt?

Slab - Joe McGasko will come to the rescue. Grasp the faith!
Mike East:

I really want that TShirt too. I just got a mortgage and spent a buttload of money on furniture, moving, various other expenses. When are payment going to be due for this silent marathon (which I was hearing about all last week on 91.1 while painting with no internet)

great mix of sweetness & slight abrasion. here. in ears.

oh, yes. I forgot about Joe. He is on top of it all. That reminds me. I need remember to change my credit card info that i have with wfmu will expire in 2012. Joe actually called my house one time years ago saying that my card date had expired and needed a new date. i wonder how often that happens. reminder to all. i am known in my area as the wfmu t-shirt guy. an area where wfmu isn't all known. but they know it because of me and my t-shirts.
Mike East:

sorry, what I meant was - When will the payments be due for this silent marathon? I feel like my wife will leave me if I donate money in a month when I'm telling her that she can't buy any of the stuff she wants.

last year for halloween I dressed up as my luche libre character with suit and all. you know, the way the luche libre guys dress up in suits when they are not in a match and in interviews. so cool. eithere way i pledge $15 dollars to fifteen minutes left in the show. I will bring the luche libre to the area because i will be there for halloween.

I was once at a gig, sporting the very latest in WFMU apparel when suddenly the prettiest of girls threw herself on me exclaiming "W-F-M-U"! I thought I was in some sort of dream until I noticed behind her were two big college guys who were none too pleased at their Beau's apparent loss of control and were slowly approaching. I withdrew gracefully but the power of the shirt was truly undeniable.

A couple weeks ago, a gorgeous female coworker told me that my "consistently inconsistent" t-shirt made her feel like twisting my nipples :(
Scott W:

Stanley, I don't believe you. Looms, I do believe you.

oh, yes. the wfmu t-shirt of any show our kind can make many females want to jump you. even if they don't know what wfmu is. it is something about the vibes, man, and the staion. and the shirts. that is why wfmu has so many shirts. including a luche libre shirt...which i do not have and want many!!!
Moody Moodswing:

That was nice of you 0:)
Scott W:

Hi Moody Moodswing! I love your donut.
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