Give The Drummer Some with Doug Schulkind Favoriting
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Friday 9am - Noon (EDT) | On WFMU's Give the Drummer Radio
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October 7, 2011 Favoriting
Merrily we stream along...
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Artist Selection Album    (Label / Recording date)
Theme Music:
Sarah Webster Fabio 
Jujus: Alchemy of the Blues   Favoriting Jujus: Alchemy of the Blues
(Folkways 1976)
ECD  In Tempo   Favoriting Major Force: The Original Art-Form
(Mo' Wax 1990)

Unidentified  Pa-ka-'coutez Moin' Leopold   Favoriting Bamboulas de la Guadeloupe
(Disques Bam )
Alphonso et Son Orchestre  Alors   Favoriting Biguine Pour Toi
(Président )
Léona Gabriel  A Si Paré   Favoriting Maladie D'Amour
(Pharaon )
Pierre Louiss  La Fille et le Garçon   Favoriting Creole Swing
(Frémeaux & Associés 1962)
Toto Necessité  Jouda   Favoriting Tout Cé Vanité
(Mini 1980)

Talkover Music:
Bee Houston 
Blues for Rupez   Favoriting The Hustler
(Arhoolie 1968)

Mildred Bailey w/Paul Baron Orch.  Which of the Great Forty-Eight?   Favoriting Mildred Bailey 1943-1945
(Chronological Classics 1945)
Hazel Scott  You Gave Me the Go-By   Favoriting Hazel Scott 1939-1945
(Chronological Classics 1939)
Martha Tilton & Jack Leonard  Two Sleepy People   Favoriting Trummy Young 1944-1946
(Chronological Classics 1945)
Maxine Sullivan w/Claude Thornhill & His Orch.  It Was a Lover and His Lass   Favoriting Maxine Sullivan 1937-1938
(Chronological Classics 1938)
Ella Fitzgerald  When I Get Low I Get High   Favoriting Ella Fitzgerald 1935-1937
(Chronological Classics 1936)
Sylvia Vanderpool w/Hot Lips Page  Sharp Little Sister   Favoriting Hot Lips Page 1950-1953
(Chronological Classics 1950)
Jack Sneed & His Sneezers  Big Joe Louis   Favoriting Billy Kyle 1937-1938
(Chronological Classics 1938)

Talkover Music:
Dr. Michael White 
Crescent City Serenade   Favoriting Crescent City Serenade
(Antilles )

Original Cast  African Rhythm   Favoriting Shebeen
(Gallotone 1959)
Original Cast  Daeraad (Daybreak)   Favoriting Mr. Paljas
(Gallotone 1962)
Seleke Ngakane & the Dimes  Bantustan   Favoriting Mkhumbane
(Gallotone 1960)
Original Cast  H.P. Blues   Favoriting Phiri (Money Makes Madness)
(CBS 1972)
Original Cast  Sad Times, Bad Times   Favoriting King Kong: All-African Jazz Opera
(Gallotone 1959)
Gibson Kente  Shone Ohantsi   Favoriting Sikalo 2
(Ring 1967)
Saul Malapane  Lennie's Theme   Favoriting Of Mice and Men
(Soweto 1975)

Talkover Music:
Milt Jackson 
Olinga   Favoriting Olinga
(CTI 1974)

Unidentified Quartet  I Look Back Down the Road and Wonder   Favoriting Powerhouse Gospel on Independent Labels 1946-1959
(JSP )
Heavenly Gospel Singers  It It Wasn't for the Lord   Favoriting Heavenly Gospel Singers, Volume 3
(Document 1938)
Ernest Phipps & His Holiness Quartet  If the Light Has Gone Out in Your Soul   Favoriting God Give Me Light, 1927-1931, Volume 2
(Herwin 1928)
Chestnut Grove Quartet  That's the Reason (I'm Getting Ready)   Favoriting The Great Beyond
(Epecho Music )
Evangelistic Ensemble  Heaven Belongs to You   Favoriting Let's Sing
Rev. I.D. Back  Sermon and Lining Hymn   Favoriting White Spirituals
(Atlantic 1959)
Charlie Parr & the Black Twig Pickers  Light from the Lighthouse   Favoriting Glory in the Meetinghouse
(House of Mercy 2010)

Talkover Music:
East Texas Serenades 
Sweetest Flower   Favoriting East Texas Serenades
(Document 1927)

Les Frères Guillemain  Air Joué Dans le Noces   Favoriting Berry – Bourbonnais
(Auvidis )
Trio Cornemuse  L'herberte   Favoriting Berry – Bourbonnais
(SIlex )
Le Gallant Noyé  Fillette de Champagne   Favoriting Ballades et Chansons Traditionnelles Françaises
(Le Chant du Monde 1975)
Serge Gainsbourg  Chanson du Forçat   Favoriting Bande Originale Du Feuilleton Télévisé Vidocq
(Philips 1967)
Edouard  Les Hallucinations D'Edouard   Favoriting A Bas les Yéyés
Frederic Santaya  Le Camenbert   Favoriting Got the Go!!! Volume 2

Talkover Music:
Q-Burns Abstract Message 
Feng Shui   Favoriting Feng Shui
(Astralwerks 1998)

Pat Martino  Where Love's a Grown-Up God   Favoriting Baiyina (Clear Evidence)
(Prestige 1968)
Press Keys Quartet  Gözel Güzler (Version II)   Favoriting Lloyd Miller: A Lifetime in Oriental Jazz
(Jazzman )
Irene Schweizer Trio / Dewan Motihar Trio  Brigach and Ganges   Favoriting Jazz Meets India
(Saba 1967)
Bud Shank  Flying   Favoriting Magical Mystery
(World Pacific 1967)
Dave Pike Set  Walkin' Down the Highway in a Raw Red Egg   Favoriting Noisy Silence - Gentle Noise
(MPS 1969)

Closing Theme:
John Lee Hooker 
Stand By   Favoriting I Feel Good
(Jewel 1971)

Listener comments!

  8:35am annie:

hotrod's page says 9%; i like this page better.
  8:38am Doug Schulkind:

Oh Annie, I am always so glad to "see" you.
  8:39am annie:

fridays are fundays :)
  8:44am Doug Schulkind:

My Fundays come with chopped nuts, in case anyone's allergic.
  8:53am listener james from westwood:

surprised to see jmintheam's page at 1%. but their audience might be more oriented to on-air drives/calling vs the internet. they probably got letters as the rest of the listenership did. dig deep, jm friends!
  8:55am listener james from westwood:

morning all! glad to share a cool and sunny fall friday with the captain and crew of this musical ship!
  8:56am Doug Schulkind:

Listenah James, the bubbleh from Wildwood!
  8:57am ndbob:

morning doug james annie everyone!
  8:57am Doug Schulkind:

ndbobbing for musical apples!
  9:02am ndbob:

i remember a bizarre kids tv show in baltimore called "the collegians" where kids sometimes did bob for apples
  9:03am Doug Schulkind:

Now they'd have to float the fruit in a barrel of Purell.
  9:06am Maricôt:

i didn't get an email today and forgot all about the show... until now.
  9:08am Doug Schulkind:

Maricôt, no email came? I sent it out about 25 minutes ago. Maybe it is stuck in trffic. Glad you came!
  9:08am glenn:

i didn't get one either. doug doesn't love us anymore. "sniff" (and the tears)
  9:09am ndbob:

i got one on schedule
  9:09am Maricôt:

It takes longer to get to Brazil, please send 3 months earlier.
  9:12am Doug Schulkind:

Ha! I just sent you one for January, Maricôt!

Glad you got it, ndbob, I was about to re-send... (oh the horror)
  9:14am Doug Schulkind:

THANK you THANK you, oh kind contributor!
  9:14am still b/p:

Mighta missed it altogether today! Me and bike almost taken out this morning by an out-of-state SUV, whose driver then raged that I should be on the sidewalk, among other things. Drummin' away the hate, baby, drummin' it out....
  9:16am Doug Schulkind:

Yikes! still b/p. Glad you're still in one piece (or however many pieces you started out the day in).
  9:16am glenn:

well really, if an s.u.v. isn't the metaphorical embodiment of selfishness, i don't know what is.
  9:17am Maggie:

happy friday everyone. (could that have been me at 9:14, Doug?)
  9:20am Doug Schulkind:

I have no way of telling who has pledged. I am sitting here, watching the old pledge thermometer, just like you guys. Watching and hoping. But I can only assume it was you, Maggie. Merci!
  9:25am Doug Schulkind:

And BOOM, up to...20%!! Thank you, dear pledger! Can anyone say MOMENTUM?!
  9:28am out of state SUV:

You better believe I can!
  9:30am Doug Schulkind:

How about a little gas for the Drummer Some tank, SUV? (To assuage your guilt.)
  9:30am listener james from westwood:

no disrespect to b/p, but that ^^^ made me laugh.
  9:33am ndbob:

I will admit I have an SUV - it's almost impossible to get around here in the winter without 4 wheel drive - snow doesn't melt at all during the winter - and snow removal isn't very good.
  9:35am listener james from westwood:

that makes perfect sense. around here they seem to have filled the role that station wagons once filled.
  9:35am Doug Schulkind:

Special Waiver issued to....ndbob. We still love you.
  9:36am ndbob:

ah a midred bailey song - that mentions north dakota no less
  9:36am ndbob:

as i approach my fourth winter here
  9:37am still b/p:

proto-schoolhouse rock.
  9:38am Brian in UK:

Your majesty, I missed the call to prayer but I'm here now. It's superb to be from Pittsburgh.
  9:38am listener james from westwood:

that nevada part sounds good too
  9:40am Doug Schulkind:

Maybe you can have an SUV if you live in a state ending with a vowel (yes, that means you Grandpa in Florida)
  9:40am glenn:

  9:44am listener james from westwood:

  9:45am Doug Schulkind:

Full disclosure: I don't really have a grandpa in Florida.
  9:47am Maricôt:

There's no such thing as NOT having a grampa in Florida.
  9:47am ndbob:

I really have an SUV though:)
  9:48am trijsh:

pssst re: 31 days of s+awetober
Are the per show metres are for the entire 31 days?
I'm thinkin' yeah and good thing, too.
  9:48am Florida:

We have a large number of surplus, mostly appealing Grandpas available for adoption or time-sharing.
  9:49am Doug Schulkind:

See if you can guess the singer of this current weed-smokin' number!
  9:50am listener james from westwood:

what i wouldn't give for a weekly program devoted to music like this, the sounds around the second world war. (well, i know exactly what i'd give, and i'd do it in the pledge box!)
  9:50am Maggie:

  9:51am glenn:

cheech marin's gramma from florida?
  9:51am Doug Schulkind:

We have a winner!
  9:51am ndbob:

my guess too maggie
  9:51am listener james from westwood:

i;m still gonna go w/ cheech's abuela.
  9:51am Maggie:

  9:52am ndbob:

congrats maggie!
  9:52am listener james from westwood:

my too-slow-to-type guess would've been annette hanshaw
  9:52am Maggie:

i like that guess better than mine.
  9:52am Doug Schulkind:

In case you missed Monica's amazing tribute to the dearly departed Sylvia Robinson, go here (after the show):
  9:53am listener james from westwood:

i ain't gonna work on maggie's (pot) farm no more. instead, i'll handle distribution.
  9:53am Maricôt:

I thought Annette too. (and loving today's sound too!)
  9:53am monica:

ahoy, doug! if that was ella, was it with chick webb?
  9:54am Brian in UK:

Scott McDowell playing Meg Baird?
  9:54am Rod:

Toke up, Maggie,
I think I got something to...oh, wait, I forget what it was...
  9:54am Maggie:

you're hired, listener James from WW!
  9:56am Who is it?:

It's Dave.
  9:57am Hugo:

On the subject of highs and lows:

Track 3 on cd 1 on this very fine thing:
  9:57am annie:

Dave's not here
  9:59am Who is it?:

It's Dave
  10:00am glenn:

don't feel guilty. i simply can't stand that scat stuff.
  10:01am Brian in UK:

Sarah Vaughan AAAAAH
  10:01am earwax:

Elephants Gerald?
  10:02am annie:

glenn, i feel the same.
  10:03am glenn:

i like sarah vaughan. plus, her daughter is married to a former toronto maple leaf.
  10:05am Brian in UK:

Is Shebeen an illegal drinking club?
  10:08am glenn:

yep. irish for boozecan.
  10:08am Doug Schulkind:

Shebeen's weren't necessarily illegal. Definitely the scene of much illegal activity though.
  10:11am Doug Schulkind:

By the way, Brian, I LOVE that new Meg Baird LP. Thank for hipping me.

Hey all, we've been stuck at 20% for a bunch of minutes. Can anyone toss a coin in the tip jar to keep morale high? Thanks!
  10:13am Brian in UK:

Doug, these vocals sound quite strange in English.
  10:14am Doug Schulkind:

Thank you oh mighty 1% person. WE ARE THE 21%!!
  10:17am Brian in UK:

You can buy budgies on higher perches?
  10:19am Doug Schulkind:

Not exactly sure what you mean, Brian. Please translate to Esperanto...
  10:19am ndbob:

nice set here doug!
  10:20am Doug Schulkind:

A link to download the King Kong was in a Motherlode post from last year. I hope the link is still good:
  10:23am Brian in UK:

Doug. That was an LP by Manu Chao? No hope and Bob Hope. Visual deafness?
  10:24am annie:

delicious music!!
  10:24am Brian in UK:

That's better, cannot understand a blind word.
  10:28am Doug Schulkind:

If everyone listening right now pledge $10, we would push awful close to 50%. Please do give what you can. It's a good cause.
  10:30am Hugo:

Nice SA set, this one. I would say that, wouldn't I? Actually had a school class here with teachers and students from SA a couple of days back.
  10:32am lucy:

loving this in brooklyn today
  10:32am Doug Schulkind:

Hello Lucy!
  10:34am glenn:

i'm a big fan of mystery fiction. one of my favourite series is by james mcclure. it's set in south africa in the 60's and early 70's. very informative.
  10:46am ndbob:

that powerhouse gospel collection is great
  10:48am annie:

every time i hear singing like this i'm reminded of that great movie "waiting for the light" with shirley maclaine
  10:49am Doug Schulkind:

Powerhouse Gospel:
  10:54am Paul Sherratt:

Chestnut indeed.

Quite wonderful
  10:56am annie:

this is so powerful
  10:56am Doug Schulkind:

Brother Paul is here, let us pray.
  10:58am Paul Sherratt:

Been working away since the delicatessen opened, Bro Doug.!
You can hear the Chestnut influence on Ralph Stanley don't you think ?
  11:00am Doug Schulkind:

I would guess that the Chestnuts took their influence from Sir Stanley.
  11:00am david:

after spending a saturday evening listening to afrobeat with a lady friend I woke up sunday morning to find out that she lives next to a lively baptist church that was singing music like this all morning. it was one of the best things that ever happened to me. I truly saw the light that day.
  11:02am Alex in Illinois:

Anyone listening on headphones? Rev. Back sounds like he is moving around the room while doing this
  11:02am Doug Schulkind:

Some women will do anything to keep their men from slipping out in the early morning.
  11:04am Doug Schulkind:

Lovely observation, Alex. I must listen more closely. It would be expected that the good Reverend would be in high charisma during that delivery.
  11:07am Doug Schulkind:

One pledge of (or pledges adding up to) $69 will get us to the 25% benchmark. Please help us get there....!
  11:08am BodegaMan:

Great gospel set, Thanks.
  11:12am ndbob:

that herwin collection was one of the first prewar gospel records i ever heard
  11:12am holland oats:

"we just don't give a shit about fidelity"!!!!
  11:17am Jeff G in the BK:

Great show!
New program...sounds promising.
  11:17am Doug Schulkind:

Permission GRANTED to quote me, Holland.
  11:18am holland oats:

that's an fmu t-shirt if eva hoid one
  11:19am Doug Schulkind:

Oh god, the visual possibilities...
  11:20am david:

I agree with mr. oates. I also like "where fidelity goes to die"
  11:21am Carmichael:

Hey Peeps! I finally made it back, after 3 days of jury duty.
  11:21am Doug Schulkind:

Someone once called Willie Mays's glove "Where triples go to die."
  11:28am Carmichael:

Glenn, you like Sniff 'N' the Tears? I think they're wonderful.
  11:29am Doug Schulkind:

@Jeff G, this show has been on continuously for the past 25 years.It just moved over to this stream from the main broadcast channel after I moved away from New York last year. Welcome!
  11:29am listener james from westwood:

::shudder:: i haven't been called for jd in 11 years. my reckoning, i'm overdue.
  11:30am glenn:

according to baseball almanac that was fresco thompson. never heard of him. lots of great quotes about willie though. "There have been only two geniuses in the world. Willie Mays and Willie Shakespeare. But, darling, I think you'd better put Shakespeare first." - Actress Tallulah Bankhead (1962)"I never saw a fucking ball go out of a fucking ballpark so fucking fast in my fucking life." - Leo Durocher (1951) leo sure had a way with words.
  11:35am glenn:

god, i prolly haven't heard sniff and the tears in 30 years.
  11:36am david:

doug, is that 21% the percentage for your show or the WFMU total?
  11:37am Doug Schulkind:

That 21% is the total for this show. Each show has been given a financial goal by the station.
  11:39am Carmichael:

@glenn: I have all of their vinyl somewhere. Now I have the urge to rip it all to mp3.
  11:39am Doug Schulkind:

Hey Glenn, a dear friend of mine was tight with Tallulah Bankhead's dresser. I knew this gent, too, and he was a wonderful fellow. Some amazing stories.
  11:39am Brian in UK:

Carmichael, no more poison pen mail, no more me and Hugh. Strange song.
  11:41am Carmichael:

He he Brian! Great song. How about Carve Your Name on my Dorr?
  11:41am monica:

doug, am bobbin' along to this morning's show. another swellegant, elegant affair!
  11:42am holland oats:

i pledged on monday and mentioned this show, tony c, and mike van laar - does that mean my pledge was broken out into 3 different % brackets? they can't all count the same can they? poor mvl w 3-6am shift...
  11:43am Brian in UK:

Doug, Done it agin, Can't help myself, I need councelling.
  11:44am jk:

thanks for the tunes this morning Doug, checking in and out as usual on a friday morning. Did I hear there might be an owl in the drummer some barn soon?
  11:45am Brian in UK:

Carmichael. Liked Paul Roberts artwork.
  11:46am Doug Schulkind:

Holland, for a pledge to be "counted" by individual shows, I think you have to pledge via the widget on an individual show's playlist page. No worries, mate, we are all grateful.

Morning Monica! Your name was lovingly invoked earlier in the show!

jk: Different blog, though that would be wicked cool...

Brian, you are under my control. Go rob the local druggist of all Oxycontin and report back.
  11:47am jk:

ah, a guess in the dark is off the mark!
  11:48am Doug Schulkind:

According to his (her?) blog, ol' Owl used to do a radio show...
  11:49am Brian in UK:

Doug, it's the beagle pup, Spencers first birthday today, liver cake for tea. Yuk.
I've got the Oxyincontinent you wanted. It's a pain in the ass to find it.
  11:49am holland oats:

complimacated bizniss this widget-pledging - i'll get ya next time drummersome
  11:50am Doug Schulkind:

We are $53.23 away from hitting the 25% mark. Can five of you band together and pledge $10.646 each?
  11:50am ndbob:

i'd bet that was a great show
  11:50am listener james from westwood:

you can select which show if you're pledging from the front page or any playlist pledge widget by hitting the "or credit to a specific show" link. it brings up a dropdown for all 7 days &, at the end, the drummer streamers and ichiban under "other shows." was able to target tony, the naz, and doug this way earlier this week. will put in another 15 to get to 25%. four more join me?
  11:51am holland oats:

  11:51am Doug Schulkind:

This current track comes thanks to Listener Hugo who sent me scurrying for it after I did my jazz/India special a few months back. Thanks H!
  11:53am Doug Schulkind:

2% plain = a bottle of seltzer!
  11:54am listener james from westwood:

if we leave the count at 23%, the illuminati win. what discordian would let that happen?
  11:56am Doug Schulkind:

If we hit 25%, I'll play Bud Shank's "Flying," next!
  11:57am Doug Schulkind:

{You knew I was gonna play it anyway.}
  11:58am Hugo:

A little scurrying now and then is a good thing ...
  12:00pm Doug Schulkind:

This is so simple and gorgeous.
  12:01pm Carmichael:

I just tossed in a tenner. Who's next?
  12:02pm Hugo:

I liked that Bud Shank tune.
  12:02pm Doug Schulkind:

Man, oh, man, just $17.23 away from 25%. WE ARE THE 25%. WE ARE THE 25%! WE ARE THE 25%! (I apologize for appropriating that slogan in such a crass and selfish manner.)
  12:03pm still b/p:

I turned it up to eleven dollars! A littlemore later.
  12:05pm Paul Sherratt:

I'm impressed by all these calculations. Sent mine earlier today, btw. It's already in the bank !
  12:06pm ndbob:

great show as always doug.... gave during tuesday's show
  12:07pm Brian in UK:

You know it's like a snowball
  12:08pm Doug Schulkind:

You are a hero, ndbob. The super kind.
  12:09pm Jeff G in the BK:

In for 10 -- just before the end o the show -- I FEEL GOOD. Thx Doug.
  12:21pm still b/p:

Early post-show -- Tenores di Bitti?
  12:22pm Doug Schulkind:

You got it, still b/p. Those amazing Sardinians. (Sounds like a TV show.)
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