Give The Drummer Some with Doug Schulkind Favoriting
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Friday 9am - Noon (EDT) | On WFMU's Give the Drummer Radio
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August 24, 2011 Favoriting
It's a Nazario Scenario fill-in specialganza!
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Artist Selection Album    (Label / Recording date)
Theme Music:
Knocker Jungle   Favoriting Knocker Jungle
(Acrobat 1970)

The Bachs  I'm a Little Boy   Favoriting Out of the Bachs
(Roto 1968)
The Subterraneans  Psycho-Brainwashing Blues   Favoriting Down to Earth
(Polydor 1967)
The Spike Drivers  Often I Wonder   Favoriting Folkrocking Psychedelic Innovation from
the Motor City in the Mid '60s
(RD 1968)
The Pretty Things  Cry to Me   Favoriting Get the Picture?
(Fontana 1965)
Poor RIchard  Time   Favoriting Place of the Sun
(Kazoo 1978)

Talkover Music:
Obeng Ungu & Jalan Buntu 
Rabu: Sakit Tangani   Favoriting 1951: Sumatran Ladies Wearing Hats Outlawed by Government
(Hot Air 2001)

The Tradewinds  New York's a Lonely Town   Favoriting
Peter Laughner  Cinderella Backstreet   Favoriting Take the Guitar Player for a Ride
(Tim/Kerr )
Smokey and His Sister  Sheridan Square   Favoriting Smokey and His Sister
(Warner Bros. 1968)
Jim Sullivan  So Natural   Favoriting U.F.O.
(Monnie 1970)
Eddie Callahan  Santa Cruz Mountains   Favoriting False Ego
(Ocean 1976)

Talkover Music:
Thai Elephant Orchestra 
Heavy Logs   Favoriting Thai Elephant Orchestra
(Mulatta 2000)

Alvarius B.  Well Known Stranger   Favoriting Baroque Primitiva
(Poon Village 2011)
Satya Sai Maitreya Kali  Revelation   Favoriting Apache—Soundtrack from Yosemite (Dedicated to Jimi Hendrix)
(Akashic 1970)
Serendipity Singers  Love Is a State of Mind   Favoriting Love Is a State of Mind
(United Artists 1967)
Blackburn & Snow  Yes Today   Favoriting Something Good for Your Head
(Big Beat 1966)
The Quarter After  Changes Near   Favoriting Changes Near
(Committe to Keep Music Evil 2007)
The West Coast Pop Art Experimental Band  In the Country   Favoriting A Child's Guide to Good and Evil
(Reprise 1968)

Talkover Music:
Taboo   Favoriting The Solid Sounds of the 8-Piece Brotherhood
(Manteca 1999)

Mary Gauthier  I Drink   Favoriting Drag Queens in Limousines
(In the Black 2001)
Jesse Sykes & the Sweet Hereafter  The Dreaming Dead   Favoriting Oh, My Girl
(Barsuk 2004)
Lavender Diamond  Oh No   Favoriting Imagine Our Love
(Matador 2007)
Laura Veirs  Phantom Mountain   Favoriting Saltbreakers
(Nonesuch 2007)

Talkover Music:
Odell Brown & the Organ-izers 
Tough Tip   Favoriting Ducky
(Cadet 1968)

Neal Morgan  The World Needs You   Favoriting To the Breathing World
(Drag City 2009)
MV & EE  The Crash Palace of Records   Favoriting Country Stash
(Three Lobed 2011)
The Last Town Chorus  Brooklyn Navy Yard, 1950   Favoriting The Last Town Chorus
(The Last Town Chorus 2003)
The Magnetic Fields  When My Boy Walks Down the Street   Favoriting 69 Love Songs
(Merge 1999)
The House of Love  Christine   Favoriting House of Love
(Creation 1988)
Vetiver  Houses   Favoriting Thing of the Past
(Gnomonsong 2008)

Closing Theme:
Ziad Rahbani 
Second Introduction   Favoriting Bennesbeh Labokra...Chou?
(Relax-In 1978)

Listener comments!

  11:20am Maricôt:

Came to check the archive and saw a playlist being uptaded fo today. A show's coming? I got no mail!
  11:27am Doug Schulkind:

Show coming up in 40 minutes. Email coming in about 20 minutes. Welcome to the pre-pre-show!
  11:29am Maricôt:

lucky me
  11:35am Doug Schulkind:

Lucky we.
  11:45am listener james from westwood:

Lucky three!
  11:48am Doug Schulkind:

It's the magic numbah!
  11:49am Merv:

Lucky Wish-I-could-make-four-end-in-a-long--e-sound...
  11:55am listener james from westwood:

happy wednesday, doug, and all nazarites come to hear the word (and the tunes!).
  11:55am Doug Schulkind:

We all have faith in you, Merv.
  11:59am Merv:

Umm, Quartree?
  12:02pm Doug Schulkind:

Good afternoon (I rarely get to say that on the air) everybody. I'm in for AManda today until 2pm. C'mon and let's have a Scenario!
  12:03pm Van in Dallas:

Greetings Doug and listeners
  12:05pm Doug Schulkind:

Go Van go!
  12:09pm Carmichael:

Hi Aman ... whoa. Hi Doug!
  12:10pm Doug Schulkind:

Hello Alf from Upst---I mean Carmichael!
  12:13pm Alf from Upstate:

Did someone call?
  12:13pm texas scott:

is that really YOU??
  12:14pm Doug Schulkind:

Greetings Alf. Meet Carmichael, let's play.

It's me, Scott, it's really me. Like my dress?
  12:14pm hamburger:

howdy doody - this sounds a lot like Dylan o.O
  12:15pm Doug Schulkind:

Hamburger, you're making me hungry. I forgot to eat first, just like Amanda always does.
  12:17pm Van in Dallas:

At least you're not talking about lobster like she was last week. Had me ravenous :)
  12:18pm Doug Schulkind:

I did my Maine vacation last month. Now it's Amanda's turn. Lucky goil.
  12:18pm Carmichael:

I'm starving as well. Someone order up the kung pao.
  12:20pm listener james from westwood:

make mine general tso's and don't skimp on the hot pepper!
  12:20pm Doug Schulkind:

Kung pao! Like something you'd see on the TV screen during a Chinese version of Batman.
  12:22pm Van in Dallas:

I had leftover Thai food in the fridge thankfully :)
  12:24pm Doug Schulkind:

Get this oddball Poor Richard disc here:
  12:25pm hamburger:

speaking of batman - saw this yesterday / funny fake batman toyfound in a chinese dollar store..
  12:29pm Merv:

Kalamazoo represent! There was a breakfast place called "Poor Richard's" in k-zoo that had just about the cheapest food on the planet, grease soaked of course, and very likely connected to someone associated with this album. Thanks for the link, what a great bonus to my day!
  12:29pm listener james from westwood:

"Spiderman stroke all criminal activates"!
  12:33pm jk:

the day seems kind of empty today without an earthquake
  12:34pm dc pat:

drummer some: did you eat blueberries? They were everywhere in Blue Hill.
  12:35pm listener james from westwood:

jk, things along the east coast will pep up shortly when irene comes a-callin'!
  12:35pm Merv: I'm reading more about that Poor Richard album-- definitely knew a lot of people who worked at ProCo (the obvious choice for a shitty factory job for musicians in town), and I think the producer of the album "Uncle Dirty" is likely a guy who for a short time had a cafe called "Dirty's Outhouse Poets Cafe" (the sign to which was found in the rafters of a house I lived in during College)...
  12:36pm Doug Schulkind:

Give it time, jk, give it time.

dc pat,
I only made it to/through Blue Hill on the way out of town. We stayed on Deer Isle mostly. Did have some stray wild BBs here and there.
  12:38pm Doug Schulkind:

There's a bit of a local legend here in Pittsburgh known as the "Dirty Poet" (who plasters lamp poles around the city with xeroxed poems and writings). Nice fella. WFMU fan. Headed to a BBQ at his crib this weekend.
  12:38pm dc pat:

Oh yeah, Deer Isle was nice. There's a hill on the way up from Deer Isle on 15 that was just full of BBs. But the filed across the road from our river house had them too--we made pie.
  12:40pm dc pat:

did you eat at Seasons in Stonington? That was the best meal we had up there.
  12:41pm Carmichael:

Hey Pat, where u been?? Seems like a long time since you posted.
  12:41pm Doug Schulkind:

We almost did. We did Fisherman's Friend for lunch. Went to that Portuguese restaurant over in Sunset. Waaay overrated.
  12:43pm Richard from Venezuela:

Greetings Doug and all the listeners.
  12:44pm Van in Dallas:

Hi Richard, how's the weather in Venezuela today?
  12:44pm Doug Schulkind:

Very best to you, Richard!
  12:46pm Doug Schulkind:

You can nick this Jim Sullivan here:

(hope the link still works)
  12:46pm Richard from Venezuela:

@van mostly too hot. But today my city suffer little rainings.
  12:47pm dc pat:

oh interesting--we were wondering about the Portuguese place. Seasons is NOT overrated. Really good--even great grilled cheeses.

CARM! Yeah I always get discombobulated in the summer with vacations and all.
  12:49pm Carmichael:

Cool, thought you left us. I've been out myself with rotator cuff surgery. Just able to type again.
  12:49pm dc pat:

I'll tell you what's overrated: lobster rolls! I'm a veggie 98% of the time but I had to try some lobster. Not real impressed.
  12:53pm dc pat:

doog dog! Get better man!
  12:55pm Van in Dallas:

okay pause the show...have to step out for a bit :)
  12:56pm listener james from westwood:

was reading mid-90s issues of fmu's program guide, lcd, last week. this sort of stream-to-air wizardry was but a twinkle in the eye of the state of the station essays of that time. never ceases to amaze me what gets done at the magic factory with so little $.
  12:58pm Artie:

The lobster itself is delicious. Putting it in a puffy white bread roll doesn't make a lot of sense though. All that bread just gums up and mutes the ratter delicate flavor. Much better straight with just drawn butter. If you want seafood on a roll, go for a nice strongly flavored fish or fried shrimp or oysters.
  12:58pm A Phlebotomist Writes:

Hello Amanda, have you considered facial hair sponsorship? Hormone trouble, your vox is deeper but interesting.
  12:59pm Artie:

Can't wait for "Husky Amanda" to sing this week!
  12:59pm Doug Schulkind:

Heal well, Carmichael.

LJ from W,
So true. Little did I know it would be me caught in this Web fantasy.

Hey Phlebotomist,
Keep my hormones outta this...
  12:59pm Richard from Venezuela:

very good the Alvarius B. track.
  1:02pm A Phlebotomist Writes:

Creme de Menthe frappe is very effective so I understand for the vocal tubes.
a propos last program there was mention of rock 'n roll I was let to believe. TWANG n'est pas?
  1:04pm Doug Schulkind:

Artie, I considered singing along with something, then, for the health of the audience, decided to nix the notion.
  1:08pm Brian in UK:

Was OV Wright on Big Beat or Back Beat?
  1:10pm Artie:

But, but, but, think of The Art. Did Hermeto Pasquale worry about the audience before squeezing those pigs? Did Ayler think of such things??
  1:10pm Doug Schulkind:

Back Beat, Brother Brian. (May O.V. rest in peace eternal.)
  1:11pm Doug Schulkind:

Did Ayler squeeze pigs?
  1:14pm Brian in UK:

You know Doug with all Overton Vertis went thru on this swing sphere, it could only get better surely.
  1:25pm Van in Dallas:

Okay un-pause :)
  1:28pm Doug Schulkind:

Sorry Van, I ate your Thai food while you were out of the room.
  1:29pm Van in Dallas:

Ah but I brought back lobster bisque soup
  1:31pm Doug Schulkind:

Lobster! The magic word! Show him what he's won, Jimmy!
  1:35pm Van in Dallas:

Cool. I won a lobster pot to go trap more lobster with!
  1:42pm listener james from westwood:

ah, back in time from the conference call to hear the last lovely bit.
  1:44pm Amanda:

Hi Doug! Hi everyone! I can't listen where I am, but am glad to check in. We just went clamming and we are going to eat those guys for dinner. Yesterday we hauled lobsters and ate those too. Have a great res-of-show! Miss you! xoxoxo
  1:44pm Amanda:

PS: Nice on the Pretty Things
  1:45pm Doug Schulkind:

Lobster! The magic word! Tell her what she's won, Jimmy!
  1:45pm Van in Dallas:

Enjoy Amanda!
  1:50pm Doug Schulkind:

Good thing we all get to enjoy Amanda's show every Wednesday here on Give the Drummer Radio.
  1:59pm Van in Dallas:

Good job Doug. First time I've had the chance to listen to one of your shows.
  2:02pm Doug Schulkind:

It has been sublime, Van. Check back on Tuesday evenings (6-7pm) or Friday mornings (9-noon) and I'll be here.
  2:03pm Carmichael:

Thanks for the support, Doug and Pat. It's just one of those things. Old football injury from before we wore pads. :-)
  2:04pm Brian in UK:

Byeeeeeee. Gws. Mr Carmichael.
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