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Friday 9 - 11am (EDT) | On WFMU's Rock'N'Soul Radio
August 20, 2011
Favoriting August 20, 2011
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Artist Track Label Approx. start time
The Rebel Rousers  Favoriting Peter Gunn Twist   Hit  0:00:00 Pop-up)  
The Accidentals  Favoriting Twangin Machine   Beau Monde  0:05:01 Pop-up)  
Bobby Fuller And The Fanatics  Favoriting Stringer   Norton  0:07:21 Pop-up)  
The Break-Outs  Favoriting The Chase   Solitary  0:09:31 Pop-up)  
Carl Perkins  Favoriting Put Your Cat Clothes On   Norton LP ED-369  0:16:41 Pop-up)  
Dwain Bell and the Turner Brothers  Favoriting Rock And Roll On   Summit  0:21:43 Pop-up)  
Jimmy Johnson w/ Al Casey and the Arizona Hayriders  Favoriting How About Me? - Pretty Baby   Viv  0:22:30 Pop-up)  
Johnny Bell  Favoriting Flip Flop And Fly   Brunswick  0:24:24 Pop-up)  
Kirby St. Romain  Favoriting Oh Baby Doll   Tear Drop  0:26:59 Pop-up)  
Deacon and The Rock & Rollers  Favoriting I Don't Want To Leave   Nau-Voo  0:30:17 Pop-up)  
Myron Lee & The Caddies  Favoriting Homicide   Norton  0:39:07 Pop-up)  
Ray Agee  Favoriting Wobble-Loo   Spark  0:39:38 Pop-up)  
Joe Allen & His Alley Cats  Favoriting Baby, Baby, Baby   Jalo  0:41:26 Pop-up)  
T.N.T. Tribble & The King Bees  Favoriting Crazy To The Bone   Frandy  0:42:16 Pop-up)  
Tal Miller  Favoriting Only Sixteen   Goldband  0:45:39 Pop-up)  
Big Boy Myles and the Shaw-Wees  Favoriting Hickory Dickory Dock   Specialty  0:50:34 Pop-up)  
Bobby Mitchell & The Toppers  Favoriting She Couldn't Be Found   Imperial  0:51:01 Pop-up)  
Willie Wright and His Sparklers  Favoriting Gibble Gobble   Federal  0:53:58 Pop-up)  
The Eldaros  Favoriting Rock A Bock   Vesta  1:01:09 Pop-up)  
Ace St. Clair  Favoriting Crazy Flu   Stacy  1:02:19 Pop-up)  
The Valiants  Favoriting Tequilla Twist   Fidelty  1:04:44 Pop-up)  
Little Lee and the Streetlighters  Favoriting Later For The Twist   Bonded  1:09:37 Pop-up)  
Huey Smith & The Pitter Pats  Favoriting Bury Me Dead   Instant  1:10:57 Pop-up)  
The Sultans  Favoriting Boppin' With The Mambo   Duke  1:12:10 Pop-up)  
Hiawatha Brown  Favoriting Hiawatha Doo-Wa   Mr Peacock  1:18:58 Pop-up)  
Johnny Angel  Favoriting Fever   Parliament  1:21:49 Pop-up)  
The Surfer Girls  Favoriting Draggin' Wagon   Columbia  1:24:17 Pop-up)  
The Golden Nuggets  Favoriting Everybody Bird   Hawk  1:25:33 Pop-up)  
Charlie and The Infinites  Favoriting Road Runner   Eagle  1:27:27 Pop-up)  
The Just VI  Favoriting Bo-Said   Wax  1:29:38 Pop-up)  
The Ideals  Favoriting The Gorilla   Norton  1:34:41 Pop-up)  
Skip Poulsen and The Beach Continentals  Favoriting A Pretzel Ain't Nothin' But A Twist   Deauville  1:42:02 Pop-up)  
Andy and the Manhattans  Favoriting Double Mirror Wrap Around Shades   Cardon  1:45:20 Pop-up)  
The Blue Angels  Favoriting Quick Sand   Cap  1:48:49 Pop-up)  
Leo Quica and the Earl Hagen Orchestra  Favoriting Oh Leola   Liberty  1:50:58 Pop-up)  
Ricky Allen  Favoriting The Big Fight   Age  1:55:59 Pop-up)  
Juanita Nixon  Favoriting Stop Knockin'   King  1:59:42 Pop-up)  

Listener comments!

  1:18pm Oki Dog:


(male) One of the many French names of Germanic origin that were introduced into Britain by the Normans; it has since remained in continuous use. It is derived from the nearly synonymous elements hrōd ‘fame’ + berht ‘bright, famous’, and had a native Old English predecessor of similar form (Hreodbeorht), which was supplanted by the Norman name. Two dukes of Normandy in the 11th century bore the name: the father of William the Conqueror (sometimes identified with the legendary Robert the Devil), and his eldest son. It was borne also by three kings of Scotland, notably Robert the Bruce (1274–1329), who freed Scotland from English domination. The altered short form Bob is very common, but Hob and Dob, which were common in the Middle Ages and gave rise to surnames, are extinct. See also Rupert.
  1:24pm Otis:

Zim's broiled hamburgers and hot apple pie sound good about right now !
  1:37pm James Stark:

Hey Otis, I used to eat at the Zim's on Market and 10th. Great memories!
  1:43pm Rhythm and bruise:

I saw Zim's on the episode of Streets of San Francisco yesterday! Random! I wondered what it was. Now I know.
  1:44pm Sven:

Greetings from Uppsala ,Sweden! Wonderful Rex show!
  1:47pm gene sculatti:

Zim's: the real Frisco treat. Better than Doggie Diner, no?
  1:48pm StatueTory Amos:

Carry on !
  1:49pm the hookers paid full rate:

PAGE ONE -- The Grill Is Gone -- Zim's Shuts Its Doors / Fast food fells S.F. restaurant chain

October 31, 1995

|By Steve Rubenstein, Chronicle Staff Writer
Zim's, the chain of San Francisco burger joints founded by a hungry GI who daydreamed of hamburgers and milk shakes during World War II, is no more.
The chain once numbered 25 restaurants, but beset by fast food giants and the city's changing palate, it quietly closed its last three sites last week.
Some longtime workers saw the end coming. Others were sizzling like fries in the vat.
"I was so angry and hurt," said Kim Vallianos, a Zim's waitress for 21 years, after the doors of the restaurant at 3490 California Street were closed and locked by the owner last week without a word to employees. "They never even told us they were sorry."
For 48 years, a Zimburger represented something more than a fast food burger in a sack. It was bigger, leaner and hotter. With it, according to owner Steve Zimmerman, came "a slice of genuine Bermuda onion, a high quality bun and a very thick slice of tomato." Fast food joints, said Zimmerman, did the chain in.
"To have a Zimburger, fries and a Coke, you're talking eight bucks," said Zimmerman with a sigh. "At McDonald's or Burger King, it's about $3."
Zim's was founded in 1947 by Zimmerman's father, Art, who returned home from World War II determined to get the taste of K rations out of his mouth. The menu at the first Zim's at Steiner and Lombard streets featured all the stuff Art Zimmerman could not find in the mess line -- broiled cheese-
burgers without filler and milk shakes made from ice cream instead of ice milk.
The senior Zimmerman said he ground the meat for the first Zimburger himself because his mother did not trust the butcher and insisted on seeing the meat before it became hamburger. It was a policy that continued until the end, he said yesterday.
Before long, the orange Zim's marquee was everyplace. There were Zim's restaurants on a dozen San Francisco street corners. There were Zim's in Sacramento, Yuba City, Hayward, Woodside and in several locations in Marin County.
At Market Street and Van Ness Avenue, Zim's was open around the clock. In the early morning hours, hookers, cabbies and cops often dined at adjacent tables. The cabbies and cops ate for half price, according to restaurant policy, but the hookers paid full rate.
The restaurant's slogan was "Zim's -- Where Else?" and there hardly seemed to be anywhere else without a Zim's.
  1:54pm James Stark:

Doggie DIner is for the dogs Gene! Yep! Sad Zim's article to whoever posted that. Bummer.
  1:56pm Slim Jenkins:

At my place Hookers pay half , coppers full
  1:58pm Brendan:

I grew up in the Sunset (1973-1991) and can tell you quite honestly that the Doggie Diner offered some of the worst food ever. Their chili dogs were the best thing on the menu and that is not saying much. But it didn't matter 'cause you were eating below one of the most iconic and original landmarks in the City and it was my neoghborhood so I asked my parents to take me their often especially when we went to the zoo. I understand that now their is a very differnent menu but if you want the real deal you need to order their chili dog no matter what you might think of your digestive track. You only live once!
  2:00pm Tom:

Anyone remember Mo's on Grant Ave.?
  2:02pm Barb:

i remember the last time i ate at the one on 19th, i got really sick. But, it was a SF burger institution for quite some time. RIP. I miss the Doggie Diners, myself
  2:03pm Cornelius S.:

zim's and doggie diners were nice to drive by, but not to eat at.
the hippo owned all of them

The Valiants !!!!! THANKS!
  2:07pm Koko Bop:

Tequila with a twist !
  2:08pm D.R.:

There were a half-dozen or so of them at their peak. Lombard nr. Steiner, California @ Locust, Van Ness @ Geary, 19th @ Taraval, and a few others. They were owned by a guy whose last name was Zimmerman. My family used to go to the one in the Marina (on Lombard) and the one in Laurel Village from time to time. Zim's was where my sister & I learned how to eat in a restaurant. The last one to close was the Lomard location. The other locations closed as leases expired & rents went up, as neighborhood demographics changed, and as some locations got a little seedy. Zimmerman (or his son) then opened Pizzeria Uno in that location around 1980, which had a run of nearly 25 years (though at some point the name changed because the owner dropped the franchise affiliation)
  2:09pm genesculatti:

Was it Sam's Hofbrau? With corned beef, beer, sawdust on the floor, somewhere off Market maybe on the edge of the TTenderloin? This would've been the 60s (which is where I am now, so the memory's not what it used to be).
  2:10pm fred:

I wish I could have experienced those. Living in France all I get is the second or third hand stuff. Don't get fooled about what you read about France as a foodie heaven, it might be, but you have to be filthy rich to afford it.
I still deeply mourn the great Onigiri shop I once had around the corner. Now it's twice the price, and not as close... then again why would they sell these for a couple of euros when they can charge three times that for the same thing inside? The same goes for "real" American diners.
  2:11pm Terrance Y. .:

Does your ashtray look like this Rex ? http://www.rpechner.com/Family/Zimmerman-Family/RLP3653/280574022_Rwb3m-L-2.jpg
  2:14pm Terrance Y. .:

The one on Van Ness had Zim's Cardinal Room - cocktails and hors d'oeuvres and piano bar
  2:15pm Rex:

That's it! My cousin gave it to me years ago and insists that he pocketed it from Zim's...
  2:17pm Terrance Y. .:

I hope there is still ash in it Rex!
  2:18pm fred:

Though I got into the habit of checking into these "genuine American diners" and ask for Taylor Ham, even trying Pork Roll on the initial blank stare. Danne D got me into wanting to try that, and I think any place serving that in Paris, France would be worth knowing.
So if anyone knows where I can find it, I'd be most grateful (at least until I actually taste it)
  2:20pm genesculatti:

Rex, is this N.O. song where Keith got the idea for the Stones' "Happy"?
  2:25pm Swamp Guinea:

Great Dismal Swamp challenges firefighters
By Stephen Ceasar
A wildfire burning in the Virginia national wildlife refuge since early this month, presents crews with the unique challenge of battling a swamp blaze, where flames hide beneath marsh peat.
  2:28pm Flipper:

Hows yer Bird?...mine needs work
  2:28pm fred:

Hmm, bootleggers should go and put that peat fire to good use. Peat is gooooood
  2:30pm Listener Jumpy from Brooklyn:

Great version of "Roadrunner"! Zero cool!
  2:32pm Listener Jumpy from Brooklyn:

"Bo-Said" is pretty great, too! A cosmic must.
  2:34pm hamburger:

is that Alice Pierce at the top of the playlist?
  2:35pm fred:

This "go gorilla go" thing is pretty cool too
  2:37pm Leonard Graves P:

You Drive Me Ape You Big Gorillah!
  2:43pm Fez Lint:

Dumb ditty do dumb down , ,
  2:48pm Fez Lint:

a whiff of Ray Stevens in this one
  2:53pm Oleo:

Keep it greasy !
  2:56pm Jay/ London:

hi rex see you put a link up on facething for lux and ivys favs i got it the other week thanks so much and a great show today :)
  2:58pm Confuseus:

Wasnt she Lenny Kravitz' TV Mom ?
  8:50pm Rick:

Enjoying FP archives and potted meat food product. Does life get any better? Only if you'll spin 'Go Get A Wig' by The Ideals. Love, Peace & Chicken Grease, Rick
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