Give The Drummer Some with Doug Schulkind Favoriting
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Friday 9am - Noon (EDT) | On WFMU's Give the Drummer Radio
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July 12, 2011 Favoriting
As easy as A Side, B Side, see?
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Artist Selection Album    (Label / Recording date)
Theme Music:
James Brown 
Cold Sweat, pt. 1   Favoriting b/w Cold Sweat, pt. 2
(King 1967)

Dave Bartholomew  Lawdy Lawdy Lord (pts. 1 & 2)   Favoriting Dave Bartholomew 1952-1955
(Chronological Classics 1953)
Sir Lattimore Brown  Otis Is Gone (pts. 1 & 2)   Favoriting b/w Otis Gone
(Sound Stage 7 1968)
Little Johnny Taylor  Everybody Knows About My Good Thing (pts. 1 & 2)   Favoriting Everybody Knows About My Good Thing
(Ronn 1970)
Al Fayard  Doin' Sumpin (pts. 1 & 2)   Favoriting b/w Doin' Sumpin
(Alon 1965)

Talkover Music:
Ziad Rahbani 
Second INtroduction   Favoriting Bennesbeh Labokra...Chou?
(Relax-In 1978)

Lou Courtney  Hot Butter 'n All (pts. 1 & 2)   Favoriting b/w Mr. C & Funck Junction: Hot Butter 'n' All
(Hurdy-Gurdy 1970)
Jamo Thomas  Bahama Mama (pts. 1 & 2)   Favoriting b/w Bahama Mama
(Sound Stage 7 1967)
Zapata  Do Your Thing (pts. 1 & 2)   Favoriting Texas Funk: Black Gold from the Lone Star State 1968-1975
(Now Again )

Talkover Music:
Joe Claussell & Kerri Chandler 
Escravos de Jo   Favoriting Copa Mundial Muzique
(Guidance 1998)

Burnt Toast & Coffee  I Love You Girl (pts. 1 & 2)   Favoriting Funky Funky New Orleans 3
(Funky Delicacies )
Soul East  Funky Lady (pts. 1 & 2)   Favoriting b/w Funky Lady
(DeLuxe 1969)
Oliver Morgan  The La La Man (pts. 1 & 2)   Favoriting
(Seven B 1966)

Closing Theme:
Specks Williams 
We Gave the Drummer Some   Favoriting b/w Specks' Blues
(Jax 1960s)

Listener comments!

  5:36pm Aaron in JCity:

  5:37pm Drummer Some:

Greetings Aaron!
  5:38pm Jack:

Hey Doug!
@aaron - so what's the password to see the movie?
  5:39pm Aaron in JCity:

sorry - i watched it through the facebook - one sec - i'll go dig
  5:43pm Drummer Some:

Oi! Jack!
  5:44pm listener james from westwood:

good tuesday, doug, and all of the lis'ners near and far!
  5:45pm listener james from westwood:

occasionally i'd see a camera roving the record fair; wonder if this movie/documentary was where the footage ended up?
  5:51pm Drummer Some:

You must surely play a supporting role, Listener J from W.
  5:52pm listener james from westwood:

ps. defaulters' "gentle man" on the stream is quite nice.
  5:54pm listener james from westwood:

I appear in the film as "Record Fair Load-In Security Thug #2."
  5:56pm Drummer Some:

Surely you are the "coal-miner's daughter" of unionized load-in security thugs, Listener James FW.
  5:59pm ndbob:

afternoon doug, james, everyone
  5:59pm listener james from westwood:

LOL! I get 2 slices of Two Boots Pizza as part of my contract.
  6:04pm ndbob:

good timing actually doug - i'm heading east in a week and a half for a month so i probably can't listen live that much
  6:04pm Drummer Some:

A warm and moist good evening to you all.
  6:06pm Drummer Some:

I synchronize my vacations with your comings and goings, ndbob.
  6:08pm listener james from westwood:

afternoon, ndbob. and an early safe travels to you and doug both!
  6:10pm ndbob:

thanks!.. i try to find a different way when i go back each time.. but that's getting harder
  6:12pm Alf from Upstate:

Love this one, Doug. RIP Sir Lattimore.
  6:13pm Drummer Some:

Thanks Alf. RIP indeed.
  6:15pm ndbob:

I saw otis perform when i was in high school
  6:17pm Drummer Some:

Wow, ndbob, that is magnif!
  6:18pm listener james from westwood:

That blows away anything my high school had to offer. We didn't even have music or art, much less decent assembly guests!
  6:20pm ndbob:

lol.. not did mine.. this was at the baltimore civic center - they actually brought out crown and crowned otis the king of soul
  6:21pm Drummer Some:

You're from Bawdymore, ndbob?!
  6:22pm ndbob:

yep doug , lived there most of my life
  6:23pm ndbob:

i've also lived in seattle , knoxville , corvallis or, and here in north dakota for three years
  6:24pm Drummer Some:

On the Publishers' League softball fields of Central Park, everyone used to always call me Cal Ripken (thought I would have preferred Eddie Murray). I'm orignally from Bethesda, MD, but most acquaintances have always assumed I'm from Baltimore. It is a misconception I have never rushed to correct.
  6:26pm ndbob:

lol i do understand:)... i've run into a few people from maryland here in north dakota, but not many
  6:28pm ndbob:

some good records on alon - the original version of whipped cream - by the stokes.. etc
  6:30pm listener james from westwood:

that sounds like a sweet getaway up there in new england. i have yet to get north of salem, ma. always been curious about vermont, but never went bc friends were going there to ski (not a skier).
  6:30pm Drummer Some:

ndbob, the Stokes were Al Fayard's backing band on that track!
  6:31pm Amanda:

I'm going to Maine later this summer too! Have only been there once, in the winter, and it was the coldest I've ever been in my life.
  6:32pm ndbob:

i've only been in vermont once - and just to brattleboro
  6:33pm Drummer Some:

Maine is one of favorite places. The coast, that is. Jessie love's the ocean and I love rocky craggs. What could be more perfect?
  6:33pm ndbob:

hi amanda!
  6:35pm Amanda:

heyo ndbob & all :-) Yah, I like the ocean & mountains both. As well as eating shellfish in large quantity
  6:35pm ndbob:

i've only been to maine once - through it actually on the way to canada
  6:36pm listener james from westwood:

evening, amanda!
  6:37pm ndbob:

i'm looking forward to eating crabs when i'm back in maryland.. no oceans of mountains here - have to go to south dakota to see mountains
  6:43pm Drummer Some:

Lobstah pound, here I come. (Did you know that in the early days of this nation, lobster was considered lowly bottom-feader vittles for the working class. The rich wouldn't touch the stuff. Screw the rich!)
  6:45pm listener james from westwood:

all this talk of lobster is making my leftover meatloaf look like wan pickings
  6:46pm ndbob:

yep doug.. and used for animal feed too. i had my usual microwave dinner
  6:49pm listener james from westwood:

you can always grab some wfmu stickers while at the mothership and paper over that dubya!
  6:50pm Amanda:

Studio B is a snap. Anyone can DJ onto the stream from there. I mean ANYONE.

Congrats on rescuing the poor car from its oppressors!
  6:53pm Drummer Some:

Sorry, I can't put an FMU sticker on my car. It's bad luck. I bought a car years ago. A fucking GOLD Honda Civic that made my little heart go va-voomp! The same day I put on my WFMU bumper sticker, I got crashed into and the car was totaled. (As was my passenger, WFMU's Paula Gordon's, leg.) Ever since, no FMU sticker.

Isn't that sad.
  6:54pm ndbob:

wow doug
  6:55pm MameyNun:

The Best Show showing at the Brooklyn boulevard tavern is lame. Bunch of kids, I asked for Spikev. Congrats Philly!
  6:55pm listener james from westwood:

Yikes!! Awful for the car and the leg! Best to go undercover then.
  6:57pm Drummer Some:

Paula healed up real good. She usta do a killer overnight show on WFMU.
  6:59pm Drummer Some:

Paula was part of a small group of friends that attended my wedding day festivities with Jessie (meet at bar, head over to City Hall, then on to China Town). Paula rigged her hat up with microphones and audiotaped the whole event. I am probably the only person on earth with a cassette tape of his wedding. (Well and Jessie, too, of course.)
  7:02pm ndbob:

excellent show as always doug!
  7:02pm listener james from westwood:

Probably far more interesting to listen to than the run-of-the-mill videographered-to-death wedding video of today.
  7:04pm Drummer Some:

I really rather agree, Listener James.

Thanks ndbob and everyone!
  7:05pm listener james from westwood:

thanks, doug; travel safely and have fun on the vacation!
  7:08pm Drummer Some:

Thanks LJfW!
  7:22pm Bec:

it's a gloomy wet morning here in Melbourne town, but the show is warming the utmost cockles, giving me that cozy-by-the-wireless feeling. hi and thanks as usual doug!
  7:27pm Aaron in JCity:

of course my clients walked in and i missed the whole show - these are archived right?
  7:29pm Drummer Some:

Yup, Aaron. The archive should be posted in the next hour or two...
  7:30pm MameyNun:

Good show!
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