Give The Drummer Some with Doug Schulkind Favoriting
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Friday 9am - Noon (EDT) | On WFMU's Give the Drummer Radio
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July 5, 2011 Favoriting
Howdy Houston, cheers Chicago, whazzup Wasteland?
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Artist Selection Album    (Label / Recording date)
Theme Music:
James Brown 
Cold Sweat, pt. 1   Favoriting b/w Cold Sweat, pt. 2
(King 1967)

Lavada Durst  I Cried   Favoriting Houston Might Be Heaven
(JSP )
I.H. Smalley  Young Women's Advice   Favoriting Houston Might Be Heaven
(JSP )
Joe "Papoose" Fritz  Better Wake Up Baby   Favoriting Houston Might Be Heaven
(JSP )
Clarence Garlow  She's So Fine   Favoriting Houston Might Be Heaven
(JSP )
Smokey Hogg  Miss Georgia   Favoriting Houston Might Be Heaven
(JSP )
Lonnie Lyons  Down in the Groovy   Favoriting Houston Might Be Heaven
(JSP )

Talkover Music:
Bobby Montez 
Kon-Tiki   Favoriting Jungle Fantastique!
(Cu-Bop 1958)

Paul Hampton  Two Hour Honeymoon   Favoriting Twisted Tales from the Vinyl Wastelands
Volume 5: Last Kiss of the Drunken Driver
(Trailer-Park )
Don Bailey  Fourteen Stories Down   Favoriting Twisted Tales from the Vinyl Wastelands
Volume 5: Last Kiss of the Drunken Driver
(Trailer-Park )
Merle Kilgore  Lover's Hell   Favoriting Twisted Tales from the Vinyl Wastelands,
Volume 6: Strange Happenings at the Boonies
(Trailer-Park )
Billy Barton  The Devil, My Conscience and I   Favoriting Twisted Tales from the Vinyl Wastelands,
Volume 6: Strange Happenings at the Boonies
(Trailer-Park )
Margie Singleton  Jesus Is My Pusher   Favoriting Twisted Tales from the Vinyl Wastelands,
Volume 6: Strange Happenings at the Boonies
(Trailer-Park )
Jerry & Brad  The People Hater   Favoriting Twisted Tales from the Vinyl Wastelands,
Volume 7: Elvis Reese's Peanut Butter Crème
The Hi Fi Guys  Rock 'n' Roll Killed My Mother   Favoriting Twisted Tales from the Vinyl Wastelands,
Volume 8: Please Don't Go Topless Mother
(Trailer-Park )
Troy Hess  Please Don't Go Topless, Mother   Favoriting Twisted Tales from the Vinyl Wastelands,
Volume 8: Please Don't Go Topless Mother
(Trailer-Park )

Talkover Music:
Arkie Shibley 
Hot Woodpecker Rag   Favoriting Hot Rod Race
(Collector )

Lee Charles  Wrong Number   Favoriting Chicago Cool Breezin'
(Westside )
Otis Clay  You Hurt Me for the Last Time   Favoriting Chicago Cool Breezin'
(Westside )
The Lost Generation  The Young, Tough and the Terrible   Favoriting Chicago Cool Breezin'
(Westside )
Barbara Acklin  I'll Bake Me a Man   Favoriting Chicago Cool Breezin'
(Westside )
Margie Alexander  It's Worth a Whippin   Favoriting Chicago Cool Breezin'
(Westside )

Closing Theme:
Specks Williams 
We Gave the Drummer Some   Favoriting b/w Specks' Blues
(Jax 1960s)

Listener comments!

  5:54pm listener james from westwood:

good late tuesday to all those checking in!
  5:54pm listener james from westwood:

wondering what sort of wasteland we're going to: t.s. eliot's, newton minow's, mad max's...
  5:56pm Drummer Some:

Listener James! The perfect fella to ride shotgun. Here, you hold onto the bottle opener and I'll take the wheel.
  5:58pm ndbob:

evening doug james everyone!
  5:59pm listener james from westwood:

howdy doug and ndbob! two beers comin at ya!
  6:04pm ndbob:

I snagged this too but haven't heard it yet.
  6:04pm Drummer Some:

ndbob is here. Hear hear!
  6:05pm Richard from Venezuela:

Hello Doug and all the listeners.
  6:06pm ?:

howdy richard!
  6:06pm ndbob:

hello richard!
  6:07pm Drummer Some:

Hello Richard! Please give my best get well wishes to Hugo Chávez.
  6:08pm Richard from Venezuela:

hahaahahaha. ok. I'll do.
  6:10pm Drummer Some:

Wonder what you have to do to earn the nickname "Papoose."
  6:11pm Parq:

Hi gang. Is this a one hour show or two?
  6:11pm listener james from westwood:

Typically 1 hour, but Doug'll surprise you sometimes....
  6:12pm Drummer Some:

One hour, Bub. That's the standard. That two-hour show a few weeks back was a special, like.
  6:13pm listener james from westwood:

If we're in Texas, we gotta stop for BBQ. I need a big ol' sheet of brown paper with a pile of smoked brisket on it and something amber in a bottle nearby.
  6:14pm Drummer Some:

Don't forget the greasy greens. (I am having kale later. Does that count?)
  6:15pm Amanda:

Hi Doug! Happy belated America day to all. I'll have some of that BBQ and those non-vegetarian greens if you can spare any.
  6:15pm listener james from westwood:

Leave room for pecan pie!
  6:16pm ndbob:

hi amanda!
  6:17pm listener james from westwood:

LOL, if there isn't a BBQ joint named Smokey Hogg in TX, I'm gonna damn well open one.

Welcome, Amanda!! Grab a seat and a buncha ribs!
  6:17pm Drummer Some:

Is the PEE-can pie or Puh-CAHN pie?
  6:18pm Flex (AKA FrankMlsWhls):

Hey Doug, Glad to be here (or anywhere, for that matter)
Those June Motherloads sure were fine!
  6:18pm marcury:

Greetings and salutations!
  6:19pm listener james from westwood:

I'm going with PEE-can, and I'm making off with the whole pie if I-can.
  6:19pm Drummer Some:

Howdy Flex, greetings Marc-U-ry.
  6:19pm listener james from westwood:

Howdy Flex and Marcury!
  6:19pm Flex (AKA FrankMlsWhls):

About time they did an opera about Bubba.
  6:20pm marcury:

Since the subject is BBQ, I just made 30 lbs of pulled pork for the restaurant I work in your all welcome to it.

Hey there LJFW.
  6:21pm listener james from westwood:

OMG, I'll be there with a pig-emblazoned bib and a larger belt.
  6:25pm listener james from westwood:

hello, rebecca!!
  6:25pm ndbob:

what's odd is that i was listening to one of these when i got your email about this show
  6:27pm listener james from westwood:

that is like the wilhelm scream of skid/crash sound effects.
  6:30pm Drummer Some:

ndbob, there are no coincidences.
  6:36pm Drummer Some:

Marcury, if you ever need a nice roasting pan, you know where to come.
  6:37pm listener james from westwood:

after all this talk of bbq, i just made a salad. it just can't measure up.
  6:38pm listener james from westwood:

i want to read a series of short stories or pulp novels with the titles in this set. love these cuts!
  6:38pm ndbob:

I've never heard a Margie Singleton record quite like this:).
  6:40pm marcury:

I miss that roasting pan, among other things!
  6:45pm ndbob:

son of Benny Hess of "Wild Hog Hop" fame
  6:46pm listener james from westwood:

an all-time classic!
  6:50pm Joe McG:

Wow, crazy, Doug! I just got this box set!
  6:51pm Drummer Some:

You are a man of impeccable test, Joe. (Some say peccable, but I know better.)
  6:52pm listener james from westwood:

spent an all-too-brief business trip in chicago several years ago. left me wanting more.
  6:53pm Joe McG:

@Drummer: High test!
  6:54pm Drummer Some:

How the hell does ANYONE follow Otis Clay?
  6:59pm ndbob:

ever hear Otis sing "She's About a Mover"/
  7:01pm Drummer Some:

Covering Sir Douglas Quintet!
  7:04pm ndbob:

great show as always Doug!
  7:05pm listener james from westwood:

diggin' it tonight. looking forward to friday with a lovely stay at the nazario scenario tomorrow!
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