Give The Drummer Some with Doug Schulkind Favoriting
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Friday 9am - Noon (EDT) | On WFMU's Give the Drummer Radio
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July 1, 2011 Favoriting
Now, with extra wift!
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Artist Selection Album    (Label / Recording date)
Theme Music:
Sarah Webster Fabio 
Jujus: Alchemy of the Blues   Favoriting Jujus: Alchemy of the Blues
(Folkways 1976)
ECD  In Tempo   Favoriting Major Force: The Original Art-Form
(Mo' Wax 1990)

Ed Bell  Mean Conductor Blues   Favoriting Mamlish Blues
(Document 1927)
Bad Smitty  Smokestack Lightning   Favoriting Genuine Mississippi Blues
(Ace ca. 1970)
Snooky Pryor  Trying to Steal My Monkey   Favoriting Do It if You Want To
(Bluesway 1973)
Johnny Morisette  Bad Shape   Favoriting b/w Run
(Baytone )
Andrew "Blueblood" McMahon  I Can't Stay Here   Favoriting Blueblood
(Dharma 1973)
Johnny Acey  I Go Into Orbit   Favoriting Kennedy's Blues
(Agram Blues )
The Drivers  Mr. Astronaut   Favoriting R&B Hipshakers Volume 1:
Teach Me to Monkey

Talkover Music:
Bee Houston 
Blues for Rupez   Favoriting The Hustler
(Arhoolie 1968)

Waiphot Phetsuphan  Kho Bok La Buat   Favoriting Ruam Tham Bun
Phensi Phongsi  Chat Ni Nong La   Favoriting Luk Thung Sao So
The Impossibles  Thot Saphan Hai Si   Favoriting The Impossibles Medley
Chatri Sichon  Samak Rak Samak Faer   Favoriting
Khamkoeng Thongchan  Chua Chang Man   Favoriting Da Da Da
Caravan  Kong Kwian Ban Phrai   Favoriting Blacksmith

Talkover Music:
The Steps 
Babendi Bendi   Favoriting Mata Air
(Time Stereo 1960s)

Rocky Boyd  Samba de Orfeu   Favoriting East It
(Jazzland 1961)
Benny Bailey  Ruts, Grooves Graves and Dimensions   Favoriting Soul Eyes
(Saba 1968)
Charles Mingus  Transeason   Favoriting Jazz Composers Workshop
(Savoy 1955)
Yusef Lateef  Chang, Chang, Chang   Favoriting Before Dawn
(Verve 1957)

Talkover Music:
Bud Powell 
Comin' Up   Favoriting The Scene Changes
(Blue Note 1958)

The Shake Spears  Mah Pah   Favoriting Red With Purple Flashes,
Volume 1
(Parka )
The Solid State  The Lynching   Favoriting The Incredible Expanding Universe of Brain Shadows
(Past & Present )
Margo Guryan  Take a Picture   Favoriting Take a Picture
(Bell 1968)
Dana Gillespie  Can't You See I'm Dreaming   Favoriting Foolish Seasons
(Decca 1967)
Gates of Eden  No One Was There   Favoriting b/w Elegy
(Warner Bros. 1967)
Mellow Candle  Sheep Season   Favoriting Swaddling Songs
(Deram 1972)
Michaelangelo  Take It Bach   Favoriting One Voice Many
(Fallout 1971)
Penny Arkade  Country Girl   Favoriting Not the Freeze
(Sundazed 1968)

Talkover Music:
Samba Pa' Ti   Favoriting Abraxas
(Columbia 1970)

Hsissen  Rehdegh Tavalizth   Favoriting Le Meilleur du Chaabi
(Intermède )
Hamdawa with M'Allem Zouzou  Salaouat Nabina   Favoriting Sidi Hammou
Hamza el Din  Aiga Denos Ailanga   Favoriting Music of Nubia
(Vanguard 1964)
Aziza Brahim Maichan w/Gulili Mankoo  Alli Nahuah   Favoriting Mi Canto
(Re-aktion 2007)
Abdullah Ibrahim  Ishmael   Favoriting Africa, Tears and Laughter

Talkover Music:
Augustus Pablo 
Drums to the King   Favoriting Blowing With the Wind
(Greensleeves 1978)

Dave Porter  Where Do Clouds Go   Favoriting Dave Porter
Knocker Jungle  Sunburnt Virgin Trousers   Favoriting Knocker Jungle
(Acrobat 1970)
Bob Lind  Anymore   Favoriting Since There Were Circles
(Capitol 1971)
Kenny Rankin  The Dolphin   Favoriting Mind-Dusters
(Mercury 1967)
Gordon Alexander  Windy Wednesday   Favoriting Gordon's Buster
(Columbia 1968)
Smokey and His Sister  Creators of Rain   Favoriting Smokey and His Sister
(Sundazed 1967)
Vetiver  On a Nerve   Favoriting Vetiver
(DiChristina Stair Builders 2004)

Closing Theme:
John Lee Hooker 
Stand By   Favoriting I Feel Good
(Jewel 1971)

Listener comments!

  8:47am annie:

lurking, quietly...
  8:48am listener james from westwood:

Poised in a state of catlike readiness.
  8:50am annie:

T-minus ten minutes, and counting
  8:51am Drummer Some:

Hello dear Annie and LJfW!
  8:52am Maggie in Rock Tavern:

(mornin' Annie!) Who did that version of Sinnerman (if that's even the right song title)?
  8:52am Maggie in Rock Tavern:

  8:55am listener james from westwood:

good friday and happy july to you all!
  8:56am listener james from westwood:

for those listeners in the southern hemisphere, you have my envy. i am so not a summer type of guy.
  8:56am annie:

morning maggie, and all you other great listeners
  8:58am ?:

morning Doug and everyone!
  8:58am Drummer Some:

Hi Maggie (Mom),
"Sinnerman" was by Mij (who usta busk in Washington Square Park. He called his version "Grok (Martian Love Call)." I'm not kidding.
  9:01am ndbob:

morning Doug and everyone!.. this time I remembered to type my name in
  9:01am Drummer Some:

And awaaaay we go!
  9:02am Drummer Some:

Hiya ndbob, thanks for getting up early(ish).
  9:02am Bob:

Hearin' it, feelin' it...
  9:02am Maggie in Rock Tavern:

WOW, thank ya, son!
  9:03am ndbob:

Didn't know if I would get i tin time this morning
  9:05am Drummer Some:

Hello Bob, our first palindromic listener of the day (that has nothing to do with Sarah Palindromic, mind you).
  9:07am still b/p:

SWM seeks Martian of any color interested in musical love-calling and long groks on the beach.

Good morning.
  9:08am annie:

hey BP!
  9:11am still b/p:

Hi, early annie!
  9:11am Brian in UK:

Good aftermornin' everyone.

Is it true true that juxtapositions are welcome along side palindromes.
  9:11am ndbob:

As you can see I'm still half asleep.
  9:11am marcury:

  9:12am El Thatchmo:

Thatchmo in the house! Watching from his outpost @ the Fuddyduuddy station on The Red Planet!
  9:12am Jon:

Bring on the wifty men!
  9:13am texas scott:


And ain't got shit to do.
  9:13am annie:

does that say wifty?
  9:13am annie:

hey ts, sorry i missed your show this week..
  9:14am texas scott:

no apologies,AA.
it's ALL good.
  9:15am annie:

  9:16am Drummer Some:

Hello Brother Marcury (definitely NOT a wifty man).

And welcome, King of the Wifties, El Thatch!

Texas Scott, I'm glad you're here.
  9:19am listener james from westwood:

hey hey, all!
this pryor song is wonderful. monkey-oriented songs are always welcome.
  9:21am Listener Bill:

Dave the Spazz would appreciate the monkey song.
  9:21am ndbob:

When is this Johnny Morrisette song from?
  9:21am Paul Sherratt:

I believe every single one of these bluesmen.
  9:23am Drummer Some:

ndbob, I was trying to find a date on the Morisette. A slightly earlier record on the same label was from 1961, but the Morisette song sounded more like late '60s to me...

That is because you are very impressionable, young Paul.
  9:25am BodegaMan:

hey drummer folk, I may not hang out here too much today so have a great long weekend.

It's my dearly departed mom's birthday, all I can tell you is BB King was right: "Aint nobody love me like my momma, and she could be jivin' me too."
  9:25am ndbob:

That's what I was thinking Doug... he made a bunch of good records.. ever hear the early ones he did under the name of Johnny Two Voice?
  9:26am Paul Sherratt:

I stopped listening to the few uk blues radio shows years ago simply because the djs played too many records you could NOT believe in !
  9:26am ndbob:

Morisette made the only soul record I know of that mentions Uncle Remus
  9:27am Drummer Some:

Johnny Two Voice? Sounds wild. Gotta find it...
  9:28am Brian in UK:

Respect BodegaMan. I'm having a different day, It's my wife Lili's birthday today.
  9:28am Drummer Some:

Bless you and your Mama, BodedgaMan.
  9:28am postmanpaul:

Hey hey Doug, thanks for keeping the postman posted! Hey hey esteemed listeners. Hey hey 'n ho ho.
  9:29am Maggie in Rock Tavern:

wish I'd found this a few minutes earlier:
  9:30am annie:

morning pmp..
  9:30am Drummer Some:

Oi oi oi, Postie!!
  9:31am postmanpaul:

af'noon annie.
  9:31am ndbob:

I love these astronaut songs.
  9:33am listener james from westwood:

you take it slow today, BodegaMan. i hear you and feel for you.
  9:34am BodegaMan:

thanks all.
  9:34am Paul Sherratt:

And on the subject of anniversaries our wedding was 34 years ago today - the last day a UK citizen won at Wimbledon. We didn't celebrate in July last year - waiting instead until 1st November ...
  9:37am ndbob:

Happy Anniversary Paul!
  9:37am Drummer Some:

Wow, Paul. A firm handshake for Gill and big kiss for you.
  9:39am ndbob:

I watched an odd Thai movie yesterday - "Sick Nurses" - after an hour of mayhem and gore the nurses are playing beach volleyball during the closing credits.
  9:41am Brian in UK:

ndbob sounds like a film that does not need subtitles!!
  9:42am ndbob:

exactly Brian!
  9:44am listener james from westwood:

i've heard of j-horror & k-horror... would that be an entry in the t-horror genre?
  9:45am Paul Sherratt:

Thanks ndbob. Doug I will now leave that kiss-spot unwashed for the forseeable etc etc. My that 45 minutes has flown by ..
  9:46am postmanpaul:

...sorry mister, I won't take no more short cuts across your immaculately mowed boring lawn, relieve myself behind the hedge when someone is looking, not tip-toe thru your tulips and, when you're out of town I really must stop ogling your wife hoovering in that sexy petticoat of hers. I promise.
  9:46am ndbob:

Yep James.. what i would really like to find are some North Korean monster movies - I have seen trailers.
  9:47am Brian in UK:

Congratulations Paul on your 'leatherette with vinyl inserts' anniversary.
  9:48am Drummer Some:

Those NK movies are documentaries, not science fiction.
  9:48am Brian in UK:

PMP Remember your P318 bottom line 'or as directed'
  9:51am ndbob:

There are quite a few North Korean music videos on YouTube.
  9:52am Drummer Some:

Thanks for the "sexy hoovering" image!
  9:52am postmanpaul:

Thanks Brian in UK. Too hot for the inserts tho, chaffing probs. I don't hang about :")
  9:54am postmanpaul:

You're' welcome, boss. Anytime.
  9:56am Paul Sherratt:

Thanks. I think we now fully deserve that home cocktail bar
  9:56am listener james from westwood:

monster movies from the hermit kingdom. the mind boggles.
  9:57am Leigh:

Mornin' Doug
  9:57am ndbob:

Have a link to that blog Doug?
  9:57am still b/p:

With a little more on the low end, Chua Chang Man would've had kind of a Wu Tang Clan flow.
  10:00am ndbob:

Here's the trailer to the North Korean film "Pulgasari" for after Doug's show.
  10:01am Drummer Some:

Monrakplengthai is here:

Be sure to scroll back, back, back through the archives. The links are all still working!
  10:03am trsh:

Coffee and Canada Day greetings to one and all.
  10:03am Drummer Some:

Hi Leigh!
  10:04am Drummer Some:

And Trish too? The royalty is really on board for today's cruise!
  10:05am annie:

i've fallen victim to a very bad internet connection this week... extremely annoying and very irritating, to boot. .. fiber optic be damned.
  10:05am ndbob:

Thanks Doug! I actually do know that blog , but had entirely forgotten about it... I once found the Thai disco version of "Can't Help Falling in Love" there.
  10:06am Leigh:

Been in grad skool, been crazie
  10:06am trsh:

if royalty, then also the dregs, over here.
  10:10am Brian in UK:

trsh The Duke & Duchess of council estate are in your manor I believe.
  10:12am Drummer Some:

Hey Trish, if you see Brigette DePape, give her my very best.
  10:13am trsh:

I'd certainly like to shake her hand.
  10:14am Brian in UK:

Doug, quiet word in your shell-like, it's trsh.
  10:16am trsh:

who? what? Hi Brian in UK. The British Royalty is in Canada for our day of independence. Kinda kooky, that.
  10:22am Brian in UK:

Well trsh for the last twenty years the royal family seem to be acting like any other family ie divorcing, acting out their lives in a public & embarrassing way. I appreciate that this has been going on for centuries with all royals but they seen to have brought it to a new nadir. 'manor' is a colloquial term for your hood.
  10:31am trsh:

Ah. Ottawa is pretty far from my neighbourhood. And better Canada day than Victoria Day I guess.
  10:37am Drummer Some:

Let's get this comments thread back on the key subject: beer.
  10:38am Carmichael:

OK, July 1st. Hi Doug and everyone.
  10:39am Drummer Some:

Hey there Carmichael.

And happy 11th birthday to my darling daughter, tomorrow.
  10:41am Brian in UK:

Hear hear, fuck royalty & privilege.
At skool there was a band called The Beathovens.
Pinch punch first of the month, Carmichael.

Mines a cold one, Doug.
  10:42am Carmichael:

The cask-conditioned IPA was most excellent last night, Doug. If I wasn't so busy post-work today, I'd perform some more quality control.
  10:42am ndbob:

and a happy birthday to Doug's daughter!
  10:43am Carmichael:

Brian, here in the States we say "rabbit rabbit rabbit!" on the 1st.
  10:44am Carmichael:

Dana Gillespie is an old favorite of mine. Pay You Back with Interest is on constant rotation in my iPod.
  10:45am Drummer Some:

Pay You Back With Interest, a minor WFMU hit.
  10:45am Brian in UK:

The response to pinch punch is 'punch kick for being so quick'. Like most childrens games & playground calls they tend to be violent like Struelpeter.
  10:46am trsh:

I'll drink a British pint any time. But oh, that Halifax, NS made ESB.
  10:47am listener james from westwood:

I have a list in my head of "FMU hits," either b/c I first heard them here or b/c they became popular w/ multiple FMU DJs.
  10:48am Brian in UK:

London Pride has been my favourite pint for the last 40 years.
  10:48am ndbob:

nice set here Doug
  10:50am Brian in UK:

Are you baking Lincoln's cake on the morrow, Doug?
  10:50am northguineahills:

tuned in just in time for Mellow Candle!
  10:52am still b/p:

Your great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-grandad's beer:
  10:52am Drummer Some:

Northguineahills, "now" is always right on time. Pull up a chair and start dealing.
  10:53am Carmichael:

Didn't Michelangelo have a radio hit in the 70s? Or am I thinking of someone else?
  10:53am Drummer Some:

Way to inject some class in the conversation, still b/p!
  10:58am Brian in UK:

His double album Sistine Chapel was big in Italy.
  10:59am Drummer Some:

They had a big hit with "David" back in about 1504.
  10:59am glenn:

happy canada day, all of y'all
  10:59am Carmichael:

I'll bet it had a gatefold cover.
  11:00am Brian in UK:

Sales hit the roof.
  11:00am Carmichael:
  11:01am Carmichael:

Surprisingly bland cover art.
  11:01am glenn:

gatemouth brown's twin brother gatefold.......
  11:02am Brian in UK:

The devil is in the detail!!

Happy daze glenn
  11:02am northguineahills:

Thanks still b/p, for the link. I won't be getting much work done before work now.
  11:05am Carmichael:

BTW Foreigners, today is a Friday before a 3-day holiday here in the US. Which naturally means I'm the only person at work.
  11:06am listener james from westwood:

Carmichael, I hope this means you wore shorts and/or a t-shirt to work. Unless that's the daily uniform to begin with. In which case, I hope you brought beer.
  11:08am Carmichael:

I wish I could bring beer, or better yet go to where the beer is. I'm sitting here in my official Friday dress-down Hawaiian shirt and jeans.
  11:08am Brian in UK:

Is it Step Grand Fathers Day on Monday? It's scary the card shops sell 90th & 100th birthday cards nowadays.
  11:10am Carmichael:

No, it's "Blow an Appendage Off" day on Monday. Should be oodles of fun.
  11:10am glenn:

carmichael is jimmy buffett's agent.
  11:10am Drummer Some:

My pops will be 92 in September. I better get me a card.
  11:12am Brian in UK:

Mentioning Buffett reminds me of Margaritas. Hmmmmm. My shout.
  11:13am ndbob:

Plenty of fireworks here this week... they are only legal here for a ten day period through the fourth.
  11:13am glenn:

or better yet, warren buffett's agent.
  11:17am Brian in UK:

Is this track on Vanguard, Doug. Just checking.
  11:17am Howie Supnik:

really enjoying this.
  11:18am trsh:

Great birthday celebrations all around.
  11:20am Drummer Some:

Right you are, Brian. Any more typos (while I've got my blue pencil handy)?

Howie! Howie!

Ladies and gentlemen, let me introduce you to Howie Supnik, the man with whom I did my first ever radio program—back in 1980. The first record we ever played skipped!
  11:20am Brian in UK:

Doug, can this set run to the end of the programme?
  11:21am Drummer Some:

If only, Brian. But the next track, the last of the set, will set your hair on end. (In a good way.)
  11:21am listener james from westwood:

howdy, howie!
  11:21am glenn:

and what was that first record?
  11:23am Drummer Some:

Glenn my dear boy, which first record. Of that set, or of the whole shebang?
  11:24am glenn:

the record that skipped, yo.
  11:26am Brian in UK:

By the way Doug, what have you done with the Caboodle when you moved? The Kit is always easy to tuck away but the other can be tricky.
  11:26am Howie Supnik:

Tenor Madness - Sonny Rollins and John Coltrane
  11:27am Drummer Some:

Beat me to it, Howie. Thanks. Tenor Madness was also the name of our show together.
  11:29am Drummer Some:

I haven't seen Howie in, what, 28 years?
  11:29am Howie Supnik:

really great memories for me.
  11:30am Howie Supnik:

OUCH, really??
  11:31am Drummer Some:

I left Oberlin in January '83. Have we crossed paths since then?
  11:34am Howie Supnik:

sadly, no. Can we make it to a reunion?
  11:35am Howie Supnik:

Did you go to the Steel Drum reunion? I couldn't make it.
  11:42am Drummer Some:

I couldn't make it either. I was being thrown a 50th birthday party that same weekend. (Let me just say, yikes.)
  11:42am Dewey:

Give us a job.
  11:43am Howie Supnik:

Vic just had hers, and mine is in December, and let me also say, yikes. This is the year of many 50ths.
  11:45am Drummer Some:

Hey Dewey, I could use a J-O-B, too. If you find one, let me know.
  11:48am Drummer Some:

Yes, this would be the "Wifty Men" set I referred to in my earlier email. If you didn't get the email and would like to be on my mailing list, send me a quick email (click on the little yellow envelope atop this page). I send out a weekly newsletter to over 400 fellow listeners and readers of my Mining the Audio Motherlode blog posts.
  11:54am ndbob:

I had totally forgotten about the Gordon Alexander LP.
  11:55am Drummer Some:

Mebbe I'll put Gordon's Buster on the Motherlode next week.
  11:57am listener james from westwood:

a gentle, tony-coulter-eqsue end to the show. nicely done and much needed today.
  11:58am ndbob:

and a Pittsburgh record here
  11:59am ndbob:

I remember seeing them on TV in Baltimore.
  12:00pm Drummer Some:

The Tony Coulter reference is a big compliment in my book, Listener James.
  12:00pm Brian in UK:

Peerless as ever Doug. Is the British equivalent of wifty mean fey?
  12:05pm Drummer Some:

Fey seems more gender-preference oriented than I mean. Wifty in my parlance suggests complete non-agressivity, highly prone to emotional epiphanies, often experienced in public.
  12:06pm glenn:

so, drama queen then.
  12:06pm ndbob:

Great show as always Doug!
  12:08pm Wifty Man:

Oh my GOD. Sonic double rainbows!
  12:08pm jk:

thanks for the show this morning Doug. Always listening, even if not chatting
  12:08pm Drummer Some:

Thanks ndbob, thanks everyone!
  12:09pm Howie Supnik:

Thanks Doug, talk soon
  12:09pm listener james from westwood:

righteous show, doug! have a great weekend all, and a safe and restful 4th to those in the you ess ayyyyyyyy (as fonzie might call it).
  12:15pm trsh:

Many thanks for the good listening.
Happy holidays.
  1:12pm Leigh:

Hot dang Doug another drop dead gorgeous show, thanks so much!

Hi I see that you played PAY YOU BACK WITH INTEREST some years ago....just to let you know i was the leas singer of The Corsairs here in the glad someone listenened to it after all these years...i was only 17 years old when we recorded it.....
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