Give The Drummer Some with Doug Schulkind Favoriting
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Friday 9am - Noon (EDT) | On WFMU's Give the Drummer Radio
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June 24, 2011 Favoriting
Re: Bufferin' — headache!
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Artist Selection Album    (Label / Recording date)
Theme Music:
Sarah Webster Fabio 
Jujus: Alchemy of the Blues   Favoriting Jujus: Alchemy of the Blues
(Folkways 1976)
ECD  In Tempo   Favoriting Major Force: The Original Art-Form
(Monotone 1990)

Astor Piazzolla  Tangus Dei   Favoriting Maria de Buenos Aires
(Trova 1968)
Stan Kenton  Quien Sabe   Favoriting Cuban Fire
(Capital 1956)
Joe Loco  One Beat Mambo   Favoriting His Piano & Rhythm
(Tumbao )
Guillermo González  Lupita   Favoriting Porros Solo Porros, Volume 5
(Discos Fuentes )
Chorolo y Su Combo  Cosecha de Mujeres   Favoriting New York Guaguanco
(Salsa International )
Roberto Roena y Su Apollo Sound  Apelo   Favoriting La 8va. Maravilla
(International 1977)

Talkover Music:
África Negra & João Seria 
Lá Bô lá Gelo Múala   Favoriting Madalena Meu Amor
(Gravisom 1996)

Gideon Nxumalo  Early-Mart   Favoriting Early-Mart
(Soultown 1970)
Davey Swingsters  Msiza's Village   Favoriting Msiza's Village
(Philips 1975)
Teaspoon Ndelu  Sputla   Favoriting Ke Kopa Madulo
(Hit Special 1981)
Almon Memela  Telephone   Favoriting Funky Africa
(Atlantic 1975)

Talkover Music:
Phoem Khlaibanleng & His International Mixed Mahori Orchestra 
Lao Kham Hom   Favoriting Thai Modernized Music for Dancing,
Volume 2

Spencer Moore  The Girl I Left Behind   Favoriting Ballads and Breakdowns:Songs from the Southern Mountains
(Rounder 1959)
The Appalachian Vagabond (Hayes Shepard)  The Peddlre and His Wife   Favoriting Dock Boggs: Country Blues
(Revenant 1930)
Emmett Miller w/assistance by Roy Cowan)  Thousand Frogs on a Log   Favoriting
Jules Allen  Zebra Dun   Favoriting Jules Allen 1928-1929
( 1927)
South Georgia Highballers  Blue Grass Twist   Favoriting Old-Time Mountain Guitar: Vintage Recordings 1926-1931
(County )
Cousin Chickie Hopkins  No Questions Asked   Favoriting b/w You Tell Her, I Stutter
(Hoosier )
David Craig  Just Forget It   Favoriting b/w High Heel Time
(Kus-Tum )
Milton Brown  Down By The O-Hi-O   Favoriting Milton Brown & His Music Brownies 1932-1935

Talkover Music:
Conjunto Balambossa 
Dizem por Aí   Favoriting Samba ao Vivo
(Coledisc 1966)

Ornette Coleman  Good Old Days   Favoriting The Empty Foxhole
(Blue Note 1966)
Ray Anderson  Ow!   Favoriting Old Bottles, New Wine
(Enja 1985)
Paul Bley  Calls   Favoriting Turns
(Savoy 1967)
Wadada Leo Smith & Ed Blackwell  Love   Favoriting The Blue Mountain's Sun Drummer
(Kabell 1986)

Talkover Music:
Odell Brown & the Organ-izers 
Tough Tip   Favoriting Ducky
(Cadet 1968)

Lal & Mike Waterson  The Scarecrow   Favoriting Bright Phoebus
(Leader Sound 1972)
Mike Waterson  All I Have Is My Own (The Brisk Lad)   Favoriting Mike Waterson
(Topic 1977)
The Watersons  Sedgefield Fair   Favoriting Green Fields
(Topic 1981)
Mike Waterson  Tam Lyn   Favoriting The Watersons: Mighty River of Song
(Topic 1977)
Lal & Mike Waterson  The Magical Man   Favoriting Bright Phoebus
(Leader Sound 1972)

Closing Theme:
John Lee Hooker 
Stan By   Favoriting I Feel Good
(Jewel 1971)

Listener comments!

  8:44am annie:

totally distracted by hotrod this am... and here it is almost drummer-time.. how much better can it get?
  8:45am texas scott:

Move 'em out,Cowboy Doug!
  8:52am listener james from westwood:

and i'm deep into an evan funk davies archive that i'll look forward to restarting later on embarrassment of musical riches up in here.
  8:56am Drummer Some:

Round 'em up, gang! Keep fingers crossed that Internet spottiness doesn't knock me off the air. Hitch that saddle extra tight.
  9:00am Brian in UK:

Hiking boots, backpack, sleeping bag, torch. I'm ready. You are the compass, Doug.
  9:01am ndbob:

morning Doug and everyone!
  9:01am annie:

doug, i've started to dig into the old emails from the weekly posts... man, there are some gems....what fun
  9:01am Listener Bill:

Ready to ride
  9:02am Drummer Some:

And awaaaay we go. (God bless Jackie Gleason.) Morning —and afternoon— everyone!
  9:02am annie:

uh oh...
  9:03am Bob:

The theme was cutting in and out from my end, like the stream was about 10 minutes ago (although that cutting in and out stopped) and now I'm hearing an old jazz band instead of the GTDS theme.
  9:04am Parq:

Atsa way! Just give the server a good kick.
  9:04am Brian in UK:

annie funny you should write that, I've used the random archive generator or whatever its called. I discovered 'Secret Museum of the Air'. Wonderful and Pat Conte's voice is made for radio.
Same as Bob, Doug.
  9:04am Drummer Some:

Thanks for you're uh oh, Annie. That alerted me to the sitch. I have restarted. Please keep me posted of problems as I (crazily) cannot monitor the live feed!
  9:05am listener james from westwood:

"Don't worry, she'll hold together! (You hear me, baby? Hold together!)"
  9:05am Drummer Some:

Anybody have any duct tape?!
  9:06am annie:

still the theme.. .. brian, sooo much music... we are spoiled beyond compare.. audiophiles orgy!
  9:06am chris from Durban:

greetings from Namibia doug - hearing you loud and clear
  9:07am annie:

yay!!!! you landed..
  9:07am annie:

damn routers, mine does that too...
  9:07am Bob:

Your voice is cutting in and out.
  9:08am Brian in UK:

You might have to do the show in braille
  9:09am marcury:

Good Morning all.
  9:12am Drummer Some:

Hello Chris from Durban in Namibia! Good morning to you Marcury!

I think I'm going to have to keep my hand on the clutch for the entire show. (Yes, my saddle has a clutch. It's a fancy saddle.)
  9:15am marcury:

stream down
  9:16am Parq:

Now, DrumSum! Just go over and kick the mother!
  9:16am Drummer Some:

I am watcing the deck of cards crumble before my eyes. Should be back momentarily. We've had a good long run without problems, so today is the "problem" show, apparently.
  9:17am annie:

we'll be here, imaging the fine tunes
  9:18am listener james from westwood:

you've still got a batting average derek jeter would drive a truck through an orphanage to achieve.
  9:18am Parq:

Actually, this is sounding a lot like early-80s FMU.
  9:19am Drummer Some:

Parq makes a good point. Just assume that everything you here I am doing INTENTIONALLY. Avant garde-ish.
  9:19am Bob:

I was planning the wording of my next comment and Parq beat me to it
  9:20am seang:

sounding good
  9:20am Brian in UK:

It's sounds liks turning the tuning knob on a radio. Which funnily enough this is what it is meant to be. So Doug in a crazy way this show is not your nadir but the peak.
  9:20am Drummer Some:

Listener James from Westwood, please refrain from Yankees references. We are a Mets family here.
  9:20am listener james from westwood:

stan's hanging in. the router was just waiting for that track.
  9:21am Drummer Some:

Well we'll just have to see what the router makes of Joe Loco (up next).
  9:23am Drummer Some:

Not much, apparently.
  9:24am still b/p:

Real Player is giving me silence and then just a weak chirp every handful of seconds, but I'm not on my regular computer, so who knows what stream weevils lurk in which hearts?
(Didn't Gary Wright do a song in the 70s called Stream Weevil?)
  9:24am Drummer Some:

Hey Chris (from Durban),
Would you type out a phonetic spelling for the correct pronunciation of "Nxumalo."
  9:25am Brian in UK:

still b/p He was in SPOOKY Tooth previously.
  9:27am Parq:

Oo-ooh Streeeeeam Weevil
Why'd you chew the channel on the ri-iiiight
  9:43am Drummer Some:

I am just going to brawl my way through these Internet glitches. I'm not a violent chap, but I will defend the honor of the musicians with bloody knuckles and stout heart.
  9:44am marcury:

This is reminding me of some of John Cage's radio pieces
  9:45am listener james from westwood:

is there any rhyme or reason to the number of songs it does the previews of before phasing into the next cut?
  9:45am Brian in UK:

More toons to the minute than any other station.

Bryce will be up next.
  9:46am Brian in UK:

marcury Are you thinking of 3:45 or whatever the timing of that piece was?
  9:46am jk:

mornin ds, just tuning in now, can't wait for some digital fighting to break out
  9:47am Drummer Some:

Listener J from W,
No rhyme nor reason. When the stream bucks me off, I have to reestablish the connection and sometimes it doesn't take for a few tries.

Hey hey jk!
  9:48am annie:

one of the most memorable spoken word pieces i've ever heard was "death of a wombat"..
  9:51am Drummer Some:

Woe unto the poor wombat.
  9:55am John L.: a wommmbat
  9:57am ndbob:

Just looked that up Annie.
  9:59am Drummer Some:

That Gideon Nxumalo is here:

courtesy of the fine team at Electric Jive.
  10:03am annie:

very very rare, now, hard to find audio of it..
  10:07am Drummer Some:

Just hit a bump. Did anyone fall off?
  10:08am annie:

loyalty knows no bumps, mr drummer
  10:09am ndbob:

indeed annie
  10:10am Christopher:

amazing stuff, this teaspoon!
  10:11am annie:

ndbob: the only time i hear it, by happy accident, is on "weekend radio" .. he plays it once a year or so..
  10:12am still b/p:

Got my hand so tight under the bull rope for the ride that I may be dismounted, flopping rag-doll wild and terribly injured, but STILL hangin' on.
  10:12am Drummer Some:

You know, Annie, that loyalty is my anti-Kryptonite.
  10:13am marcury:

Wow, my internet went down completely for the last 20m minutes. I guess it was working in solidarity with the show. That was 4'33. He did a piece called Radio Music, which had players tuning to various frequencies and turning radios on and off. Annie, I'm not familiar with Death of a Wombat, tell me more.
  10:16am Drummer Some:

I have a marvelous collection of Mike Waterson songs to play in tribute, but I will be heartbroken if the stream fails during one second of his singing. I'll save it for later in the hopes (praise Yahweh!) that the problems get sorted out.
  10:19am annie:

it's a spoken word piece taken from a poem:
scroll down to a description..
  10:19am annie:

  10:20am listener james from westwood:

the music that has been making it thru OK has been sweet!
  10:21am Brian in UK:

Who's up in the Russell Crowes nest keepin' a lookout?

Waving not drowning.

We still volunteers to dig latrines even when we are all at sea.
  10:21am marcury:

Annie, I'll have to try and track it down.

Have to go to work now enjoy the ride everybody!
  10:22am listener james from westwood:

you're back!
  10:23am marcury:

BTW, wearing my Where Dead Air Lives t-Shirt today. Bye all.
  10:25am listener james from westwood:

see ya, marcury & annie!
  10:25am Drummer Some:

My back, my aching back.
  10:26am annie:

i ain't goin' james.. chillin with the homies here
  10:26am triish:

Good persistence, Doug.
Especially like the pause-action to help connect the space between the dots. Good thinking.
  10:31am Drummer Some:

This really is rather absurd. I know I should have worn my aluminum-lined undershorts today.
  10:32am listener james from westwood:

annie: whoops, i confused marcury's mention of you in his adios w/ your heading out!
  10:32am Carmichael:

Good morning, Doug. Having problems with the stream. Cuts out regularly.
  10:32am annie:

can't get rid of me that easily...
  10:34am Listener Bill:

The problem is that you're not properly grounded. You need to run a a cable from the router to your aluminum undershorts.
  10:34am Listener Bill:

Kinda diggin' this hillbilly collage.
  10:35am Carmichael:

Just as I typed that, it started working. Wait, stopped again. Grrrr ....
  10:35am Hugo:

That thai ballroom dancing just won't quit ...
  10:35am monica:

i feel for ya, doug! this has gotta be killin' you. but we're here. vive la persistence!
  10:36am annie:

carm, do not attempt to adjust your set, we have control..
  10:36am Drummer Some:

Think of today's program as some crazy work of genius. So post modern, it's ancient.
  10:36am ndbob:

ah the great Emmett Miller!
  10:36am listener james from westwood:

that's what the net needs—a drink of corn liquor!
  10:37am Carmichael:

You control the vertical hold? You control the horizontal hold? You can change it to a dim blur, or sharpen it to crystal clarity??
  10:38am still b/p:

Orderly free-form radio is for rookies.
  10:39am annie:

you got it carm.....
  10:40am Drummer Some:

Thanks Monica. It is killing me, but a radio cat has 9,000 freakin lives.
  10:40am jk:

its like every song you've ever played all at once
  10:42am Drummer Some:

jk, I need an Alka-Seltzer.
  10:43am Alex in Illinois:

The wife and I are doing a "stay-cation" this week, so I am listening from home. I tuned in at about 08:30 CDT/09:30 EDT and was getting quite a variety. So, I took the dog out for a walk and just got back. It still sounds like the stream is going hog wild!
  10:43am annie:

all summer in a day.
  10:43am Hugo:

You can never step into the same stream twice ...
  10:45am Drummer Some:

It's gonna be bacon wild soon, Alex.
  10:46am annie:

this is a classic... yma dream...bookmark it for later, peeps.
  10:48am ndbob:

ty annie
  10:48am Listener Bill:

WFMU - all songs, all the time, all at once
  10:52am Aaron in JCity:

nice set this am mr drummer!
  10:53am annie:

crap, i have to take ice across the street.. gonna miss all the snippets of greatness
  10:55am Alex in Illinois:

There was this one friend back in St. Louis during the early 1980's who used to make cassettes of music that sounded like this. At first it was by accident when reusing cassettes, but then he started making them like this on purpose. Often you would hear parts of the same two songs back and forth for a minute before introducing parts of another song.
  10:55am Carmichael:

Vietnamese Hillbilly. Interesting .....
  10:58am Hugo:

If it's not an upstream problem, then it has to be a downstream problem. Or the other way around ...
  10:59am ndbob:

Ever see "Roll Dam Bones" - the movie Emmett Miller is in?
  11:00am Paul Sherratt:

I've only just recently got in ... so the show's still half-full as far I'm concerned.
  11:00am Drummer Some:

I'm going to reboot this lil feller and see if he stops throwing up.
  11:00am Carmichael:

Doug, maybe you can defrag the hard drive while you're playing the tunes. As an enhancement to the music, of course.
  11:02am Brian in UK:

What made Doug decide on this programmes titles today. Prescient or what.

That's it a blame culture strikes agin.
  11:03am listener james from westwood:

if natgas flame start shooting out of the speakers, it's def. fracking. and ornette makes everything all right.
  11:04am Brian in UK:

Whack on some Albert Ayler and no one will know the difference.
  11:05am Drummer Some:

Would someone out there please remind me next time to FIRST try rebooting the computers? I rebooted the router, which solved the last mess, but not today's. FIngers X'd.
  11:08am Drummer Some:

If ANYONE comments that the reboot seems to be working, I'm gonna sock you right in the kisser. Shhhh dammit!
  11:09am Paul Sherratt:

I'd half a mind that dear, twinkle-eyed Mike Waterson might have had something to do with it ..
  11:13am Drummer Some:

I'll give my Mike Waterson sequence a go after the next two tracks.
  11:15am Brian in UK:

Can we stop holding our breath?
  11:17am Drummer Some:

Can't you hold it for 43 more minutes, Brian?
  11:18am trrish:

"Anything changed since the last time you streamed ?"
Another troubleshooting Q.
  11:18am Drummer Some:

Jesus, the lights just flickered and my Universal Power Source just beeped. Today really is radio apocalypse!
  11:18am Hugo:

I stream, therefore I am ...
  11:21am Drummer Some:

Since I rebooted the actual streaming computer (I use a second to actually create the show), we haven't been booted off. A couple of rebuffering hiccups, but no full-on droppage.
  11:22am Brian in UK:

Doug, are you still doing these shows unclothed? If so, can I suggest some modest covering when the power men turn up.
  11:22am Paul Sherratt:


When is the studio-camera going to be installed ??? !
  11:22am listener james from westwood:

nice work! digits crossed!!
  11:25am Hugo:

To stream or not to stream, that is (indeed) the question ...
  11:25am listener james from westwood:

don't cross the streams!
  11:31am Drummer Some:

Paul, that would be an interesting but disastrous idea. Let your mind paint the picture of the sordid scene here in Pittsburgh.
  11:33am listener james from westwood:

a collaborator once asked if we could speak face to face via cam. i took a look at the room behind me and politely declined. tmi for me, much less for a third party!
  11:37am Drummer Some:

Coming next is Mike great epic opus Tam Lyn. All 11 minutes.
  11:38am ndbob:

Didn't Fairport Convention also record that?
  11:39am Carmichael:

Yes, that's the version I remember. Sandy Denny sings it, on Liege and Leaf I believe.
  11:40am annie:

back , again with 20 minutes to spare..
  11:42am Paul Sherratt:

I immediately realised the downside of the camera idea after noting Brian's words @11.22 !
  11:43am Hugo:

On Liege and Lief. Marvellous album as was the predecessor, Unhalfbricking.
  11:46am Drummer Some:

Almost made it through. Just brutal.
  11:51am Hugo:

Doug would no doubt appreciate the fact that Steeleye Span also made a version of it. That one I haven't heard, though.
  11:52am listener james from westwood:

you've earned the beverage of your choice after this techno-mayhem!
  11:52am Drummer Some:

Just give me 2 for fricking minutes, oh Dear Lord, and I'll get the hell out of here.
  11:52am Brian in UK:

MIGHTY. Methinks a strong drink is in order despite the time of day.
  11:52am Carmichael:

Keep pushing that rock up the hill, Doug!
  11:53am Drummer Some:

I ain't no sissy, Phus!
  11:53am Brian in UK:

Carmichael. I think it was Sisyphus you are thinking of.
  11:54am Carmichael:

That's actually a fairly decent screen name: Sissy Phus.
  11:54am annie:

doug, kudos!! i'm giving you a standing ovation..
  11:55am Bob:

Very impressive show considering the technical hoops dropping in your path as you went along.
  11:55am Listener Bill:

Thanks for sticking with us Doug
  11:56am ndbob:

Thanks for an excellent show Doug!
  11:56am Brian in UK:

Can I breathe out?

Typo alert, Mr editor man. Tee Hee. Top job, Doug.
  11:56am trrish:

Ta daaa! A feat.
  11:57am Carmichael:

You're the best thing since sliced bread, Doug!
  11:57am Carmichael:

You're the best thing since sliced bread, Doug!
  11:57am jk:

Personally, I think this was all intentional performance piece today.
Very nicely done, Doug!
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