Give The Drummer Some with Doug Schulkind Favoriting
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Friday 9am - Noon (EDT) | On WFMU's Give the Drummer Radio
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June 10, 2011 Favoriting
"Not the vomit from your T.V."
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Artist Selection Album    (Label / Recording date)
Theme Music:
Sarah Webster Fabio 
Jujus: Alchemy of the Blues   Favoriting Jujus: Alchemy of the Blues
(Folkways 1976)
ECD  In Tempo   Favoriting Major Force: The Original Art-Form
(Mo' Wax 1990)

Blind Willie Johnson  Dark Was the Night, Cold Was the Ground   Favoriting Diabolical Hoodoo:
Vintage Songs of Devilry, Doom & Hellfire 1920-1952
(Buzzola )
Little Axe  Out in the Rain and Cold   Favoriting The Wolf That House Built
(Okeh/Epic 1994)
Pure Heart Travelers  Chilly Wind   Favoriting Call the Angels
(Versa )
Dave Bartholomew  The Ice Man   Favoriting Dave Bartholomew 1952-1955
(Chronological Classics 1954)
Willie Walker  From Warm to Cool to Cold   Favoriting The Complete Goldwax Singles, Volume 3
(Ace 1968)
Roy Ward  Horse With a Freeze (pt. 1)   Favoriting b/w Horse With a Freeze (pt. 2)
(Seven B 1968)
Eddie Bo  Skate It Out   Favoriting b/w All I Ask of You
(Seven B 1967)
The Invitations  Skiing in the Snow   Favoriting Talcum Soul, Volume 1
(Stateside 1966)

Talkover Music:
Memphis Black (Ingfried Hoffman) 
Why Don't You Play the Organ, Man?   Favoriting Soul Club
(Sonorama 1969)

Rick & Thel Carey  The Life of Hank Williams   Favoriting b/w When Jimmy Rodgers Said Goodbye
(Columbia )
Bill Dudley  The Top Ten in Heaven   Favoriting b/w That’s What Happened to Me Yesterday
(Nashville ca. 1961)
Norman (Willie) Phelps  A New Star in Hillbilly Heaven   Favoriting
Little Barbara  Hank's Little Flower Girl   Favoriting
Spad & Vick  Superstitious Cowboy   Favoriting
Albert Urel  A Talk with the Man   Favoriting

Talkover Music:
Odell Brown & the Organ-izers 
Tough Tip   Favoriting Ducky
(Cadet 1968)

Jimmie Lunceford & His Orchestra  Frisco Frog   Favoriting Jimmie Lunceford 1937-1939
(Chronological Classics 1937)
Sarah Vaughan  East of the Sun (West of the Moon)   Favoriting Sarah Vaughan in Hi-Fi
(Columbia 1949)
Savannah Churchill & the Striders  Once There Lived a Fool   Favoriting b/w When You Come Back to Me
(Regal 1951)
Lenny McBrowne  Lazinka's Tune   Favoriting Lenny McBrowne & the 4 Souls
(World Pacific 1959)
Amus Moore  The Hip Men   Favoriting Black Spirits:
Festival of New Black Poets in America
(Black Forum 1972)
Universal Congress Of  Pickled Bullhorn   Favoriting The Sad and Tragic Demise of Big Fine Salty Black Wind
(Enemy 1990)

Talkover Music:
Miles Davis 
Helen Butte   Favoriting On the Corner
(Columbia 1972)

Mabert, Atenpo, et al  Demam Era Dema   Favoriting Sleeping in the Market:
Ethiopian Music & Sounds from Amhara
(Latitude 2001)
Mary Armedee  Habeebe ("My Love")   Favoriting Ethiopian Urban and Tribal Music:
Volume 1 - Mindanoo Mistiru
(Rounder 1971)
Ethiopian Quintet  Shagu   Favoriting Afro-Latin Soul
(Worthy 1966)
Mulatu Astatke  Nètsanèt   Favoriting Ethio Jazz
(AELP 1972)
Bezunèsh Bèkèlè  Migoten Manyawkal   Favoriting Greatest Hits
(Philips )
Hailu Mergia & the Walias  Eti Gual Blenai   Favoriting Tche Belew
(Kaifa 1977)
Getatchew Mekuria w/The Ex & Guests  Eywat Setenafegagn   Favoriting Moa Anbessa
(Terp 2006)

Talkover Music:
Mulatto   Favoriting Dancing Is Beautiful:
Dance Mixes Inspired by Vijaya Anand's "Dance Raja Dance"
(Luaka Bop 1992)

Bruno Leys  Maintenant Je Suis un Voyou   Favoriting Wizzz! Psychorama Francais 1966-70
(Burn Bad )
Adolfo Waitzman Orquesta  Montecarlo Beach   Favoriting Psicotrónica! Spanish Cinematic
Grooves & Funky Soundtracks, Volume 1

(Hundergrum )
Antoine & Les Problemes  Je Dis Ce Que Je Pense et Je Vis Comme Je Veux   Favoriting Antoine Recontre Les Problemes
(Vogue )
Control  Por las Viejas Calles   Favoriting Absolute Belter
(Finders Keepers )
Les Fleurs de Pavot  Pourquoi L'Amour a Deux   Favoriting Les Fleurs de Pavot
(Underground Masters 1968)
Polos Opuestos  Smartypants   Favoriting Atenshion! Refleshion!
Spanish Psychedelic Grooves 1967-1976
(Hundergrum )
Francois Guy  Aouaie! Viens T'en   Favoriting Ils Sont Fous Ces Gaulois,
Volume 4
(Ronnie )
Morena y Clara  No Llores Más   Favoriting Morena y Clara
(Discophon 1976)

Talkover Music:
How Rustem, the Thief, Moves Through Fire   Favoriting Sufiq
(Soleilmoon 2000)

Marie Adams  Get Up and Do It   Favoriting Funky L.A. Lost Funk & Rare Grooves
from the Los Angeles Underground 1970-1975

(Swamp Fuzz )
James Polk & the Brothers  Just Plain Funk   Favoriting The World's Rarest Funk 45s:
16 Heavy-Weight Super-Tough Deep-Funk Ultra-Rarities
(Jazzman 1969)
Bill Coday  When You Find a Fool, Bump His Head   Favoriting Get Your Lie Straight:
Red-Hot Grooves From Galaxy Records 1968-1972
(BGP 1971)
Little Beaver  Let the Good Times Roll   Favoriting Party Down
(Cat 1974)
Touch  Pick and Shovel   Favoriting The Sound of Funk, Volume 10
(Goldmine Soul Supply )
Chucky Thurmon  Turn It Over   Favoriting California Funk
(Now Again 1972)

Closing Theme:
John Lee Hooker 
Stand By   Favoriting I Feel Good
(Jewel 1971)

Listener comments!

  8:28am annie:

Holy Hades Batman!.. it's hot out there!
  8:34am Drummer Some:

And it's about to get a lot hotter. In here at least. Grab a tall, cool, tankard and hunker down!
  8:35am annie:

wine-coolers... with cranberry fizzy lizzy.. or pineapple. yumm!
  8:53am chris in durban:

hey doug - dont damage your record covers man! frisbees work just as well as gatefolds - thanks for your shows - tell the powers that be you are world famous (and by ;world' I mean a wider scope than what the U.S. calls the 'world series'
  8:54am Hugo:

Just had a double espresso - to get in the mood ...
  8:55am Parq:

Friday is the cruelest morning -- so near Saturday and yet so far. Thank ye godz there's DrumSum.
  8:56am Drummer Some:

Chris in Durban! Honored to have you along on the trek. Hugo is our troop leader. When he hands you the map, lookout!
  8:57am Drummer Some:

There are no Parqing regulations here!
  8:59am PSS:

Just played some stuff off the Major Force box recently. Hadn't touched it in 10 years. Still sounds good. Nice.
  9:00am listener james from westwood:

got the drummer up looooud while I clean the kitchen and fridge. good morning and happy friday, all!!
  9:00am annie:

today is going to be a good day; i get to stay inside and create playlists for the bar on an ipod.. that's ok, actually, but now i have to figure out how to use it first.. fun WILL be had..
  9:02am ndbob:

hello doug and everyone!
  9:02am Drummer Some:

Hi LJ from W!

Annie, my wife and daughter gave me an iPod for my birthday three years ago. (I've never used it. Yeesh!)
  9:03am Drummer Some:

PSS, yes that box is killer. WFMU's DJ Monica gave me a copy. What a woman!
  9:04am annie:

i'm so used to the winamp for everything... to physically remove myself from the pc format.. wow.. but i know the time will come when i'm going to want an ipod for travel, etc.. i even threatened myself earlier this month.... time will tell..
  9:06am Michael:

Doug - just got my premiums - yours included and wanted to say thanks! And any update on Charlie? We miss him!
  9:08am ndbob:

Only in the 50's here today - at least my heat didn't go on as it did yesterday.
  9:08am Drummer Some:

Your most welcome, Michael! Yes, I did converse with Charlie earlier this week. He will unfortunately be off the radio at least until September. A target to shoot for is to have Charlie back on by the time the WFMU main schedule changes again in October. Fingers crossed.
  9:09am dc pat:

This Blind Willie tune is just too much...
  9:10am ndbob:

I talked to Charlie briefly online the other day.
  9:11am Hugo:

Major Force, that's a Mowax, right? Haven't got it, but got one called Headz. Purty good, I'd say.
  9:12am Drummer Some:

Right you are, Hugo. The second part of my opening theme is taking from the Major Force box set. My jaw dropped the first time I heard it.
  9:12am Paul Sherratt:

That gold record Blind Willie tune, wonder if anyone or anything out there has played it yet and not told us ?
  9:15am Drummer Some:

The Martians or whomever probably figured we were way too advanced a life form to much with.
  9:16am listener james from westwood:

ahhhh ... daily chore done. apartment slightly more liveable.
  9:16am Hugo:

The ipod is the only Apple product I got or am going to get. Apple is generally overpriced, imho. The kid has a portable mac from school, but still prefers the pc.
  9:18am listener james from westwood:

the ice man drummeth!
  9:19am annie:

yeah, hugo...... the attraction for me is constant tunes via pod-casting .... i guess you can do that with an ipod, right?
  9:21am listener james from westwood:

yes indeed. i've been rocking fmu podcasts since the git-go. nice to have a pocketful of finewine or liz's fma highlights on tap. also been downloading archives and listening at a lag.
  9:21am Paul Sherratt:

The ipod is the apple item I own. And I only acquired one because Hugo showed me his ! It's grand playing randomly in the car. Must check if Willie Walker is on the database !
  9:21am Unclear on the concept:

If you really wanted to, you could think of the lyrics to that Ice Man song as kind of racy.
  9:21am ndbob:

Those Goldwax collections are great - it's good to hear a complete run of a labels 45's.
  9:21am Listener Bill:

Whew! This set is cookin'
  9:22am annie:

oh crap.... all the more enticing now that you've sung the praises....
  9:22am listener james from westwood:

usu it's the guy trying to BUY a piece of ice. takes a confident man to SELL his own piece of ice.
  9:22am Hugo:

Jeez, I've got a version of the ice man by Dick Curless. Mind you, that was recorded before he found Jesus, so he has for sure disowned that part of his catalogue.

Yes, you can subscribe to podcsts on Itunes, including those from FMU. I'm not sure how you make podcasts, though.
  9:24am ndbob:

Yep - I subscribe to several FMU podcasts.
  9:25am listener james from westwood:

at work and at home, i was a mac user for years (graphic design). switched to win 7 last sept for work (mac i had couldn't take newest system software & the versions of word and other stuff needed that OS + newer hardware). spent 1/3 of what i'd have laid out and have not missed the mac os. but yes, the ipod/tunes gear and software has been for me a must.
  9:26am Drummer Some:

Dark was the Night, Cold was the PC (as far as I'm concerned).
  9:28am monica:

morning, doug! all cool on the eastern front. thanks for keeping those chilly winds blowing.
  9:29am Hugo:

Here is a very good podcast. Recommended!
  9:33am listener james from westwood:

thanks, hugo!
  9:34am ndbob:

has there ever been a collection of those songs doug?
  9:37am Drummer Some:

You've already been invoked in the comments, Monica!
  9:37am Drummer Some:

Here is the list ndbob:
  9:38am Drummer Some:

The weird digital glitch on this "Life of Hank Williams" MP3 only adds to the freaky mood. Sounds like this dude is from Australia, no?
  9:39am jill:

Morning, Drum Some and all!
  9:41am ndbob:

thanks doug!
  9:41am listener james from westwood:

howdy jill and happy friday!
  9:42am artie:

helluva band
  9:43am Listener Bill:

Carl Sagan wanted a nude photo of a pair of male and female humans on the Voyager, but NASA received many objections. so they used a sketch instead. Good thing too. Otherwise, aliens might have attacked earth to steal our porn
  9:43am Drummer Some:

Hi Jill! Hi Bill!
  9:46am Drummer Some:

I'm kinda sorry, but not that sorry, about playing this particular track.
  9:47am ndbob:

I'm glad you are playing it:)
  9:47am PSS:

Never say sorry Doug, it is why we listen.
  9:49am Drummer Some:

No, I'm only sorry the thing didn't go on for another 15 minutes.
  9:56am Hugo:

Here's another one:
  10:07am listener james from westwood:

my goodness gracious, that vaughan track was sweet.
  10:07am Drummer Some:

Does it get any better than this:

East of the sun and west of the moon,
We'll build a dream house of love
Near to the sun in a day
near to the moon at night,
We'll live in a lovely way dear
Living our love in memory
Just you and I, forever and a day,
Love will not die, we'll keep it that way,
Up among the stars we'll find
A harmony of life, too lovely tune
East of the sun and west of the moon, dear,
East of the sun and west of the moon.
Just you and I we'll build a dream house so lovely
  10:20am annie:

oh, well.. i've been redirected to use the dell.. bummer.. .......
  10:21am Drummer Some:

Redirected? That sounds so...evil.
  10:22am annie:

yeah, ......BUT!!! it doesn't stop me from dreaming.. i'm still going to be able to set up the tunes.. THAT is the joy!
  10:40am Drummer Some:

Couple of massive Mulatu tracks coming up next...
  10:42am A Phlebotomist Writes:

'If I don't love you
Grits ain't groceries
Eggs ain't poultry
And Mona Lisa was a man'
  10:43am Hugo:

Among long names of bands this is high on my list:

Sogenanntes Linksradikales Blasorchester!
  10:44am A Phlebotomist Writes:

No prurient program titles today Drummer Some?
  10:49am Drummer Some:

Not today, Phlebby.
  10:51am Drummer Some:

Translation Hugo?
  10:53am A Phlebotomist Writes:

What was the name of that other band about buildings collapsing?
  10:54am Carmichael:

Aloha, compadres!
  10:57am ndbob:

hello Carmichael!
  10:58am Drummer Some:

Brother Carmichael, light the candle and let us pray.
  10:59am El Thatchmo:

  11:01am El Thatchmo:

I came across them in my phlebotomy studies @ some gay Chelsea niteclub.
  11:02am Drummer Some:

Pass the baby oil, Thatchmo, and let us...pray.
  11:02am listener james from westwood:

mornin' carmichael!
  11:02am Carmichael:

Reading the comments, and just passing the info that Dick Curless dies in 1995. So he probably doesn't care a fig about what we do with his back catalog.
  11:03am Carmichael:

HI everyone!
  11:03am El Thatchmo:

Lemmie grab my bible ....
  11:03am Hugo:

Einstürzende Neubauten
  11:07am trish:

  11:08am Hugo:

I was hoping for some Getachew Mekuria.

Translation: Socalled Leftradical Bloworchestra. From what I can see, more than a brass band per se, as woodwinds, saxophones, oboes etc belong under the heading
  11:15am northguineahills:

I want a fig.
  11:18am Jessibird:

Howdy and g'bye, all! Didn't get out of bed in time for the show but I will definitely listen later. Specially gotta hear that Ethiopian set. Off to work I go...
  11:19am ~L:

Some of those french lyrics sounded a lot like the ones in Talking heads' Psycho Killer. Can anyone translate Maintenant Je Suis un Voyou?
  11:19am Drummer Some:

Aloha and shalom, Jessbird.
  11:20am listener james from westwood:

dayum! this montecarlo beach cut is kickin'!
  11:20am Hugo:

I see from the link that Doug provided that the SLG did a cover of Frank Zappa's "I'm the slime" as "Ich bin halt die Kotze aus deiner Glotze" which translates as "I'm the vomit from your TV". Lost in translation?
  11:22am Drummer Some:

Thank you Hugo. You have inspired the title of today's program.
  11:35am Hugo:

You know how to pick 'em, Doug. Looking through the Trikont catalogue, I see that there are now six cds of versions of "La Paloma". I only have two. Hmmm ...
  11:36am northguineahills:

really digging this Ibero-Gaulish set.
  11:37am Drummer Some:

I think "La Paloma" and "Tico Tico" can battle it out for the crown. (Maybe "Caravan" beats them all!)
  11:42am ndbob:

I'd bet on Caravan.
  11:45am Necati:

Great show! Nice tunes. Perfectly fit in with my late afternoon in Istanbul, Turkey...Keep on funking
  11:46am lewis:

I second caravan - *loved* the Ethiopian stuff earlier on...
  11:46am Drummer Some:

Awright Necati, it's my pleasure!
  11:47am Drummer Some:

Glad you liked it, Lewis. I was proud of myself for NOT dipping into the amazing Ethiopiques series once during that set (not that there's anything wrong with that).
  11:48am Ike:

I am digging the funk, and I also *loved* the Ethiopian sounds. (I could try to one-up Lewis and say that I **loved** the Ethiopian sounds, but perhaps that's abusing asterisks.)
  11:49am ndbob:

That occurred to me Doug - what a great series that is,
  11:50am Hugo:

Also from the same catalogue: Neigungsgruppe Sex, Gewalt und Gute Laune (Attitudegroup Sex, Violence and Good Mood). Wacky Austrians.
  11:50am Drummer Some:

  11:55am northguineahills:

Thanks Doug! See you next week!
  11:55am Drummer Some:

Let the good times roll before you get too old. Jesus Christ, a funky cautionary tale!
  11:56am Drummer Some:

Adios, NGH.
  11:57am ndbob:

excellent show as always doug!
  11:58am Drummer Some:

Thanks for saying so, ndbob.
  12:00pm trish:

Thanks to Doug
and to the WFMU Archives.
Lots of good show missed and to hear again.
  12:04pm listener james from westwood:

got a clean kitchen and a half-crossed-out to-do list. thanks a ton for the great friday music! enjoy the weekend, all!!
  12:08pm Drummer Some:

You're on your own with the rest of that list, Listeners James. Then again, just keep the stream on and you can knock off tomorrow's list, too. Cheers!
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