Give The Drummer Some with Doug Schulkind Favoriting
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Friday 9am - Noon (EDT) | On WFMU's Give the Drummer Radio
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May 24, 2011 Favoriting
Taking Sides Again
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Artist Selection Album    (Label / Recording date)
Theme Music:
James Brown 
Cold Sweat, pt. 1   Favoriting b/w Cold Sweat, pt. 2
(King 1967)

The Movers  Bump Jive No. 6 (pts. 1 & 2)   Favoriting Tower Special
(Generation 1975)
Larry Darnell  I'll Get Along Somehow (pts. 1 & 2)   Favoriting Larry Darnell: 1947-1951
(Chronological Classics 1950)
Billy Jenkins  Mr. Naylor (pts. 1 & 2)   Favoriting b/w Mr. Naylor
(Flambo )
The Gaylads  Studio One Medley (pts. 1 & 2)   Favoriting b/w Medley
(Coxsone 1967)
Gospel Travelers  God's Chariot (pts. 1 & 2)   Favoriting Get Right With God: Hot Gospel
(Heritage )

Talkover Music:
Melvin Jackson 
Funky Skull (pts. 1 & 2)   Favoriting Funky Skull
(Limelight 1970)

Rikki Ililonga & Musi-O-Tunya  Jekete Yamankowa (pts. 1 & 2)   Favoriting Dark Sunrise
(Now Again )
James Wee Willie Wayne  Tend to Your Business (pts. 1 & 2)   Favoriting Travelin' From Texas to New Orleans
(Sundown 1951)
Mark IV Wilson  Jump Up and Down (pts. 1 & 2)   Favoriting Ol' Virginia Soul, Part 1
(Arcania International )
Trio Madjesi & Orchestre Sosoliso  Sosoliso na Sosoliso (pts. 1 & 2)   Favoriting Volume 1
(African 1973)

Closing Theme:
Specks Williams 
We Gave the Drummer Some   Favoriting b/w Specks' Blues
(Jax 1960s)

Listener comments!

  5:57pm listener james from westwood:

happy tuesday to all!
  5:59pm ndbob:

hello doug james everyone!
  5:59pm Drummer Some:

Happy Bluesday to you, Listener James!
  6:02pm Drummer Some:

Hello hello to you, ndbob.
  6:03pm J J:

Ah yeah...
  6:04pm annie:

yar i is.
  6:04pm annie:

is this stuff playable in the restaurant?
  6:05pm Drummer Some:

Hey Annie! All songs guaranteed to improve digestion.
  6:05pm Bad Ronald:

This is funking great!
  6:06pm listener james from westwood:

i would love to hear fmu at a restaurant. my local chinese place had an easter-muzak loop of 4 songs in their system for half a year.
  6:06pm trish:

Tuesday greetings to all listeners, dj included. Good late afternoon musica.
  6:07pm annie:

cool.... then play on, maestro!
  6:07pm listener james from westwood:

this tune + the sun making a late-day appearance has "class to adjourn outside" written all over it.
  6:10pm Drummer Some:

See if you can tell where the edits are between the Part 1s and the Part 2s. Extra dessert for the winner(s).
  6:11pm Drummer Some:

Hi Trish and Bad Ronald!
  6:11pm Amanda:

I think I just heard the break, before the "you're on top" part?
  6:12pm listener james from westwood:

I think that's the one.
  6:13pm ndbob:

hi amanda..... thought i picked up where this one was edited... couldn't tell on the movers song
  6:16pm listener james from westwood:

ditto, the movers was smoooove.
  6:17pm trish:

heya Doug.
Seamless stitching; waveforms well strung.
'Strung?' Sound waves are stringy, aren't they ?
  6:18pm Drummer Some:

High strung, methinks.
  6:18pm annie:

the speakers in the bar here are on the fritz, so i only hear the sound from the dining room.. it does sound perfect for eating.. yum good enough to eat
  6:19pm Andy S.:

I know it's early but so far Drummer's batting 1,000 with this show!
  6:20pm trish:

Heh, yeah.
  6:21pm ndbob:

good one here!
  6:22pm Andy S.:

Re: "Mr. Naylor" by Billy Jenkins. Who the F**K played the DRUMS on that track?! I was ready for Parts 3, 4 & 5!!
  6:22pm Drummer Some:

Hey everybody, AMANDA NAZARIO will be on WFMU's alt stream Give the Drummer Radio tomorrow (noon-2pm) with her weekly show Nazario Scenario. The big news: Amanda will be broadcasting LIVE on the stream!

The playlist for her show will be here:
  6:24pm Drummer Some:

Andy S, Earl King was the owner of the label that issued that Billy Jenkins track. (King was surely on piano.) Who was Earl King's house drummer??
  6:24pm listener james from westwood:

the medley makes it tough to guess where the break was! sneaky sneaky.
  6:24pm annie:

hhmm.. i'll be listening... yay.... will there be an email reminder?
  6:26pm Amanda:

Thanks Annie! We will have a nice time. No medleys planned, but maybe I can find some because that was radical.
  6:26pm Drummer Some:

The "wind" sound effects on this one really creeps me out (given certain recent events).
  6:26pm listener james from westwood:

will be onsite tomorrow, so will catch the glorious live debut on the download. best of luck amanda!
  6:27pm Drummer Some:

Annie, there WILL be an email reminder!
  6:27pm Amanda:

Thanks ljfw, I need it. :-)

Drummer -- I hear you on that, boy howdy. Poor Missouri.
  6:27pm listener james from westwood:

plus a mention of missouri, calling joplin to mind.
  6:28pm ndbob:

you will be fine amanda:)
  6:29pm Drummer Some:

Yeah, Listener James, I couldn't believe I heard them sing "Missouri: either. Oh sit, they just sang "Atomic Bomb."
  6:29pm ndbob:

I love these gospel songs with atomic metaphors.
  6:30pm Amanda:

ME TOO ndbob. And also the ones that refer to the h-bomb explicitly.
  6:31pm ndbob:

There's a good chance of more severe storms near Joplin tonight.
  6:31pm annie:

best movie ever??? waiting for the light... shirley maclaine
  6:31pm ndbob:

Yep such as "jesus hit like an atom bomb"
  6:33pm annie:

oh mr drummer... that kit drumming session was fantastic.. they played two sets each about half an hour to 40 minutes... wow!!!
  6:35pm annie:

folks: archie taylor jr.. and mike burgevin... they played saturday night up here..
  6:35pm domenic:

A fantastic record through and through!
Go Musi O!
Go Give the Drummer Some!
  6:36pm paulshrug:

That Gospel Travelers track was amazing.
  6:36pm Drummer Some:

OK, that edit was easy peasy. Rikki gave it away!
  6:37pm listener james from westwood:

rikki didn't lose that number!
  6:40pm ndbob:

ah wee willie wayne - who did the original "junco partner"
  6:41pm Drummer Some:

Nice one, ndbob!
  6:44pm Amanda:

We must credit the joke to James... though ndbob had the nice reference too. :-)
  6:45pm listener james from westwood:

not bad for someone who's been up since quarter to 5!
  6:46pm Drummer Some:

That's what I meant, Amanda! Nice arcane musical reference, ndbob!
  6:46pm Amanda:

Hold it, hold it... it be over
  6:47pm ndbob:

ty doug and amanda:) - used to have the 78 of junco partner but it's long gone
  6:52pm Drummer Some:

This track runs to the end of the show. My heels are up on the desk. Pour me a freakin cocktail already.
  6:53pm Barkeep:

Your drink, sir. On the house.
  6:53pm listener james from westwood:

Make that two! Also, whatever anyone else wants.
  6:54pm Barkeep:

I'll just leave the bottle on the bar here.
  6:55pm Mike East:

Great show, Doug. Enjoy your drink!
  6:56pm listener james from westwood:

Another 2 hours of this would be sweet, but happy to have had the 1!
  6:56pm annie:

woot. here's one mr drummer!!! lined up at the end.
  6:57pm Drummer Some:

Glug glug! Tune in for more Drummersomeing (Drummersoming?) on Friday morning on Give the Drummer Radio.

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  6:57pm ndbob:

Indeed... great show!
  6:58pm listener james from westwood:

Summerdrumming in a few weeks!
  6:59pm trish:

Pictures of drinks aren't the same as pitchers.
Hello, iced green tea and whisky.
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