Favoriting JA In The AM with John Allen: Playlist from May 11, 2011 Favoriting

John Allen's avatar View John Allen's profile Favoriting

"I listened yesterday. It's no reflection on you but I could'nt see where you were going or what you were going for. This early seventies thing did'nt get noticed the first time and you talk about friends of like Dealney and Bonnie who had records out like we're supposed to remember who they are. Then you play this long winded free jazz stuff that really grates on my nerves. And that noise without a beat and sounds like someones being pinched. Then you play a reggae song, I think you called it Dub, to what, be cool? You seem to really fetishize the whole folk thing too which is obnoxious to us who don't even care. I liked it when you played that punk song though. I like Joe Belock a lot." (Visit homepage.)

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Favoriting May 11, 2011

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Artist Track Album Label Year Format Approx. start time
henry flynt  stereo piano   Favoriting glissando no. 1  recorded  1978/2011  CD  0:00:00 (Pop-up)
baby dee  yapapipi   Favoriting regifted lift  drag city  2011  LP  0:27:07 (Pop-up)
harry nilsson  mother nature's son   Favoriting harry  rca  1969  LP  0:32:21 (Pop-up)
skymonters  kings   Favoriting s/t  elektra  1973  LP  0:34:59 (Pop-up)
the fresh & onlys  keep telling everyody lies   Favoriting secret walls  sacred bones  2011  12"  0:47:50 (Pop-up)
oneida  gtgw   Favoriting green corrider split  atlin village & mine  2011  12"  0:51:42 (Pop-up)
united waters  spires 1   Favoriting your first ever river  arbitrary signs  2011  LP  0:56:16 (Pop-up)
klimperei  copicyntra   Favoriting radiolaires  acidsoxx  2009  CD  1:00:12 (Pop-up)
eleven twenty-nine  eyes of jewels   Favoriting s/t  northern spy  2011  LP  1:04:01 (Pop-up)
vini reilly  finding the sea   Favoriting s/t  kookydisc  1991/2011  CD  1:19:34 (Pop-up)
june tabor  donal og   Favoriting peel sessions    1977  12"  1:29:11 (Pop-up)
katharina tunicata  morrisania   Favoriting black widow  no label  2011  CD  1:31:58 (Pop-up)
gang gang dance  oo oo oo/thru and thru   Favoriting eye contact  4ad  2011  LP  1:34:51 (Pop-up)
the slits  wedding song   Favoriting bbc sessions  hux  1981/2011  CD  1:41:40 (Pop-up)
mad nanna      albert's basement records  2011  7"  1:50:20 (Pop-up)
mickey jupp  don't you never   Favoriting legend  stiff  1977  LP  1:53:42 (Pop-up)
neil young  wonderin'   Favoriting everybody's rockin'  geefin  1983  LP  1:56:16 (Pop-up)
cs yeh  in the blink of an eye   Favoriting   de stijl  2011  7"  2:00:03 (Pop-up)
game theory  the waist and the knees   Favoriting lolita nation  enigma  1986  LP  2:07:52 (Pop-up)
phantom payn days  that's far beyond being funny, dear   Favoriting s/t  de stijl  1995/2010  LP  2:14:09 (Pop-up)
trust  trinity   Favoriting   sacred bones  201  7"  2:17:18 (Pop-up)
coil  tainted love   Favoriting   wax trax  1989  12"  2:20:47 (Pop-up)
mueran humanos  exito de una ex santa   Favoriting s/t  blind prophet  2011  LP  2:26:39 (Pop-up)
die doraus und die marinas  ich hab das glub   Favoriting blumen und narzissen  ata tak  1981  LP  2:30:09 (Pop-up)
27#11 (graham lewis)  show me how   Favoriting   brainwashed  2011  7"  2:33:01 (Pop-up)
roger miller  angled scene   Favoriting   fun world  2011  7"  2:44:32 (Pop-up)
werk  two of the beatles have died   Favoriting two of the beatles have died v/a  brainlove  2011  CD  2:48:45 (Pop-up)
flex unger  kieth breaks it down   Favoriting s/t  no label  2011  CD-R  2:52:26 (Pop-up)
tearist    lving  thin wrist  2011  LP  2:55:42 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!


Good morning John. Nice opening!

yes, listening.. now commenting..

Present and listening. Good music to start work with.

maestroso said what i wanted to say.
Good to be here

good morning / afternoon!

(I know there are archives, but knowing ahead of time that there are some shows I can't tune into live really STICKS in my craw :) - does that make me a bit sad?)

Agreed. I'm glad i can tune in today and have a wonderful time listening to these tunes.

gosh i haven't heard this neil young song since it was in rotation on mtv

i do like neil young..

Bonjour John Allen,
bonjour listeners extraordinaires !
@Mr Allen : I just read your card on the deck of airwaves idol set of cards, i did.
Cheri Pi:

Good morning to all!

Tainted Love by Coil, a fucking AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

Josh RVA:

Takes me back to high school

i had a discussion with Graham Lewis on this exact song!
Cheri Pi:

Great Graham Lewis song.

yeah, he said that he'll be releasing a whole album of this 27#11 project.
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