Give The Drummer Some with Doug Schulkind Favoriting
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Friday 9am - Noon (EDT) | On WFMU's Give the Drummer Radio
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April 22, 2011 Favoriting
Happy mirth day!
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Artist Selection Album    (Label / Recording date)
Theme Music:
Sarah Webster Fabio 
Jujus: Alchemy of the Blues   Favoriting Jujus: Alchemy of the Blues
(Folkways 1976)
ECD  In Tempo   Favoriting Major Force: The Original Art-Form
(Mo' Wax 1990)

Famous Four (New Orleans Humming Four)  Mother's Love   Favoriting New Orleans Gospel Quartets 1947-1956
(504 1951)
The Coleman Brothers  Get Away, Mr. Satan, Get Away   Favoriting The Coleman Brothers 1943-1948
(Acrobat 1945)
Angelic Gospel Singers  Back to the Dust   Favoriting Touch Me Lord Jesus
(Heritage 1950)
Sister Myrtle Fields w/the Austin McCoy Trio  Jesus at the Well   Favoriting There Will be No Sweeter Sound:
The Columbia Okeh Post War Gospel Story
(Columbia 1950)
Claudette Clarke  Consecrate Me Lord   Favoriting Kneel at the Cross: Jamaican Gospel
(Sinners X-roads )
Astley Dixon  The Alphabet   Favoriting Noah Found Grace:
Jamaican Gospel from the '60s and '70s
(Social Music Record Club )

Talkover Music:
Glenn Lee 
Joyful Sounds   Favoriting Sacred Steel Instrumentals
(Arhoolie )

Youssef Tage  Lasbet Ma Yeoud Ezamane   Favoriting Folk Music of the Mediterranean
(Folkways 1952)
Oum Kaltsoum  Lamma Enti Naouiya   Favoriting Anthologie De La Musique Arabe:
Oum Kaltsoum, Volume 7
(Club du Disque Arabe 1936)
Nour el Houda  Yazoum Ala Yaoum (Day After Day)   Favoriting Lebanese Songs from the '50s
(Musical Ark )
Khelifi Ahmed  Fi Sahra Oua Tbel Idouk   Favoriting

Talkover Music:
How Rustem, the Thief, Moves Through Fire   Favoriting Sufiq
(Soleimoon 2000)

Joe Harriott  Caravan   Favoriting b/w Liggin'
(Columbia 1960)
Jack Costanzo with Tubby Hayes  Lament for Cello   Favoriting Equation in Rhythm
(Fontana 1961)
Ray Pérez y Su Orquesta  Echatelo al Hombro   Favoriting Muchacho Barrigón
(West Side 1972)
Orquesta La Solución feat. Mongo Santamaria  Mozambique   Favoriting Cult Cargo:
Salsa Boricua de Chicago
(Numero Group )
Luis Gasca  Street Dude   Favoriting Luis Gasca
(Blue Thumb 1971)
Enrique Delgado y Los Destellos  Onsta la Yerbita   Favoriting Constelación
(Tempsa 1971)

Talkover Music:
Freddie Hubbard 
The 7th Day   Favoriting

Bauernkapelle Lott  Im Alpstuebli   Favoriting Global Accordion:
Early Recordings, 1927-1948
(Wergo )
Ernst Pfändler  Zäuerli   Favoriting Songs of the Earth:
Astonishing and Rare Voices
(Unesco )
Stimmhorn  Triohatala   Favoriting Schnee
(Röhr 1997)
Diledadafish  Rearview Mirror   Favoriting Mothball
(Point of Yucca 1991)
Nathan Davis  Frog In'   Favoriting Jazz Concert in a Benedictine Monastery
(Edici 1969)
Urs Blöchlinger Trio  Mani   Favoriting Aesthetick Als Widerstand
(Plainisphare 1982)

Talkover Music:
Thai Elephant Orchestra 
Heavy Logs   Favoriting Thai Elephant Orchestra
(Mulatta 2000)

F. Kenya  Ewule Kui   Favoriting The Power House
(Essiebons 1975)
Celestine Ukwu & His Philosophers National  Ije Enu   Favoriting True Philosophy
(Philips 1971)
Orlando Owoh & His Omimah Band  Logba Logba
Edumare da Mi Lihun
E Se Rere
Prof. Oyewole   Favoriting
Dr. Ganja's Polytonality Blues
(Afrodisia/Original Music 1974)
Amadou Kienou & Son Ensemble  Ouagadougou Kalou   Favoriting Taab
(Dunya 2006)
West African Cosmos  Wuyé Wuyé   Favoriting West African Cosmos
(CBS 1976)
Ebo Taylor & Uhuru-Yenzu  Victory   Favoriting Life Stories
(Strut 1980)

Closing Theme:
John Lee Hooker 
Stand By   Favoriting I Feel Good
(Jewel 1971)

Listener comments!

  4/20 6:02pm Parq:

Aren't we rushing things a wee bit?
  4/20 8:43pm Drummer Some:

Takes one to know one, Brother Parq.
  7:06am annie:

hole crap, les tambours du bronx.. rocks!!
  7:06am annie:

morning boys..
  7:08am annie:

the whole crap and nothing but the holy crap...
  8:03am annie:

okay just spent an hour watching youtube clips of drumming troupes..
  8:27am Drummer Some:

Top of the morning to you, dear Annie!
  8:38am annie:

  8:39am Parq:

If anybody missed the GDS Passover show, go back dig the archives. Great stuff. Why is this show different from all others?
  8:46am Drummer Some:

Annie, it appears that Les Tambours du Bronx's amazing record Monostress 225L is available here:

Ab so lute ly killer.
  8:52am annie:

thanks parq...... i may very well do that... ah me, so much music and so little time..
  8:53am listener james from westwood:

hello, all and happy friday!
  8:55am Parq:

You're welcome, Annische, but that was DrumSum, not me. I am completely overwhelmed by what's out there. I am even too intimidated by the embarrassment of wealth to visit the Free Music Archive 'cept once in a great while. I dunno how guys like Ike do it.
  8:57am Parq:

Oh wait, you mean the Passover show. Yeah, that's the neat thing about the one hour shows, is you can fit 'em in your sked.
And I really dug what you said on FB this AM about what a crock Earth Day is in most places.
  9:00am listener james from westwood:

@Parq: Liz Berg's podcast of FMA cuts is a good way to get a sampling of its riches. It's a tremendous resource, and she's a keen-eared docent. Jason Sigal also plays cuts fairly frequently during his show.
  9:03am Parq:

@James: Ah, so that's what Liz's podcast is? Maybe I'll subscribe at that. I wondered how she could do her regular material on a podcast. As for Jason, don't I know it. I used to grab everything he played, but now I'm to overwhelmed even to do that. It's all good, though. Having FMU available at work, archives and all, has pretty much turned my iPod into a paperweight.
  9:06am Brian in UK:

Mornin' all, sweltering here. Just found the downside of the stream, I cannot listen on the internet radio whilst applying liberal coats of masonry paint outside. To the house not me that is. Over to you Drummer.
  9:07am david:

don't forget Mingus's Birthday!!!!
  9:09am texas scott:

Morning all you Christians,and Jews,and others.
Every Friday is a good Friday in Texasville!
  9:10am annie:

  9:10am david:

and here is cap'n beefheart singin' happy earthday.
  9:12am texas scott:

what's shakin',annie?
y'all got spring up there,yet?
it's damn near summer down here.
  9:13am Brian in UK:

This Coleman Bros is a belter.
  9:15am Drummer Some:

They've got nothing compared to SIster Myrtle.
  9:16am Parq:

DrumSum, I was just about to say, Myrtle is wiping the floor with the bunch of them.
  9:17am annie:

spring is taking its sweet time meandering forth mr scott... .. april IS the cruelest month..
  9:20am jill:

the Earth and the Death - big day for us symbolists
  9:20am Brian in UK:

Sister Myrtle, I was lost but now I'm found.

annie you need to find a way to bottle it for later cherishing
  9:22am annie:

mr drummer, do you happen to have lined up the tune sung by the enprisoned (sp) fellow who uses his deck of cards for his bible?
  9:22am annie:

brian i'm actually very fine with its slow arrival.. all things in due time..
  9:28am david:

god bless holy warbles! I get so much music from there.
  9:32am listener james from westwood:

one of the hosts on NPR was touting his upcoming annual gospel music hour today. i was like, "'Annual'? Yeah, buddy, I get an hour of that on WFMU EVERY WEEK." Praise Brother Nutt!
  9:35am Drummer Some:

Brother from a Nutter planet
  9:35am erella:

Oh thank you doug, Oum Kaltsoum in the morning. Is there anyone with a voice like hers? I love this. SUch passion. Good morning!
  9:36am annie:

nice to see you erella!!
  9:38am Drummer Some:

You are SO right, Erella.
  9:39am erella:

Annie! Thank you for the Wayne Roberts link. I don't know him but he and I used to write regularly for the same news weekly. Great to see you!
  9:42am annie:

glad to help make those connections for you erella.. we all have to work together, huh?
  9:43am Drummer Some:

There is a Youtube video of this Khelifi Ahmed performance. Watch it over at Holy Warbles, here:
  9:44am ndbob:

morning Doug!
  9:45am ndbob:

Holy Warbles is an amazing blog.
  9:45am Drummer Some:

Good to read you, ndbob!
  9:55am Bob:

Wow, I've never heard of Khelifi Ahmed. Where can we find more?

Also, got any Abdel Halim Hafez cued up?
  9:55am marcury:

excellent segue!
  10:01am ?:

it is on a french label, so maybe the oui in naouiya is pronounced we?
  10:04am Drummer Some:

You make a fine point, Question Mark.

You make a fine point Marcury!
  10:04am ndbob:

Very interesting comments on Joe Harriott in the Motherlode post. I had never heard of him. There's a show on another station that played three hour long shows of versions of "Caravan".
  10:06am Drummer Some:

DJ Steinski and DJ Tom Crowe (WFMU luminaries both) have collections of Caravan going into the hundreds of versions...
  10:12am Bob:

After the Mingus (happy birthday)/Ellington/Roach version of Caravan, my favorite is the one I saw a bunch of Shriners play with these strange little flutes in a 4th of July parade in a small town in Vermont. Of course, their hats were a big part of the appeal.
  10:18am Drummer Some:

Bob, that Mingus/Ellington/Roach "Money Jungle" record is something special. (WKCR out of Columbia Univ. is doing an all-day Mingus birthday broadcast, by the way. I wouldn't be too offended if you migrated over there.)
  10:20am Bob:

As a matter of fact, I'd already written this out and planned on posting it as a comment here at the end of your show:
And a happy birth day to Charles Mingus--after Doug's show, some may want to check out WKCR's 24-hour birthday broadcast at . They've been doing this since well before he passed away, and apparently he used to call in during the broadcast.
  10:20am Randy:

Morning Doug!
  10:23am Drummer Some:

Hey Randy! How's Brooklyn?
  10:25am Randy:

Chilly, but good and reverberating with Pulitzer prize warmth! It will be a cold one at PP field #5 this evening.
  10:26am monica:

loving this set, doug! you've made this a particularly good friday.
  10:27am ndbob:

It's in the 30's and raining here - rain and snow showers tonight.
  10:28am pat:

'lo folks.
  10:28am Drummer Some:

Yes, it was a thrill to see Jenny win. Are Zander and Manu teammates?

Always a good morning when you're here, Monica.
  10:31am Carmichael:

Good morning, Mr. Drummer. Please give me some.
  10:32am Randy:

No Manu is tearing it up on the Bulldogs. Zander couldn't make the time commitment. He's content mowing down hapless Cubs level players. Is Linc. playing? This track is fantastic BTW.
  10:33am Drummer Some:

Carmichael, it's like you're "Oliver." Does that make me the Artful Dodger?
  10:35am david:

@ndbob: if you want some more good Joe Harriott check out this indian raga album he and John Mayer did:
  10:36am Drummer Some:

The local little league teams here in Squirrel Hill could give the Pirates a couple of tough innings. Linc is not playing ball this year.
  10:36am pat:

Carm: you'll have nothing and like it!! I jes keeding! :)
  10:37am Carmichael:

Only in the musical version, Doug. It's much cooler.
  10:37am ndbob:

Thanks David!
  10:37am pat:

Drummer Some: I could say the same about my son's U5 soccer team and DC United.....ugh...
  10:37am Carmichael:

1 of my favorite lines from Caddyshack. The other is "Sit down, Danny. How about a Fresca??"
  10:39am pat:

Carm: Joe Belock does a great Judge Smails impression, "We're WAAAIIiitING..."
  10:39am Drummer Some:

Here is a gorgeous album with Joe Harriott:

and another:
  10:42am ndbob:

Thanks Doug!
  10:45am david:

ooohhhh! I don't have abstract. Will have to d/l that tonight. Hum Dono is absolutely prefect.
  10:47am Carmichael:

Waiting for the yee-haw music your e-mail promised, Doug. Swiss yodeling, perhaps??
  10:52am Drummer Some:

Yeah, I saw that the Red Bulls wiped DCU 4 - nil. Ouch.
  10:53am pat:

This yodelin is making my day drummer some, hanx.
  10:53am pat:

  10:55am Drummer Some:

I found online this description of the next band: "Contemporary Swiss folk music with the sense of dadaistic humour and the feeling of red garlic."
  10:57am ndbob:

This is great!
  10:59am Drummer Some:

Okay, okay, this track ain't Swiss, but it was recorded in Switzerland. Cool with you?
  11:01am Carmichael:

Doug, the AllMusic site has credited Zäuerli to one Ernst Pfändler. He also appears on Voices Of The World: An Anthology Of Vocal Expression.
  11:04am Brian in UK:

Painting done. Black garlic anyone.
  11:05am Drummer Some:

Thanks Carmichael. Gotta be the same guy.
  11:06am Brian in UK:

I know DS I'll stay behind after class and write out the archives one hundred times.
  11:11am Amanda:

Hi everybunny! Having a nice time listening as I wait for the coffee to brew.
  11:15am ndbob:

Ah the Thai Elephant Orchestra - one of many great Dave Soldier projects.
  11:21am Drummer Some:

Hello Amanda. Hoppy Earth Day to you!
  11:30am Carmichael:

Doug, here's the link I referred to:
  11:34am Drummer Some:

That's IT Carmichael! I have removed the question mark next to Ernst's name. All future royalties his estate receives are thanks to you.
  11:44am Brian in UK:

Anyone know what Thomas Mapfumo is up to these days?
  11:44am Carmichael:

The Swiss already have most all of the money, but thank s anyway, Doug.
  11:46am pat:

Love Ernst--obviously a big player in the yodelin world
  11:46am Drummer Some:

Last I heard, Mapfumo was in exile, living and teaching in Oregon. But that could be outdated info.
  11:50am Brian in UK:

Same here, DS. Sad that there's nothing coming out. Waiting for that Ebagum (as they say in Yorkshire) to depart this Earth. Today would be a good day.
  11:52am Drummer Some:

I have been calling for regime change in Harare for years. Mugabe is (sadly, just as the white power structure called him) a monster.
  11:55am Brian in UK:

There's a lot of monsters out there, Doug. Bahrain arresting doctors for treating injured protesters. Turn up the volume.
  11:58am Brian in UK:

'Never let them see you're hurt when your're smiling'
  12:00pm ndbob:

Excellent show Doug!
  12:00pm rst-wiley:

Thanks Doug.
  12:02pm Carmichael:

Thanks, Doug!
  12:04pm rst-wiley:

If this show hadn't been on today, I wouldn't have sat, read, found, noted, done etc..
  12:05pm Drummer Some:

Thanks for riding shotgun everyone. It was a helluva drag race!
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