Give The Drummer Some with Doug Schulkind Favoriting
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Friday 9am - Noon (EDT) | On WFMU's Give the Drummer Radio
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April 15, 2011 Favoriting
Bang the violin slowly (requiem for Billy Bang)
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Artist Selection Album    (Label / Recording date)
Theme Music:
Sarah Webster Fabio 
Jujus: Alchemy of the Blues   Favoriting Jujus: Alchemy of the Blues
(Folkways 1976)
ECD  In Tempo   Favoriting Major Force: The Original Art-Form
(Mo' Wax 1990)

King Oliver w/Jelly Roll Morton  Tom Cat   Favoriting King Oliver's Jazz Band 1923-1926
(Chronological Classics 1924)
Lovie Austin & Her Serenaders  Frog Tongue Stomp   Favoriting Lovie Austin 1924-1926
(Chronological Classics 1926)
Duke Ellington's Washingtonians  Animal Crackers   Favoriting Duke Ellington & His Orchestra 1924-1927
(Chronological Classics 1926)
The Hottentots  Camel Walk   Favoriting Red Nichols 1925-1927
(Chronological Classics 1925)
"Doc" Cook & His 14 Doctors of Syncopation  Alligator Crawl   Favoriting Jimmie Noone 1923-1928
(Chronological Classics 1927)
Tiny Parham & His Musicians  Cuckoo Blues   Favoriting Tiny Parham and His Musicians 1926-1929
(Chronological Classics 1928)
Noble Sissle & His Orchestra  'Tain't a Fit Night Out for Man or Beast   Favoriting Sidney Bechet 1923-1936
(Chronological Classics 1936)
Paul Whiteman & His Orchestra  Felix the Cat   Favoriting Bix Beiderbecke w/Paul Whiteman
(Chronological Classics 1928)

Talkover Music:
George Gershwin 
Whispering   Favoriting The Piano Rolls, Volume 2
(Nonesuch )

Kako, Totico y el Trabuco  Para Ya Bandolera   Favoriting La Máquina y el Motor
(Gema 1973)
Shorty Ramirez  Mi Grupito   Favoriting Muerto de la Risa
(Gladylux 1969)
Alfredo Linares y Su Sonora  El Tiburon   Favoriting El Pito y Otros Exitos
(Adria )
Ray Pérez y Perucho Torcat  Muchacho Loco   Favoriting They Do It
(Pyraphon 1970)
L.T.G. Exchange  Dinero   Favoriting Susie Heartbreaker (Ghetto Child)
(RCA 1975)
TnT Boys  That's Life   Favoriting Sex Symbols/Symbolas Sexuales
(Cotique 1969)

Talkover Music:
Tito Puente 
The Big Four   Favoriting Puente in Percussion
(Rico 1955)

Bazoumana Sissoko  Soundiata (Reprise)   Favoriting Bazoumana Sissoko
(FG )
N'Gewel International de Dakar  Laagia   Favoriting Laagya
(Soumbouya )
Group Doueh  Beatte Harab   Favoriting Beatte Harab
(Sublime Frequencies 2010)
OK Jazz  Liwa Ya Wech   Favoriting Authenticité, Volume 1
(African )

Talkover Music:
Green Hell   Favoriting Afro-Rock
(De Wolfe 1971)

Billy Bang  Saigon Phunk   Favoriting Vietnam: The Aftermath
(Justin Time 2001)
Undivided  The Despair   Favoriting The Passion
(Multikulti 2010)
Slumgum  Hancho Pancho   Favoriting Quardboard Flavored Fiber
(Accretions 2011)
Alon Nechushtan  The Traveler   Favoriting Words Beyond
(Buckyball 2010)
Billy Bang  Moments for the KIAMIA   Favoriting Vietnam: The Aftermath
(Justin Time 2001)

Talkover Music:
Sonny Simmons 
Cosmic Funk   Favoriting Jewels
(Boxholder 1991)

Laura Veirs  Ohio Clouds   Favoriting Troubled By the Fire
(Bella Union 2003)
Johanna Kunin  Mobius Waves   Favoriting Clouds Electric
(Johanna Kunin 2006)
Steeleye Span  Sheep-Crook and Black Dog   Favoriting Below the Salt
(Chrysalis 1972)
Alice Stuart  I Can't Help But Wonder Where I'm Bound   Favoriting All the Good TImes
(Arhoolie 1964)
Heaven & Earth  Tomorrow Is a Long TIme   Favoriting Refuge
(Ovation 1973)
Lavender Diamond  Dance Until It's Tomorrow   Favoriting Imagine Our Love
(Matador 2007)

Talkover Music:
Annbjørg Lien 
The Water Lily   Favoriting Felefeber: Norwegian Fiddle Fantasia
(Shanachie 1995)

Dee Clark  Drums in My Heart   Favoriting Ultimate Collection
Jo Armstead  I Who Love You So   Favoriting A Stone Good Lover
(Collector 1967)
Willie Wright  Son. Don't Let Life Pass You By   Favoriting Telling the Truth
(Hotel/Numero Group 1977)
Mavis Staples  You're the Fool   Favoriting Only for the Lonely
(Stax 1970)
Boscoe  We Ain't Free   Favoriting Boscoe
(Kingdom of Chad 1973)
L.T.G. Exchange  Cop and Blow Work   Favoriting Susie Heartbreaker (Ghetto Child)
(RCA 1975)
Johnny Bristol  You and I   Favoriting Hang On in there Baby
(MGM 1974)

Closing Theme:
John Lee Hooker 
Stand By   Favoriting I Feel Good
(Jewel 1971)

Listener comments!

  8:19am sshhhhh...:

don't say a word...
  8:37am Drummer Some:

Won't. (Dammit!!)
  8:41am texas scott:

It's Friday,already!?
My favourite day in WFMUland.
  8:42am Brian in UK:

Howdy doody, some days I feel as old as Walter Breuning.
  8:45am glenn:

what was the name of that great singer / songwriter from austin you played a couple weeks back?
adam something something, i think. p.s. good morning.
  8:46am Drummer Some:

Rest in peace, Walter (and just rest, Brian).

Coming from you Texas Scott, that's quite a compliment. On behalf of Friday in WFMUland—thanks!

Glenn, the singer/songwriter from Austin is Adam Carroll. A real old-school singer/songwriter from Austin kinda guy.
  8:48am glenn:

tanx. i'm jonesing over eilen jewell these days.
  8:50am annie:

morning doug and all you great fmu listeners!
  8:50am Brian in UK:

glenn is it right that your are from Tronno?
  8:51am listener james from westwood:

I'm running late, but I'm putting this on LOUD so I can hear it from the office to the shower. My addled next-door neighbor's musical horizons are about to dawn with AWESOME POWER.
  8:52am glenn:

i agree. we are great. well, technically, i'm from guelph, but i live in toronto. why, he asks?
  8:53am Drummer Some:

Hi Annie!

Listener James FW, just don't scrub with the staple-remover!
  8:58am Merv:

Lovin' the pre-show Gamelon... Mornin' all!
  8:59am marcury:

Another Friday Another great morning of music, unfortunately work calls sooner than later.
  9:00am Drummer Some:

I hope you are making the appropriate hand-shadow bunnies dance on the wall, Merv.
  9:03am Brian in UK:

Hello annie
Well glenn a few years ago, make that over 30. I worked in a bookshop with a Canadian called Doug Steeves who came from Toronto. He was (is) a lovely fella we talked & listened to music & drank beer. You get the drift. When he returned home we fell out of contact. I would like to get in touch again. What would be the best way to try & contact someone in your fair city? Assuming he still lives there.
  9:03am Drummer Some:

Ahoy Marcury!
  9:05am monica:

damn, already a full house!! hello doug and fellow listeners.
  9:06am annie:

  9:06am Drummer Some:

Everyone scoonch over a bit for Monica.
  9:06am Brian in UK:

Monica, I genuflect in your direction.
  9:07am Brian in UK:

  9:07am annie:

rat own, rat own..
  9:08am Parq:

Brian, have you considered having someone stand on top of the First Canadian and shout "Hey Doug!"
  9:08am Drummer Some:

Brian, I said scoonch, but genuflect works.
  9:09am monica:

thanks, gents!
  9:09am Brian in UK:

Doug, so it's you that's got my Kool & the Gang rekkids. Cannot find them anywheres.
  9:11am Brian in UK:

Like the principle Parq but who is the someone?
  9:14am Parq:

OK, Toronto listeners, we need a volunteer. Anyone with a nice loud voice, raise your hand.
  9:16am Drummer Some:

I could ask all the Dougs I know.
  9:18am jill:

wheesh - i made it!
Morning y'all
  9:19am Brian in UK:

Doug also has a sister called Katherine may have been spelt with a C. Nice woman but she told me that she had seen Phil Ochs play. One of my heroes. That was a hard one to take. We were never going to see him over here playing. Then he pitched up with the Yippies.
  9:21am Drummer Some:

Well hello there Jill. Just getting started. Pull up a yoga mat and breathe.
  9:22am annie:

okey dokey, i have to run to the bank... back in a jiff to hear the rest and continue painting..
  9:22am Alex in Illinois:

Good morning everyone! I am working from home today, so I almost connected early enough to catch the beginning of the show this time. At least I am catching the first set!
Happy Friday all!
  9:22am Drummer Some:

Hey Annie, if they're having a sale, get some cash for me!
  9:23am david:

Is this that 'new jazz' you were talking about, doug?
  9:25am Drummer Some:

David, THAT is funny. No, I actually do have some (mostly) 2011 jazz records that have piled up here.

Glad you're here, Alex.
  9:26am marcury:

Absolutely loving this set!
  9:26am BodegaMan:

Morning all, good to be here.
  9:27am marcury:

Brian, has the Phil Ochs bio film made over there yet?
  9:29am monica:

noble sissle track sounds like it's from the "you rascal you" school of jass....nice open, doug!
  9:29am david:

I'm excited for the 2011 Jazz stuff. I always compile a mix of my favorite stuff from the year and it's always needs more jazz. I just don't find much good stuff being released. Albert Beger's and Dennis Gonzales were the only ones on last years.
  9:30am glenn:

i gotta suggest facebook or a google search. sorry, dude.
  9:31am Brian in UK:

Not aware of one Marcury. There was a very good one about 20 years or more ago. A singer called Bill ...... bit vague here sang Phil's songs and many people did talking heads. Do you have any details.
Thanks glenn was wondering whether to place an ad in a local paper but I do not know any names.
  9:32am glenn:

or -
  9:34am glenn:

urban shocker and miff mole walk into a bar............
  9:34am marcury:

Brian, check out it's a great movie, very sad of course both for what it tells of Phil's life and for what it tells of American history in the sixties, but it is an must see.
  9:36am Brian in UK:

Drummer, they sure loved there animals back in them there days.

Thanks glenn what happened next?

Cheers marcury.
  9:37am glenn:

don't know. drummer can provide a punchline.
  9:41am Brian in UK:

Man, I was being your straight man there. We've gotta add some vitality to this partnership brother.
  9:43am glenn:

well, it goes back to my assertion that urban shocker was the best baseball name ever. it wasn't really a joke.
  9:45am Drummer Some:

I was all over that Urban Shocker reference, Glenn.
  9:45am Brian in UK:

Marcury, you know it sounds silly but I still get really cross with Phil for what he did. There was so much more to offer but when you wear your heart on your sleeve....

I appreciate the name. We had a footballer called Jermaine Macsporran.
  9:48am marcury:

Brian, Yeah, suicide ain't painless for those left behind. A sad sad end to a great talent. I've known a number of people who were close to Phil back in the day and they all feel great guilt at not being able to keep him here.
  9:54am glenn:

i'm going to go out on a limb here - there ain't one person on this planet who isn't affected by mental illness, whether it's their own, or a family member or friend. and if anybody denies that, thet're either oblivious or lying.
  9:55am marcury:

Well now that Dinero has passed I must leave to send my tax extension into the man and head to work. Bye all!
  9:57am Brian in UK:

Good talking to you, Marcury.
  10:00am glenn:

coincidentally enough, my local (awesome) video store just got in a bunch of music related docs. they all seem to be about "crazy" folk. roky erikson, daniel johnston, wild man fischer, phil ochs.
  10:04am Drummer Some:

Save your taxes for the weekend, they're not due until Monday!
  10:12am Drummer Some:

Oh great, this comments board has descended into talk of suicide and taxes. Can someone revive the proceedings with talk of beer or another surefire happytime subject?
  10:13am moose head on the wall:

the only sure things in life are death and taxidermy.
  10:13am Randy:

Heya Doug. Been busy the past few Fridays. Good to be back! The 78th Precinct just ain't the same without you!
  10:14am annie:

amen glenn re: your comment 9:54...
  10:16am Drummer Some:

Thanks for that, Moose Head. Way to pick things up...

Hi Randy! How's Young Tom Seaver's fastball these days?
  10:18am Randy:

Young Seaver is progressing --4 strikeouts in 2 innings last week, but I fear his team more akin to the '62 Mets than the '69 flava.
  10:19am Drummer Some:

This week's Mining the Audio Motherlode is here:
  10:20am Brian in UK:

I'm going to cook Singapore Laksa, a meal in itself, tonight with a cold glass of Peroni or two.
  10:20am moose head on the wall:

no problem. anything to keep my mind off all them cute young female mooses.
moose skowron fshould be in the hall of fame.
  10:21am moose head on the wall:

typing with antlers is harder than it looks.
  10:22am Hugo:

Did anyone say beer?

I enjoyed this one:

Might have another one later today or try some other ones from the same brewery:
  10:23am moose head on the wall:

moosehead - not very good beer, but a lot of fun for the moose.
  10:24am glenn:

no string poppers today?
  10:25am Brian in UK:

Looks good, Hugo. I've found porter to be thin for me after drinking stout eg Guinness of Beamish.

No glenn, it's string hoppers but I like your version.
  10:26am listener james from westwood:

One of my closest buddies got his fraternity nickname from the frat-house moosehead. ("Felix.")
  10:27am glenn:

hoppers, right.
  10:27am jill:

thanks Doug
  10:28am glenn:

i hate to say it, but guinness isn't very good stout.
  10:31am Brian in UK:

We visited this brewery recently.Brewers wife designs the labels.

Guinness is served too cold these days in my humble. I prefer Beamish & Crawford from Cork.
  10:31am texas scott:

Moosehead Beer = awesome stuff!
  10:32am david:

avery = thumbs up dig this one:
  10:33am Brian in UK:

Hey you're dipping out occasionally Doug. Sounds good.
  10:38am Drummer Some:

Thanks for the heads-up, Brian. Is anyone else experiencing dropouts or other audio problems?
  10:44am glenn:

a couple little glitches. i've never had beamish and crawford. i shall peruse it at me leisure. texas scott - i'm referring to canadian moosehead, which doesn't even come close to the quality of most other beers.
  10:49am Hugo:


I will be in York most of last week of April. Anything to look out for, beer-wise?
  10:49am Bob:

I had the dropouts too, but not in the last 15 minutes or so.
  10:51am david:

there is a strange squeaking sound on my end. kinda sounds like a saxophone.
  10:54am Drummer Some:

My favorite times on WFMU are when you can't tell if it's a technical difficulty or the DJ's selection...
  10:57am Alex in Illinois:

Why does this kind of Jazz sound so much better when it is on this show?
  10:57am texas scott:

  11:00am Paul Sherratt:

I don't know about drop outs - I've only just been able to drop in ! ( Work ... traffic .. )

>>Why does this kind of Jazz sound so much better when it is on this show?


I've had the same thought for years !
  11:01am Carmichael:

<Sprinting in the Door> Whew! Finally made it in. Hi Doug, beer drinkers, Canadians, tax delinquents and just ordinary Joe listeners.

BTW, The best baseball name is a current player named Angel Satan.
  11:02am Alex in Illinois:

About 20 years ago, when I lived in NYC, there was a microbrewery restaurant located somewhere near Canal and Broadway, maybe west of broadway. Don't know the rest of the NYC beer scene. I don't think of NYC so much as a beer town.
  11:03am rst-wiley:


/ Because wfmu djs like Doug are plenty fine at selecting and sequencing music in a set?
  11:03am annie:

wow..that was great
  11:05am glenn:

who does angel satan toil for?
  11:05am annie:

sometimes, doug, your selections of music make me cry with joy...
  11:06am Paul Sherratt:

I think hugo means York, Yorkshire.
  11:07am Hugo:

Alex, (old) York, UK, not New York, US. Did not find many pubs in NY, though, certainly not on every other street corner, but I could have been in the wrong part of town.

Beautful Billy Bang piece ...
  11:10am Drummer Some:

Me, too, Annie.
  11:10am Carmichael:

I believe Mr. Satan plays for the Colorado Rockies, but I'm not certain. I was idly watching a game in a bar, under the influence of barley-based intoxicants.
  11:11am Brian in UK:

Hugo, this is one I have not tried but looks good. There are so many micro-breweries opening up these days, it is hard to keep tabs on them.
Sam Smiths brewed in Tadcaster not far from York was always a good pint. The pork pies & curd cake should be sampled.
  11:12am Carmichael:

Oops, my bad. "Angel Pagan", Mets centerfielder.
  11:14am Paul Sherratt:

It's Maddy Prior,Member of The Order Of British Empire! ( MBE )


Go to ' Betty's Tea Rooms and ask for some curd tart. It's perfectly legal !
  11:15am Drummer Some:

Oh Maddy!
  11:16am glenn:

the buffalo sabres had miroslav satan, although it was pronounced SHAtan.
  11:17am Drummer Some:

OK, who's having seitan for lunch?
  11:18am Carmichael:

Now you're hittin' on all cylinders, Dougie my boy. Can you find some Sandy Denny/Fairport?
  11:18am annie:

maddy!!!! my first steeleye span album.. i saw them in cleveland before procol harum.. they did three encores.. PH did one..
  11:18am Hugo:

Thanks for the tips, Brian/Paul. A pub named The Shambles sounds irresistable. It's encouraging that so many micro-breweries are starting up these days. Anything against industrial-style bland homogenisation is a plus in my book!
  11:18am annie:

what a beautiful song..
  11:19am annie:

i still see her on the stage... what a presence!!!
  11:19am Brian in UK:

Black Sheep, Theakstons & Timmy Taylors are all worth getting outside of. Beware of John Smiths & Tetleys.
  11:19am Drummer Some:

In the Drummer Some / Motherlode newsletter I sent out this week there are links to my five favorite Steeleye Span records (and that same blog posting them has, I think, their entire catalog). Email me if you would like to be on my mailing list.
  11:20am annie:

oh!! are there some tunes on your blog which are downloadable?
  11:22am Drummer Some:

Annie, I don't provide the downloads, but I furnish the links to the blogs that have posted the music. The weekly blogs posts provide links to my favorite downloads each week. In my newsletter, I offer additional links not included in the blog posts.
  11:24am annie:

cool, i've just started to delve into them, you should see the folder in my email.. "drummer" gets fuller each week.
  11:24am Drummer Some:

Carmichael, Sandy Denny would be a lovely component of this set, but I'm all jammed up. Already figuring what to cut from the next one...
  11:25am Brian in UK:

Hugo, this looks like a good place to get locked in.
  11:27am Carmichael:

No sweat, Doug. You're still The Man.
  11:29am glenn:

cutting songs. so, no didgeridoo today then? i'm just asking, 'cause i've yet to hear any didgeridoo on gtds.
  11:30am glenn:

or ocherina. where's the ocherina, man?
  11:31am glenn:

(i'm not even sure what an ocherina is. i just like saying it.)
  11:32am Brian in UK:

Digeridoowopalopbamboom. The frog swallowed the ocarina.
  11:32am annie:

bless you, doug, bless you..
  11:33am Drummer Some:

  11:33am annie:

(had to come down off the ladder to tell you that.. )
  11:33am Hugo:

Wow, five pubs located so far. The name York is derived from old Norse Jorvik. Thought I'd mention that ...
  11:35am Brian in UK:

Visit the Jorvik Centre & York Minster, a must do.
  11:38am Brian in UK:

So you'll be missing the Bergen Music Fest then, Hugo.
  11:39am listener james from westwood:

laura veirs! one of those artists i have fmu to thank for introducing to me. i remember when her first cuts raced across playlists like wildfire.
  11:40am glenn:

however, i did hear a brass band playing a medley of war pigs and iron man on the streets of toronto yesterday. that was kinda cool, if somewhat ironically cliched.
  11:40am Hugo:

Yes, we thought about Jorvik Centre last time. Unfortunately, a very long queue outside, so we skipped it.
  11:41am Drummer Some:

Listener James FW, I don't boast much, but I can lay happy claim to being possibly the first DJ outside of Seattle (and Stoke on Trent, UK) to play Laura Veirs on the radio. All thanks to Paul Sherratt (the Bloke from Stoke).
  11:44am listener james from westwood:

Boast! Ballyhoo! Grandstand! For that feat, no shyness is necessary!
  11:45am Hugo:

Brian, that's how it goes, but the Bergen fest was better before, imho. It's gone too mainstream for my tastes.
  11:47am Drummer Some:

Was all set to have Veirs on the show live, but she pulled out with a sore throat the night before.
  11:47am Brian in UK:

Just got the new Jason Isbell. Cracker. Thought you'd be interested, Doug. Tee Hee.

Was it ever thus, Hugo. some say that about the monster that is Glastonbury.
  11:47am annie:

i did a show once, back in the college radio stint in the early 90s that moved one of my listers top tears; he called to tell me that it was the best music he had heard in years.. he has passed on since then and i have a twinkle of cheer that he went to heaven with gentle tunes and moving ballads to recall..
  11:47am monica:

  11:48am annie:

one of those moments which make deejaying rewarding..
  11:49am rst-wiley:

Your show was my introduction to Laura Veirs, Doug. Among all the other intros to otherwise-unknowns.
  11:51am Leigh:

Hi Doug. Moi aussi on introduction to Veirs. Maybe she can be re-invited back?
  11:51am Brian in UK:

I think Ms Veirs stopped for ten minutes to have the nipper then carried on touring. She could hardly reach the mic when I saw her what with the bump & the geetar.
  11:52am Leigh:

I saw her last year (?) around Valentines Day in NYC. Was amazing, mostly July Flames album.
  11:56am Drummer Some:

I didn't know you did radio! My sister!

Then my work is done here.

I love it when you type French.

@Brian in UK
Ms. Veirs has been touring with her son, Tennessee (!), in tow.

@Leigh again
How does she keep getting better? Each record surpasses expectations.

The Johnny Bristol cut at show's end was selected with the thought of your appreciation in mind.
  11:58am Drummer Some:

Hang on folks, we going over the noon hour in a barrel...
  11:59am Leigh:

Lol! Also, heard any of the new Vetiver yet? My god, V good.
  11:59am annie:

yup doug for about nine years.. 4 hours of a sunday am.. 8-noon..
  11:59am annie:

mess call, gotta go.. farm crew get ravenous and i have to get there when they do later doug!
  12:00pm Brian in UK:

Awesome Annie Announces"
  12:00pm Leigh:

I know, she had these adolescent boys doing back up vocals. Very beautiful.
  12:00pm Drummer Some:

NO I haven't heard the new Vetiver. Andy Cabic's voice is another I melt over.
  12:01pm Leigh:

Straight up.
  12:03pm Drummer Some:

I do a lot of melting.
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