Bell Kelly's Teenage Wasteland

June 30, 2002 Favoriting

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Favoriting Good Morning Aztlan - Los Lobos
Favoriting Three Wishes - Television Personalities
Favoriting A Night With Daddy "G" - The Church Street Five

Favoriting Heroes From Our Past - The Dropkick Murphys
Favoriting I Fought The Law - The Bobby Fuller Four
Favoriting Cheyenne - Guided By Voices
Favoriting Doctor Doctor - The Who
Favoriting Some Dreams - Steve Earle

Favoriting They Don't Know About Us - Dawn Eden
Favoriting You Take Me For Rides - The 7th Cinders
Favoriting Grey Skies - The Insomniacs
Favoriting I Keep Trying - The Jay Jays
Favoriting Remembrance Day - B-Movie

Favoriting Return Of The Living Dead - Ghoultown
Favoriting The Martian Hop - The Ran-Dells
Favoriting Crying Sun - The New Race
Favoriting Half Way Down The Stairs - Lawson & 4 More
Favoriting Fever - The Count Backwurds

Favoriting Estoy A 5 Anos De Aca - The Manganzoides
Favoriting Wondering Why - The Tremors
Favoriting Love's Young Dream - The Guttersnipes (U. K.)
Favoriting She Drives Me Out Of My Mind - The Swingin' Medallions
Favoriting My Girlfirend - Guttermouth
Favoriting I Live For The Sun - The Sunrays

Favoriting Tryin' To Do To Me - The Holy Ghosts
Favoriting Satisfaction Guaranteed - The Mourning Reign
Favoriting Stupefaction - Nixon's Head
Favoriting Set Me Free - The Kinks
Favoriting Requiem For A Vampire - Hunchback

Favoriting Punk Rock Beat - Boink
Favoriting Sally, Go Round The Roses - The Jaynetts
Favoriting Apologize - The Pills
Favoriting Get Away Girl - Tha Fantastic Dee-Jays
Favoriting Crash Bowler - The Clit Cops
Favoriting Blue Snow Night - The Gurus

Favoriting 20 Fathoms Down - The Nelsonics
Favoriting Keep Your Hands Off My Baby - The Gore Gore Girls
Favoriting Hide & Go Seek - Bunker Hill
Favoriting Form A Straight Line - Sugar Shack
Favoriting Camel Walk - The Saxons

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