Favoriting Put The Needle On The Record with Billy Jam: Playlist from April 1, 2011 Favoriting

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Hip-hop and rap, that's where my heart's at. But I'll play anything so long as it ain't crap!

Friday 7 - 8pm (EDT) | On WFMU | 91.1, 90.1, 91.9 FM & wfmu.org
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Favoriting April 1, 2011: Put The Needle To The Wandering Streets of Dublin with Jinx Lennon

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(* = new)

Artist Track Album Label Year Format Comments New
Billy Jam + Jinx Lennon  Intro to Live from Streets of Dublin   Favoriting            
Jinx Lennon  The Sumo Option Is Good For Business (live on WFMU)   Favoriting            
Jimmy Penguin  Andrew Time [dubh thrian's clinical myopic refix]   Favoriting     2011      *  
Jimmy Penguin  Andrew Time (original mix)   Favoriting     2011      *  
Jinx Lennon  The Orange Cranes Of Greenore   Favoriting Trauma Themes Idiot Times    2009       

Music behind DJ:
Jinx Lennon interview + spoken word 

Live on WFMU from the streets of Dublin   Favoriting






Captain Moonlight  Banana Republican   Favoriting     2011    this song is avail for free download - go to the YouTube video for link  *  
Scary Eire  Dole Q   Favoriting Put The Needle On The Irish Hip-Hop Record (2009 WFMU Marathon Mix)           
Bitwise Operator  Seven   Favoriting Samurai Hack          *  
Uncle Lew  haggerston fever   Favoriting V/A Community Skratch Music 3  NozL Recordings  2011      *  
bedlam mind  sickness   Favoriting Hypermetabola  NozL Recordings  2011      *  

Music behind DJ:
Jinx Lennon interview + spoken word 







Jinx Leenon  Accept Your Hair Loss (live on WFMU from Dublin)   Favoriting            
Deviant & Naive Ted  Gone With The Wind   Favoriting   NozL Recordings  2011      *  
Semyon  still   Favoriting Bind:Sever    2011      *  

Music behind DJ:
Legal ID from two DUBs on O'Connell Street 







Jinx Leenon  The Night The Motor Car of Death Drove into Dundalk Town   Favoriting National Cancer Strategy    2010       

Music behind DJ:
Jinx Lennon interview + spoken word 







J-Dilla  Two Can Win   Favoriting Donuts           
The Late Late Show with Tubs & Joseph O Connor  The Late Late Show Joseph O 39Connor on the Irish love of the word FUCK   Favoriting            
Jinx Lennon               
Jinx Lennon interview +               
Little Shawn  Hickeys On Your Chest   Favoriting            
Pezzettino (prod. LMNtlyst)  Cold Chick   Favoriting Lub Dub           
Lily Allen  Knock em Out   Favoriting            

Music behind DJ:
Jinx Lennon interview + 







Jinx Lennon  Pink Scrunched Up Thing   Favoriting National Cancer Strategy           
RíRá  'The Future Comin' Back To Haunt Ya'   Favoriting     2011       
Deep Burial  Run With the Devil   Favoriting Put The Needle onthe Irish Hip Hop Record - Billy Jam's 2009 Premium           
OB @ All City Records interview               
Free the Robots  Destroy   Favoriting   All City Records        *  
Onra  AC7x7x7 ONRA_SIDE-A   Favoriting   All City Records    7"     
Exile  Dawn of the Nothing   Favoriting LA Series 10  All City Records         
Laura  "Fur Is Murder" Legal ID   Favoriting            
Uncle Lew and Jimmy Penguin  rotkejorp   Favoriting you're a dick and so are you and me  NozL Recordings  2011      *  
Valance Drakes aka MusSck  a3 proximity   Favoriting [forthcoming on alkalinear vinyl]  NozL Recordings  2011      *  
Jinx Lennon  FireplaceItis   Favoriting Put The Needle onthe Irish Hip Hop Record - Billy Jam's 2009 Premium           

Music behind DJ:
Jinx Lennon interview 







Jinx Lennon  Bite your tongue when the blue light comes   Favoriting National Cancer Strategy    2010       
Chris Moss Acid  KONG   Favoriting Inteceptor  NozL Recordings  2011      *  
J-Rocc  Play This Too   Favoriting     2011      *  
Semyon  still (slight remix)   Favoriting            
MusSck  crystalline complex   Favoriting alienetic ep  Weirdo Anime         
Shafiq Husayn  nirvana   Favoriting En'A-Free-Ka           
Thin Lizzy  Johnny The Fox Meets Jimmy The Weed   Favoriting            
Bibio  Artists' Valley   Favoriting Mind Bokeh    2011      *  
Damien Dempsey  negative vibes (feat Sinead O Connor)   Favoriting            

Music behind DJ:
outro mic break with Jinx Lennon 







The Dubliners (feat Luke Kelly)  Dirty Old Town   Favoriting            

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Listener comments!

Billy Jam:

For this special Irish edition of Put The Needle On The Record I will be joined by Ireland's premiere punk-poet Jinx Lennon - down from Dundalk - as we wander the streets of Dublin's city centre playing music sets and stopping at various points along the way - starting off in Parnell Square near the Garden Of Remembrance and ending up in a pub over on the South Side of the City Centre - with a stop at All City (store and label HQ) in the Temple Bar district just over the Halfpenny Bridge (so named coz it used to cost half a penny toll to cross the River Liffey over this historic pedestrian bridge) - at least that's the plan. Jinx will do some spoken word pieces, and to chat about music and life and in the current post-Celtic Tiger (aka Septic Tiger) Ireland. Our main man here in Dublin - Tall Paul Lowe is also here helping out with this remote behind the scenes doing playlist/comments monitoring.
Billy Tech Jam:

What makes this particular broadcast unique is that it is being done exclusively via a prototype of the forthcoming iLine app - kind of like the TieLine unit that we normally use for WFMU remotes (like the one last week in Dusseldorf, or the one Ken and Andy will do next week in Upright Citizens Brigade in Manhattan or the Primavera Festival in Barcelona remote in May that the station will do). This one is an all wireless/battery operated broadcast - giving us freedom of mobility - done thanks to a prototype of the new iLine app (based on the traditional, albeit now archaic, TieLine technology) and is being done on only an iPhone utilizing the iLine and a few other apps including the Tap DJ app to play the mp3s off of. They should sound clear so long as our phone signal (thanks to Eirecom for their help with this) remains steady. But still the mic and some parts may be a little rough and ready sounding , esp since we have no real time monitor of the live signal. So Amanda, who is back in the WFMU studios doing board-op, if you can post comments on the accuplaylist (which we can see and access obviously) to let us know if the levels or anything are off .Thanks. Tall Paul, who is here also, will monitor the comments and playlist & pics.
Timi Dz Nutz:

Once Again It's On....!!!!
Timi Dz Nutz:

...And First Comment Too To Boot.!.!.! Woooo Hoooo....
Sean Daily:

Fourth comment! Woo hoo!

Hi, Billie and Jinx!

And you love TapDJ as much as I do, COOOOOOL!
Sean Daily:

Oh my GODS, Billy Jam is going native! Listen to his accent! We got to pull him out NOW!



I'd love to see a google map of the wandering route!

Finally! Some music. That last bit was annoying.

Jinx, you were great. Like the megaphone a lot.
Timi Dz Nutz:

Hey...Billy, Jinx got your Bull Horn ( just joke'n). Shout outs to Tall Paul, Sean Daily, DJ Alf, DJ Tu-Kai....Sean just hit on the head, listen to how strong Billy's Brogue is...Love it!!!!

Wandering around Dublin can get complicated to map.

would also love to see a pic of the mobile setup? or literally, everything is just happening on one iPhone? impressive
Tall Paul:

Thanks everyone for tuning in. Oedipa - there will be more talking so if you find our Irish accents "annoying" tune out after next song

bennett, I think that's what's happening.
Tap DJ is the best $1.99 I ever spent on the iPhone.

Yes!! Show us pitchers of your setup!
ALF of Hip Hop Slam:

Hey what's up everybody?! Hope everyone is doing well.

good, DJ ALF. And you?
James in Berlin:

I was in Dublin last summer with my girlfriend and we loved it. Never heard of Jinx Lennon before but enjoying him. Are you guys going to the Guinness brewery as part of your walking tour of Dublin?
Tall Paul:

Big up DJ ALF!
Marc in Liverpool:

first time I've heard this show before
Timi Dz Nutz:

I wana hear more from the people on the streets and in the pubs....and maybe a lil' Thin Lizzy.!!!
Timi Dz Nutz:

Welll Welcome Marc in Liverpool. We do this every week from all around the globe... Paul let'em all know!!

I learned a hell of a lot about Irish politics on Twitter, of all places.
Banana Republican lyrics:

excuse me sir could ye spare a second for me?
my name is mick guinness im your local td
i really need yer vote so if you could please
i'll give ye my word im still the big cheese
dont worry about the troubles and the times we are in
i'll get the job done with a shit eatin grin
i'll promise you the world,that much is certain
you want a meltdown im on the phone to joan burton
i'll solve unmeployment get yee all on the dole
work placement for the nation dig us out of this hole
n if its not enough then we'll give em the ole
heave ho there they go population control
innovation is the key to solve the situation
we'll save a few quid expediting emigration
if ye vote for that shower like a communist rally
you better know the words to the internationale
im here ta steer you all onto a righteous philosophy
free market enterprise,and lassez-faire policy
its a family business so vote for number one
keep my seat secure through each election
you cant call it nepotism when you vote for my son
he's qualified sure didnt i show him how its done
he might be a wanker but what can you do
hes cut from the same cloth that spent years fucking you

he's got the banks bailed with your money
what could he be a banana republican
some sleep on the street he drinks in marquees
what could he be a banana republican

his self service health cares not for me
what could he be a banana republican
a national resource sold out for shell to see
what could he be a banana republican

now now i know what your thinking dont get carried away
its time for a change its long overdue you might say
but before ye do lets look at the options
are ye really better off with the opposite nonsense
that blueshirt plank whats he talkin about
does he even know? i'd say theres a slight doubt
he seems like hes about to grab all the glory
then he opens his mouth and its enda story
little birdies in his skull singin tweet tweet twitter
his little deaths head shoved up alans shitter
whats left for the left they might like gil more
but that party is about as left as the freikorps
before ye know it they'll be all over this
poppin corks celebratin champagne socialists
a shower of dilletantes labour me hole
you'll be votin for the labour when ye sign on the dole
i'll speak my mind then dish out the criticism
once i no longer occupy my ministers position
i'm genuine a straight shooter im no hipocrit
i swear to christ this is my look like i give a shit
so keep it safe as houses my seat but not as cold
sure ye might say these days houses arent safe at all
cheaply built on bog land heavily priced and sold
to poor people who cant afford a rock to throw at the dail

he's got the banks bailed with your money
what could he be a banana republican
some sleep on the street he drinks in marquees
what could he be a banana republican

his self service health cares not for me
what could he be a banana republican
a national resource sold out for shell to see
what could he be a banana republican

i got interests in companies money spread out everywhere
i got cash in the back of my pocket i never new was there
investments in overseas accounts
bonds and stocks and shares who cares to what amounts
might be forever under fire from the villifiers,rumour mongers
naysayers,do nothings,me feiners and liars
begrudgers elbow nudgers befudgers of the truth
who'll trample all over yer good name and yer 3 piece suit
we'll change just enough that it seems like a change
our back bench rebellion voted in a new name
doesnt matter he presided over the great shame
out with the old and in with the same
so assemble the rabble speak with the passion of a rebel
but my revolutions aims to keep things at a stable level
an expert in rhetoric such as we care a lot
bout the weak and the vulnerable thats the shot
for spin is the word and we've mastered the craft
so give us your word go and vote overdraft
we'll get the cash no matter who gets in
and who gets to pay? congratulations you win

he's got the banks bailed with your money
what could he be a banana republican
some sleep on the street he drinks in marquees
what could he be a banana republican

his self service health cares not for me
what could he be a banana republican
a national resource sold out for shell to see
what could he be a banana republican

hes got a croke box the v i p
what could he be a banana republican
hes a sure shot rockin the real party
what could he be a banana republican

he's a high roller rippin us of for a fee
what could he be a banana republican
hes a man of the people but you don't see
what could he be a banana republican
Tall Paul:

hello Timi D - how are things in San Francisco?

So does Ireland not have a NHS (or pinko Commie socialist health care, as lots of us Americans would probably call it), or is it just a really bad system?
Cheri Pi:

This is goooooooood.

fookin' dope cut, Cap'n Moonlight!
The Breton Drinking Company:

Hello Ireland! Thanks for the sound and whiskey!
Timi Dz Nutz:

All sunny here and the sound is great. I got a slow friday for a change, so I'm here all the way. I love "Dole Q' one of my fav S.E. songs...
Tall Paul:

Good to hear Timi D.....THis song now is more new music from the West of Ireland's NOZL recordings c/o Jimmy Penguin and the Vince Mackmahon crew

Yikes Billy, you're all over the city! Get a shot of that Phil Lynott statue over by the Bleeding Horse. Great memories in those photos. Parnell Square, wow ...
Tall Paul:

good weather here in Dublin right now about 52 degrees and no rain (yet)

Let us know where you are when you get a chance, Paul & Billy.
Tall Paul:

Don't worry Philo fans - we did not cause any damage to Mister Lynott's statue by leaving sticker on it permanently
Mike East:

That statue is awesome! Happy Friday everybody!!!
Tall Paul:

Yo, seeing as you all love Irish HipHop here is a link for you all: http://www.irishhiphop.com/forum/list.php?10. Check out Mek Saint Patrick's Day mix too.

I didn't even know there was a Philo statue in Dublin. Will have to make a pilgrimage.


any more Jinxy coming on?

He he .... Phil's the man! Thanks, you guys!!

greetings from the Left Coast, Villy Yams!
Tall Paul:

Yo Shiv, not only a statue now there is an exhibiton see http://www.philiplynottexhibition.com/index.php

[fixed up]

@ Tall Paul, wow! Hmm, can I get to Dublin in the next two months...
Tall Paul:

Yo Shiv,Exhibition closes 2nd May
Tall Paul:

Just posted "WFMU sticker" pic we took of the Phil Lynott exhibit going on up in the Stpehens Green center right now - ITs really good

Shave it all off! Hear hear.

Wow, great shot! That looks awesome.

Molly Malone. I know exactly where that is.
Tall Paul:

No J-Dilla was not from Ireland -:) but is one of the few non Irish releases we will be playing today - in addition to mostly new Irish releases. We will be playing the new J-Rocc single later too.

Sure he was. Jay O'Dilla.
Tall Paul:

Joseph O'Connor is an Irish journalist and is Sinead O'Connor's brother. - This was on Irish TV show The Late Late Show last Friday

Fuck yeah, this fuckin show is fuckin great!

Nothing but a leprechaun
John Cooper Clarke Censored:

The forgetting train is forgetting late, you forgetting wait, you forgetting wait. You're forgetting lost, you're forgetting found, stuck in forgetting chickentown.

He's also a great author! Joe O'Connor is an amazing guy. My wife who works at a great book store in Northern Cal met him recently and instantly fell in love with him. No, I'm not threatened!

Bus Driver looks sour! Great show!

It's like copper piping getting stolen out of houses in poor neighborhoods. The price of copper is high, so people steal it to sell it. My mom got hit.
still b/p:

Linguistically relevant, though not geographically:
At Bike Week in Laconia, NH, a few years ago, I saw a t-shirt among the thousands for sale that said something close to this: "Fuck off you fucking fucker." Wondered who would buy it and wear it. A short time later, I saw someone in the crowd wearing it -- a girl who looked not older than 15-16, who seemed to be with her family.

@still b/p Lenny Bruce is not dead! :-)

I just remarked to a co-worker about how ya see the infamous "Fuck You, You Fucking Fuck" T-shirt sold in some parts of NYC like on St. Marks Pl., alongside other shirts that make light of New Yorkers' supposed profane tendencies, but nobody ever seems to buy it and wear it.
still b/p:

In most matters, I say rise up and go, Lenny, go!....but if I had a 15 year old daughter choosing that for her chest and a "Pink" billboard across her behind...welllll....the impulses to edit & decree or to just talk would be in a whirly dogfight in my mind...

@still b/p true that
Bad Ronald:

Big ups for Jinx and you too Billy Jam! Your shows always deliver. You deserve the FMU innovator of the year award!!! - Peace
Tall Paul:

brand new track from RiRa - who is tuned in from the midlands - big up

Where I come from, it's pronouned more like "feckin' ". Used along with "eejit".


@Tall Paul/BillyJim the sound is really good! I'm lovin' the mobile remote action.
Tall Paul:

OB shows much love to hip-hop via store and label and much love to WFMU - having hosted WFMU remotes from the Temple Bar district shop on Crow Street.
Tall Paul:

All City 10th Annual Easter Jam happens on Easter weekend - end of the month in Dublin

i've always liked "ya stupit feckin' article".
Billy Jam:

my favorite has long been "and you, ya malignant little shite!"
Hey all thanks for listening to WFMU

in context ; republicans / conservatives / right wingers are, for the most part stupit feckin' articles. (and malignant little shites)

Republicans in Ireland are very different politically from American Republicans, imho. Even though I'm a feckin' pillock.
Bad Ronald:

Bloody hatracks and festering stools they are as well!
Katy in Ohio:

Ask Jinx if he will ever be coming to the states for a tour or if if he ever playes here?
ALF of Hip Hop Slam:

Jimmy Penguinnnnnnnn!!!!
Tall Paul:

want a WFMU sticker? email billyjam @ wfmu dot org with your snail mailing address

AphexTwin influence?
still b/p:

There are ongoing discussions among American performers of Irish plays and writers I work with about whether the ever-present "feck" and "feckin'" is just a slightly reduced-impact alt. pronunciation for fuck, or it's an entirely different term, of different derivation, that just happens to work out as the equivalent in usage. Who's got the final feckin' word on it?
still b/p:

The only time I was in Ireland, when I was a kid, teenagers said fuck as fook --"ya wee fooker!"
Bad Ronald:

fuggin A Jinx!!!

sbp, it depends on if you're from Antrim, Connacht, or other wheres. I've some cousins in Derry who I think barely speak Irish. You could cut their accent with a knife. Mine is more of a lilt than an inflection, as I'm from the southern coastal area. And in Cork & Kerry?? fuggit about it ....


ALF of Hip Hop Slam:

Pick up J-Rocc's new release at http://www.stonesthrow.com It's pretty dope!

This dude's got the rhythm down. Bangin' it!
Bad Ronald:

I concur Carmichael. Thanks AlfoHHS!
Tall Paul:

This sketch is on display at the Philip Lynoot Exhibit in Dublin - in one room that is just paintings and sketches of Philo.

Speaking of FOOKIN' PHIL!!!!!!!!!!!!!

my father's family came from antrim, way back when. the cemetery where my mom and dad are buried might as well be in ireland.

anyhoo, i'm off to see wire tonight. slainte, evahbody.
Tall Paul:

another of the handful of non Irish related releases

Spater, glenn. I'm off as well. Thanks to Billy, Paul, and everybody feckin' else.
Billy Jam:

cheers glenn, carmiichael, bad ronald, chris, still b/p, cecile and all -
Billy Jam:

To Jinx Lennon and the people & the sounds from the streets of Dublin. To Tall Paul for being producer Irish-side. Thanks to Jimmy Penguin and Nozl Recordings and Vince Mackmahon crew for all the new music. Also thanks to Ri Ra and Captain Moonlight for their new tracks. Thanks to OB at All City store/record label. Thanks to the designers of the iLine App to allow us to test out their prototype today which enabled us to broadcast as we wandered round the streets of the Irish capital. Special thanks to Eirecom for their assistance in getting and maintaining our signal for the past 3 hours. Thanks to the folks at WFMU including Bryce and Andy & Frangry, Amanda for board-op'ing, Scott Williams for tech support, Liz Berg for online promotion support, Ken Freedman for his never ending support, and you the WFMU listener for tuning in. Next week April 8th I will be back in the WFMU Jersey City studios when my guests will be artist AZEEM and author DAN CHARNAS and the topic will be "How golden was the golden age of hip-hop?" In two weeks time, April 15th, I will take the show back out on the road - but not too far afield - over to Brooklyn New York to the studios of hip-hip label Modern Shark. More on that on the Upcoming section of wfmu.org

later, Billy! Great show.
Tall Paul:

Andy and Frangy up next - with Shut Up Weirdo and a special show for April 1st 2011. Happy April Fools Day... and have a great weekend!
Bad Ronald:

Cheers - flookin slammin show!

Jinx, come to St. Paul,MN - one of the biggest populations of Irish emigres in the world.

I heard your show (again), which was great (again)!
(You were able to have the original Irish feeling—no, I’ve never been to Ireland, but this show…)
jimmy penguin:


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