Give The Drummer Some with Doug Schulkind Favoriting
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Friday 9am - Noon (EDT) | On WFMU's Give the Drummer Radio
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March 25, 2011 Favoriting
This program "likes" Bo Diddley's "I Don't Like You"
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Artist Selection Album    (Label / Recording date)
Theme Music:
Sarah Webster Fabio 
Jujus: Alchemy of the Blues   Favoriting Jujus: Alchemy of the Blues
(Folkways 1976)
ECD  In Tempo   Favoriting Major Force: The Original Art-Form
(Mo' Wax 1990)

Kentucky Mountain Choristers 

We'll Understand it
Better Bye and Bye
(Listen: Pop-up)
Way Down South in Dixie
(Morning Star 1929)
Joan Brooks & Paul Brown  Heading Back to Houston   Favoriting Historical Jewels by Various Female Country Artists
(Bronco Buster 1950)

(Blue Sky Boys)
Radio Station S-A-V-E-D   Favoriting Precious Moments
(Starday 1964)
Voices of Bluegrass  Hang Me With a New Rope   Favoriting Hung Up On...The Voices of Bluegrass
(Revonah 1971)
International Submarine Band  Folsom Prison Blues/
That's All Right Mama   Favoriting
Safe at Home
(LHI 1968)
Art Peterson  Twinkie Insanity   Favoriting b/w Lenny Anderson:
The Ballad of Dan White
(Bay 1979)
Robert Zehm with
James Prince (electric guitar) 
Satan's Suitcase   Favoriting b/w Has America Forgotten
(Z 1962)
Charley Pride  Distant Drums   Favoriting Country Charley Pride
(RCA 1966)

Talkover Music:
East Texas Serenaders 
Shannon Waltz   Favoriting East Texas Serenaders 1927-1937
(Document 1928)

Lydia Mendoza 

Dime Mal Hombre
(Listen: Pop-up)
Vida Mia
(Arhoolie 1935)
Marimba Conjunto  La Jota   Favoriting Mexico: Fiestas of Chiapas and Oaxaca
(Nonesuch 1976)
San Lucas Band  Marcho Número Tres   Favoriting

Music of

(ABC 1974)
Unidentified  Two-man prayer   Favoriting Modern Mayan: The Indian Music
of Chiapas, Mexico

(Folkways 1975)
Estanzuela  El Valedor   Favoriting Traditional Music From Mexico:
Son Jarocho de Tlacotalpan
(Arc Music 2005)

Talkover Music:
Samba Pa' Ti   Favoriting Abraxas
(Columbia 1970)

Howlin' Wolf 

Tail Dragger
(Listen: Pop-up)
This Is Howlin' Wolf's New Album.
He Doesn't Like It. He Didn't Like
His Electric Guitar at First Either.
(Cadet 1969)
Hound Dog Taylor  Phillip's Theme   Favoriting Hound Dog Taylor & the House Rockers
(Alligator 1971)
Muddy Waters  She's Alright   Favoriting Electric Mud
(Chess 1968)
Buddy Guy  Jam on a Monday Morning   Favoriting A Man and the Blues
(Vanguard 1968)

I Just Wanna Groove   Favoriting You're Tuff Enough:
The Blue Rock Studio Recordings
(Blue Rock 1968)
Willie Dixon  I'd Give My Life for You   Favoriting Peace?
(Yambo 1971)
Bo Diddley  I Don't Like You   Favoriting The Black Gladiator
(Checker 1970)

Talkover Music:
Melvin Jackson 
Funky Skull (pts. 1 & 2)   Favoriting Funky Skull
(Limelight 1970)

Khana Rung Thawi 
Hae Sot Dontri Phuen
Ban Nong Ko, Volume 8
(Listen: Pop-up)
Hae Sot Dontri Phuen Ban Nong Ko,
Volumes 8 & 9
Rayrai Na Koratich  Kard Klan Nam Mun
(Lack of Gasoline)   Favoriting
Thai Funk ZudRangMa, Volume 2
(ZudRangMa )
Waiphot Phetsuphan  Chiwit Rak Nak Rong
(Love Life of a Singer)   Favoriting

Luk Thung: Classic & Obscure
78s from the Thai Countryside

(Parlortone )
Pong Prida  Northeast Rose   Favoriting Sao Yu Ban Dai
(Crown )
Females  Talik Kum Bang Djati   Favoriting Java-Java:
Indonesia Screaming Fuzz
(No Smoke )
The Brims  Anti Gandja   Favoriting Those Shocking Shaking Days:
Indonesia Hard, Psychedelic, Progressive Rock
and Funk 1970-1978

(Now Again 1972)

Talkover Music:
Nicola Conte 
Forma 2000   Favoriting Bossa Per Due
(ESL 2000)

Betty Hall Jones 

This Joint's Too Hip
For Me
(Listen: Pop-up)
Those Great Blues Girls from the 40's
(Capitol 1949)
Myra Taylor  I'm in My Sins This Morning   Favoriting I'm a Bad, Bad Girl: Seven Dozen
Dusky Divas, Volume 1

(Indigo 1947)

Your Fool Again   Favoriting Sarah McLawler 1950-1953
(Chronological Classics 1953)
Norma Jenkins & the Dolls  The Airplane Song   Favoriting b/w A Lover's Stand
(Maltese 1966)
The Raelettes  You Must Be Doing Alright   Favoriting b/w You Have a Way with Me
(Tangerine 1972)
Gwen McCrae  It Keeps on Raining   Favoriting Rockin' Chair
(RCA 1975)
Irma Thomas  Coming From Behind/Wish Someone Would Care   Favoriting A Woman's Viewpoint:
The Essential 1970s Recordings
(Kent 1974)

Talkover Music:
Oliver Sain 
Night Time   Favoriting St. Louis Breakdown:
The Best of Oliver Sain
(AVI early 1970s)

Trio Nagô 

Terra Seca
(Listen: Pop-up)
Trio Nagô
(Continental 1955)
Jocy de Oliveira  Incendio   Favoriting

A Música do
Século XX

(Copacabana 1959)
Miguel de Deus  Flaca Louca   Favoriting Black Soul Brothers
(Copacabana 1977)
Eduardo Araújo  Explosão Norte Sul   Favoriting Eduardo Araújo 71
(Odeon 1971)

Closing Theme:
John Lee Hooker 
Stand By   Favoriting I Feel Good
(Jewel 1971)

Listener comments!

  8:55am annie:

i was beginning to think you were skipping class today. whew! NOT
  8:56am annie:

hope all is well with you..
  8:56am Drummer Some:

Only just finished studying! I'm going to ace this one!
  8:57am annie:

aahh!!! that's the rub, the stream is not coming through my winamp..
  8:58am listener james from westwood:

mornin' all! completed 4 days of offsite work in 3, so i'm able to enjoy the show live!
  8:59am glenn:

look at you bein' all efficient and shit.
  8:59am Drummer Some:

I think you'll be glad you did, L James FW.
  8:59am glenn:

p.s. :)
  8:59am Drummer Some:

My shit is NOTHING if not efficient. Dude.
  9:00am annie:

no sound, even the link produces nothing
  9:01am Brian in UK:

Mornin' all, hot as a maidens kiss here. Bowl of string hoppers, coconut sambal & a pot of ceylon please sir.
  9:02am Drummer Some:

Annie, maybe restart your computer? All indications here are that everything's running properly. Is anyone else having audio issues?
  9:03am glenn:

string hoppers? what be string hoppers?
  9:03am annie:

all other steams are running fine, it started yesterday, this issue.. it's very likely me, then.... bummer. do you have suggestion for a back door?
  9:04am Drummer Some:

Annie, try this link:
  9:05am Brian in UK:

@ glenn enjoy
  9:06am annie:


  9:08am annie:

i'm watchin' the long rally and speakin' here.
  9:08am Drummer Some:

Annie, I don't what to day. Does anyone else listening use Winamp? Are you hearing the show?

Not sure if anyone's in at WFMU's office, but send a help request to WFMU's Stream Team here:
  9:11am Brian in UK:

annie I always use iTunes and never have any problems. Here's a link to down
  9:11am glenn:

no probs here (i clicked on the listen to the stream right now icon)
  9:11am glenn:

string hoppers look yummy. what's the special tool required?
  9:13am Brian in UK:

@ glenn FINGERS (on the right hand ofcourse)
  9:13am still b/p:

Probably a hundred or more songs that are similar...but Dear Hears and Gentle People would make a fashionable mash with Heading Back to Houston.
  9:13am Drummer Some:

Yeah, Brian, what are string hoppers? Please share with your fellow listeners.
  9:14am glenn:

i see apple got rid of the "homos can be cured through prayer" (i paraphrase) app.
  9:15am annie:

i can hear the rally fine, but the motherlode stream says "resolving host".. brian, i pretty much use winamp and have no issues at all..... itunes is way too complicated for least for now.. all my bookmarks are listed in the winamp playlist and i click and listen..easy pie.
  9:17am Hugo:

String hoppers? Reminds me of breakfasts in Sri Lanka, preferably on the terrace of the Galle Face Hotel overlooking the Indian Ocean ...
  9:17am Drummer Some:

Annie, in iTunes if you select Open Stream under the ADVANCED drop-down menu, you can enter the URL for the stream ( there and it should start playing in iTunes.
  9:17am glenn:

We all love string hoppers, and friday is a day we have string hoppers for breakfast. Its very common in Srilanka, for breakfast and dinner, there are different varieties in string hoppers Made with Wheat flour, Red rice flour and white rice flour. Our choice is white rice flour. There is a special tool to squeez the dough with. My mom bough me one when she visited me last time. Its all worth it for me.
  9:19am Brian in UK:

DS check the link at 9:05. This describes them much better than I can do. Would ideally suggest a visit to Sri Lanka, beautiful people, zen driving, great food and small enough to see most of it. Here endeth the sales pitch!
  9:22am Bob:

Wow, I never heard Gram Parsons sing this before. "Folsom Prison Blues" does sound a bit odd coming from a Harvard man, though.
  9:22am Drummer Some:

Ah! Missed that. Thanks Brian.
  9:23am Brian in UK:

Beautiful place eh Hugo. We never got as far south as Galle. Must be some fort to withstand the tsunami?
  9:24am glenn:

could junk food junkie have been influenced by twinkie insanity?
  9:24am jill:

string hoppers - i am intrigued. Are they fried, steamed or boiled?
  9:25am Andy S.:

Drummer's "gone country!" Great stuff, especially "Hang Me With A New Rope" -- a new tune to me.
  9:26am glenn:

is there room for the notorious cherry bombs in today's fine programme? i refer of course to that magnificent little ditty "it's hard to kiss the lips at night that chew your ass out all day long"
  9:27am Hugo:

Beautiful place, indeed, but less than beautiful as far as politics are concerned. Very much heading in the wrong direction, in my opinion.
  9:28am glenn:

so why should sri lanka be different than anywhere else?
  9:29am still b/p:

..and was "Twinkie Insanity" influenced -- or co-written -- by Dan White's lawyers?
  9:31am annie:

i'm not too thrilled with downloading a new music program.. , but thanks...i've deleted the selection and i'll try to reload it from the email link.....nothing.. ah me.. it's an interesting mystery. . .. :(
  9:31am annie:

carry on..
  9:32am glenn:

here in canada we have jos louis, brought to you by the fine folks at vachon. twinkie's a piker compared to the jos louis.
  9:32am don:

mornin' there doug. swayin' back and forth over here.
  9:33am Andy S.:

Never was a Charlie Pride fan but the stoicism of his delivery on "Distant Drums" imparts a genuine sense of impending doom.
  9:33am Brian in UK:

@ jill you need a special little kind of press to steam them.
@ Hugo it's ironic that the Tamil Tigers reeked havoc but now having been wiped out in all ways seems to have allowed any sort of tempering to disappear.
@ DS ref Distant Drums is it true that Jim Reeves was 'big' in Jamaica?
  9:36am still b/p:

This week the Maine legislature was STILL debating and voting on a bill recognizing the Whoopie Pie. Snaxation WITH representation!
  9:37am jesse:

  9:39am glenn:

charlie pride's pretty freakin' great, if you ask me.
  9:39am Listener Bill:

Dancer in the Dark
  9:40am glenn:

and almost a major league ball player, if i remember correctly.
  9:40am Drummer Some:

Thank you Jesse and Listener Bill. I have a mental block with that movie title.
  9:41am annie:

Dancer in the Dark; what a great movie it was
  9:42am Hugo:

Sri Lanka is the sort of place these days that having an independent political opinion can be life-threatening, or at least subject to criminal investigation.
  9:47am annie:

just ain't the same.. i'll try the archive sometime.. i'm gonna go paint a room.... have a great friday, all
  9:49am Hugo:

The Marimba Conjunto sounds very much like some instrumental folk music I have heard from the Phillippines. Perhaps no accident?
  9:49am artie:

digging the stagger and lope of the San Lucas Band. about how i feel this morning..
  9:51am glenn:
  9:52am david:

100% agree with artie there. it sounds like a drunk trying to find the door after a long night.
  9:54am Drummer Some:

"Stagger and lope" is being very kind to them.
  9:55am still b/p:

Marcho was nice as is...but would also be fun if they broke, New Orleans funeral march style, into a sharper up-tempo exclamation of local stuff.
  9:58am Drummer Some:

The other side of the record is less deranged and way less interesting.
  10:00am artie:

i must be kind to those who stagger about as i have, on occasion, been seen doing the same. not without happiness.
  10:01am BodegaMan:

couldn't access the playlist for the longest time. Now I feel like that kid who slinks into class late.

  10:03am still b/p:

That's like one of the slogans/captions in rotation on the WFMU home page: "Other stations are less deranged and way less interesting."
  10:05am Paul Sherratt:

There's strength in numbers ...
morning ( afternoon )
  10:08am marcury:

Good Morning all!
  10:10am Hugo:

For those interested in Sri Lankan affairs:

Now under investigation for allegedly being a threat to national security. Whose security?
  10:10am Drummer Some:

Hi Marcury, howdy Paul, whazz upp BodegaMan!

Hey BodegaMan, if you get on the Drummer Some mailing list, I send out an email with a link to the stream and playlist about 20 minutes before the show starts. Lemme know (via email) if you wanna be on the list.
  10:10am glenn:

i'm willing to bet that howlin' wolf has influenced more musicians of any stripe than anybody else. i love the guy, flat out.
  10:11am dc pat:

my main dude--the Wolf. Thanks.
  10:15am BodegaMan:

@DS I listen via Winamp (much thanks to Annie's tip from a while ago) so no problem hearing the show, I just couldn't access the playlist for a bit.

Did someone here recommend the book "Nothin But the Blues"? still waiting for my NYPL copy to come in. I'm just saying this because this Hound Dog Taylor is clearing out my system.
  10:15am Brian in UK:

Jaffna still not kowtowing as you would expect. There is always a need for an effective opposition through peaceful means to keep the governemnt honest.
  10:16am Andy S.:

Brewer Phillips tearing it up on lead guitar with Hound Dog -- I saw this band live!
  10:16am david:

whooooo wheee! This is hot!
  10:17am Ian W.:

Doug - can you put me on that list? Thanks...
  10:17am dc pat:

YEAH! Hound Dog's up in the top 5 or so too.
  10:18am Drummer Some:

A picture of Hound Dog Taylor's left hand:
  10:20am glenn:

i knew he had six fingers. that little guy doesn't really look functional though, does it?
  10:21am Drummer Some:

Andy S,
Is this Pete Cosey on electric guitar behind Muddy or is it Phil Upchurch?
  10:24am glenn:

didn't chuck d. do a remake / tribute of electric mud a few years back?
  10:25am Hugo:

Brian: True, which means that the underlying political issues are still unresolved. What will it take for the government to recognise that fact?
  10:25am glenn:

The recording band for Electric Mud also recorded with Howlin' Wolf, resulting in The Howlin' Wolf Album.[1][5] - wikipedia.
  10:25am nn:

"Pap and smear" says traditional media.
"Pap smear?" Like for women's health?
No. Pap. And. Smear.
  10:27am Drummer Some:

From the Wikipedia page on Electric Mud:

"In Lost in the Grooves: Scram's Capricious Guide to the Music You Missed, Gene Sculatti wrote that "The rhythm seems to anticipate hip-hop by three decades."[10] Chuck D stated that he had been introduced to Electric Mud by a member of Public Enemy, which sparked an interest in Muddy Waters' earlier work, and in roots-oriented blues.[11][12] The documentary series The Blues, produced by Martin Scorsese, depicts the recording band for Electric Mud performing with Chuck D and members of The Roots.[13] The rock/funk-oriented arrangement of "Mannish Boy" present on this album is sampled and featured prominently on the Gorillaz B-side "Left Hand Suzuki Method"."
  10:29am gumby:

Lively Buddy Guy there. My favorite Buddy Guy line (belted out in the high pitched wail) "Baby, you must be from outer space"
  10:31am Drummer Some:

The Bo Diddley joint coming next is the jewel of this particular crown.
  10:33am Leigh:

Howdy Doug
  10:34am Drummer Some:

Top of the morning, Leigh.
  10:34am dc pat:

Willie Dixon rules. Unsung hero of blues/rock.
  10:34am gumby:

As always Doug. This set is the eleven of the blues.
  10:35am glenn:

the duchess!!!
  10:36am Ian W.:

Ha! What an opening. The finest first 30 seconds I've heard in a loonnng time.
  10:36am gumby:

My favorite Willie Dixon line "I don't mean my wife, I mean my mother in law, she's always home."
  10:36am nn:

the eleven to classical, even
  10:36am dc pat:

Bo + the Duchess = :)
  10:38am Andy S.:

"I Don't Like You" - Bo Diddley's tribute to Mario Lanza?
  10:38am dc pat:

didn't know Bo could sing like that...
  10:38am ?:

wow, I didn't realize you could curse on the web stream!
  10:41am BodegaMan:

originally a Chicago South Sider. Feels like home on these airwaves, um, inter-waves.
  10:42am david:

"The new dinosaur is walkin' in the old one's shoes"
  10:43am gumby:

Hound Dog Taylor "When I die they'll say he couldn't play shit, but it sure sounded good!"
  10:46am jesse:

oh yes! I love this song Doug
  10:47am Drummer Some:

Yes, I can say Gingrich and Bachmann and all them durty words.
  10:48am Drummer Some:

Here is the original posting of this mindblowing Thai cassette:
  10:53am Drummer Some:

If I had an guts at all, I'd play all 26 minutes and 49 seconds. But then I wouldn't be able to fit in the rest of the killers in this set.

(The last track comes from a brand-new comp called: "Those Shocking Shaking Days: Indonesian Hard, Psychedelic, Progressive Rock and Funk 1970-1978." But you wanna here it!)
  10:54am gumby:

I think X-Ray Burns would appropriately provide a review of this track as "WILD". Let it roll Doug.
  10:55am BodegaMan:

@DS what was the name of the blog that yielded Tuesday's show?

was it just the picture or did Hound Dog Taylor's thumb look gigantic. like 7 fingers with his thumb counting as 2.
  10:57am Drummer Some:

Bodega Man: Murky Recess
  10:59am Jonathan:

The two-man prayer in the mostly Mexican set reminded me of the wild polyphonic greeting sung by two young girls on the Ocora record featuring music from Burundi.
  10:59am jesse:

I'm pretty sure this gasoline song is a cover or sroeng santi, or however you spell his name
  11:01am Hugo:

Sounds like Isan. I remember our watchman at the Bangkok compound looked at us in disbelief when we said we were planning to head up to Khorat and Isan. Whoever wants to go there? Not suitable vacation destination for farangs! Anyway, we got on a train to Ubon and then by bus further afield. Real country trip, man!
  11:01am Drummer Some:

There are several other Sroeng Santi (or however you spell his name) on this compilation. His cover of Black Sabbath's "Iron Man" gets all the girls.
  11:04am Drummer Some:

I LOVE that track from Burundi. Those girls sing while inhaling!
  11:05am Drummer Some:

Here is the download link for this Pong Prida (may he rest in peace):

(That is definitely NOT him on the cover.)
  11:07am jesse:

all the girls and all the wfmu djs :)
  11:07am monica:

Hola, Doug! Sublime show today. It's a trip around the world without havin' to get up offa that thing.
  11:08am Drummer Some:

Hey Monica, you will very much enjoy (I'd like to think) the next set.
  11:09am glenn:

she looks very, ummm, healthy.
  11:10am Drummer Some:

And especially the girl (women) FMU DJs!
  11:11am listener james from westwood:

Show today is really helping the creative juices flow. Brainstorming art ideas for a white paper/academic report & the tunes are helping me step out of my skull.
  11:11am david:

woops. NSFW!
  11:15am listener james from westwood:

maybe it's a mistranslated "auntie ganja"?
  11:20am Drummer Some:

LJfW — I like that version better.
  11:22am listener james from westwood:

"mom, is auntie ganja bringing her brownies to my birthday party"?
  11:35am Drummer Some:

Seatbelts ON for this next track...
  11:38am Brian in UK:

We got this lady visiting town this summer
Do you think I should go?
  11:41am Andy S.:

Also recommended: Raelettes - "Bad Water" (w/Ray on piano and exhortations).
  11:41am Brian in UK:

So, 12 minutes. I gotta clean out the hen house & I ain't kidding.
  11:42am jill:

thanks for the Irma, Doug.
  11:42am Drummer Some:

How do you think Irma would feel if you left her...for some chickens?
  11:43am BodegaMan:

does UK Brian work in a brothel?
  11:44am artie:

UK slang for some bodily function perhaps?
  11:45am Ike:

Har har har @Glenn: "she looks very, ummm, healthy." Srsly. I've rarely seen ANY Thai women who are that, ummm, healthy.
  11:45am Drummer Some:

Glenn and Ike, that was for research purposes only.
  11:46am Ike:

I've heard THAT one before! 8-)
  11:48am Brian in UK:

I cannot even spell euphamism (see)
  11:50am Ike:

Oh and I've never had problems w/Winamp. I'm sure Annie's connection is just wonky, not her Winamp. iTunes for PC is a clunky bloated clumsy resource-hogging mess. I don't recommend it to Annie. Or anybody. Foobar2000 is nice if you want a tiny program with virtually no footprint for PC, just for streaming.
  11:51am Robert:

Do you people not even consider the possibility that Brian in UK is raising literal birds?
  11:51am The Henhouse:

Bok bok Come and perch with us Irma.
  11:53am Drummer Some:

Mr. T must use a Mac ("I pity the Foobar")
  11:54am artie:


It's a little dorktastic, but not really much more so than Foobar2000, but never ever fails to play a stream or file that's even close to well-formed. Works on Mac too.
  11:54am Brian in the Henhouse:

Eggs like you never tasted. Shells like the finest porcelain. Yokes as yellow as Van Goghs palette. Taste as rich as your dreams.
  11:54am artie:

She's a good egg.
  11:55am david:

anyone have a place i can purchase or download that San Lucas Band album? All I get is a Sammy Hagar DVD....
  11:57am Drummer Some:

David, email me a request. If I can find it, I'll send the link.
  11:57am Ian W.:

+1 on download of San Lucas Band album .... I need that thing.
  11:58am Drummer Some:

It really seriously depends on which dreams you're speaking of tasting...
  11:59am Irma in the Henhouse:

Ain't too bad in here. Havn't perched in years. What's a gal to do these days. Reception none too good and a mite noisy gals. Quit pecking.
  12:01pm Brian in UK:

That's down to you, brother. Guess it's those just afore you awake finally, the ones that hang in the air for longer than is healthy.
  12:05pm still b/p:

Didn't even realize noon was come a 'creepin'.
We got nice naming seeds today for bands that could show up here in a playlist any Friday --
Slick Whiskey's Staggering Lopers
Conasauga Augie & The Hobo String Hoppers
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