Favoriting JA In The AM with John Allen: Playlist from March 23, 2011 Favoriting

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"I listened yesterday. It's no reflection on you but I could'nt see where you were going or what you were going for. This early seventies thing did'nt get noticed the first time and you talk about friends of like Dealney and Bonnie who had records out like we're supposed to remember who they are. Then you play this long winded free jazz stuff that really grates on my nerves. And that noise without a beat and sounds like someones being pinched. Then you play a reggae song, I think you called it Dub, to what, be cool? You seem to really fetishize the whole folk thing too which is obnoxious to us who don't even care. I liked it when you played that punk song though. I like Joe Belock a lot." (Visit homepage.)

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Favoriting March 23, 2011

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Artist Track Album Label Year Format Approx. start time
Graham Lambkin & Jason Lescalleet  because the night / layman's lament   Favoriting air supply  erstwhile  2010  CD  0:00:00 (Pop-up)
odean pope  custody of the american (bullshit version)   Favoriting universal sounds  porter  2011  CD  0:20:38 (Pop-up)
peter zummo  singing tractors 12   Favoriting arthur's landing  strut  2011  CD  0:27:08 (Pop-up)
the necessaries  sahara   Favoriting big sky  sire  1981  LP  0:31:03 (Pop-up)
gloria jones  bring on the love   Favoriting disco discharge: disco ladies  harmless  1977/2009  CD  0:34:19 (Pop-up)
gwen guthrie  thrill me   Favoriting just for you  island  1985  LP  0:41:00 (Pop-up)
suzanne ciani  the eighth wave   Favoriting the velocity of love  rca  1986  LP  0:45:19 (Pop-up)
psyclones  weak as a sheep   Favoriting different thinking people  permanent  1987/2011  LP  0:59:02 (Pop-up)
the dirtbombs  strings of life   Favoriting party store  in the red  2011  CD  1:03:38 (Pop-up)
dwayne omarr  annointed one   Favoriting holy rock  critique  1985  LP  1:09:55 (Pop-up)
ideal  telephon   Favoriting s/t  innovative communication  1980  LP  1:13:55 (Pop-up)
richard youngs  Heir of Serpents   Favoriting like a neuron  dekorder  2010  LP  1:17:08 (Pop-up)
ami dang  amorphous absolute   Favoriting hukam  ehse  2010  CD  1:29:34 (Pop-up)
bridget hayden  last chart   Favoriting a siren blares in an indifferent ocean  kraak  2011  CD  1:34:49 (Pop-up)
wizard prison  journey to la chorrera   Favoriting next cycle  feeding tube records  2010  LP  1:37:32 (Pop-up)
the noyes brothers    sheep from goats  object music  1980  LP  1:43:00 (Pop-up)
pj harvey  all and everyone   Favoriting let england shake  vagrant  2011  LP  1:53:37 (Pop-up)
the moles  this is a happy garden   Favoriting tendrils and paracetamol  seaside  1992  12"  1:59:13 (Pop-up)
bevis frond  termination station grey   Favoriting inner marshland  woronzow  1988  LP  2:04:23 (Pop-up)
nothing people  late night   Favoriting late night  ss records  2009  LP  2:09:26 (Pop-up)
dan melchior  90's man pt. 2 / jan 1996   Favoriting assemblage blues  siltbreeze  2011  LP  2:21:41 (Pop-up)
tom grimley    looks like we automate it  anarchymoon  2011  CD  2:28:42 (Pop-up)
metal mountains  silver sun   Favoriting golden trees  amish  2011  LP  2:32:57 (Pop-up)
marc mcguire  brain storms (for erin)   Favoriting living with yourself  editions mego  2010  LP  2:39:01 (Pop-up)
colin stetson  judges   Favoriting new history warfare vol 2  constellation  2011  LP  2:44:33 (Pop-up)
mountains  ceremony   Favoriting choral  thrill jockey  2009  LP  2:49:42 (Pop-up)
katharina tunicata  cabin   Favoriting black widow  no  2011  CD  2:54:51 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!


wow crazy drums :)

yeaah, drums !! what is name for track??

mustafa ahmed on congas

bill ruyle on drums

guten morning
Cheri Pi:

Guten Morgen, Fraulein

hey there ms pah

heard a souped up 70's disco era-like song on March 23, 2011 between 6am-7am. trumpets were blaring and the vocals sounded foreign and almost like a choir/ group singing in the background... can anyone help me? anyone know what the title/ artist to that song was?
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