Favoriting Surface Noise with Joe McGasko: Playlist from March 13, 2011 Favoriting

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A pennant-winning battery of songland. Ongoing feature: Single File, a half-hour of randomly selected small records with big holes.

Monday 9am - Noon (EDT) | On WFMU | 91.1, 90.1, 91.9 FM & wfmu.org
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Favoriting March 13, 2011: Joe McMoney, Part 2: Marathon Show with Co-host Rob Weisberg

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(* = new)

Artist Track Album Label Year Format Comments New Approx. start time
The Har-You Percussion Group  Welcome to the Party   Favoriting Welcome to the Party  Jazzman    CD      0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Death  Views   Favoriting Spiritual - Mental- Physical  Drag City  2011  CD    *   0:06:11 (Pop-up)
Rotary Connection  Soul Man   Favoriting Rotary Connection  Cadet    CD      0:09:21 (Pop-up)
The Shadows of Knight  Shake!   Favoriting Bubblegum Music Is The Naked Truth Vol. 1  Rev-Ola    CD      0:17:23 (Pop-up)
Shane Champagne  Love My Baby Like a Car   Favoriting I Can't Stop: Songs from the Single File Volume 2        From one of my premiums this year!    0:19:53 (Pop-up)
The Ohio Express  Sausalito (Is the Place To Go)   Favoriting Bubblegum Music Is The Naked Truth Vol. 1  REv-Ola          0:23:00 (Pop-up)
Ponmeri  Moonram Picai   Favoriting Love to Love You Baby: 20 Heavy Breathers            0:32:05 (Pop-up)
The Ohio Express  Sweeter Than Sugar   Favoriting Bubblegum Music Is The Naked Truth Vol. 1            0:34:51 (Pop-up)
Hayvanlar Alemi  Mavi Septet   Favoriting Guarana Superpower: Selected Works 2007-2009  Sublime Frequencies          0:40:32 (Pop-up)
Moonstone  Wall   Favoriting I Can't Stop: Songs from the Single File Volume 2            0:43:09 (Pop-up)
Hayvanlar Alemi  MEGA Lambada   Favoriting Guarana Superpower: Selected Works 2007-2009            0:47:41 (Pop-up)
Chaweewan Dumern  Lam Tung Wai   Favoriting The Sound of Siam: Leftfield Luk-Thung, Jazz & Molam in Thailand 1964-1975  Sound Way          1:01:20 (Pop-up)
Fancy  Wild Thing   Favoriting Love to Love You Baby: 20 Heavy Breathers            1:04:46 (Pop-up)
Onuma Singsiri  Mae Kha Some Tam   Favoriting The Sound Of Siam: Leftfield Luk-Thung, Jazz & Molam In Thailand 1964-1975            1:07:25 (Pop-up)
Waipod Phetsuphan  Ding Ding Dong   Favoriting The Sound of Siam: Leftfield Luk-Thung, Jazz & Molam in Thailand 1964-1975            1:15:24 (Pop-up)
Dobyne and Jones  Shotgun Wedding   Favoriting I Can't Stop: Songs from the Single File Volume 2            1:27:25 (Pop-up)
Lester Flatt  I Can't Tell the Boys from the Girls   Favoriting Troubled Troubadours        Up for grabs now!!    1:30:35 (Pop-up)
Bobby Bare  Your Credit Card Won't Get You into Heaven   Favoriting Troubled Troubadours        But it WILL get you a year of WFMU!!!!    1:32:33 (Pop-up)
The Fireballs  Come On, React!   Favoriting   Atco    45      1:40:31 (Pop-up)
The Fabulous Poodles  Man with Money   Favoriting   Epic    45      1:42:23 (Pop-up)
The Bag  Nickels and Dimes   Favoriting Wendesday Morning Dew        Part of the grand prize!    1:47:40 (Pop-up)
Waylon Jennings  Delia's Gone   Favoriting Troubled Troubadors            1:49:55 (Pop-up)
Fela Kuti  Zombie   Favoriting Zombie             
Jason James  Miss Pilkingston's Maid   Favoriting Picadilly Sunshine Part one             
Dorothy Moore  Funny How Time Slips Away   Favoriting   Malaco    45       

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Listener comments!

minnesota jeff:

Woop! Woop! Woop! WOOOP!
Fourth Grader:

minnesota jeff:

So does Joe's show get cut short because of Daylight Savings time switch-over?
Joe McG:

Hey, everybody! Pledge at 1-800-989-9368!!!
Tuneage Listener:

We don't need no stinkin' white man's time.
Matt from Springfield:

Hey Joe! What year is this Rotary Connection from?
Joe McG:

Hey, Matt, this is about 1967.
Matt from Springfield:

Interesting--sounds like an arrangement an a cappella group might use.
Rob W:

This Shadows of the Knight gem is from the fab Rev-Ola bubblegum comp currently up for grabs at 1 800 989 9638 or wfmu.org!
Rob W:

75 dollar (or more) pledgers have a choice of one of Joe's 2 premiums - a collection of fab 45s or his insane heavy-breathing extravaganza! 1 800 989 9368 or wfmu.org!
Matt from Springfield:

It's cool that Rob is on with Joe tonight--because I actually signed up for BOTH of your premiums this year! Look forward to them both!
Joe McG:

Thanks, Matt, I hope you like my premium!
Matt from Springfield:

I'm a huge fan of Single File--glad to help ya out!
Matt from Springfield:

I was going to give a pledge at Single File time, but since there's an hour and a half left in the program, I did it now!
Joe McG:

Thanks, Matt, really appreciate it! You too can pledge to WFMU at 1-800-989-9368. Don't wait!
Matt from Springfield:

@Joe: Pledge a Vaporizer machine--Heavy Breathing, to keep you in heat!

Yeah, I was gonna ask Ponmeri if I could maybe help.
Joe McG:

I'll be playing another track from Heavy Breathers soon! Throw us some dough in the mean time!
Matt from Springfield:

New pledgers are always great--I was one once!
Matthew is probably a younger listener as well. I should know, there are too many of us Matts around nowadays!

(But not too few pledging -- I've been pleased about Matts/Matthews REPRESENTING this whole Marathon season!)
Matt from Springfield:

60s/70s Thai is well represented on FMU, too bad it's "old news" and wasn't played much anymore in Thailand itself when I was there! Love that place, its people and its language so I love this cool music mixed in with it!
D. Blumin:

Peoples, they are breathing heavy! Just fer U!
Pledge to the Surface Noiz! 1.800.989.9368
Get Fancy!
Matt from Springfield:

Fancy!!! You've played "Touch Me" before, they're quite into Heavy Breathing! Mid 70s British Glam is another awesome journey WFMU brings to us! Pledge now!
D. Blumin:

Joe! This song is having the whole phone room shakin' it! BUT we want to hear some pledges - get folks to werk! Pledge!!! www.wfmu.org
Matt from Springfield:

@Dan: As they say in Manchester, Cum On Feel The Surfiss Noize!
@Rob W: Have you played any music of the Burmese "Mon" people before? It's not very melodic but will get a rise out of people!
Matt from Springfield:

Czechs lovin' C&W, huh? I wonder how long they've been into that; I myself have Slovenian family, and was thrilled to find a Croatian, English-lang country band who've been around from the 80s to the present--Plava Trava Zaborava, roughly "Blue Grass Heaven"!
Bob Marley:

Hey, Mon!
Joe McG:

Hey, Bob!
Matt from Springfield:

@Bob: So all this time, you've been addressing the Mon? Is there a "Jah people" somewhere in the world as well? :)

Hey, Joe, where ya goin' with that disk in yer hand?
billy kemmler:

ding ding dong!
D. Blumin:

fer a pledge of $365 you can adopt Joe!!!
Look: http://www.flickr.com/photos/wfmu/3268199413/in/set-72157603873576097/
How could you leave this man parentless?
billy kemmler:

shotgun wedding!
billy kemmler:

sing it brokeback!
Matt from Springfield:

I've heard the same old clichés: "Is that a woman or a man?"
minnesota jeff:

Adoption Question: If you've committed to a mouse pledge can you adopt something that is $180? Even if you are making it via monthly payments?
Matt from Springfield:

Amen Joe!

John says that your flag decal also won't get you into Heaven!
minnesota jeff:

It was from Minnesota Jeff
Credit Card:

Boy, you're gonna carry that weight
Carry that weight a long time
Rob W:

@Minn. Jeff - I'm pretty sure you can! I don't think how you pay matters...
D. Blumin:

The Fabulous Poodles def deserve another Mouse Pledge! Give Joe yr $$$!!!
Joe McG:

Yes, you can, Minn, Jeff!
Credit Card:

My guess would be that prices for all adoption items are minimums, not maximums. Why would they set a maximum donation amount on an item? $$$$$$!!!! But if you're concerned just ask in the adoption email from the flickr page of your target item.
Danne D:

Must sleep but wanted to give Joe props for doing a great job and further kudos for offering not 1 but 2 premiums! Can't remember anyone ever doing that before.

Props to Rob W and everyone holding it down here on the comments board :)

Joe McG:

Thanks, Danne D! Have a great weekend, and thanks for your pledge!
Credit Card:

We know Danne is always here. He borrowed toothpicks from Betsy to keep his eyes open. Doesn't he have to be up for Keili's show in four hours? :-)
Credit Card:

Make that three hours.
Matt from Springfield:

Woohoo! Another half hour! I guess the fair way is for the affected DJs to "split the difference".
minnesota jeff:

@Rob W., @Joe McG: I sent an email asking the same question for the item I am looking to adopt, but it sounds like you answered it! Thanks!
Credit Card:

Voila! 3AM.
Matt from Springfield:

I'm having so much fun with Joe and Rob, the past hour has just FLOWN by!! Everyone else seems too excited to comment as well!
Joe McG:

Great, Matt, I'm glad that this is good listening!

Hey Joe, show sounds great!! Love Waylon's version of Delia's Gone. :)
Matt from Springfield:

Hey Betsy!
Do you in fact have a favorite version of "Delia's Gone"?
D. Blumin:

Grand Prize! WHAT????
Yr are crazy, Joe!
www.wfmu.org - pledge!!!
Fela DVD too?
Don't sleep!
Matt from Springfield:

If I lived closer to Jersey I would love to volunteer at the station! So I thank Danne and others who are able and choose to do so.
And JOE! Loves WFMU so much, he's there full time, and beyond! So pledge, to support this man's passion!
Rob W:

Still only one person in the running for the Fela DVD - great time to make a pledge at 1 800 989 9368 or wfmu.org!
Sleep Study Lab:

We're looking for volunteers, too. :-) Hi, insomniacs!
Matt from Springfield:

A quote from Bill Mac's playlist was something that should be a slogan on the homepage, something like: "WFMU makes it worth being an insomniac"!

Hi Matt, I think Shirley Collins did a nice version, but I can't make The Google confirm that. Errbody pledge to Joe's awesome show! Yaaaay! :)
Matt from Springfield:

Joe "Soul" McGasko! This is why I dig ya!

Thanks Betsy, I'll have to check Shirley out!
Matt from Springfield:

Been a pleasure being on your ride Joe!
Thanks Joe, Rob, Heather, phone room folks, Dan, Betsy, and ALL who've pledged!!
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