Give The Drummer Some with Doug Schulkind Favoriting
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Friday 9am - Noon (EDT) | On WFMU's Give the Drummer Radio
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March 11, 2011 Favoriting

Perchance to stream, ay there's the rub!

• • • My premium CD • • •
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Artist Selection Album    (Label / Recording date)
Theme Music:
Sarah Webster Fabio 
Jujus: Alchemy of the Blues   Favoriting Jujus: Alchemy of the Blues
(Folkways 1976)
ECD  In Tempo   Favoriting Major Force: The Original Art-Form
(Mo' Wax 1990)

Lee Dorsey  Who's Gonna Help Brother   Favoriting
Jackie Edwards  If I Didn't Have a Dime (to Play the Jukebox)   Favoriting This Is My Story
(Trojan )
Muddy Waters  Long Distance Call   Favoriting
Louis Innis  It Don't Pay to Advertise   Favoriting
Rev. Billy H. Grady  Heaven Has a Radio   Favoriting
Big Star  Thank You Friends   Favoriting Third/Sister Lovers

Talkover Music:
Dr. Michael White 
Crescent City Serenade   Favoriting Crescent City Serenade
(Antilles 1990)

The Sweet Talks  Mampam Sukuruwe   Favoriting The Kusum Beat
(Phillips/Soundway 1974)
The Sweet Talks  Eyi Su Ngaangaa   Favoriting The Kusum Beat
(Phillips/Soundway 1974)

Talkover Music:
The Wooden Glass feat. Billy Wooten 
Monkey Hips & Rice   Favoriting Recorded Live
(Interim 1972)

Porter Wagoner  Wino   Favoriting
Porter Wagoner and Dolly Parton  The Party   Favoriting The Rubber Room
Porter Wagoner  George Leroy Chickashea   Favoriting The Rubber Room
Salena Jones  Right Now   Favoriting

Talkover Music:
Afro Funky   Favoriting Ritmo + Sabor
(EM )

Lam Young  Kati Sorn Jai (Lessons for Life)   Favoriting Siamese Soul: Thai Pop Spectacular Vol. 2, 1960s-1980s
(Sublime Frequencies )
Roong Petch Laem Sing  Kob Kanong Fon (Frogs Dancing in the Rain)   Favoriting
Sorn Petch Pinyo  Laek Laow Deum Nom
(Quit Drinking Alcohol and Try Drinking Milk Instead)   Favoriting
Siamese Soul: Thai Pop Spectacular Vol. 2, 1960s-1980s
(Sublime Frequencies )
Effie Smith  Dial That Telephone   Favoriting Effie Smith 1945-1953
(Chronological Classics )
Watusi  Oi Gere   Favoriting Black Rio 2: Original Samba Soul 1971-1979
(Strut )
Edson Frederico E A Transa  Bobeira   Favoriting Black Rio 2: Original Samba Soul 1971-1979
(Strut )
Renata Lu  Faz Tanto Tempo   Favoriting
Kent Gomez  My Ghetto   Favoriting My Ghetto
Frente Cumbiero  Pitchito   Favoriting Sofrito: Tropical Discotheque
El Timba  Descarga Bontempi   Favoriting Sofrito: Tropical Discotheque
Les Ya Toupas Du Zaire  Je Ne Bois Pas Beaucoup   Favoriting Sofrito: Tropical Discotheque
The Strangers  Two to Make a Pair   Favoriting Forge Your Own Chains: Heavy Psychedelic Ballads and Dirges 1968-1974
Sensational Saints  How Great Thou Art   Favoriting Forge Your Own Chains: Heavy Psychedelic Ballads and Dirges 1968-1974
Damon  Don't You Feel Me   Favoriting Forge Your Own Chains: Heavy Psychedelic Ballads and Dirges 1968-1974
Orquesta Cubana De Musica Moderna  Vehicle   Favoriting Si Para Usted: The Funky Beats of
Revolutionary Cuba Volume 2

(Waxing Deep )
Los Papines  Para Que Niegas   Favoriting Si Para Usted: The Funky Beats of
Revolutionary Cuba Volume 2

(Waxing Deep )
Los Brito  El 4-5-6   Favoriting Si Para Usted: The Funky Beats of
Revolutionary Cuba Volume 2

(Waxing Deep )
Johnnie Ray  Out in the Cold Again   Favoriting Love Me
(El 1951)
Johnnie Ray  Mister Midnight   Favoriting Love Me
S.Piliso & His Super Seven  Kuya Hanjwa   Favoriting Next Stop...Soweto: Township Sounds from the Golden Age of Mbaqanga
Sammy Boy  10 to 11   Favoriting Next Stop...Soweto: Township Sounds from the Golden Age of Mbaqanga
Zed Nkabinde  Inkonjane Jive   Favoriting Next Stop...Soweto: Township Sounds from the Golden Age of Mbaqanga
Johnny Morrisette  Brick   Favoriting
Moussa Doumbia  Samba   Favoriting Keleya
(Oriki Music )

Listener comments!

  7:58am annie:

morning doug..!!
  8:04am Drummer Some:

Very much morning indeed. Annie = me happy.
  8:06am annie:

only listening til about 9:30 or so.. have to finish this floor.. i'd keep the radio on, but she likes her ipod.. ..pretty repetitive... not at all like FMU>>
  8:13am Drummer Some:

I'll be glad to have you along for however long your along.
  8:15am annie:

i have the stream on now... we had a test dinner last night.. schnitzel ... authentic and delicious..
  8:49am listener james from westwood:

mornin' all! once again in the driver's seat, with ... as is tradition of late ... a friday work deadline with gtds fuelin' my typin'!
  8:53am Drummer Some:

  8:57am Amanda:

Good morning to everyone in streamland and happy Marathon Friday! Let's get ready to make Give The Drummer Some a pledgefest of illimitable proportions.
  8:58am listener james from westwood:

Mornin' Amanda! "Illimitable"—goood word! Learned that one from "Masque of the Red Death," I did!
  8:59am listener james from westwood:

But an even better word: pledgefest.
  9:02am Drummer Some:

Good morning/afternoon y'all! Thanks for tuning in. Please say hello to the magnificent AMANDA NAZARIO co-hosting via the comments from the WFMU phone room.
  9:03am annie:

yay amanda!!
  9:03am Amanda:

:-) Thanks, James! Hi you guys...
  9:04am Amanda:

Yay Annie!!!
  9:06am marcury:

Join us now, we're on a marathon
We're always dancing when the music plays
  9:06am Amanda:

FYI, we have some pretty exciting **prizes** to give away this morning -- stay tuned to GTDR/GTDS to find out what they are, and then get in the running to win them with your pledge.
  9:12am Drummer Some:

Hey hey Marcury!

It's snowing like CRAZY here in Pittsburgh, by the way.
  9:15am marcury:

Rain and flooding over here!
  9:16am Brian in UK:

Drummer, can it snow sensibly?
  9:17am Andy S.:

Having already contributed to the Marathon last week, I'm now busily emailing other friends (forwarding today's "Drummer" message) with a personal plea to pledge. In the immortal words of Black Flag roadie Mugger: "Get it happenin'!"
  9:17am Drummer Some:

@Andy S
That is a brilliant and generous thing to do. Thanks!
  9:18am Amanda:

Andy -- thank you so much for your support and rabble-rousing! We can't get it happenin' without you!
  9:18am Brian in UK:

It's raining cats & beagles here!!
  9:18am annie:

ok, gotta go and finish this floor.... sending you good energy drum some!
  9:19am Drummer Some:

See ya Annie! Don't step in a poodle, Brian.
  9:23am Amanda:

Hey hey hey, we have our first web pledge! From Brian in Watford, UK, where it's evidently raining even harder than here.

For $75, he gets the premium... and this is added on to a pledge from last week. Brian, you are wonderful and Doug loves you and I love you. This means so much.

Who's next?
  9:23am marcury:

Got my pledge in. Long Live the stream!
  9:24am Drummer Some:

Thanks Brian! Thanks Marcury!! (Next pledge gets three exclamation points.)
  9:27am Amanda:

Get your exclamation points ready... we got some support from "Marc" in Wallkill, NY. Who knew that's where he was from???
  9:27am glenn:

i bet marc knew.
  9:28am ruth:

Pledged my love. PayPal goodne$$ on the way.
  9:29am Drummer Some:

Wahoo to you, Ruth. Thank you for EVERYthing!!!
  9:29am Amanda:

Goodne$$ ahoy! Thank you, Ruth!

Ruth has dropped a very generous pledge. VERY generous; double-premium-sized in fact. She says Doug S. rox!
  9:30am BodegaMan:

I'll be pledging as soon as I get some coffee. someon should join me, I'm a bit co-dependent.
  9:30am Brian in UK:

@ glenn my dog's got no nose.
  9:31am Amanda:

BodegaMan, I'd run to the corner and get you one but I don't know how you take it.
  9:32am fxo:

congrats Doug, go for it!
  9:33am Brian in UK:

Amanda give the man a nice cup of tea. It's a cure for hepatitis, it's a cure for water on the knee.
  9:33am glenn:

brian confundeth me. in other words, huh?
  9:34am Amanda:

It's a cure for chronic insomnia, too, I understand.
  9:34am Coffee:

Get and get me, BodegaMan, if you're BodegaMan enough.
  9:35am Brian in UK:

glenn your response is.. How does he smell? Then I say 'Terrible'
  9:35am marcury:

Hopefully not from there for long!
  9:36am Amanda:

Thanks going out to Todd in Philadelphia, who pledges $75 for Doug's amazing premium!!!

@Brian -- Glenn Jones and X-Ray Burns love that joke too
  9:36am glenn:

oh. well, don't i feel dumb. yes, yes, i do.
  9:36am BodegaMan:

yeah I guess I should be serving the coffee as the bodega man.

want a rice crispie treat with that?
  9:37am Amanda:

We've switched over to the phone room!!!!

brb, running upstairs now. Call, y'all! 800-989-9368
  9:37am Brian in UK:

Arn't Bodegas are where wine is stored. Who needs coffee?
  9:41am glenn:

if you were in quebec, you'd be DepanneurMan. although, googling the proper spelling of depanneur, i see there's some in brooklyn. i knew it, brooklyn owes everything to montreal, from jackie robinson to convenience stores.
  9:41am jill:

nice use of the word "Schpilkas", Drummer!
Good morning all - hope y'all bring in some fat cash for the show...
  9:42am Amanda:

Get this -- here in Jersey City you CANNOT buy beer in a bodega! It's a topsy-turvy world. And yes, give me a Rice Krispie treat.

Up in the phone room now, please give us a call!
  9:43am BodegaMan:

@ Brian, it's closer to wine hour for you, but you may be more interested in a Four Loko.
  9:43am glenn:

you're too young to be drinkin' brewskies anyway, amanda.
  9:43am Amanda:

Allow me to thank some more very generous Give The Drummer Radio supporters. Thank you Mike in Indian Head Park, Illinois...

and thank you Brian in Burbank, California!
  9:43am BodegaMan:

@Amanda where do I buy beer when I show up for my volunteer shift tomorrow?
  9:44am Amanda:

Pledge of $15 or more gets you this wonderful Ghana-ian funk CD. Please call! Please web!
  9:45am Drummer Some:

You can't buy beer in a bodega or corner star in Pittsburgh either. You have to go to a bar or restaurant that serves beer. Crazy.

Get me DRUNK with your pledges.
  9:45am Brian in UK:

My head is still recovering from last night experiments with vineculture
  9:46am listener james from westwood:

BodegaMan, there's a liquor store within walking distance on the south side of Montgomery St west of WFMU.
  9:46am Amanda:

Looks like Gregory, aka BodegaMan, has put his money where his typing mouth is. He's getting Doug's premium!

"Friday mornings I love that rhythm from Doug S. and Drummer Radio," quoth he.

Thanks BodegaMan, and don't worry, the liquor stores here will take care of you. There's one right on Montgomery Street.
  9:47am Drummer Some:

How bodacious, Bodegaman! Thanks.
  9:49am Amanda:

@Glenn, I heard that. Flattering, but mercifully untrue.

COME ON YOU DRUMMER LISTENERS! Pledge online (you can use the Insta-Pledge form at the top of this playlist), or you can call us here at 1-800-989-9368. Make sure you comment to the effect that Doug sent ya.
  9:49am Brian in UK:

Steve Howe from Yes was in a band with that name Drummer. PS I hate Prog rock with a purple passion before you ask. Just have a dumb memory. If only I'd worked at skool.
  9:49am marcury:

Off to the races. here's to over the 100 goal!
  9:50am glenn:

i've said it before, i'll say it again, porter wagoner was, well, twisted is in fact the best way to put it. a very strange cat.
  9:50am miketp:

on board and happy to be
  9:52am Amanda:

We have a winner for our first prize, the Sweet Talks CD! Standby to find out which one of you it is.

Keep pledging to get in the running for Porter Wagoner...
  9:54am david:

you need one less pledge. even though I'm sober I upped my pledge for your stream.
  9:54am Amanda:

That'd be David in Newton NJ! He's in the running for Wagoner's The Rubber Room. Come join him if you want it too.
  9:56am glenn:

on the other hand, porter did have the good hair.
  9:56am Drummer Some:

Congrats Todd in Philly!!

Thanks David in Newton.
  9:58am Amanda:

More thanks going out to Melissa and Jim in NYC, and to Georgiana out in Los Angeles. They all love the Drummer as we do. Won't you pledge your support NOW?
  10:00am glenn:

not to mention, porter booked james brown at the grand ole opry!!!
  10:04am jill:

GIVE THE DRUMMER SOME MONEY! - my personal appeal
  10:04am Amanda:

Haha, Jill! I just said the exact same thing on Twitter.
  10:05am monica:

hi amanda! how many more pledges does doug need to reach 100?
  10:05am Amanda:

  10:06am david:

y'know i always wondered exactly what it was the drummer wanted. I assumed it was something dirtier than money (although money is pretty filthy)
  10:09am Amanda:

Hi Monica! Thanks for mentioning!

Monica raises a great point -- we need to get up to 100 pledges, total over 2 weeks, by the end of the show today to satisfy a personal goal. We still need 20+ to satisfy that. Be our hero!

800-989-9368 or pledge online at the top of this playlist. Please!
  10:12am Lisa from Brooklyn:

I'm calling in my pledge, Doug!!! You make my Fridays fly!
  10:13am Amanda:

On the online pledge form, the comments field is on the right side of the screen right before you hit the submit button.

Hooray, Lisa!!!!! You make us fly too. And you are so fly.
  10:13am listener james from westwood:

come on out, lurkers, and give the drummer some pledges! $15 of lurve from each of you would go a long ways to keeping that sweet stream flowing clear for another year!
  10:13am Alex in Illinois:

I sent in my check last week, as soon as I got home. Well, actually, I wrote the check and put it in an envelope then, but I might not have dropped into the mail until Saturday or Sunday. So, I hope it arrived by now.
  10:14am Amanda:

Who wants Siamese Soul? We know it's in short supply here in NJ. Call or web pledge now to get in the running for this incredible Thai pop compilation!
  10:14am monica:

Thanksso much, Amanda. It CAN be done. It SHALL be done!
  10:16am BodegaMan:

this siamese soul is amazing.
  10:17am Amanda:

Another big thank you to Barry in Brooklyn, and to John all the way out in Fenton, Michigan. Yay to all you Drummer supporters.

Alex -- doubtless we got it already! Thanks a million for thinking of wfmu.
  10:17am Drummer Some:

Thank you Lisa. Hooray Alex. You're my hero, Monica.
  10:19am Amanda:

Love the frogs! (That is an imperative)
  10:19am Brian in UK:

Just booked tickets to see Ludovico Einaudi, Mercan Dede & Ballake Sissoko on the same bill. Now that's what I call freeform. As Doug says if it works great, if not then try again. It's the trying that counts sitting on your arse (ass) listening to calculated stylised souless pap is not for us. SO, start by tapping some keys and get out that piece of plastic. You will feel good and you know that it makes sense.
  10:21am Brian in UK:

@ monica just booked your premium looking forward to hearing it. Dreamy.
  10:23am Amanda:

PLEASE PLEDGE! Everyone listening right now should be showing some love for Doug Schulkind's labor of love.

Very few people can do what he does, his combo of knowledge and generosity is incredible and WFMU is the only organization that could foster it. This is truly special. Show your pride/love!
  10:25am Paul Sherratt, N.Staffs, UK.:

Cheerleader Brian, Doug, Amanda,
Would it be out of place for me to offer a couple of prizes to pledges made today of $25+ by UK based Drummer Lovers ?
  10:26am Amanda:

Nice words from pledger Matthew in Villa Rica, GA -- love to hear from these Southern listeners!

"Give the drummer some!
Give Tony Coulter some!
Give Charlie some and give the drummer's radio stream some more!
Thanks Doug!"
  10:28am Amanda:

Paul -- that's so sweet! You'll have to do it unofficially, I think, but feel free! (if you have those prizes, that is)
  10:30am Amanda:

Another pledge comes in from listener Greg in Brooklyn -- he's getting the premium and the beautiful Tim Biskup T-shirt, and he's in the running for Black Rio 2, this great Brazilian comp that's playing now. Thank you Greg!

Doug, he says you are the drug he is thinking of.
  10:30am Drummer Some:

Paul, you are a sweetheart, but we're can giveaway prizes that aren't already entered into the system. Our ability to screw things up is just to great. Thank you though.
  10:30am Danne D:

Hi Amanda :)
Hi Doug :)
Go Get Em!!

Tamar (co-hosting Scott) and Doug broadcasting at the same time = thank goodness for archives!
  10:31am Brian in UK:

Afternoon, Paul.
  10:32am Amanda:

Paul and Brian -- though you can't give away prizes officially, I'm all for you "drumming up" support from other UK listeners. You UK listeners are wonderful and wonderfully kind.
  10:33am Amanda:

Pledge from Jason W. in Ypsilanti Michigan! He gives HALF of a mouse pledge to Doug and GTDR!

That is so swell of you, Jason, thank you so so so much. We shall be drawing for Black Rio 2 very soon.
  10:38am Amanda:

Daniel from Baltimore sez: Give The Drummer (Some) Radio Rules OK!!

And he gives us a premium-sized pledge! Love you, Daniel!
  10:39am Paul Sherratt, N.Staffs, UK.:

Afternoon Beagle Boy from Company B !
  10:42am Amanda:

Much appreciation to my neighbor Michelle here in Jersey City! She is adding $25 to her earlier pledges and says she loves the show, "of course." Thank you Michelle! I will buy a beer for you at the liquor store.
  10:43am Brian in UK:

Paul. Had to buy a dog flap last week when he came through the old cat one wearing it.
Doug. Totally with you on the Brazilian music. I still have not 'got it' Not for want of trying but it just does not do me. I had the same trouble with Guinness, took me years before I could really enjoy it.
  10:45am Randy:

Lincoln! How we miss you :(
  10:45am Amanda:

The apple doesn't fall far from the tree, vis-a-vis generosity of spirit.
  10:46am listener james from westwood:

yay Lincoln!
  10:47am Amanda:

Thanks mucho to Michael in Somerville, MA and Joe in Beverly Hills. See how far-reaching Give The Drummer Some's appeal?
  10:48am Amanda:

Please pledge NOW to get in the running for Sofrito: Tropical Discotheque! 800-989-9368 or
  10:50am Amanda:

Congrats again to our winners so far: Todd in Philly, Gregory (Bodegaman) in NYC, Lisa in Brooklyn, and Daniel from Baltimore.

Who will be the next person on whom GTDS's fortune smiles???

Call now!!!
  10:50am tex:

just sent a pledge via Joining others on the march to 100 pledgers for Give the Drummer Some Stream. Thanks Doug and thanks WFMU!
  10:50am Lisa from Brooklyn:

Hey hey to Lincoln! Brooklyn misses you.
  10:52am jesse:

DJ Hugo Mendez
  10:52am Paul Sherratt, N.Staffs, UK.:

>> I had the same trouble with Guinness, took me years before I could really enjoy it.
Brian my technique with Guinness was to drink it as a youngster, slightly illegally, in small Dublin bars. I'm sure the same method would apply with Brazil - so off to Carnaval with you !
  10:53am Amanda:

We got it, Tex! (aka Eric in Austin!) Thanks for your support and hope you are having good SXSW-style fun -- LET'S MAKE IT TO 100!!!!
  10:53am Amanda:

We now need 22 more.
  10:55am Amanda:

Alguien qui quiere Sofrito debe llamar a 1-800-989-9368 ahora mismo
  10:57am Brian in UK:

'slightly illegally' it'll never stand up in court your honour. Think I'm a few days late to play mas.
  10:59am Amanda:

"que," I think that should be.

PLEDGE NOW! We can do it!!! Tell your friends! Doug is the greatest.
  11:00am Amanda:

We had a vote of support from OUR OWN Joe McGasko, one of the hardest-working pledge-database-managers and swag-wranglers in the world. He loves Doug's show. I know you love it too.
  11:01am Richard C:

Pere Ubu - 30 years ahead of the game
  11:02am Richard C:

sorry, wrong show!
  11:03am Drummer Some:

Ha! Nice to have you over here for a few Richard!
  11:05am Amanda:

CONGRATULATIONS to Eric in Austin, who has won the comp Sofrito: Tropical Discotheque! Hope you love it. We'll send it to ya.
  11:05am Julie:

Amanda Amanda Amanda!
  11:05am Carmichael:

HIya Doug, checking in from tsunami watch headquarters here in CA.
  11:06am tex:

whooo yay!!!!!! thanks Amanda, thanks Doug! Cheers! -- Eric
  11:07am Amanda:

Very exciting news....... WE HAVE A MOUSE PLEDGE!

Rich in Sunnyside, Queens is pledging, listening to Doug's show as he's done for the last 13 years. Started listening when he and his wife left Pittsburgh, and now Doug and his family are there. "So I guess things have come full circle."

Thank you so, so, so much Rich, for your bigheartedness and your nice words.
  11:07am Drummer Some:

Congrats Tex! Take care out there, Carmichael. Hi Ms. Julie.
  11:09am Amanda:

Join Rich and get in the running for this awesome psych comp NOW!

  11:10am Drummer Some:

Rich in Sunnyside, THANKS A TON!
  11:12am Julie:

I don't know how those mice manage to pledge, but we sure do like them :)
  11:12am Amanda:

A pledge for your premium, Doug! Elias calls in from Astoria and says, "Doug is the hardest-working man in showbiz now that James Brown is dead."

Thank you, Elias!
  11:14am BodegaMan:

With all this beer we have on the message board today, and a James Brown reference, I may as well spill some on the curb for Mr. Dynamite. RIP JB.
  11:15am Amanda:

Olgu in Brooklyn, beloved WFMU volunteer who contributed some of her Turkish music to the station. Loves Give The Drummer Radio and adds to her pledge!
  11:15am Danne D:

I always liked that Rich in Sunnyside guy :)
WTG :)
  11:16am Amanda:

We now need 19 (nineteen) pledges to satisfy our goal! YOU CAN DO IT!
  11:16am Dan B:

Heya Doug, thanks for keeping it real on the Drummer Some Stream!
  11:18am Amanda:

Congratulations to Elias, who won Forge Your Own Chains!
  11:19am Brian in UK:

@ Amanda Is that Olgu who was on Joe McGasko's program last year?
  11:20am Amanda:

Pledge from listener Holly in Durham, NC! Didn't I say before that we love hearing from listeners in the Southern United States??? Thanks, Holly, for supporting the stream. xox

@Brian, yep that is she
  11:20am Holly in NC:

OK, you should be at 18 ;-) Thanks for the stresm, the lode, and the emails!
  11:21am Holly in NC:

I'm actually a transplanted Yankee .... though I've been here, uh, a very long time now...
  11:22am Amanda:

Quien quiere esta comp, "Si Para Usted"? Usted?

  11:23am Olgu:

Doug! I hope you reach your goal!

Hey Brian :)
  11:23am Christopher I:

I want this comp! and just put myself in the running.

so let's start the countdown.. you should be at 17 now!
  11:24am Amanda:

Yay Christopher, just got your pledge! He also gives shouts-out to Scott McDowell and Liz Berg. Thank yew sew much for upping your pledge, friend.
  11:26am Drummer Some:

Hi Olgu! You are everywhere! (As usual.)
  11:26am Amanda:

Congratulations to you, Holly, you win the Si Para Usted comp! Enjoy your funky Cuban beats with your transplanted Yankee self! :-)
  11:27am Holly in NC:

Thank you!
  11:27am Amanda:

Who wants Johnnie Ray? Please please pledge so it can be you!!! 17 more pledges to go! Tell your friends!
  11:28am Brian in UK:

@ Amanda That was a great program especially to hear the history of the songs. I had to listen on archive though due to time differences. I don't know if anyone has mentioned it this last couple of weeks but the archive is an incredible device to access music from programs of the last decade or more. One of the many innovations that FMU has achieved. With all this available to everyone there is clearly no reason in god's swinging sphere for ignoring the marathon by not contributing. It's to your benefit. DO IT NOW.
  11:30am Amanda:

We don't have ANYONE in the running for Johnnie Ray yet!?!? Come on, you Drummer fans! Love Me!
  11:31am Amanda:

A couple more mice would be very nice.
  11:35am Amanda:

I want to take this moment to thank lovely fans Robert in Brooklyn, Dave in Hamburg NJ, and Bob in NYC. They love Doug. Why don't you? Pledge pledge pledge!
  11:35am Danne D:

Amanda = fantastic pitchwoman. Hope to hear her pitching on air on the microphone during the next marathon :)
  11:36am Danne D:

Doug's premium will definitely be in my bucket o swag btw :)
  11:37am Amanda:

Phones and web are SILENT right now and we are stuck!!! Please please give us some love! As the man said, your chances are great to win these two wonderful prizes.
  11:37am Hugo:

  11:38am Amanda:

That's Hugo Stokke in Norway -- A FULL MOUSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So inspiring to feel the outpouring of dollars and support from far, far away.

That feels great!
  11:39am Drummer Some:

Hugo is huge-oh. Massive love to the northcountry.
  11:39am Danne D:

  11:40am Amanda:

You're the best, Hugo...

Who else is going to get in the running for Johnnie Ray and for Next Stop Soweto? These are rare and primo. You want them...
  11:41am Brian in UK:

Hugo Hugo Hugo. Been missing you.
  11:41am Amanda:

Hey! Elias in Astoria pledges a second time! Wonderful wonderful stuff.
  11:42am Drummer Some:

I do not condone the playful message of violence against women transmitted in this song. (But it is a killer-diller, right?!)
  11:45am Amanda:

Hugo in Bergen, Norway is the lucky winner of the Johnnie Ray CD... Next prize Next Stop Soweto! Come on! Come on!

PLEASE support Doug, and the stream, and me, and FMU, and yourself. You won't be sorry. 1-800-989-9368. <3
  11:47am Amanda:

  11:50am Amanda:

Hey Adam in Buffalo -- thanks for your pledge for Moussa Doumbia!!!
  11:51am Amanda:

We're at 13... and we still have both Next Stop Soweto and Moussa Doumbia to give away. Give us some.
  11:52am Amanda:

Thanks Brian in Watford UK AGAIN!!! He didn't want us to stand at unlucky 13, so he ups his pledge.

12 to go.
  11:54am Adam:

Love this show! Thanks to Doug for the monstrous amounts of amazing music I've heard here over the years.
  11:55am Hugo:

On the subject of South African, off to see Louis Moholo-Moholo tonight (visiting the north country)
  11:56am fred:

Come on, can I get a mouse pledge? It may sound like a lot at one, but it's not at once: you can have it charged by monthly installments over a year.
  11:57am Amanda:

Hey, Alan in Brooklyn checks in too! Thanks Alan!
  11:58am jessie:

woof woof.
  11:58am Drummer Some:

We have three prizes on the table: Next Stop Soweto, Moussa Doumbia and The SOund of Wonder
  11:59am Amanda:

Yay! Charles in Maryland comes through with a premium-sized pledge!
  12:01pm Amanda:

This Pakistani film music comp is so delicious. You will love it. PLEDGE NOW!!! 800-989-9368!
  12:02pm Amanda:

Or pledge on the web and you won't have to even talk to a real person! It's great either way!
  12:08pm listener james from westwood:

thanks doug and amanda and all ye merry pledgers!
  12:10pm Amanda:

Thank you so very much, Doug.

We have pledges still comin in. We may live to see 100 yet.
  12:10pm Adler:

Doug and Amanda, bravo
  12:11pm Amanda:

Just in! Eugene from Jersey City checks in and pledges to you! Thank you thank you Eugene!
  12:12pm Drummer Some:

I will come back on in about a minute...
  12:13pm Holly in NC:

where are we?
  12:14pm Amanda:

Congrats to winners Brian in UK, Adam in Buffalo, and Charles in Maryland!
  12:15pm Amanda:

We are a few short, but a very strong showing! I believe we are at 91 pledges? Is that right Doug?
  12:15pm Amanda:

  12:16pm Holly in NC:

There have GOT to be 7 more people out there....
  12:17pm Amanda:

Thank you all for your wonderfully generous support! All of you have been so sweet and it's been a pleasure to MC for Give The Drummer Some, a show I love. Keep on pledging to WFMU through Sunday, and keep the dream alive.
  12:18pm Danne D:

Great job Amanda! Great job Doug! Great job pledgers!
  12:21pm Drummer Some:

Very very happy everyone! Great thanks again to Amanda for handling everything in the phone room.
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