Favoriting Nardwuar The Human Serviette Show: Playlist from March 2, 2011 Favoriting

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Join Nardwuar the Human Serviette for 60 minutes of clam chowder-flavoured (note Canadian spelling!) entertainment and interviews all the way from, yes, Vancouver, BC, Canaduh! Doot Doola Doot Doo... Doot Doo!
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Favoriting March 2, 2011: Marathon Week 1: Nardwuar and Co-Host Kurt plus Nardwuar vs. GWAR, Gilligan, Tom Vu and Rahzel!

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Nardwuar the Human Serviette and Kurt Gottschalk 

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Listener comments!

That's right, LYNNWOOD, WA!:

Hahahaha! Great start!
That's right, LYNNWOOD, WA!:

I hope Nardwuar might give a pair of his suspenders to a listener as a prize.
Danne D:

Go Canada! WFMU is about being different and that's what Nardwuar is about (aboot?). Show the love with a pledge folks :)
David L:

Correct amount...only significance is that it's the remaining balance on one of those accursed Visa Gift Cards!
Danne D:

don't those late night guys repeat the phone number over and over again and again?

thanks, Nardwuar. great addition to wfmu.
Danne D:

hint hint

would love a Nardwuar hat for a premium. don't care so much for wachin a video.
cosmic matrix:

NARDUAR !! i just donated $15 because i love you and thank you so much you are the voice of the sprit of rock'n'roll !! i look forward to your show every week !! THANKS and doot doot.

PS: i remember watching spray-on hair infomercials ... absolutely bizzare !!

cosmic matrix+ everyone: thanks so much for takin' the time to donate and listen! doot doo! ps. will look into Nard hatz!
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