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Saturday 6 - 9pm (EST) | On WFMU | 91.1, 90.1, 91.9 FM &
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Transpacific Sound Paradise Favoriting
Saturday, February 12, 2011 Favoriting
Crate Digging Expeditions: Colombia (with Yale Evelev)

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Seasoned global music trekker Yale Evelev (whose day job is running the esteemed Luaka Bop label) told us that the LPs and 45s - from Colombia and other countries too - that he brought home from the bountiful record shop Disc Colombia in Baranquilla are really, really great. So we said prove it! And he did - as our guest DJ for the first half of this show.

See Yale's blog post about his trip to the shop (pictured above, with Shane at the counter) plus more photos, here.

If you're planning a trip to Colombia and you need more information about how to find Disc Colombia in Baranquilla, send me (Rob) an email via robw AT wfmu DOT org or by clicking here.

This Week's Playlist:

(* = new)

Son Palenque: Cumbia Africana Favoriting / Afric Erotic / Felito

Juaneco y Su Combo: La Danza de Paco Favoriting / La Fiesta de Juaneco / INS

Grupo Son Palenque: Palenque Palenque Favoriting / Ane Je / Felito

Cumbia Moderna de Soledad: Cumbia con Kung Fu Favoriting / Carnival 72 / Tropical

Los Soneros de Gamero: Anima Pelluao Favoriting / Bailando / Costeño

Antony Bananas: Cua Cua Cua Favoriting / Antony Bananas / IFV

Los Destellos: Ojos Azules Favoriting / Rosita la Japonesita / Lider

Abelardo Carbonó: Muevela Favoriting / Abelardo Carbonó y su Conjunto / Felito

Cumbia Moderna de Soledad: Crees Que Soy Sexy? Favoriting / La Clavada / Tropical

Pedro Beltran: El Negro Lambio Favoriting / Pedro Beltran y su Cumbia / Machuca

Afric Simone: Sahara Favoriting / Ramaya / Barclay

Fruko: Mosaico Santero Favoriting / Ayunando / Discos Fuentes

Pedro Lazo: Veinte de Enero Favoriting / Fiesta y Corraleja Volume 2 / Discos Fuentes

Systema Solar: Bienvenidos Favoriting / Systema Solar / Chusma

La 33: La Pantera Mambo Favoriting / Gozalo Combilation / Connector

Abelardo Carbonó: La Negra Kulenque Favoriting / Abelardo Carbonó y su Conjunto / Felito

Los Animadores: La Maquina de Haiti Favoriting / 7" / Antillano

Exuma: Africa Favoriting / 7" / Tropical

Mohammed Mounir: Ezzai Favoriting / Ezzai / EMI Arabia
Veteran Egyptian singer's popular song for the revolution.

Andrew Bird vs. Konono No. 1 & Sobanza Mimanisa: Ohnono/Kiwembo Favoriting / Various Artists: Tradi-Mods vs Rockers / Crammed Discs / *

Orchestra Mangelepa: Malawi Zikomo Pts 1 & 2 Favoriting / Live Recording of the Malawi Tour / Sango

Remmy Ongala & Orchestre Super Matimila: Dole Favoriting / Songs for the Poor Man / Real World

Space Queens: Sivela Pesheya Favoriting / Ingwe idla Ngamabala / CBS

Izintombi Zesi Manje Manje: Awufuni Ukulendela Na Favoriting / Various Artists: Next Stop Soweto - Township Sounds of The Golden Age of Mbaqanga / Strut

Te Vaka: Tauasa Favoriting / Haoloto / Warm Earth

Vusi Mahlasela: Korodi Favoriting / Say Africa / ATO / *

Sachal Studios Orchestra: Time Out Favoriting / Take Five / Sachal Music

Mamadou Diabate, Ustad Shujaat Husain Khan and Ensemble: Himalayan Rain Favoriting / Strings Tradition / Felmay / *

Listener comments!

  6:18pm Richard from Venezuela:

Greetings Rob.
  6:34pm julian:

this is ALL so wonderful!
  6:35pm Your DJ:

Greetings and thanks guys!
  6:50pm Kathleen & Phil:

the next best thing to going out to a bar with Yale and talking music
  6:51pm cori:

i think this is sexy
  7:10pm Matt:

"Fiesta y Corraleja Volume 2" by Pedro Lazo - The horns and backbeat make me think of ska. Any connection?
  7:18pm Your DJ:

@ Matt - don't really know although it's probably in the ballpark chronologically...
  8:05pm Hamish J Cronan:

A late night London hello - lovely, lovely, Lovely!
  8:28pm Your DJ:

Thanks Hamish!
  8:55pm Mitten John:

Nice show tonight, Rob.
  8:57pm Your DJ:

Thanks John!
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