Favoriting JA In The AM with John Allen: Playlist from February 9, 2011 Favoriting

John Allen's avatar View John Allen's profile Favoriting

"I listened yesterday. It's no reflection on you but I could'nt see where you were going or what you were going for. This early seventies thing did'nt get noticed the first time and you talk about friends of like Dealney and Bonnie who had records out like we're supposed to remember who they are. Then you play this long winded free jazz stuff that really grates on my nerves. And that noise without a beat and sounds like someones being pinched. Then you play a reggae song, I think you called it Dub, to what, be cool? You seem to really fetishize the whole folk thing too which is obnoxious to us who don't even care. I liked it when you played that punk song though. I like Joe Belock a lot." (Visit homepage.)

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Favoriting February 9, 2011

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Artist Track Album Label Year Format Comments Approx. start time
david daniell  l - lV   Favoriting l - lV-V-l  table of the elements  2008  12"  tonight Rhys Chatham's Brass Trio (David Daniell, guitar and Ryan Sawyer, drums) w/ Tony Conrad and Face the Music (performing Steve Reich's "Tehillim")  0:00:00 (Pop-up)
spider john koerner  ramble, tumble   Favoriting music is just a bunch of notes  nero's neptune  1972/2011  CD    0:09:56 (Pop-up)
patrick mullins  mary #5   Favoriting don't go to sleep  yik yak  2010  LP    0:13:25 (Pop-up)
philip perkins  morning/ afternoon/evening   Favoriting king of the world  fun music  1983  LP    0:17:47 (Pop-up)
charlie nothing  holy stick   Favoriting inside outside  everit / destijl  1969/2011  LP    0:31:45 (Pop-up)
metal mountains    golden trees  amish  2011  LP    0:47:55 (Pop-up)
f.a.r.    da consumarsi con grazia  adn  1985  LP    0:53:38 (Pop-up)
a telecine  kitchen light   Favoriting a cassette tape culture  pendu sound  2011  LP    1:02:32 (Pop-up)
harald grosskopf  trauma   Favoriting synthesist  Rvng  1980/2011  LP    1:05:54 (Pop-up)
steve fisk  woodstock   Favoriting life elsewhere  mr. brown records & tapes  1980  LP    1:10:28 (Pop-up)
chuck hammer    guitarchitecture          1:21:21 (Pop-up)
marnie stern    demo  dog daze  200_/2011  CD    1:25:44 (Pop-up)
genocide organ  industrial strife pt 1   Favoriting :in-konflikt          1:32:51 (Pop-up)
air traffic controllers  not nearly enough room   Favoriting live action(s) 2009-2010  parallelism  2011  CD    1:40:15 (Pop-up)
culturcide  ebony & ivory/somebody's watching me   Favoriting tacky souvenirs of pre-revolutionary america    1986  LP    1:45:52 (Pop-up)
bruce carkiss    definitive edition  no label  2010  CD    1:53:16 (Pop-up)
andrew liles  one misty misty morning   Favoriting mother goose's melody or sonnets for the cradle  klanggalerie  2005  CD    1:57:56 (Pop-up)
mac gayden  to our ancestors   Favoriting hymn to the seeker  abc  1976  LP    2:11:57 (Pop-up)
mac gayden  diamond mandala   Favoriting skyboat  abc  1976  LP    2:17:09 (Pop-up)
d charles speer & the helix  battle of the wilderness   Favoriting leaving the commonwealth  thrill jockey  2011  LP    2:26:21 (Pop-up)
red rhodes  lunar nova   Favoriting steel guitar  alshire  1979  LP    2:33:30 (Pop-up)
climax blues band  couldn't get it right   Favoriting gold plated  sire  1976  LP    2:36:34 (Pop-up)
kilburn & the high roads  upminster kid   Favoriting handsome  pye  1975  LP    2:39:46 (Pop-up)
rupert hine & david maciver  medicine monday   Favoriting pick up a bone  capitol  1972  LP    2:44:55 (Pop-up)
nic jones  some saythe devil's dead   Favoriting from the devil to a stranger  transatlantic  1978  LP    2:49:58 (Pop-up)
carolanne pegg  open the door   Favoriting carolanne  transatlantic  1973  LP    2:55:44 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!


Morning John, I'm here, listening while painting a sunny garden.
Good combination!

that sound's nice. it's 15 degrees out and i am spooning a space heater in studio b
Richard from Venezuela:

Hello John and all the listeners.

Hey John I first had to find out what Farenheid does to celcius
second had to ask google to translate spooning.
Means exactly the same over here!
Give my love to the heater.

Some early morning shreading

Greetings from Galveston

Huh? Wha? Who?

celsius to fahrenheit conversion : multiply celsius temp. by 9/5, then add 32. easy peasy, lemon squeezy.

well if it ain't glenn minus one N - glen

been listening for a couple hours, great show!

thanks for hangin in there- j

my pleasure!

You're funny... you knew the producer of the climax blues band also produced nevermind the bollocks!

chris thomas didnt produce gold plated era climax blues

chris thomas

time flies when you're havin fun!
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