Favoriting Surface Noise with Joe McGasko: Playlist from February 6, 2011 Favoriting

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A pennant-winning battery of songland. Ongoing feature: Single File, a half-hour of randomly selected small records with big holes.

Monday 9am - Noon (EDT) | On WFMU | 91.1, 90.1, 91.9 FM & wfmu.org
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Favoriting February 6, 2011: Saturday Night Slight Temperature

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Artist Track Album Label Year Format Comments New Approx. start time
John Carpenter  Assault on Precinct 13 (Main Title)   Favoriting Assault on Precinct 13 Soundtrack  No Label  1975  MP3      0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Joy Division  Exercise One   Favoriting Still  London/Rhino  2007  CD  Originally released in 1981    0:06:51 (Pop-up)
Stereolab  Golden Ball   Favoriting Transient Random-Noise Bursts with Announcements  Elektra  1993  CD      0:09:08 (Pop-up)
Rhys Chatham  Guitar Trio Pt. 1 Minneapolis (excerpt)   Favoriting Guitar Trio Is My Life!  Radium  2010  CD      0:15:27 (Pop-up)
Faust  Something Dirty   Favoriting Something Dirty  Bureau B  2010  CD    *   0:21:55 (Pop-up)
Fania All-Stars  Son Cuero y Boogaloo   Favoriting Hot Sweat: The Best of Fania All-Stars Live  VampiSoul  2005  CD  From 1969    0:35:21 (Pop-up)
The Sons of P.M.  Horse Step Dance   Favoriting Hey Klong Yao!  Em  2011  CD  From the 60s sometime  *   0:41:55 (Pop-up)
Ofo the Black Company  Allah Wakkbar   Favoriting Psych Bites, Vol. 2: An Assortment of Heavy Psychedelic Rockers from the Planet Earth!!  Past & Present  2010  CD  From 1972  *   0:44:54 (Pop-up)
Leroy Hutson  Dudley Do Right   Favoriting Blax-plosion!  Charly  2001  CD  From 1973    0:48:21 (Pop-up)
Annakonda  Wheedle's Groove   Favoriting Wheedle's Groove: Seattle's Finest Funk & Soul 1965-1975  Light in the Attic  2004  CD      0:51:19 (Pop-up)
Bobby Womack  That's the Way I Feel About Cha   Favoriting The Best of Bobby Womack: The Soul Years  Capitol  2008  CD      0:55:13 (Pop-up)
The Fatback Band  Baby Doll   Favoriting Fatbackin': The Perception Sessions  Castle  2000  CD  From 1973    1:00:16 (Pop-up)
Willie Wright  Nantucket Island   Favoriting Telling the Truth  Numero Group  2011  CD  From 1977  *   1:07:31 (Pop-up)
Eddie and Ernie  Lay Lady Lay   Favoriting Lost Friends  Kent  2002  CD  Thanks, Joe Belock!    1:11:27 (Pop-up)
The Pointer Sisters  Love in Them There Hills   Favoriting That's a Plenty!  Blue Thumb  1974  LP      1:15:15 (Pop-up)
Earth Quake  Hit the Floor   Favoriting   Beserkley  1976  45      1:29:39 (Pop-up)
100 Proof (Aged in Soul) and New York Port Authority  I'm Mad As Hell (Ain't Gonna Take No More) Part 1   Favoriting   Hot Wax  1977  45      1:32:25 (Pop-up)
The Chairmen of the Board  Men Are Getting Scarce   Favoriting   Invictus  1971  45      1:35:50 (Pop-up)
The Mash  Song from "M*A*S*H"   Favoriting   Columbia  1970  45      1:39:08 (Pop-up)
The Belle Stars  Hiawatha   Favoriting   Stiff  1981  45      1:42:01 (Pop-up)
R. B. Greaves  Who's Watching the Baby (Margie)   Favoriting   Bareback  1977  45      1:45:01 (Pop-up)
Buzz Rabin  There's a Jekyll Under Everybody's Hyde   Favoriting   Elektra  1974  45      1:48:08 (Pop-up)
Tommy James  Devil Gate Drive   Favoriting   Fantasy  1975  45      1:50:45 (Pop-up)
The Dictators  Sleepin' with the T.V. On   Favoriting   Asylum  1977  45      1:54:21 (Pop-up)
Tavares  More Than a Woman   Favoriting Saturday Night Fever Soundtrack  Polydor  1995  CD  From 1977    2:13:36 (Pop-up)
Kool and the Gang  Open Sesame   Favoriting Saturday Night Fever Soundtrack  Polydor  1995  CD  Originally released in 1976 on the album of the same name    2:16:44 (Pop-up)
Eric Donaldson  Cherry Oh Baby   Favoriting The Best of Eric Donaldson  Trojan  2006  CD  From 1971    2:20:17 (Pop-up)
Richard Ace  Can't Get Enough   Favoriting Studio One Soul  Soul Jazz  2001  CD  From 1974    2:23:26 (Pop-up)
Lee "Scratch" Perry  Dread Perry   Favoriting An Introduction to Lee Perry  Fuel 2000  2006  CD      2:26:45 (Pop-up)
Tommy McCook  Persian Ska   Favoriting LIke I'm Dying: Ska Rocksteady & Dub  Mississippi  2011  Cassette    *   2:31:35 (Pop-up)
Bembeya Jazz National  Kana Sarakabo   Favoriting Guinée 70: The Discotheque Years  Syllart  2008  CD      2:35:09 (Pop-up)
Brother Claude Ely  I Want to Rest   Favoriting Where The Soul Of Man Never Dies: A Treasury of Caucasian-American Gospel  Social Music Club  2011  LP  From 1954  *   2:45:44 (Pop-up)
Peter Howell and John Ferdinando  Tomorrow Come Someday   Favoriting Tomorrow Come Someday  Lion  2010  CD  From 1970  *   2:49:11 (Pop-up)
Gaslight  And So to Sleep   Favoriting Picadilly Sunshine Part Four  Past & Present  2010  CD  From 1969  *   2:51:35 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!


hiya joe-hows it going? thank you sooo for playin the cake last week,,,if you still have the cd tonight maybe you could play another tune by the cake? again thnx very much joe,,
Joe McG:

A bit soon for more Cake, Cheri, but glad you liked it!
Marmalade Kitty:

Joe McG:

Oh, look, it's a Kitty.

well joe gotta sign off,, ty for everything ,,going to listen to the rest of the show,,,keep on rocking!!!
Joe McG:

Will do! Except for the parts where I'm not so rocking.

joe before i go,,would you agree that the cake is the greatest female group of late 60s evert?? i think they are,,i hope you have a wonderfull week ,,joe

i'm not worried

Joe McG:

Is that THE Trent? Hey, Coalhard!

Just got home, switched on the stereo, heard that killer Faust track, and figured that somebody must be filling in for you, Joe. Didn't sound very Joe-esque. :) Are you not yourself tonight?
Joe McG:

Ike, I'm somebody different every week.

hey! what does coalhard mean?
Joe McG:

What do you mean, Coalhard?

so what are your thoughts joe? heeeey trent!!
Joe McG:

I think it means he's perfectly delighted with everything in the whole world.

I think that's the first non-comma-abusing or non-ellipsis-abusing post "Cheri" has ever posted. Congrats, dude.
Joe McG:

Ike is our local punctuation police.

ike I'M A WOMAN!!!

That's nice.
Joe McG:

It IS nice. Ladies very welcome here!

maybe next week you could play more of the cake? i mean if you want to joe. g'nite
Joe McG:

Time will tell everything.

joe i think the cake is the best super female group of the late 60s. would you agree?
Joe McG:

Well, I like 'em a lot, but there's some stiff competition. She is pretty amazing, too, for example.
Matt from Springfield:

The form is free, with Joe McG! How's ya doin' to-nite?!
Joe McG:

Hey, Matt! You're where it's at!
Matt from Springfield:

Walked in on Bobby Womack, anywhere that's playing him is where it's at! And this Fatback Band is new to me, but VERY cool.
Joe McG:

Man, this music makes me feel ALIVE.
Matt from Springfield:

"Like that?"
Hell yeah!

i was wondering joe maybe later tonight you could give me a shout out or play a tune for me? cause i'll be listening,,ty joe
Matt from Springfield:

Jamming version of Lay Lady Lay--dance everyone, dance!
Joe McG:

I sure am! Ask Blumin!

joe is like MAYHEM--pushes play button and we go head long into well lit streets with the music blastin --then from out of nowhere comes a truck load of cd's--there is a collision-all survive but may take time to clear all of the cd's off joe's desk!!!

i have to split i don't want to overstay my welcome darn!!! i was having soo much fun
Joe McG:

Pleasant dreams, Cheri Pi!
Matt from Springfield:

I'm glad! I'm glad!
Joe McG:

Are you mad as hell??

neat video at ---my vidster.com--called depression and economic collapse--MUST SEE!!
Matt from Springfield:

I'm as glad as Hell for this Chairmen of the Board--didn't know they did such a political, and funky piece!
But no, I guess it's easier for commercial radio to just play something peppy, like "Gimme Just A Little More Time". That's why we have, that's why we need WFMU!
Joe McG:

TWO atom bomb blasts! How can you top that?
Matt from Springfield:

Thank you thank you thank you for the original, über-depressing lyrics version of the theme song! Imagine if every episode of the TV show began with this!

Btw, "The Mash" is a session group of John Bahler, Tom Bahler, Ron Hicklin, and Ian Freeman-Smith (The Ron Hicklin Singers). It was written by Johnny Mandel...and the director's 16 year old son, Mike Altman.
Joe McG:

Matt, you are a font of wisdom! Love it.
Matt from Springfield:

Robert Altman claimed that his song earned more in royalties from that song, than he made during the original theatrical run of M*A*S*H!

thanks matt for that--wow
Matt from Springfield:

@Joe,CH: Aw, thanks! I was prepared--months ago I was finally updating the iTunes "tag" for that MP3 I'd had for a long time, and I made sure to save that info in the "comments" ;)

this show has more experts than bill maher show--plus good music!!!!!
Matt from Springfield:

Wow, Joe:

There's a whole history to this group, "most famously known as the real singers behind the background vocals on The Partridge Family recordings." !!!
Joe McG:

The Partridge Seal of Approval. I heartily approve!
Matt from Springfield:

I wonder who made this edit:
"Sally Stevens, soprano who every child born in the 50's and 60's knows as part of the ensemble cast of numerous Young People's Records and Childrens' Record Guild productions"...I suppose YOU oldtimers all know her, then?
Matt from Springfield:

Great Single File tonight! Especially Tommy James, I'm a huge fan (and you courageously chose a POST '72 Tommy James 45! Bravo!)
Joe McG:

Thanks, Matt!

i would like to report multiple hit and runs--i'.m just going to lay here till NASA comes
Matt from Springfield:

Glad you're doing PSAs again!
But you've done this one before. I remember commenters were thrilled about staying away from "corporate and industrial sites"!

NASA--(no assinine sounds anymore)--a non profit group that exists in my head based in outer space
Matt from Springfield:

@coalhard: Are you referring to meteor "hit and runs"? If meteor impacts do not cease after 4 hours, you'd better contact NASA.

I like Diane's show, sometimes I listen before Brian Turner. Does she have interviews with the bands, maybe some live ocean performances?
Joe McG:

I think so! Usually many ocean performances!
Matt from Springfield:

Oooh! Kool & the Gang's "Open Sesame" is on the soundtrack! We would love that! And I like classical too, so Walter Murphy's "A Fifth of Beethoven" or David Shire's "Night on Disco Mountain" would work as well!
Joe McG:

A fine request, Matt!
Matt from Springfield:

Thanks Joe! My wish has been granted!
Matt from Springfield:

You really didn't see Saturday Night Fever since you were a kid? I've seen it a few times on TV.

On "I Love the 70s" actor Donal Logue ("Grounded For Life", anyone?) does a funny bit where he dramatically quotes from SNF word-for-word, as they intercut with the original movie (he also did that for "The Warriors"!)
Brian in UK:

Morning Joe, looks like the usual fine freeform mix.

me too!!--just one more wish fulfilled and all the beer will be out of the bottle
Joe McG:

I don't even know how they showed SNF on regular TV. It must've been an hour shorter since most of the scenes have really foul language, bad behavior, etc. It's not a light little movie, that's for sure.

Hey, Brian, nice to "see" you!
Matt from Springfield:

Nice reggae follow up! Lee "Scratch" Perry seals the deal!

this show becoming very popular-it shoud be--so great
Brian in UK:

The mid Seventies Kool Spirit of the Boogie, Hollywood Swinging was their best period surely, Shirley. Bit behind here Joe
Matt from Springfield:

Joe has a great ensemble of listeners, coalhard! Sleep comes in a distant second place to SN.
Joe McG:

Aw, shucks! Sorry about the current one-channel tune, folks--that's the way the cassette was recorded, apparently....

Great beat Joe. !!!!! definitely someone needs to be at the beach right now . Don't worry about the tape .. 'cause the atmosphere still lives
Brian in UK:

Cassette,luxury, in my day we had two tin cans if we were lucky!
Joe McG:

This cassette sounds like it was taped in a tin can! Thanks, Julieta, glad it didn't harsh your vibe!
Matt from Springfield:

@Brian: ..which you had to listen to from inside the glass shard mines, 27 hours a day, a lump of cold gravel for dinner!
Brian in UK:

@Matt I thought you knew your Monty Python.
Matt from Springfield:

@Brian: I sure love their stuff! The Hollywood Bowl movie version of that sketch is the best--the audience reaction makes it better!
Brian in UK:

@Matt I have the Matching Tie & Handy album. It had a double groove on one side, took me a while to figure out why the side was so short!!!
Matt from Springfield:

Wow! Ever since I heard about that 3-sided LP I wanted to find an original LP. Is there any trick to selecting which "side" you want, or do you just have to take what you get?
Matt from Springfield:

Fantastic show! Good night Joe! Good night everybody!
Brian in UK:

Pot luck
Brian in UK:

Pot luck
Jennifer Craft:

I love Brother Claude Ely !!!! I just finished reading his biography on www.aintnograve.com ... What a man! Thanks for playing his song today!
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