Favoriting Surface Noise with Joe McGasko: Playlist from January 23, 2011 Favoriting

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A pennant-winning battery of songland. Ongoing feature: Single File, a half-hour of randomly selected small records with big holes.

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Favoriting January 23, 2011: Donnybroke

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(* = new)

Artist Track Album Label Year Format Comments New Approx. start time
Teddy Pendergrass  Turn Off the Lights   Favoriting Greatest Hits  Philadelphia International  1984  LP  From 1977    0:00:00 (Pop-up)
The Impressions  If You Have to Ask   Favoriting Loving Power  Curtom  1976  LP      0:07:59 (Pop-up)
The Counts  Just You Just Me   Favoriting Love Sign  Aware  1973  LP      0:13:11 (Pop-up)
The Manhattans  We'll Have Forever to Love   Favoriting The Manhattans  Columbia Legacy  2003  CD  From 1976    0:20:02 (Pop-up)
Vijay Benedict and Chorus  I Am a Disco Dancer   Favoriting Disco Dancer Original Sound Track    1982  MP3  Composer/arranger: Bappi Lahiri    0:34:23 (Pop-up)
Kishore Kumar and Chorus  Om Shanti Om   Favoriting Bollywood Remembers Laxmikant Pyarelal  Times Square  2010  CD  From "Karz," 1980 ("Peace and Love")  *   0:40:35 (Pop-up)
Hemant Bhosle Feat. Asha Bhosle  Phi Teri Yaad   Favoriting Psych-Funk Sa-Re-Ga! Seminar: Aesthetic Expresssions of Psychedelic Funk Music in India  World Psychedelic Funk Classics  2010  CD  From "Sansami," 1979  *   0:49:37 (Pop-up)
Asha Bhosle with R.D. Burman  Dum Maro Dum (live)   Favoriting Psych-Funk Sa-Re-Ga! Seminar: Aesthetic Expresssions of Psychedelic Funk Music in India  World Psychedelic Funk Classics  2010  CD  From 1978  *   0:53:20 (Pop-up)
Asha Bhosle  Kahan Hai Woh Diwana   Favoriting Bombshell Baby of Bombay: Bombay Connection Volume 2  Normal  2007  CD  From "Loafer," 1972; music by Laxmikant Pyarelal    0:57:25 (Pop-up)
Serge Gainsbourg  Le claqueur de doigts   Favoriting Le Claqueur de Mots 1958/1959  Discograph  2010  CD    *   1:02:27 (Pop-up)
Claude Nougaro  Serge et Nathalie   Favoriting A La Recherche du Son Qui Fait Sens 1955/1959  Discograph  2010  CD    *   1:05:33 (Pop-up)
Bernard Lavilliers  Le Loup, La Biche et Le Chevalier   Favoriting Underwater Theme Park Presents 22 Degrees of Separation  WFMU  2010  CD-R  "The Wolf, The Deer, and The Knight"--a children's song    1:09:01 (Pop-up)
Basil Kirchen  Primitive London 1   Favoriting Primitive London Soundtrack  Trunk  2010  CD  From 1965  *   1:11:30 (Pop-up)
Madeleine Chartrand  Ani-Kuni   Favoriting Psych Bites - Volume Two  Past & Present  2010  CD  From 1973  *   1:22:25 (Pop-up)
Barrence Whitfield & the Savages  Georgia Slop   Favoriting Barrence Whitfield and the Savages  Ace  2010  CD  From 1984  *   1:25:45 (Pop-up)
Ella Mae Morse  The Blacksmith Blues   Favoriting   Capitol  1952  45  Orchestra conducted by Nelson Riddle    1:29:53 (Pop-up)
Swamp Dogg  Do You Believe   Favoriting   Elektra  1972  45      1:32:32 (Pop-up)
Delbert McClinton  Giving It Up for Your Love   Favoriting   Capitol  1980  45      1:35:18 (Pop-up)
Andre De La Bastide Steel Band  Proud Mary   Favoriting   Reprise  1969  45      1:38:44 (Pop-up)
Watermellon Hill  Uncle Willie   Favoriting   Bell  1974  45  Their name actually is spelled like that.    1:41:22 (Pop-up)
Turley Richards  Love Minus Zero - No Limit   Favoriting   Warner Brothers  1970  45      1:43:58 (Pop-up)
The Cowsills  What's It Gonna Be Like?   Favoriting   Philips  1966  45      1:46:59 (Pop-up)
Thunderthighs  Sally Wants a Red Dress   Favoriting   Mercury  1974  45      1:49:31 (Pop-up)
Pezband  Stop! Wait a Minute   Favoriting   Passport  1978  45      1:52:34 (Pop-up)
The Don Kirshner Concept  Be In (Hare Krishna)   Favoriting Don Kirshner Cuts "Hair"  RCA  1969  LP      2:07:37 (Pop-up)
The Don Kirshner Concept  Ain't Got No/I Got Life   Favoriting Don Kirshner Cuts "Hair"  RCA  1969  LP      2:09:53 (Pop-up)
Harry Nilsson  I Live in a World   Favoriting The Monkees Demos  No Label  1967  MP3      2:13:09 (Pop-up)
Buddy Holly  Learning the Game   Favoriting The Complete Buddy Holly  MCA  1979  LP      2:14:57 (Pop-up)
Hungry Chuck  Celia   Favoriting Hungry Chuck  Bearsville/Victor  2007  CD  From 1972; bonus single cut    2:17:01 (Pop-up)
Maxfield Parrish  The Widow (Lenny Porrue)   Favoriting It's a Cinch to Give Legs to Old Hard-Boiled Eggs  Cur Non  1969  MP3      2:19:49 (Pop-up)
The Family Apostolic  Dholak Gheet   Favoriting The Family Apostolic  Vanguard  1968  MP3      2:27:58 (Pop-up)
Clark-Hutchinson  Improvisation on an Indian Scale   Favoriting A=MH2...expanded  Sunbeam  2009  CD  From 1969    2:31:55 (Pop-up)
Abba Gargando  Zinezju Meghdem   Favoriting Ishilan N-Tenere: Guitar Music from the Western Sahel  Missiissippi/Sahel Sounds  2011  LP    *   2:52:31 (Pop-up)
Ann Peebles  Fill This World with Love   Favoriting   Bullseye  1996  MP3      2:55:42 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Matt from Springfield:

Hey Joe!

Um, is there a...(ahem) Lady, in the studio with you?
Joe McG:

No, just Daniel. That's life!
Matt from Springfield:

If I had to ask...
An ironic theme song to the "Joe and Dan Blumin Show", perhaps? I'm used to your usual post-SF bed music when you and Dan talk, but you need a killer intro as well!

Bed music? This IS bed music, Matt!
Matt from Springfield:

Joe's great on bed music, whether the "embedded" background kind, music to sleep to, music to listen to awake in bed, music for taking (ahem) someone else to bed with! Not to mention a cover of Lou Red's "The Bed", Joe's got it down!
Joe McG:

I'm glad you didn't say I got it up!
Matt from Springfield:

And LOL!

The Counts: Impressive ! awesome . incredible music tonight Joe !!!
Joe McG:

Thanks, Julieta! Welcome to the warm.
Matt from Springfield:

Slow jams, all right! And don't forget your all Stax/60s soul records show you said you wanted to do!
Joe McG:

Oh, Matt, so many records, so little time!

Loving the uptempo, perfect for a late night cleaning jag. And these are choice cuts.
Matt from Springfield:

@Joe: As long as you plan individual sets out, you can fit any number of themes in. Slow jams before, now we're enjoying your Bollywood disco appreciation set!

exciting news out that cold fusion works!--cheap energy--no radiation-no more coal mines-ut oh-----c'est la vie
Matt from Springfield:

Use the Tuvans to help you find your center.
Now let us meditate...
Matt from Springfield:

Like a slow, French "Things We Said Today", non?

bill the peg leg envelope stuffer motherfucker:

did the kirchen just come out;. John allen played it too
Joe McG:

Hey, guys! Sorry, I checked out there for a moment...glad you're with me!

the blacksmith blues--reminds me of jetsons song a bit?
Joe McG:

Hey, Bill! Yep, that Kirchen just came out. I think you'll be hearing it a lot on FMU. Yeah, Coalhard, they used that song in a LOT of cartoons.

A space-spycothopic version of Proud Mary . Tasty
Joe McG:

Love your description. If I could only say it!

this show and people here are so fun!! LOVE IT!
Matt from Springfield:

Yes, EARLY Cowsills! Does the jacket show how many siblings were in the band at that point?

Sorry ! psychotropic. cheers !
Joe McG:

No prob, Julieta--I can't say that either! Hey, Matt, this was one of the early Philips singles. As far as I know, they didn't have picture sleeves, just company ones. Maybe I'm wrong though?
Matt from Springfield:

@julieta: I liked your mutation of psychotropic; perhaps you could coin the word "sycothopic" for an advanced state of psychotropic experience--and when something is secretly sycothopic, it would be "SPYcothopic"!
Matt from Springfield:

It felt AWESOME! Always a pleasure with Single File!

Dear Joe

You mean "soporific," not "soapoforic."


wanna see something funny--then come back--go videosift.com--type in homer thompson
Joe McG:

I'm feeling very psychopathioscopic!

joe-- do you remember a show on tv called NIGHT FLYTE or something like that?
Matt from Springfield:

What a slick, "cool" (in a old-school bachelor pad sense) rendition of "Hare Krishna"!

@coalhard: Simpsons' Homer Thompson routine--very funny indeed.
Joe McG:

Very well, CH. It was called "Night Flight" and it was on the USA Network for a number of years.

Matt from Springfield:

Monkees Demos? Was this a Nilsson song originally written for the Monkees, or did Nilsson write this for the Monkees?
Joe McG:

Yeah, Matt, he wrote a bunch of songs for the Monkees, most famously "Cuddly Toy." This was one of the ones they didn't record. Too Dylan-y? Too protest-y?
Matt from Springfield:

Interesting. A lot of Nilsson songs were kinda mainstream pop rock, but it's a shame his more Dylan-y, protest-y compositions aren't heard more often, they can be quite great.

I think you're giving a demo of how to do an all-demo set!
Joe McG:

Ha ha! All demo show, in the future!

ha space is curved!
Matt from Springfield:

Oops, forgot the Don Kirshner was part of this set too!

Ha ha! In the meantime we'll just harass you with ALL the possible ideas for good future shows! Gather ye records while ye may!
Matt from Springfield:

I say Joe, don't you feel Sergio Mendes/Brasil '66 should have a whole show of their rarities? Mwahahahahaha!
Joe McG:

On it!
Matt from Springfield:

Ah, Vanguard, why should I be surprised!

this show about to be executed in about 20 mins--where is jesse ventura when you need him?
Joe McG:

They just shaved the back of my neck and measured me for a wooden coat.

Good choice to go with the Western African stuff. I was sending you brain waves to make you pick that one.
Matt from Springfield:

Well, it's been a fun night! In case this song isn't finished, thanks Joe, and have a great night! See you next week everyone (or sooner)!
Joe McG:

Thanks, Matt! Take care, everybody! Have a good Sunday!

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